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MARCH 2025

In Video: Russian Air Defenses Intercept Another Ukrainian Ballistic Missile Over Donbass

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In Video: Russian Air Defenses Intercept Another Ukrainian Ballistic Missile Over Donbass

S-400 systems. FILE IMAGE: Alexey Malgavko / Sputnik

On March 30, Russian air defenses intercepted yet another Ukrainian tactical ballistic missile over the Donbass region.

The successful interception took place over the Kirovsk region, a part of the Luhansk People’s Republic. Footage of the interception surfaced online on March 31.

The tactical ballistic missile was reportedly an 9M79-1 launched from a Soviet OTR-21 Tochka system. The system can launch tactical ballistic missiles with a maximum range of 70 to 185 kilometers depending on the variant.

In Video: Russian Air Defenses Intercept Another Ukrainian Ballistic Missile Over Donbass

Click to see full-size image.

Russian air defenses have intercepted many Tochka tactical ballistic missiles over Donbass since the beginning of the Russian special operation in Ukraine. Advanced Russian air defense systems with anti-ballistic missile capabilities, namely the S-400 and the latest versions of the S-300, were likely used to shot down these missiles.

The S-400 can detect a tactical ballistic missile traveling at a speed of 4800 meters per second from 200 kilometers and engage it from up to 60 kilometers.

In Video: Russian Air Defenses Intercept Another Ukrainian Ballistic Missile Over Donbass

Click to see full-size image.

In order to end ballistic missile attack on Donbass, the Russian military has been also working to destroy Ukraine’s remaining Tochka systems and ballistic missiles depots.

The Tochka system is a very capable. However, Ukrainian forces have been using it only to target civilian settlements in Donbass. Recent reports revealed that Ukrainian forces used the system to target residential areas in the city of Mariupol in the early days of the war, even before it was approached by Russian forces.


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Won already?

Ukrainians should load the missiles with sugar and fire them in Russia. Babuskas will start a civil war. Nobody will survive.


not enough crack cocaine in your west virginny trailer park


As if the poorest country in Europe has spare sugar. Please.


Wishing for something that is never going to happen? You are down bad…

Nato is laughing at you

Guys haven t you heard? Ukrainian attack helicopters had just destroyed a lol depot in Belgorod. In Belgorod!!! Im almost chiking myself in laughter


Interception video looks more like UFO’s


Hey, Zelensky here. Just wanna say to the people of Donbas, heh screw you kids, we get to kill our own civilians cuz we’re the good guys ya know. If you wanna finance my regime some more, remember to donate. In return I promise to send more shells and missiles toward the people of Donbas. Thanks everyone

Last edited 2 years ago by Zelensky
Adam Adamczeski

Hell is also for people because that’s where those who do evil go and Uncle Sam or the Knesset will not help. You can deceive a man in the media, but only a man.

Bayraktar TB3

S-300 and S-400 are still useless against Bayraktar TB2. Imagine how much worse against Bayraktar TB3 or Bayraktar Kilimelsma (stealth jet UAV)?


Turkey’s with Russia.

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

Is that why Ukraine lost 36 gayracktard sofar?

Bayraktar TB3

Russian Army losses trying to capture Kiyv/Chernihiv: -10,000 soldiers -200 tanks -600 armored vehicles -500 trucks -4 BUK-M2 (destroyed by Bayraktar TB2) -1 Pantsir (destroyed by Bayraktar TB2) -Krasukah-4 (captured) -8 KA-52 (shot down by stinger/igla/polish igla) -2 SU-30SM (destroyed) 2 SU-34 (shot down/destroyed) VERIFIED BY ORYX

ALL FOR NOTHING. RUssian army withdrawing from Kiyv and Chernihiv full retreat.


They aren’t retreating, the majority of forces are still encircling Kiev. They’re just moving troops to the East to finish them off.



One Turk-isis sucking another Turk-isis.

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

2000 soldiers. And ukrop losses are 10times higher. All for nothing? The exact opposite. Ukrain was a national security threat and it ain’t anymore. Ukraine is for Russia what Kurdistan is for Turkey.


oryx is owned operated by fake bellingcat—only stupid alabama nazi reference oryx…find better lgbt social worker to treat your 10 year of sodomy trauma in arkansas prison

Bayraktar TB3

AFU have recaptured 100+ villages from Russian troops in Chernihiv, Kiyv, Sumy, Kherson regions. Major retreat of Russian troops on all fronts.

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

According to Disney news network.

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

Azov is already fighting in the outskirts of Moscow. Putin is hiding at the US Embassy… First Ukrainian landed on the Moon 🌜🌝

Bayraktar TB3

Russian troops withdrawing to their forces to attack Donbass will allow NATO to supply AFU with Patriot/NASAMS, fighter jets and more powerful weapons to defend Kiyv and western Ukraine. Win win scenario.

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

Lay off the LSD its bad for you

Bayraktar TB3

Well that was embarrassing. 1 month trying to capture kiyv and chernihiv all for nothing. 17,000 troops lost. 8 su34/30 shot down. 1000+ tanks loss/

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

According to SBU ukrobot news network.


LOL, Turk-isis are something man, this fuking moron said just mins before this comment that the Russians lost 10K soldiers and now he says it is 17K (Fake BS). LMFAO, that is Turk-isis-stan news for you. He also likes to verify his claim by MSM and his fellow Turk-isis friends, slow clap.

Erdo-gay sucking his cuck and saying the talks between Russia and Ukraine were “meaningful”. “No breakthrough yet in Russian-Ukrainian talks, French top diplomat says”

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

Agreed. Meanwhile turkisistan cant even beat kurds whom sport WWII era weaponery.


Ukraine is the most shameful country in Europe, by degrading itself into licking the boots and sniffing the posterior orifice of the western colonizers, Ukraine transformed itself into a very poor country in Europe. Ukraine is paying for being a voluntary vassal.


Pooland takes that place, taking money like whores and giving NOTHING back for fuking years. I very much feel like Ukraine would be the same or worse.

Won already?

They are making Russians cry.


Fun fact: Turk-isis are part of the Wahhabi clue. Turk-isis like Wahhabis fully work with Zion. Turk-isis are yanquis pigs. Turk-isis are fully supporting ISIS/Al-Qaeda, as we all know they are neo-nazi supporters and love Zion for their greed. Turk-isis-stand shipped ISIS to Syria and Iraq – ISIS sold Syrian oil to Turk-isis-stand – ISIS hides behind Turk-isis-stand, and we all remember when Turk-isis stole everything they could from Aleppo. Turk-isis-stand is a fake Muslim country as well, it is like KSA/Qatar/UAE. Full of gays, whore, ISIS, and Zion. Ofc, they are also part of NATO.

P.S. Turk-isis-stand is Zion-isis-stand. They steal anything they can… “Aleppo, SANA -Media reports and local sources revealed that the Turkish regime and its mercenaries from the terrorist organizations have seized the olive harvest in Afrin and its surroundings in the northern countryside of Aleppo and stole olive oil and exported it to American markets after transferring it to Turkey and to be exported by Turkish government companies.”

Last edited 2 years ago by JJ345

“No breakthrough yet in Russian-Ukrainian talks, French top diplomat says” True and we all know it.

Yet this is what Turk-isis-stand says, “Russian-Ukrainian meeting in Istanbul added meaningful momentum to peace process — Erdo-gay”

Yes, like Wahhabi and Zion.


Russia victorious—former ukpiland no longer exists—the methodical demolition of ukoropistan continues….CIA drugs provided to arkansas hillbillies very low quality—the junkie morons comment at south front—CIA provides fentanyl to feed their addiction

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