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In Video: Iranian Drone Shot Down Over Northern Aleppo With MANPADs

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On March 5, an Iranian Ababil-3 unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) was shot down over the northern Aleppo countryside with an anti-aircraft missile.

Opposition activists shared a video showing the missile hitting the UAV over the town of Darat Izza. The activists said that a man-portable air-defense system (MANPAD), likely a U.S.-made FIM-92 Stinger, was used to down the UAV.

The Ababil-3 has a range of 100 km and an endurance of up to 4 hours. An estimated 217 UAVs of this type have been built as of July 2019. It’s still unclear if the UAV was being operated by Iranian forces or the Syrian Arab Army (SAA).

The UAV was likely downed by the Turkish military, not by the militants as some activists had claimed. Turkish service members were spotted using Stinger MANPADs in Greater Idlib, last month. The Turkish Armed Forces also deployed several Atilgan pedestal-mounted air defence missile system (PMADS) in the Syrian region.

A day earlier, the militants launched a large attack in Aleppo with support from the Turkish military, which established several “observation posts” in the area recently. The attack was completely repelled by the SAA.

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Τhis comment of mine got censored by sky (fak3) news – youtube.


If you have an account with google – gmail- youtube , you can report fak3 news like this :


Sky is promoting turkish propaganda – blackmailing Europe for more euros.


Al Balog

Yes, Erdogan is certainly the “chosen one” regarding the Western media and elites. You probably remember when this happened to me on Disqus, just by posting an anti-Erdogan meme. It really told me a lot on which side he works for: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4fa25db581bd315d5e68a03ec046126d588299fa1e009bc9c18dbb7d324bfffc.png


It was at radio in my country that one died, but I couldn’t find it on google news. More details, please?


Greek soldiers have fired plastic bullets up to the sky for the bang – sound effect, to scare off the invaders. Nobody has fired AT them with nothing, not from the Greek side anyway. But I wouldn’t be surprised if the turks fired at them! Same thing happened in Odessa Ukraine, remember…


Ok, just change your username, id doesn’t honor you or your country


My username ? Why ? Greece exports tobacco.. lol What in the name of mighty Zeus do you mean !


Joking man, so did any one died at the border? yes or not?


Dude, I am sitting in front of a laptop screen here…I am not at the border to see with my own eyes. But having done military service in Greece and being Greek and knowing how Greek army and police and society and everything else about Greece works… I put down my mortgage that no, no Greek army or police has killed any of them Asian-African hordes individuals at the border that are trying to invade Europe.


I just spent a month in Greece, loved it but too many dirty refugees. It is a shame they don’t open fire.


You don’t open fire on refugees. Not if you want to be called a civilised country.

If on the other hand you are the turks or the israelis then yeah, you do, and you also open fire on kids with slings and you rape the women and steal and take their houses …


I didn’t care about that, I jut wanted to verify my Soros affiliated news in my country


lol wtf is happening in this video why erdogan trying to shake hands with his foreign minister ? i think that his meeting with pustin was so tense that he confused lavrov with oglo…or he’s just too old ?



THanks to Lavrov he looked at the hand


This video made my day ?

Assad must stay

lol what the hell hahahaha

Saif Imam

Lavrov says “talk to the hand”

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Just don’t touch it with your hand, set fire to it first, Coronavirus could be on it waiting to spread like wildfire, the videos of people falling in the streets of Tehran were disturbing, hopefully the world community puts aside the differences it has with Iran, and then starts helping them contain this terrible virus before it gets any worse than it is.

Assad must stay

what videos?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Not sure where you can find them because they were on the Aussie news 2 nights ago, there were several different videos and they all showed people walking in a daze and eventually collapsing, and one of them was just a young boy, so sad and scary at the same time. Syria is right in the firing line too, if Iran’s at pandemic stage now then Syria will be soon enough, perhaps this ceasefire is just what we need right now, Assad can start taking proper measures to decrease the chance it can take hold in Syria too.

Alberto Garza

with a mortallity rate of less than 3% ???

Willing Conscience (The Truths

LOL, you have to be kidding right, I can just imaging the SAA being devastated by this virus, highly infectious with a 3% mortality rate, and in dirty cramped conditions it would spread like wildfire, I pray to God it doesn’t break out in Syria, Turkey hopegully but not Syria.


Imagine the situation, MANPADs in the hands of Jihadi warriors…it would be horror for passanger aircrafts taking off from airports across the world…the only user MANPADs is Turkish army. Erdogan is arrogant but he is not so mad…

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