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In Video: Night Hunt On The AFU Positions

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In Video: Night Hunt On The AFU Positions

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The military conflict in Ukraine involves a variety of methods of warfare using modern equipment. Night attacks and ambushes are used by both sides during the fighting. On the Russian side, the DPR special forces are very effective.

The video showing Russian Special Forces storming houses where Ukrainian militants were hiding was shared online:


DPR snipers stroke the Ukrainian position:


More footage showing Russian attacks on the AFU positions was shared online.

The following video from a Russian drone showed Russian “Solntsepek” burning out the positions of the AFU:

In Video: Night Hunt On The AFU Positions

Click to see full-size image

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has also published more footage of the destruction of warehouses with weapons and military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The strike was carried out by high-precision missile weapons.


Shelling on the combat positions of the AFU on the outskirts of Marinka in the DPR:



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Ghost of Zelensky

A lot of Ukros were de-natoized today

https://t.me/intelslava/26818 https://t.me/intelslava/26898 https://t.me/intelslava/26891 https://t.me/intelslava/26908 https://t.me/intelslava/26842 https://t.me/intelslava/26894 https://t.me/intelslava/26853 https://t.me/intelslava/26914

These were lucky to surrender https://t.me/intelslava/26882 https://t.me/intelslava/26903

Last edited 2 years ago by Ghost of Zelensky
Happy to Oblige

That’s called ‘decommunization’. Isn’t that what Zelensky demanded?


Ukrotard trolls on SF have said repeatedly that having basically every one in the failed Ukrainian CIA project ending up as taco meat is the manifestation of the Ukrainian dream.


“NATO” (a hijacked and now purely imperialist arrangement) member states, via compromised and owned officials, supply the weapons to the hohol so that they can go into this meat grinder in hopes of taking a few Russians with them. If I were a hohol I’d be thinking “wow, what a splendid good deal this is!!”

Last edited 2 years ago by B A

Letting Mosc0w get away with its attack on Ukraine would destroy the ‘gl0bal international security 0rder’, Milley tells CNN America’s top general has declared that Russia can’t be all0wed to get away with its 0ffensive in Ukraine “c0st-free” because allowing such “aggression” would end the “global international security 0rder” established after World War II.


“If this is left to stand, if there is no answer to this aggression, if Russia gets away with this cost-free, then so goes the so-called international order, and if that happens, then we’re entering into an era of seriously increased instability,” US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley said on Tuesday in an interview with CNN.

LOL – America’s top general said: Russia can’t be allowed to get away with its offensive in Ukraine “cost-free”. “Cost-free” huh, here are rtded people who think Russia is losing, and here is this guy saying Russia getting away “cost-free”.

So, The US of evil wants a bigger war or what? What the fuk does he mean by “Cost-free”?

Last edited 2 years ago by JJ345
BoJo: Ukraine Kaput

The so-called ‘International order’ is a hohologram. Something cooked up in Nudelman’s kitchen.

Last edited 2 years ago by BoJo: Ukraine Kaput
jens holm

Ha ha. Its the optimized version. Many will get the discount versions and some the not very good versions.

Nudelman and holograms are selling. The You get the the best to the price.

Here You have to compare with before. I fx has a very old kitchen but added modern stuff. I and we also mainky has old fiurniture. Its doing well. It is painted in new colors and we keep it clean.

The TV dont care where it is.

Lawrence Hill

You are referring to Shebsel’s daughter, from who’s loins Victoria came?


More mumbo jumbo from the wannabe masters of the universe.

jens holm

We should care less. Soon most parts of Russia will dry out and be desert. So Russians are only fischermen and ladies in the dark from east of Murmansk to the Bering strait.

jens holm

His instabilty version is very well felt before this. So many agree.

You write Russia is not losing. The point is, they dont win. They gets overexhausted and by that cant move.

Russia has no tools to control adapt or posses 36 million hostile Ukrainians.

The Russian economy is in declining for years. Even their education system is hardly there. They have no replacers for most advanced jobs. Here in Denmark we try to upgrade the youngs which actually are here. We also import young ones. Not all importers makes plus. But thats the only option.

We also do inventions for old people, so they dont need as many persons to help them, when they cant do much themself.


But what is winning to you tho? To me Russia already got what its wants the most – a buffer zone (Done), a land from Crimea peninsula to Russia (Done), and important cities in the West side of Ukraine/sea ports (P2).

The one that got over exhausted so far are Ukrainians, so who is going to slow down Russians? NATO is a pussy and US showing they would kill every Ukrainians but they would never face Russia, because the main fat pigs in the US know that it could get out of the hand and they very much might get cooked. Russia even said they are fighting NATO openly, you know why? Because Ukraine is done for, day after day we see NATO openly attacking Russia.

Russia making the move and forcing Ukraine troops to be fixed in places – Ukraine can’t survive a long war, they are asking for weapons 24/7 and they losing men stupidly. Remember men can’t leave Ukraine, they are fuked. Once the main troops get removed/killed it is going to be blood sea in Ukraine. You can’t make someone a soldier in just few mouths.

— “Russia has no tools to control adapt or posses 36 million hostile Ukrainians.” Why do you think Russia going to control the whole country? No, why most people think that? Eastern Ukraine is shit and useless for Russia. It is also a great place for terrorist’s attack. I don’t think Russia plan is to control all of Ukraine. The Western Ukraine welcomed Russians and they are close to Russians as well. We all know Eastern Ukraine is full of Neo-Nazis.

