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In Video: Israeli Strikes Demolish Facilities Of Al-Qard Al-Hassan In Lebanon

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In Video: Israeli Strikes Demolish Facilities Of Al-Qard Al-Hassan In Lebanon

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On the night of October 21, the Israeli Air Force launched a series of devastating strikes on the Lebanese capital. Aircraft of the Israeli Air Force and drones struck overnight 16 offices and branches of the Al-Qard Al-Hassan financial and credit association, which sponsors the activities of the Hezbollah movement in Lebanon and provides assistance to its supporters.

The Association specializes in quasi-banking activities, consisting mainly of providing loans and managing charitable public funds in accordance with Islamic religious law to members of the Shiite community of Lebanon. At the moment, 31 branches of the association were located in Lebanon – in Beirut, the Bekaa Valley and in the south of the country. The Al-Qard Al-Hassan association has reportedly provided loans worth more than three billion dollars in recent years, and its services have been used by more than one million residents, most of whom belong to the Shiite group operating in the country.

According to Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz, the Israeli Air Force struck 15 buildings of the Al-Qard Al-Hassan financial and credit association in Beirut during the night. The 11 offices struck by the airstrikes were located on the southern outskirts of Beirut, the rest in Baalbek, the Beqaa Valley and in the south of the country in Tyre. A series of strikes targeted the area near Beirut’s airport, the main entry-point of humanitarian assistance to the country and a major evacuation hub for those fleeing the conflict.






Earlier, the Israeli military announced its intention to strike targets belonging to Qard al-Hassan in various areas of Lebanon, including the southern suburbs of Beirut. Strikes began shortly after.

The strikes came after Israel said it had hit dozens of targets during air raids on Lebanon earlier Sunday, as Hezbollah claimed numerous rocket strikes over the border and clashes with Israeli ground troops. The United Nations peacekeeping mission in southern Lebanon said the Israeli army had “deliberately” damaged one of their positions, the latest incident reported by the force.

Currently the most important areas of Israeli attacks and advances include Ramiah, Aita al-Shaab, Yaroun, Maroun al-Ras, Aitaroun, Blida, Mheihib, Mays al-Jabal, Odaiseh, Kfarkila.


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humanity prays that when iran finally strikes the beast with 2000 plus rodent burning missiles that the world will have seen the last of these zionazi vermin.

Snow Den

i’m just wondering what lebanese really expected. they thought they can strike israel with drones and missiles and then argument that carpet bombing of beirut is not justified reaction ? they should look at ww2 and bomb campaign on berlin, dresden , nuremberg and aldstadt (frankfurt), not mentioning cities with war industry such as kiel and hamburg

Huckelberry finn

just wondering what israeli expected? they thought they could regularly “mow the lawn” and then cry wolf on oct. 7? see, works both ways, now stfu genocide apologist scumfuck.

fudge cracker

i keep hoping one day i will wake up and israel will be gone.


if genocide is okay, why is shlomo constantly kvetching and oy veying about the holohoax?


why does every other day have to be a holohoax memorial day? isn’t it about time shlomo put on his big boy pants and stopped whingeing?


what about the red indians and the belgian congo? do us all a favour, shlomo, and stop playing the victim.


don’t equate struggling lebanon, forever in the zio cross-hairs and facing partial or complete takeover, with the blood soaked fascism of nazi germany.

zio-nazi ‘peace terms’ with lebanon (agreed by usa) include free idf access to lebanon and lebanese air space; in other words annexation.

lebanon either rolls over or hits back, unfortunately such is war. the bravery of plstn, lebn and ymn, 3 of the poorest countries on earth, is unmatched as the west looks on.


don t take the fake jewish history tales about “evil nazi germany” for the truth !!! in hidden writings, and old and new books even lots of the jews themselves, including rabbis admit that hitler was right , and that jewry therefore had to destroy ns germany in order to stop the people of the world from waking up & effectively unite to battle the jews and the jewish agenda of total world dominance

Last edited 4 hours ago by Gurki

realize it ! it wasnt the germans that were the evil ones, and they didnt want to “conquer earth”. they didnt want to destroy the uk nor the usa nor the russian people – nor allow the german people to be destroyed. in fact that’s what the jews plan is and was – and you can see it now all around you. ..

Last edited 4 hours ago by Gurki

jews want to destroy all none-jewish races and people by eighter gene-poisoning them or killing them by forced race-mixing. just open your eyes &see who is the one destroying the world + causing trouble & wars everywhere !!! start rejecting the jewish anti-german anti-national propaganda from your braincells. wake uo and realize that jews fear & therefore hate free nations & national people !

Last edited 4 hours ago by Gurki

i’ve taken the word of those that fought against fascist germany, those that had friends/family wiped out, those that put their lives at risk daily pulling out the dead and injured during bombing raids etc. ie real accounts.

take your ‘fake jwsh history’ bs and shove it. both 1933-45 germany and 1948-2024 isr are blood drenched genocidal supremacist fascist states. there’s no contradiction; the scale maybe different so far, but neither is better nor worse in ultimate intent.


yes this was jewish controlled usa & jewish controlled uk – who were partners in war against ns germany together with russia. and now these countries are all f*cked, flooded with migrants, the economy broken, the people impoverished, their so-called democracies are a sad joke – and they got mrna-injected like cattle, by the jews &their jewish genocide-companies pfizer, moderna, ..

