Ukrainian service members manning a FH70 howitzer in the Donbass region. Screen grab (https://youtu.be/iLWMh8q61S8).
The Russian military has destroyed a battery of Italian-made FH70 155 mm towed howitzers which were recently supplied to Kiev forces.
On May 29, Russian sources shared footage showing the destruction of the FH70 battery on an unspecified front in the Donbass region. The battery was struck by what appears to be a heavy artillery shell that knocked out the howitzers with shrapnel and blow up their ammunition.
The FH70 a range of 24 kilometers or up to 30 kilometers with extended range shells. The howitzer can fire a burst of three rounds in 15 seconds thanks to a unique a semi-automatic loading system which consists of a loading tray and an automatic tube loader.
The howitzer was developed by an international consortium, which included Vickers Ltd in the UK, OTO Melara in Italy, and Rheinmetall from Germany.
In May, the Italian government approved the delivery of an unspecified number of FH70 howitzers from the Italian army inventory to Ukraine. Kiev forces in Donbass were spotted with the howitzers very recently.
Kiev received hundreds of howitzers from its Western allies in the last few weeks. Despite this, its forces are still outgunned by the Russian artillery.
The Russian military has been tracking down and destroying Western-supplied heavy weapons in Ukraine with high effectiveness. While the destruction of these weapons will not likely deter the West, it will certainly affect the combat capabilities and morale of Kiev forces.
Hhahahahha nice!!!!!
Hey steven, real marines don’t cozy up to ruskies
You’re just a dumb fuck that hasn’t figured out the difference between Soviet Communism, and Russia. Russia is good and has always been good to the United States. The Soviet Union a lot less so.
Hey, Paul thanks for the information! I always know to trust the wisdom gleaned from geniuses like you :) You’re a very smart guy! What’s your email? I want to be friends xoxo
Who would want to be friends with a faggot like you?
You just want him to perform sodomy since you are a fag.
There are so many leftovers. You dont see it. You only see the changes.
Shut up Jen’s you moron. No one cares about your comments. Do the world a favour and go die peacefully in a corner some where far away from the rest of us.
yeah you tell her to go away and come cuddle up with me, i think you’re so cute!
jens holm sucks cock.
Well this one does so what you gonna do about it cocksucka? Lol
You’re projecting… faggot.
I’m thinking about projecting all over you baby :)
Nonmobile howitzer? Is that what the Putin cockroaches are celebrating about? The clueless morons have to celebrate about something. A shitty drone just found a howitzer! Open the vodka and lets start puking with the Russian comrades!
Your butthurtness is epic, scholz and macron have begged putin for seizefire
Macron ordered Putin to return all of Ukraine to Zelensky. Don’t forget that I infiltrated your shitty government. I know every conversation your terrorist Russian president is having.
Actually, last week, they both asserted that there needs to be a negotiated peace which would include a division of a portion of the Ukraine.
No, they didn’t. There was no partition. Macron ordered Putin to give Zelensky everything back, including Crimea. And Putin was crying about it.
Though Crimea is and always will be a part of Russia. You’d want to learn when someone is filling you full of s hit.
Macron? The president of France? Swhabs little w e f b****? That Macron? And why would that upset Putin? … I don’t get it.
hey Bubba, the frog macron is not man enough to hold Vlas jockstrap
Because Olaf Scholz agreed with Macron.
First, China ate the entire textile industry, and then it will eat the automotive industry. Croats will return from Germany to Croatia because there will be no more pay in Germany.
“Macron suggested Ukraine give up some of its sovereignty to allow Putin to save face, says Zelensky” Cut a paste that and you’ll find the multiple stories, once again you’re wrong.
He ordered Putin to give all of it and Putin started to cry. Once again you’re a Putin propaganda stooge.
Entire German and French industries will fail. The Chinese don’t have enough women. They will solve this with the Russian women
He can’t give any order to Putin, Putin will be amused , and you’re only a Nato propaganda idiot.
My knowldge of the conversation itself word for word is the evidence.
Heh heh heh …So NOW you’re claiming to have access to private conversations between the leadership of the Russian Federation?
Get lost, liar. You’re stupid.
