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In Video: Panorama Of The War In Ukraine

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In Video: Panorama Of The War In Ukraine

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Footage from the Russian UAV showing fierce fighting in the Izyum area was shared online. The video shows a tank duel where the Ukrainian T-64BV tried to hit a Russian tank, but retreated and was shot down. Two crew members were able to escape, abandoning the third soldier, who, apparently, was seriously injured or died.


Another drone filmed the AFU soldiers hiding in civilian houses in the village of Novoselovka, where they had established strongholds.


The following video was taken by a Russian UAV over the front lines in Avdiivka. According to the reports, the shows how the shells of the D-20 cannons destroy the accumulation of the AFU manpower in the trenches. The losses of the AFU were estimated at about 30 servicemen.


The Russian Inohodets UAV adjusted the fire on another stronghold of Ukrainian soldiers:



As a result of fierce clashes on the Donbass front lines, the AFU suffer significant losses. Russian forces are sharing photographs showing them burying Ukrainian servicemen in the Izyum area, as the Ukrainian soldiers leave their comrades on the battlefields.

In Video: Panorama Of The War In Ukraine

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In Video: Panorama Of The War In Ukraine

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In Video: Panorama Of The War In Ukraine

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In Video: Panorama Of The War In Ukraine

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In Video: Panorama Of The War In Ukraine

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Ahh the same images with dead Ukies published one more time. That means things go well.

Ze Z

Well, just imagine if not…


Either see a orthy priest to cleans you poofs or individual what ever the fuk it is,wheres the truth?


The onus is on you to prove these images were reused if you make that claim. Post them here please?

The maharaja

He is not that clever the big ticker on the front page that asks for donations does not register with his type. God forbid the two guys who run this site out of their basement re-post or re use a photo! One that matches with the story that is given.

Putin bitches tears taste like heaven

hahaha says the idiot that keep making idiotic claims with trust me bro as source. So saratov did not sunk right, ah wait you thought it was the city lolol and those T64 costs 4.4 million ten times more than a raptor ship! of course ukrainian Oblat costs more than an Abrams and Those ka 52 shotdown by ATGMs are all fake. What else? this just for today….

Peter The Ungrateful

Actually they have been used by SF in a prior article: https://southfront.org/war-in-ukraine-day-68-changing-strategies-lead-to-results-on-the-ground/

I am also pretty sure the drone footage of the artillery strike has been used before, but am too lazy to go looking.

Having said that, the clue is in the title: “Panorama”. So it is meant as some kind of montage of what war looks like, no claim about news.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter The Ungrateful
Putin bitches tears taste like heaven

got owned again sad boy, what will you have for us today?


What a waste. Ukrainians dying so that the Americans can attack Russia.

Animal Farm

And just like the Germans fooled the Ukies into thinking they’d get a piece of Russia, the Americans are snookering them too. No place to make a Polack joke where a Uktard has already been.


From the US perspective this is phoney war stuff, like what was done to the Poles in 1939. “Just keep pushing and we’ll have your back”. The Americans were willing to fly brand new F-4 Phantoms, A-4 Skyhawks right from US stocks in 1973 to help Israel, along with M-60 tanks and M-109 SPs, but the Ukrainians get a travelling museum of the Vietnam War era. Disgusting.

Peter The Ungrateful

You are not seriously trying to tell people that Poland is responsible for the outbreak of WW II, are you?


A war was a foregone conclusion. The scope of that war was significantly affected by Polish policies which were in turn significantly affected by fake British and French assurances. The position of the Poles in that war was determined by the failure of the Polish military dictatorship to grasp the goals of the French and English. It’s not a conspiracy theory that the French had the capacity to roll to Berlin in September, 1939, regardless of the morale of their troops, and they did nothing. The British wanted Germany to go at the Russians, a function of British continental strategy since 1690.

Captain Hohol

That’s exactly what this is.

mike l hutchings

they should be honored after all it is the fucking USA they are dying for. I don’t recognize my own country sometimes. allied with NAZI? Disgusting…. but a correction is coming


Are there any civilians left in Izyum? Just carpet bomb the entire place into dust.


Forget it cia poof,try you may but you will end up like those suckers,whom thought lgbtq is gods!


Don’t worry the US and NATO going to send more shit to Ukraine, that those Neo-nazis can’t even try to fix at all. Losing men, that’s okay men are banned from leaving Ukraine. They didn’t have any training? That is also okay they just speed running to die anyway.

They going to win, oh wait slow down Russia, oh wait try to do any damage to Russia, oh wait just die I guess. Don’t tell them, but the EU didn’t have any plan to give a membership to Ukraine… just use them to attack Russia only. Ukraine was the donkey following the NATO/US/EU carrot.


