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MARCH 2025

In Video: Kharkiv Lady Explains U.S. Double Standarts, Recalled Operation “Babylift”

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Greetings from the Kharkiv girl!

I want to talk today about the arrest warrant for the President of Russia issued by the International Criminal Court in The Hague, which Joe Biden suddenly for some reason called justified. For me, this came as a surprise. If someone is not aware, the United States does not recognize the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC), as well as Russia, China, India, Israel and Iran.

It was the United States that earned a reputation of the most ardent enemy of the ICC.

They initially signed the Rome Statute, but the Bill Clinton administration immediately warned that Washington was not going to ratify this document until it is fully aware in all details of the court’s activities.

During the presidency of George W. Bush, the United States withdrew its signature and refused to participate in the ICC, explaining this decision by protecting its servicemen, and in general the national interests and sovereignty of the United States. Therefore, it is strange that a country that does not perceive the jurisdiction of the ICC suddenly says that the warrant is justified.

By the way, in Ukraine, the Rome Statute has not been ratified either, so the actions of the ICC are initially illegal.

Now we go on.

The arrest warrant has been issued on suspicion of a war crime: the illegal deportation of children from the occupied territories of Ukraine to Russia. Like, international law can regard this as genocide.

So, I want to remind you of the American operation “Babylift”. The United States, after its defeat in the Vietnam War, kidnapped thousands of Vietnamese children and sent them to the United States, Canada, France, West Germany and Australia. Many children were stolen and removed without any permission of their parents. In total, more than 2.5 thousand children were taken out of the country.

The children were transported on planes, in boxes fastened by seat belts. Together with the children there were a bunch of boxes with documents of babies, but no one knew which document belonged to which child. One such flight ended in a plane crash that claimed lives of 155 people, including 78 children.

Subsequently, many Vietnamese parents tried to find their children, whom the United States simply stole, and even sued the US government. Only about twelve children were reunited with their parents.

Now I have questions: Why is this not remembered in Western society? Why is everyone silent about this? Why the US is not responsible for that? It wasn’t genocide? Or you will say again: this is different!

Don’t you think that where the US is involved there is too much “this is different” and double standards. Eh?


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Florian Geyer

‘Veterans Today’ has published information about the discovery of child trafficking and body parts ‘harvesting’ in Ukie Land.

It is a repetition of such crimes in Bosnia during the Balkan wars. These crimes in Bosnia were committed in a building known as ‘The Yellow farm house’.

People who commit these horrors must be bought to account.


The Kosovo liberation army in Kosovo had a similar operation going, kidnapping and selling body parts. Drugs, prostitution, people trafficking, weapons, anything immoral and illegal. Today these criminals are friends of the UK &US, and bring their trade and wares to the UK unhindered.

Florian Geyer

Thank you for your information. We truly exist in a time when satans followers control the West.

Chris Gr

You see here, many people oppose the neo-Nazis of Ukraine. One of them supports the jihadis of Syria, another supports the neo-Nazis/jihadis of Bosnia and most of the commenters support the jihadis of Palestine.

Michel LeBlanc

And who in their right mind would NOT support the palestinians???

Is it because their muslim. If they worshipped a flying spegatti monster would they earn your support then??

Why cant you people accept the local yokels for who they are andnlet them be.

To me Chris GR, you are the same as the idiots in power in 404 country, blaming the russians or the syrians or the muslims or iranians or whatever flavor of the week.

Your a idiot on nato payroll id say. Surely no one is that stupid.

Florian Geyer

Well said, Michel Le Blanc. The Palestinians settled in Palestine many many generations before the crypto YouKnoWhos squatted there.

Chris Gr

Are the Palestinians Arabs or not? The ancient Philistines were Cretans so they were immigrants too. The modern so called Palestinians are a mix of those Philistines plus Arabs and Turks and whatever else. There is no such thing as “Palestinian” nation. Palestine is just a Syrian province.

Chris Gr

The Palestinian terrorists you mean. The ones that created problems even in Lebanon, Jordan and Syria.

Peter Jennings

It was the isreali apartheid regime and the USadmin who have turned Palestinian’s into jihadists. It is the isreali apartheid regime which brags of killing mother and child with one shot. So who actually are the nazis. Old Netty fancies himself as another Hitler.