I am telling you that I know exactly what your terrorist Russian president was told by Macron word for word. Otherwise how do I know they had it? You’re too dumb to understand it.
I was there too but the only thing I heard was they called you a phaggot and an idiot and then they all laughed at you as you cried calling out for your Mommy. 😂🤣
Ukrainian women will once again be in brothels across Europe.
In poor France. First, China ate up France’s textile industry, and now it will be and ate up automotive. Only Algerians, Libyans, Afghans will remain and jump the streets of France.
The evidence is mine cause I was there.
You know jack shit you idiot stop pretending your intelligent it isn’t working.
and your ass? they will keept it or not?
But then putin didnt agreed, putin ordered macron to ask zelensky to give ukraine country to russia, that all I know cause I was there and before that zelensky also crying like hell about it.
The only crying is when I phuck your ass with a horse sized strap on using sand as a lubricant. GTFO fake sand kneegar.
So when he said your mother is as loose as a bucket of warm grease you aren’t insulted?
😂 we found a crazy IDIOT posting
You don’t know dick TURDSAMA!
Hey Muhammad your Prophet! It appears you’re a “Dark Tetrad” – An Internet troll who enters an online discussion and posts comments designed to upset or disrupt the conversation.
Who knew?
“Dark Tetrad” personality traits include narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and sadism.
-taken from psychology today
I think you can safely be described as a serial lying, sadistic psychopath. Describing you as a “Dark Tetrad” may, in fact, be too easy on you.
Unfortunately, there is no cure for your condition. The bad news for those who have to put up with you – You’re going to become even more depraved and less intelligent as you age. Poor you…Poor them.
courtesans always listen to everything while their mouths are full of milk
The only you know mo’humming is your ass from your face… err no retract that statement you don’t even know that. Bwahahaha 😂🤣
How? France? A country that will no longer have an economy in five years?
Haha, you’re only a poor idiot.
We love Putin and Biden. Biden is the best thing to help destroy the US. Thank you
Sorry “Muhammad” it is mobile with an engine but its very slow and as I said previously easily taken out. Its obsolete in most countries .
Then it is 23rd century for Ukraine.
Limited mobility for the purposes of targeting. Turns out most of the world’s governments had no clue how all these pieces of weaponry worked. Ukraine is now the world leading expert.
For the export of prostitutes
Ukraine and the MSMx literally celebrated taking out a single T-90 tank after 3 months. Lmao.
A video then showed evidence that a Russian tank actually was the one that destroyed it after it was not operable (while Ukrainians celebrated its destruction)
There we go again. And the sun went up in west too.
In a brothel? Are Ukrainian women more beautiful than Moldovans?
Towable howitzers are stationary guns that need to be set up to fire, you idiot. This one was still attached to its transport vehicle when it was hit. You post a lot of really ignorant things; try educating yourself.
You got to see with your shitty drone. Open your vodka and start puking.
Are you drinking the hooka water fuckface?
The Chinese will fix the Russian drunken people. But they will not be able to fix the European economy
Thats right. For many its normal procedure to move it to another location, when it gets hot.
Then its hidden for a while and cooled down for more grenades in a new prepared position
Drones and othe kinds of equipment makes them easier to be found. .
you are an evil shaitan! true sons of muhammad will destroy you all
Spic boy! Tell me more about your vast knowledge of howitzers please! I’m just a former Marine- artillery support (MOS 0861) that was deployed to combat and I would like you to enlighten me with your vast knowledge!
calm down idiot, go to Ucrania and defend Zelensky with you ass XD
Those ar rather expensive
Gimme that bottle of vodka time to celebrate and any thing to drown out the crying of the western media over the failed state of the Ukrainians defeat by Russia.LOL
I’m very glad that the support the government of my country had just sent to psychos is just a sinking boat of wasted money
I’m wondering about the face of our Generals who weren’t very keen on sending those cannons and the minister (who is member of the most pro-EU and pro-America party, which once called itself “Communist Party”) simply did as told by Stupid Joe Biden
Generals are imployed. They dont decide. They are advicers for the best solutions, which includes politics.
Here Yiu as ignorant ignore 40 countries are sending military stuff. So its not about one artilery piece or group at all.