Last edited 4 hours ago by Gurki

.. as well as jewtin’s gamaleya institute (sputnik vaccine – ceo the jew a. ginsburg) etc. but yes you are right in the way that usa + uk + russia people are obvious to stupid to realize this fact.

Last edited 4 hours ago by Gurki

watch what happens when jews are targeted in western nations, where they think they are “safe”.

it’s coming, sweetheart.

where are you going to “make aliyah”?



so why does iran not order the mio of refugees in europe to start striking at israeli, uk & us owned factories, companies & government and police related organisations + buildings. it is stupid that iran doesn t do it.

Last edited 4 hours ago by Gurki

if iran does not demonstrate its power now – the enemy will continue to give them painful bitchslaps f*cking lebanon & finally iran big time. wake up iran (get rid of the traitor president pezeshkian – as well as of all citizens of jewish origin – and there are lots of them in iran – good idea would also be to deport all kurdish + gipsy people !

It's true

when isis lost the war in syria, syria offered the remnants to go to greater idlib. syria even send green busses for them. as greater idlib filled more and more with bloddhungry murderers, trump forced eu to take them as refugees. those knife wielding immigrants in eu are nothing but the goons of usrael: namely isis. yes(!): you have brought isis right to your carotid arterie. that are not muslims that are false flag terrorists!!!


the zionazi genocidal evil beast is begging to be put out of its misery, and no doubt that day is fast approaching. the 6 zillion hollow co$t gimmick is all used up and even those that bought the chosenite fairy tales now want the kosher nostra filth eradicated. humanity can no longer afford to tolerate these talmudic demons in our midst.

Snow Den 2

the zonazi genocidal evil is screwing with muslim scums at their will just because muslims were so stupid and tried to fight much stronger opponent then they can handle. now iran will learn it the hard way as syria, libya, gaza and lebanon didn’t paid attention to the lesson from iraq. why are all these muslims so stupid ? it must be something with genetics.


tell that to the taliban, the anc, the viet-cong, the french resistance, etc etc. the only scum here are the zios and their idiotic colonial backers, the ones that despite overwhelming power still get their sad *sses kicked time after time.

the difference here is that the resistance has far more resources, determination and patience than its colonial occupiers. the end of this shocking post-balfour fascist era in the m.e. will happen sooner than many imagine.

Jewish pimp

so you are admiting that zios are actually nazis? that is step forward.


dont let ze read this or he will try to bomb banks who do business with russia. interesting what is considered a military target if you are one of the exceptionals.


everybody else’s money is their money. shlomo will thieve anything.


the khazar beast lashes out at buildings and civilians but won’t dare attack a country with a real army. let’s hope the tick tock trannies get the motivation to attack iran because it will guarantee the end of all things shlomo khazar in palestine. go on do it….pleez


they are already trying to destroy it from within….


mirate bene e fate centro.


we got one side, so-called jewish israel, which gets it help from jews who hijacked us military and politcs. and then there’s hezbollah, who currently doesn’t get any help at all…

Uncle Sam

at last, god has spoken. the end of the preaching of a paedophile scum has begun.


maybe hezbollah should retaliate by hitting the little black hats on wall st. shlomo will steal anything. in the west bank, they went into banks and stole people’s deposits. some of these people had bank accounts that were in the red, overdrafts. they said, okay, you’ve stolen my bank account, now you’re liable for my debts. talmudistan and all the pro genocide states are basically criminal regimes that will steal anything. i’m only surprised they don’t go mugging people in the street.


we saw this with the outright theft of russian assets, venezuelan and libyan gold, afghan assets, and pirating of n.korean/ iranian ships. so much for property rights and magna carta. they even stole individual’s property, houses, boats, bank accounts of foreigners, football clubs. not just oligarchs. they even stole a handbag from a russian woman going home through an italian airport. they will thieve anything. who in their right mind would invest or deposit asseta in a western country?


same goes for german and ukraine gold too. please don t forget this. by the way – so far russia assets – especially the big ones 300 bio in eu are not confiscated aka “stolen” but just frozen. that’s a slim-sounding but in fact immense difference ! btw. gold-prices are right now going through the roof – 2750 dollars per ounce now – and the temporarily limit is said to be somewhere between 3500 – 5000+ us dollars within the next 2-5 years.

Last edited 4 hours ago by Gurki

it’s time to bomb that air base in cyprus, from where the two biggest bitches, supporters of the zionist regime, operate their reconnaissance planes


not very smart. they just made every branch of barclays and similar banks that all over the world a target.

Huckelberry finn

every rothschild bank is fair game, after all, most land the jewish agency got in palestine was purchased by lord rothschild, seems fair he should get retribution at last


why the heck iran is not ordering the mio of muslim refugees in europe to strike at all the western usrael driven media outlets, i really don t understand.

Last edited 4 hours ago by Gurki
Truth Above

russia and israel have a lot in common, historically, politically, militarily. alawites are actually more allies to israel and russia, than iran. assad desperately needs rescuing, as does lebanon.


israel desperate lol. days of them hitting without getting hit back are over


the jews are dumb as a box of rocks. they still havent figured out that no matter how hard they pummel anybody, their problems will not go away. they have mental impairment

Conan M

what an iconic picture this is if genuine!… imagine the y/bs coming off that commercial flight?!!!

Last edited 37 minutes ago by Conan M
Conan M

one can only hope we see dimona a glowing ball before this gets any worse than it already is!… need to try harder taking out the pms residence with him, his family and his leadership within it!!!

Last edited 31 minutes ago by Conan M
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