And what is Russia doing? The same and more after the mobilisation everybody in Russia is meat for the maggots.

Peter The Ungrateful

What mobilization?


Nice work Russia!! Eliminate the Ukro-Nazis everywhere they think they can hide. The rest of the Nazi rapists are already dead too, but they fail to realize it yet.


The tanks Germany supplied to Ukranie comes with full fuel tanks and 30 HE/AT rounds just to make a final show down in the front lines. That will have the Ruskies busy some time!!!


I can assure it will be shorter than taking on soviet tanks (period) talk about motivation or what!

Peter The Ungrateful

The full fuel tank is not even enough to get half way to the front. Since the railways are seriously hampered they are going to have to make the journey on their own axes as it seems.

Pamfil Military Academy

The dices run now only for the russians. Theirs morale is increasing day by day and banderapizdan nazi US slaves cannon fodder decreasing in the same manner. All decent military disciples knows that in history 90% of battles were lost due to morale loss. Once the poor peoples from Ukrop colony will start to flee, the process will be unstoppable. In fact I would do the same, seeing how rich filthy KIEV and Lvov crooks avoid enlistment and beat the west bar chairs in hundreds of thousands of dollar limousines, and how the families of the dead ones are on a verge of famine with USnazi received pensions pushing theirs women to prostitution all along Europe.

Joseph similia

Competing world powers

It’s just as the bible said it many centuries ago. Predicted in Daniel chapter 11, the pull and tug of the King of the north and the king of the south. Two great powers on earth both under satanic influence have been battling for centuries, both have the same purpose and that’s world domination exclusive of God Jehovah’s sovereignty. Furthermore, they want people’s worship as Revelation 13 describes.

These two great powers will come to to an agreement of peace the bible prophecy predicts. When the political system thinks they have succeeded in enslaving mankind, the bible says:

” Whenever it is that they are saying, “Peace and security!” then sudden destruction is to be instantly on them, just like birth pains on a pregnant woman, and they will by no means escape. 4 But you, brothers, you are not in darkness, so that the day should overtake you as it would thieves, 5 for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We belong neither to night nor to darkness.” 1 thessallonians 5:3-5.

Satan the devil is behind this struggle of the great powers on earth. His plan is similar to the political system objective, ” rule or ruin”. Diabolical objective is to distract people from the real source of peace and good health, which is no other than God’s kingdom- Revelation 11, 13, and chapter 21.

The Universal issue is: ” who has the right to be rightful sovereign of the earth and universe”.

It’s not really about jabs from pfizer, it’s about total control of the Earth’s inhabitants in whatever means possible and strangle all aspiration and hope of God’s kingdom and it’s rightful ruler for the earth , Jesus Christ appointed by Jehovah God.

We need to pray for God’s kingdom to come soon and judge these beastly powers that disdain Jehovah’s appointed king in heaven, none else but Jesus Christ.

“Your will be done on earth as in heaven, your kingdom come.” Matthew 6.

Peter The Ungrateful

Again with these copy-paste bullshit “predictions”. They are as virtuous as predicting rain at some point in the future, especially given the historical period when the Book of Lies Bible was written.

John Tosh

“Ukraine was the donkey following the NATO/US/EU carrot”

The best comment all day today!

Peter The Ungrateful

Andrei Martyanov had a better one on The Duran last night: “War is a very democratic affair, the enemy also has a say in it.”

Don’t remember the exact wording but the above should be pretty close.


Last edited 2 years ago by Peter The Ungrateful

как регу тут сделать?


Seriously, I understand Russian concerns about national security and the possible placement of certain weapon systems on its borders and vice versa in Kalinigrad. I find it sad the way the West, especially the US, ignored or abused these needs. With me, before the invasion, there was a growing awareness that this needed to be addressed and a counterweight to US military dominance with a European army was growing. See the German resistance to further escalation. With the invasion of Russia, nothing less than a war of aggression, all credit for the Russian concern has turned to horror for the unpredictability, the barbarity and ruthlessness of the Russian aggressor. All the positivity that lived among the European and some American elite has been skilfully bombed to oblivion. This is a global observation, once neutral countries Finland, Sweden, see themselves threatened by the Russia policy and are forced to choose. However positive I looked at cooperation with Russia ( I worked there) and Europe as a counterweight to the aggressive forces in the world has turned out to be a bubble. Now that Russia has become nothing but a greedy, land-grabbing monster that, like Nazi Germany, is on a campaign for Lebensraum and aims to enslave people and their thoughts; enslavement. I am obliged to choose my own values, and they turn out to be at odds with what Russia appears to stand for, even if they are disrupted by a policy that does not always show the necessary respect for other sovereign peoples. I choice for the hope and human diginty en zelbeschikking. Of course western politic is troubled we can and will change it ( as proven in the past) as we are a democracy and governments can be removed, but Russia is in danger of being ruled by an untouchable life-long potentate who has traded all reality for only ruling power politics at the expense of his own people and nation. So I choose the people, the future, self-determination, freedom of thought and messages despite all governments and power centres. A full-scale WWIII or nuclear war will only produce losers, perhaps China will have a small advantage, but I doubt it very much. Russia could still claim a positive victory, a moral victory, and the US would lose face by rejecting this solution, if it could “impose” a ceasefire through a globally recognised peace organisation like the UN, enforcing a mutually respectable peace through negotiations. I use the words ‘impose’ and ‘enforce’ in the sense that I see the UN as morally incontrovertible, as an institution that, in the inexorably powerful politics of world politics, is the only respectable one left.