The Russia economy is not declining – you most likely forgot that back in 2014 Russia got sanctioned heavily by the West. But you see now that West sanctions aren’t doing much because Russia faces that back in 2014. Okay, just compare 2014 to now, you understand what I mean.

Denmark has only 5.8 millions people, your country isn’t the same as Russia or any other country. Your country leak a lot of things as well. No matter what, your country can’t never be a powerful country. To be power in this world you need friends, men power and land. Denmark has other EU members as their friends but you leak men and land. Russia on other hand, has friends in EU/Eastern/South, has the men power and land – it is not a joke when people say Russia is stupidly rich, they are. Also, side note: if you have less people, land and not many jobs in your country ofc you have to improve education system so they learn high skill jobs. It is not a good to send your high skill people out of your country, Jens.

“We also do inventions for old people, so they dont need as many persons to help them, when they cant do much themself.” That’s your old side talking Jens, anyway, that is a culture thing. In Asia if a family has a son the son most likely take care of their older family members, and I know in Middle East the family are VERY close to each others. But I don’t understand why you end up talking about old people and Denmark again. I did read your other comments but I didn’t see the point of saying something back.

Don’t get cooked by nukes Jens.

Washington DCorruption

Assholes from Washington now take this personally. But yeah, if Ukraine capitulate their American masters will look weak and all subjugated nations in the world will start asking question: what if we also disobey the empire?

Last edited 2 years ago by Washington DCorruption

I can see why they would take it personally – it is a fact that the US is mainly running the show in Ukraine. But it is also rtded thing to say that Russia getting away “c0st-free” tho. What are they going to do – start WWIII and let the EU get cooked by nukes?

BoJo: Ukraine Kaput

The crazies in Warshington will go down in a nuclear fireball before admitting defeat.

They ARE Dr Strangelove. Kubrick was prescient.

jens holm

They dont decide. Nukelovers right here also dont decide. None seemes to see, that after many nukes only worms and ants can live.

Within 3 years we will see: In the year 2025 if people is still alive…or something

jens holm

They were asked in to reform their military forces. Those armed forces was not good in 2015. They are now.

USA also by that buy a lot of stuff to support them.

Others try to help them. That of course is drowned in Your nazis, jews, childmolesting and created intensions for Your well controlled home billies.

Its exact the same for Caucasus.


they set up a trap for Russia but now it’s a trap for them as well: they invested so much politically they cannot allow to fail.

Last edited 2 years ago by yep
jens holm

This is not about them. Itys about those 44 millions living there.

Somehow there has to be a solutions after both Ukraine and Russia has not kept the Minsk 2.

I see no american masters. I see USA and Britts as the only big oes to make the Ukras some safety by helping their defence as well.

Russia did that.

Those many ones has to find their own destiny. Here its normal for most of the rest of the world, we choose and decide Ourself. Its also very normal we look for something better and not something worse with hardly no hopes.

By that Your kin every time forget the trade with EU and Our kind of help. That at least WAS a peacefull version.

Putin and Your psykopats dont understand normal debate. You only understand respect is like color in Your behinds as in the old USSR flag.

Before the attack we had 10.000 Ukras here mainly taking the low paid jobs. There is nothing wrong with them. They work hard and well under the right decissions. Even low paid taxpayers they alos send money home.

Thats what we support. They have to devellop themself in their own country like that. They produce for themself and us. We uy their stuuf and they buy Our stuff.

Is that too difficult and advanced. We dont think so.

Liberate Canada Next

He has his panties in a knot

jens holm

The oppinion makes sense. It dont say its the best.

I disagree parts of the version. USA and Russa took over big parts of the world cintrol being winners of WW2 as well as replaciig the many colonies form the old empires.

The gamechange already was there. Fx USA helped the Philipinesto be their own in 1948 and started it in about 1935.

We also has seen the complete change for China still growing even it has its problems themself.

jens holm

The change is Russia declne even more. Theother changes mught be world organisations as repair for WW2 seemes more and more outdated.

This has to be reformed or improved. New organisations might come. It makes sense that we replace too old ones with compltly new ones.

I will support EU and try reforms. It has helped us very much and do. The many new ones might make it us more spread out. But it also equalize a lot and we talk and vote about things.

I think we repair a good a litlle old car well. I have hopes for the new ones too. Its their right to find themself as they are and with us. They are not us. There are rules, but they now can and will learn.


Fat Fuck Mark Milley, Token Shine Boy Lloyd Austin and Senile Joe Biden never met a Jew schlong they wouldn’t enthusiastically suck…lol


CNNs handlers are CIA, enough said, right. Full of pedophiles and did surprise anyone. How about the $100,000,00 millions to recruit with CNN+ and close a onth later, hahaha 😆


Last time I checked CNN was controlled by jews, not the CIA.


Same thing

Orcrainians are white ISIS

The anglozionists will fight to the last orcrainian in Orcraine.


Where are the guys who keep asking where is shoigu?

Last edited 2 years ago by Lol

Reality hits in bits


This night vision is amazing stuff!


Slava Rossia

Pamfil Military Academy

More good news is that GazProm stopped to deliver GAS to Poland and Bulgaria because they don’t want to pay in rubles. Good news ? No, these are EXCELLENT news ! From the beginning I said Putin must SHUT DOWN entire NordStream 1 and let the EU fucking shithole colony to boil in its own soup. If done, in max 1 month the western economies begin to seriously crack and in 3 months will be totally fucked up with an 50% inflation prices in sights and the large masses of idiot sheep will start to shake strongly the globalist bandit mobsters from Bruxelles.

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