Today I am tormented by one question: “Can this fucking “Patriot” be taken somewhere for a week, for example, to Western Ukraine?” It’s not personal. We just need to get some sleep! Let them stay awake for a while. They are so relaxed, there’s not even a curfew. We’ll sleep in Kiev. … Maybe this drug could help. … I hope that our valiant country will not call me to the SBU for such my wish. There is already enough insanity in the country !
while ukro goblinas were working in the western porn industry, wagner destroyed more of their goblin men than the size of the entire british army 😂 🤣😂 🤣. when rumors surfaced on some parts of the front, that wagner is going to be deployed to that area, the ukro goblins killed their commander and mutinied 😜 😂
serves them well. becoming willing slaves of zionist enslaved us politicians and us military warmongers comes with a steep price that must be paid with blood and tears. matthew 27:25: and all the people answered “his blood be on us and on our children!”
she’s hot, she’ll make a great stripper after she is taught some discipline.
that’s what happened to your fugly western mom but she was a beached whale 🐋.
this is kiev. but it might as well be st. petersburg or for that matter parts of moscow?…
where was the outrage by the average russian citizen with family in the donbas and for 8 long years nothing from russia to shore up “motorola’s loyal russian patriots”???…
blood on many hands in the russian federation’s government that looked the other way to the genocide in eastern ukraine that included the murder(s) of vitaly churkin and andrei karlov that should have been the “call sign” for we’re leaving the un wh0reh0u$e with it’$ titular head and master of ceremonies the worse and most abjectly corrupt in adhering to the rules of international law that it says everyone else in that club must obey but “it$elf”!…
when does the russian government tell little cunt$ like this one in kiev (but in it’s own country next door) with dual citizenship in the united states, u.k., eu and i$rael to enjoy your permanent second homes, because you won’t be coming back to your place of birth ever again!…
after victoria nudleman was handing out the cookies in kiev was when that announcement to it’s citizens living abroad that it was time to come “home”…
un disertore ucraino che non voleva morire in guerra per far felice biden e per felice il dittatore ucraino di merdesky si è rifugiato in italia assieme alla sua donna ! poiché il regime italiano fascista arresta e manda in ucraina a morire contro la russia tutti i disertori -dissidenti politici ucraini la coppia quarantenne vive come due barboni nel fitto di una boscaglia sotto un traliccio di alta tensione da un anno !
ma cosa stai dicendo?! io sono italiano e non succede nulla di simile da noi! le bandiere ucraine mi fanno vomitare e non voglio aiutare o dare armi ai nazisti. tu cerca però di non dire stronzate simili.
bitch is right
in europe women are in charge, so you have to listen to this meticulous whore :)
send all these ‘strong and independant’ women into a trench on the frontline. it’s only fair.