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MARCH 2025

In Video: More Crimes Of Ukrainian Nazis In Mariupol Revealed

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A woman from Mariupol described how Ukrainian servicemen were holding the entire city in the grip of fear. She claimed that they were looting, shot at people and that Ukrainian tanks shelled on residential buildings. She also recalled that Ukrainian militants deployed their tanks in their yard in mid-March. After her husband reprimanded them for using civilians as a human shield, the nationalists shot him in his legs. On March 20, when her husband was on his way to dress his wounds, the Ukrainian militants shot him dead.

As DPR and Russian Federation units advance in Mariupol, more and more eyewitness accounts of AFU war crimes appear. This content is deleted from MSM social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. We will continue to provide such video testimonies with English subtitles or with a voice-over narration.

We encourage our readers and viewers who are willing and able to translate and voice-over such videos in English to email us: info@southfront.org and southfront@list.ru (it is better to write to both emails).


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People are just dog shit.


Todays lesson live from United Kingdom of shit: molesting children is acceptable and funny. Being molested as a child is unacceptable and you should just crawl somewhere and die.

General Babuska

Look at the camera and try to cry. Try harder!

Cpt Pervis

you’re a psychopath that supports psychopathy. At some point you will be judged and join your kingdom.


If Putin was a joke, you would not be trying to convince us. A person who does that is called a Dimwit


Great joke, but you meant to say “renminbi” instead of “euro”.


Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuure. Scripted as fuck. Keep on living in your bubble.

Daily reminder that the so called 3-day special operation continous on Day 35. How is it going for ya, Kremlobots?


The Nazi regime of Ghost of Kyiv and snake of Island are not scripted i guess.


So-called by whom, Banderpite? How’s the “Joint Operation” to finally drive the separtists out of Donbass in the name of Ukrainian nationalism and territorial integrity?


NATO: “US Army is accused of missing red flags that could have brought pedo Bagram Airbase commander who raped his adopted sons to justice earlier: Ignored advice to fire him over sex pest behavior in Afghanistan”

USA is 666

They probably wanted to see how it would play out. Data is data however its obtained.

Putin’s Classic 8D Chess Moves Club

Putin’s 8D logic: “Let’s reward the UkropNazis with a Piss Deal. They deserve it now that all these torture videos are coming out and one of our weapons depots got “Trust” bombed last night.” Oye vey!

Putin will die

We have evidence that the Russian Government instructed the media to make fake video about Nazi in Ukraine. Don’t believe anyone and anybody in Russia they are lying to you… Be smart research yourself and challenge the Russian officials..


Ghost of Kiev weighs in from Snake Island.

Last edited 2 years ago by Clyde

Sorry dude, There’s no cnn in Russia

Putin will die

Hey people of Russia please stop believing Russian media. Place don’t be so naive… Go and ask how many troops are killed and missing and injured in Ukraine just do that. Askvyou officials of the Government and don’t believe them Challenge them please Challenge them. Then you will understand how much Russian government is hiding and lying to you and how fake is this propaganda about Nazi.. In all countries of the world are some people who like or sympathise Nazi ideology including in Russia. Actually there more Nazi in Russia than Ukraine.. Just go and ask and Challenge your Government about the situation in Ukraine.


Actually former long-time Rada speaker Parubiy is a full-blown Nazi and does not hide it. There are no nations in Europe with overt Nazi units in their official military structures like Azov. The Ukrainian’s Nazi problem is well-known, it was all over mainstream Anglsophere media in the years leading up to the Russian Special Operation. Never stop derping, Ukrotard.

Last edited 2 years ago by Clyde
Putin will die

Stop calling a special operation. Is war. Russia again Ukraine is war. Accept the fact that in the future you will find out the truth about Putin and his army and you will feel very bad when you will find out that your Government lied to every day and brainwashed people of Russia through TV propaganda and online propaganda.


You call it what you want, and I’ll call it what I want. Freedom. You Ukronazis are very fond of telling other folks what they can and can’t say. Just another unpleasant aspect of your Banderpite death cult.


Well, it’s got a goal and not just wanton destruction. So, it is a special operation. The west of course calls their wars and atrocities spreading democracy. Where are you with that? Sucking ass, as usual. You’re not even brainwashed, you’re just a sorry excuse for a human being, feeding off the misery of others. WE already know OUR gov lies to us. Every day, 24/7/365. TV propaganda is the hallmark of western society, propagated by those very same who propagate war across the globe. Funny how none of you sorry ass propaganda whores NEVER mention the beast by name. You should venerate those who own you and not shy away from their glory. Their glory is the blood of others.


Hey Df, go and ask how many western SF have died in Ukr…just like they died in Syria. The west fomenting war everywhere they go. It’s the only way they can live so cheap, on the backs of poor countries and countries they turn into poor countries. When they’re used up, destroy them and make more weapons to destroy the next victim. How many countries must the west destroy before the world has had enough? I hope to god that they show every western corpse they find along with their documentation. At least their families will know where and why they died.


NATO: “Col. Russell Williams, former base commander of CFB Trenton, has been convicted of first-degree murder in the deaths of Jessica Lloyd, 27, and Cpl. Marie-France Comeau, 38.”

jens holm

News from Russian propaganda TV.