Chris Gr

Who did the Black Hand organization support? Who did Amin al-Husseini support? It was neither the Allies nor the Comitern for sure.

Porc halal

And what religion the perpetraitors were???? Of course, the muslims!!! who were the sponsors???? Of course , their cousins, the joos!!!!

Florian Geyer

I agree, zzz, such perverted Western leaders who have been planning this for centuries can only be stopped by the cleansing by fire.

Peter Jennings

For the past 100 years the united states of america has been responsible for most of the conflict here on Earth. The people who run the united states of america are a threat to humanity and the planet itself. They pollute where they want, when they want, and blame others. A good example of this is currently playing out in their own country where their people cannot get clean water or decent food, and their farmland is contaminated. Boy!, did the cia do a number on its fellow american’s. They live in a polluted hellhole with crumbling infrastructure and think its paradise.


The USA is a nation of contradiction (defining it as a nation is really stretching it!), the original carpet baggers who rolled their wagons onto native American lands are the architects of lawlessness, where might is right and this is reflected today; the criminality has evolved.

These baseless ‘human-less’, faceless crooked murderous elite, all hide behind the veil of liberalism.

‘We value your freedoms and democracy’, ‘our bombs is the kiss that will awaken your passion for freedom’. “We came, We saw, He’s dead’, Wah ha ha wah ha ha.

Please, some benevolent extraterrestrial lifeform turn the US into a charcoal wasteland, so the rest of humanity don’t have to listen to their moronic rhetoric and fairytales!

Last edited 1 year ago by DogFart
Peter Jennings

Not much more could be said of the present lot who run Blighty either. 99% of which are swarmy back stabbers looking for another pay check. Like petty criminals choosing their next mark.


While the CIA likes to remove children from war zones for experimentation the global elites use them for sexual exploitation, sacrifices, body parts and a form of cannibalism. This fake ICC concern for children is likely used to further conceal the globalist’s crimes.


Many of that Vietnam childrens( 78) were killed in a C5 Galaxy accident 4 April 1975


Or perhaps they were “killed” so no ones askes which rich person put them in his harem.

Chris Gr

There are many commenters here on SF that don’t recognize the jurisdiction of common sense.

Chris Gr

Some yes, they are CIA. Some are MI6. You are right. I mean about some users that support Stalin and stuff like that while they don’t migrate at North Korea to live in their communist paradise, while taking the privileges of the so called “free world”. This is mass hypocrisy.

Peter Jennings

May i ask that you please improve your comments as i am getting a bit tired of having to go to the bottom of the pile in order to read them. Cheers.


The question is if the west allways supports the criminals who do this or is this behaviour perhaps part of the western help package. Perhaps delivering organs to their masterns is one of the condition to get support cause why else did every single force the west supported in the last decades do this?

Chris Gr

What do you mean by West exactly? I don’t believe that the so called “West” is bad, it is just the crazy neoliberals.


Do you consider using agend orange in vietnam, bombing dams to flood the crops in korea or giving gas to saddam to use it on iran and minorities in iraq not bad? This happened before neocons where a thing. We just know more of the things the neocons did cause they are so confident to get away with everything and do not bother to hide their deads as much as those before them.

Chris Gr

In Vietnam, both sides did very bad things. But in the neighbouring Cambodia, the Khmer Rouge was slaughtering innocent civilians. At least, Ho Chi Minh deposed the full blown crazy types and installed less crazy types. The West supported both sides in Iran-Iraq war while the Soviet Union and the eastern Bloc fully supported the social fascist Saddam Hussein and his genocidal campaign. Not to mention that the Soviet Union supported Kemal Ataturk and his genocidal policies on the Armenians, the Greeks and the Assyrians while the so called “West” protected them.


I could, back track criminal history of the imperial banana republic UssA ( the Union of Sociophats Scumbags and Assh….) have and is lying about everything, every f…. thing, and I cant understand that why on earth are we even dealing with this scums of this earth, they are evil, in every way consivable, only limited by our knowledge of how evil they trully are. Look around you, show images of DU destroyed children and nobody cares. Same as showing an Paletinian child with his brain blown out, yeah, just good, its an Hamas terrorist anyway. Yankees, Go Home. The only solution viable is to kick the scums out of europa and throw the pack of bitches after and we will have an new start, the parasit on humanity must die. The UssA is an cancer to the world.

Icarus Tanović

My God dear Lord…

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