Last edited 2 years ago by ;Johan

Seriously, I understand Russian concerns about national security and the possible placement of certain weapon systems on its borders and vice versa in Kalinigrad. I find it sad the way the West, especially the US, ignored or abused these needs. With me, before the invasion, there was a growing awareness that this needed to be addressed and a counterweight to US military dominance with a European army was growing. See the German resistance to further escalation. With the invasion of Russia, nothing less than a war of aggression, all credit for the Russian concern has turned to horror for the unpredictability, the barbarity and ruthlessness of the Russian aggressor. All the positivity that lived among the European and some American elite has been skilfully bombed to oblivion. This is a global observation, once neutral countries Finland, Sweden, see themselves threatened by the Russia policy and are forced to choose. However positive I looked at cooperation with Russia ( I worked there) and Europe as a counterweight to the aggressive forces in the world has turned out to be a bubble. Now that Russia has become nothing but a greedy, land-grabbing monster that, like Nazi Germany, is on a campaign for Lebensraum and aims to enslave people and their thoughts; enslavement. I am obliged to choose my own values, and they turn out to be at odds with what Russia appears to stand for, even if they are disrupted by a policy that does not always show the necessary respect for other sovereign peoples. I choice for the hope and human diginty en zelbeschikking. Of course western politic is troubled we can and will change it ( as proven in the past) as we are a democracy and governments can be removed, but Russia is in danger of being ruled by an untouchable life-long potentate who has traded all reality for only ruling power politics at the expense of his own people and nation. So I choose the people, the future, self-determination, freedom of thought and messages despite all governments and power centres. A full-scale WWIII or nuclear war will only produce losers, perhaps China will have a small advantage, but I doubt it very much. Russia could still claim a positive victory, a moral victory, and the US would lose face by rejecting this solution, if it could “impose” a ceasefire through a globally recognised peace organisation like the UN, enforcing a mutually respectable peace through negotiations. I use the words ‘impose’ and ‘enforce’ in the sense that I see the UN as morally incontrovertible, as an institution that, in the inexorably powerful politics of world politics, is the only respectable one left. There is only one solution anymore

Last edited 2 years ago by ;Johan

Seriously, your post is a load of passive-aggressive logical fallacies. Do kill yourself!


Following the clown to the meat grinder. I really thought Ukrainian troops were smarter than that. Too bad.


Some carnage here: https://liveuamap.com/en/2022/2-may-ukrainian-military-hit-russian-positions-near-sulyhivka Claimed by Ukr, within Russian control territory. Just out of curiosity: I don’t see any Vs or Zs anywhere. Very low resolution images, seems to be sped up. The control of Sulyhivka was acquired about week ago. Is it possible that it was other way around? Opinions?

Last edited 2 years ago by good4u

It’s all so ghastly really What can we do? Pack a bag sensibly and be prepared.


Two Soviet era tanks battled in such close range yet failed to hit each other for that long time. It exposed the outdated inferiority of Soviet tanks that will have no match in modern war for underfunded Ru army VS USNato and China modernized forces.

Ru drone footage is also obviously so inferior compare to Turkey’s TB2 using Canada’s high resolution zooming camera. Ru drones also has no basic precision strike and artillery guiding capability that US & Turkey possessed.

Should Ru has used TB2 or China’s drones for surveillance and precision strike from beginning, the war would have been long over in few wks with 90% less casualties.

Ru has screwed up themselves using outdated 1980’s Soviet mechanized warfare without capability to defend its supply lines and fully disabled Ukraine air defense. They could have seeked China’s drones for modern warfare.

Last edited 2 years ago by Naturetruth
Too Fast

Best nazi is a dead nazi, good job Russians!

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