Click to see full-size image. Source: the official account of the Iraqi Security Media Cell on Twitter (@SecMedCell).
On October 3, Iraqi security forces foiled a suicide attack that was supposed to target the police headquarters in the city of Ramadi, some 110 kilometers to the west of the capital Baghdad, at the very last minute.
In a statement, the Iraqi Security Media Cell said that security forces surrounded the attacker who was driving towards his target in a booby-trapped car. Eventually, he was forced to blew himself up in an isolated area without causing any human or material losses.
Iraqi sources shared a video showing the moment the attacker blew his booby-trapped car up after being fired at by security forces.
ISIS claimed responsibility for the failed attack in a statement released by its news agency, Amaq. The terrorist group identified the suicide bomber as “Abu Jalad al-Iraqi” and falsely claimed that eight policemen were killed or wounded in the attack.
Al-Anbar’s vast desert, which lays to the west of Ramadi, is an infamous stronghold of ISIS. However, it remains unclear how the suicide bomber was able to infiltrate the city.
The failure of the suicide attack in Ramadi was a major blow to ISIS whose cells invest much resources and time in plotting such terrorist attacks. Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi will reportedly honor the officers who foiled the attack.
During the battles that followed the raise of ISIS in Iraq and Syria in 2014, the Iraqi military and security forces gained much experience in dealing with serious security threats, including suicide attacks. Recently, an attempt to smuggle a half a ton of explosives from Syria was foiled by the military.
Excellent work by Iraqi security to foil another western supported terrorist operation against the people of Iraq.
The West supports the Iraqi government.
You’re literally too stupid to insult.
inbred_diaperhead, is that you? :)