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In Video: Palestinian Fighters Blow Up Israeli Tanks In Gaza

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In Video: Palestinian Fighters Blow Up Israeli Tanks In Gaza

Illustrative image.

The al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Hamas Movement, released between October 20 and 22 several videos documenting some of its recent attacks against the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in the Gaza Strip.

Two of the videos released by the group showed the complete destruction of a pair of Merkava MK 4M main battle tanks with heavy improvised explosive devices to the east of the Jabalya refugee camp in northern Gaza.

Another video from the same area showed an Israeli armored unit being ambushed by Hamas fighters. During the ambush a Namer armored personnel carrier and yet another Merkava MK 4M tank were blown up with rocket-propelled grenades.

In the last video, Hamas fighters are seen targeting a Namer carrier with an explosive device, snipping an Israeli soldier standing over a Merkava MK 4M tank and firing mortars at multiple gatherings of the IDF in the al-Khazindar area near Gaza City in the northern part of the Strip.

The IDF took heavy losses in northern Gaza in recent weeks. On October 20, it acknowledged that the commander of the 401st Armored Brigade, Colonel Ehsan Daqsa, was killed by an explosive device blast in Jabaliya. The commander of the brigade’s 52nd Battalion was seriously wounded in the same attack.

The death of the commander brought Israel’s toll in the ground operations against Hamas and other Palestinian armed factions in Gaza and along its border to 358. More than 2,280 others have been reportedly wounded. In addition, over 500 vehicles were hit in the Strip, according to Hebrew media.

Meanwhile on the Palestinian side, the death toll from the Israeli war has exceeded 42,700, with women and children making up most of the casualties.


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Joseph Day

and only 1 israeli reservist has died. say israel

snow den

the next time it will be in a cartoon comic magazine for young muslim suicide brotherhood, this is the only thing arabs can do. hide behind their own wifes and children, as cowards which they are, betting on lucky hit, like the drone attack on dinning room or ied. for every idf member killed, 100 hamas fighters and 5.000 gaza civilians are killed including international aid workers and medics. i say, let gaza to be depopulated to the last muslim and problem solved..

Last edited 1 day ago by snow den

at least you have a vivid imagination. but what you got wrong was that bibi while shits his pants while running to his hidey-hole, he doesn’t care that your family is killed because they have no place to hide, like he does. even israeli media doesn’t believe the lies, but what can they do ? go to jail for the truth? truth and israeli’s are complete strangers, having never met. 10,000+ dead, only god knows how many maimed for life.


you are an imbecille obviously, please step in front of the next train or bus or off the tallest building in your neck of the woods (although i guess from your spelling syntax etc that it most likely is a favela or some such!

steve wibble

these people are clearly not cowards. attacking a modern tank with a 1970s rpg is not cowardice. however using a modern western airforce to bomb civilians who have no air defence most certainly is.


no palestinian or lebanese or syrian or iraqi or iranian or yemeni is hiding, they are all out and fighting the scum of the earth and their huge war machine, courtesy of us charity

yes zionazis are targeting and killing civilians, women and children, as they have been doing for over 80 years. nobody ever thought “hiding among civilians” is safe in anyway, it’s actually quite obviously the most dangerous place to be.


the only way to save the people is to kill the disgusting beasts who always were and always will be a danger for all humans.

i say, let israel be depopulated to the last zionazi and problem solved..


shlomo is bleeding from all orifices. peachy! karma is coming to israhell and no zionazi vermin can escape it.


the israeli trophy system produces tank trophies for hamas

Last edited 1 day ago by hasbarats

and the jews, as they are liars, say that they were only injured and that none died. and the same propaganda machine of ukraine that changes is its bloodthirsty regime


zelenski still says that only 30000 soldiers have fallen while the ukraine consists almost entirely of cemeteries muahahaha


they are kin, no? one zionist liar is as good as another. both are getting their ‘countries’ destroyed, troops killed and maimed for life for criminal leaders who don’t care about them and both commit war crimes as it’s their way of life. they both have to lie or their own people would give them the il duce treatment. but, in the end, that will be their end regardless the lies. lies only last so long, then the truth comes out. then so does the rope.


the kiev coke sniffer’s first priority on the outbreak of war was to get all his co religionists out to safety in israel. all the ukie goy schmucks were banned from leading the country. they were needed to provide the cannon fodder.


len tak ďalej do tých židov, nemajú čo pustošiť pásmo gazy!!! treba ich strestať a trestom musí byť smrť!!! smrť fašistickým židovským okupantom!!! mor ho!!! svetu mier!!!

Agent K

hodne pomuze, kdyz cely svet bude nazyvat chazary jejich puvodnim jmenem – chazari, tak vsichni pochopi o co jde http://www.khazaria.com/images/khazaria.gif

steve wibble

how many of these hits actually destroy the tank? hitting a tank and destroying it aren’t the same thing. we’re not seeing footage of destroyed tanks. only the hits..


audiences’ “viewing pleasure” comes second to the resistance fighters’ safety. iskhaelis have automated counterfire devices, from drones and other systems that target the source of any shots detected. once they fire, the faster they move out the safer they are


the neanderthal shlomos hallucinate about expanding in all regions and yet the diaper headed tranny army cannot stop the fighters of hamas. aint karma peachy. i just love watching zionazi roaches and rats get grilled.


every time the rabid shlomo gets whacked by the gallant resistance the flying rodents bomb another hospital and refugee camp and call it winning. the vile zionazi is more hated now than in all the history of these creatures. they will be tamed and scattered to the wind or destroyed. there can be no pardon for these sub human thugs and their genocide. none!


shlomotanks go up in smoke; gunner adidas made his homework.

António Fernando

gostaria de fazer parte do canal


palestinian industry churning out the arsenal…

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