Mothers of recruits are promised their sons wont be send to Ukraine.

Many Russians are angry because the Russians has slowed down their invasion.

We have the numbers of tons of help to the Ukras in about 600 destinations.I wonder if they has used parambulator to distribute it.

Florian Geyer

As the Ukraine is liberated from the NATO Ukie trained gangs, the grip of fear from the Bandera Battalions will be further exposed for murdering and abusing civilians.

The Tsunami of Facts is rising as more people are liberated by the Donbass militias and the Russian forces and the final result will be a Tsunami of reality so powerful that the Western presstitute press and the American petrodollar will submerge in a cesspit of shame.

Slava Rossiyi.

Don't believe Putin Government

Ask your Russian Government why they have mobile crematorium and ask Russian soliders who were in Ukraine what is happening to dead Russian soliders and they will tell you the truth Just ask that from soliders wich are in hospital and you will find the truth. And ask them why are they using Metal melting ovens to throw in Dead Russian soliders to hide the truth about casualties in Ukraine. Thank you May God help the people of Ukraine and hope the Russian will find out the truth.


If one has been following events in the failed Ukrainian state since 2013, it doesn’t look like God is a Banderpite.

jens holm

I see the same program. Putin seemes to be the Pope of Konstantinopel. They just shaved him.

Pamfil Military Academy

Same things done hitlerist nazi’s in ww2 everywhere. Some of them where ‘redirected’ after war in US, Australia and Canada by the anglo zionist empire aiming to keep alive an underground racist nazi psychology to be used against communist Russia interests. Theirs offspring were raised in that spirit and here it is the result: imported and exported neo-nazi movements when the neo-liberal satanist globalist uncle Shmuel decide.

jens holm

Josephj Bandaras was an Ukrainian freedomfighter long time before Hitler wrote his books.

You also ignore Denikin.

And Youi are partly true. It was crwlng with Russian spies here too. But You dont mention threm.

The Vlad Slayer

I can begin to understand now why some people just close the comment section in their videos, most of you guys on here are useless, and just go about saying the same stupid things every clip: I’m thinking of you Vlad the Invader.

Icarus Tanović

What a shame.

Death analysis of Russian armed forces

Elimov Alexey Mikhailovich 12/15/1985 foreman of the 331st Guards Airborne Regiment military unit 71211 Liquidated


Do you see the Russians engaging in behaviour like that on SF? Ukrotard.

Death analysis of Russian armed forces

I Don’t think Putin know the truth about situation on the battlefield. I think he is beeing mislead by his own Generals. I think his Generals they don’t want to show him that the war is lost or how many casualties Russian army has and injury.

jens holm

I think thats a part of it too. The military forces has made the oligarci pockets full. 50% of the Oligarc money are not even taxed.

Unfortunatly a lot of them are send to here, where they has made banks look bad or worse, because the banks has been paid to do that.

We try to punish the Banksters but so much is gone or under carpets.

Yes Putin is not familiar with facts or dont care.

Cpt Pervis

question for SF community; can somebody tell me who this good man at the beginning of this video is:



Edit here. Just love having to edit a post to get it to post. Good luck figuring it out. I tried searching for 2014 Russian/Ukrainian General…ZIP. He looks familiar, perhaps a Russian here will know him. I learned one thing for sure, there is not 1 search engine out there that is independent. I tried 10 different ones and all I ever got was western friendly BS results…mostly related to Ukraine situation today, not 2014. You really don’t know how badly the web is compromised until you start looking for something specific that does not favor the west. All these ‘independent’ engines? Seems they all have the same adulterated results. Search for Gerasimov dead and see what you get. NOT 1 of the top 20 results were Russian, ALL are western based…and those reports, every one, are strictly based on Ukrainian sources.

Last edited 2 years ago by zman
Bigg Chungus

Neo-nazis and ultranationalists are a pack of cancerous animals. They are unhinged criminals who have been given political/military power for the most cynical of reasons. But even worse than them are the bureaucrats and officials who sit in air-conditioned offices in Washington, sipping their coffee, and calculating with their spreadsheets how many more weapons they can send to Ukraine to cause maximal death and destruction, profiting from their defense industry investments all the while. Meanwhile, real people’s lives are being wrecked in Ukraine, Donetsk, and Lugansk.

Khomeini really was right about America.

jens holm

Who is Khomeini 🛀🏼

Gen Z keyboard Clowns are dumb

Really? Dude, put down the video game a read a book and yes, America is the Great Satan


She and her husband must have had a great relationship! She seemed more concerned about getting in her talking points of looting shops, and Ukrainians shelling their own buildings, then her husband getting killed!

And where was this filmed? Trees aren’t green yet in Mariupol?

I smell fake news


The USeful ukropper idiots are starting to see that destroying their huts for the glory of the anglozionazi empire of shit and the ruling ukropper khazar choseninte mafia was perhaps a tad insane after all.

Onward to the end of Natostan, the evil EUSSR and Slumville, USSA.

Freedom fighter

Russian pigs must die like rats and their bones need to stink for other russians come again ……. slava ukraini and death to nazzi russians


How do they dear, putting a tank in their garden ? Unheard! That Putin is distroying a whole country and is killing thousands thats ok, but putting a tank in her garden, by God! Thats horrifying, not done!

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