We actually are many millions which anytime are much more pro to EU as well as USA. We also semmes to be pro to Ukraine is an own country, which has a right to have their own quagmire.
Biden is their choise. They most likely dont see Kiev or Moskva as center of their and Our world. We see Ukraine as it is.
It’s not 40 countries. It is one country and 39 vassals, moron.
Difference between Russians and bullshitters, Russians always provide unedited footage of their kills.
Ukraine is just claims and fabrications… Z!
When they’re run by Jews, what can you expect other than lies?
We can expect we should should live like You. We anytime prefare Jews from You.
Any map and statistics says no way to Yours uless You are an uneducated lazy bum rewarded for doing almost nothing.
Thanks for the joke and ironi. Sometimes its better with a laugh and smile then anything else.
the problem is that this weapon managed to come to the battlefield, it should never have happened or be limited to the maximum, each one of these weapons arriving here can shoot and kill russian soldiers and i don’t like that, but at least it was destroyed
Im asking myself the saim question. How did this come thru? The answer is probably in no capable spay satelite. And not so capable drons as are from westeren armys.
We have good logistics even under bad conditions. You seemes right about the drones. Russians seemes to have less drones, which is of a little lower standard as well.
But there are several ways to find fx artllery.
Thats what they are made for.
I see no one even bothers to reply to you Jens because no one cares about your comments.
Yes that’s sad, that these canons got so far to be used. Lately I saw a video from the other side, that showed the destruction of a russian howitzer. Maybe it’s only propaganda, and it was one of the ukrainian’s. who knows? Here is the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZcbYk_KZak
We are coming for you, ugly jewish midget selenskyj
How were hundreds of these moved without the Russians taking them out in transit? I just do not understand this. There are only so many rail lines into the country. Same for major highways,
Every time you hear of the Russians firing guided munitions at ammo depot, that’s what it means. It a high concentration, they are worth wasting a cruise missile on, if they are just transporting them one or 2 at a time then tracking them and wait for them to get in range of the Russian artillery is smarter. Nowhere in the article did it mention “Hundreds”, it specifically said “Undisclosed Amount”, which could me 5, 50, 100 etc…. Try reading the articles a little closer….
The next sentence mentioned hundreds of howitzers in general. I read too fast.
Its because every part of Your information about us talk Our capabilities down.
By that and in most other things about us, You get Govermental Russian made surprices all over. I read facts here. You are raised to everything from me are total lies.
Wkipedia is the best information site for normal people in the whole world but not in Russia and Arabistan.
You dont understand we have much better information about things in Ukraine then Russia gives You. You are lied for all over.
And most sources for information is not there anymore. Most russian news sites are closed. the worlds bigges site for free information named Facebook is forbidden too.
And the last thing You also font udnerstand is, that Ukras actually are able to defend many of their railroad lines relative well.
Thats bipolar or skizzo to me. So far there has been no walk in. It has taken 3 month and hardly not has shown russian liberations flags. Ukraine has been its own countryfor 30 year well recognized be UN and us.
If You want to understand, You have to learn about us as well as Your own kinxd of Regime.
Im no soldier but I know number one is know Your enemy well. You are kept from that by purpose. You are indoctrinated to Russia always are the best.
One doesn’t need Wikipedia to see the truth just like any human today doesn’t need a cook and waiter to be fed. Some still need others opinions to build their own as that’s much easier just like repeating the words that sound smart and educated and common folks read from free media that was established on democratic principles of the international community! Right? If so why a Sherlock’s apprentice is reading here if “we” are blinded by lack of msm information provided and verified by Ukrainian Ministry of Information. Surprises is the right spelling of “surprices”.
Ukraine, together with its nazi supporters, are being wiped off the map.
They are sending weapons to Ukraine to test if Russia can take them down and well, there you go. NEEEEXT!
One gets use to it sending mirrors to indians to exchange for gold. Ukrainian Big President is still charmed by mirrors reflection of himself especially after a few lines from the mirror when the ideas of how Elon’s Star Link will teleport howitzers to Severodonstek or his tunnel drilling minions are almost in reach of Sumy. Mirror, mirror on the table… who is the …. brbbbuid ber ber.. (off his face) like in video a month ago.
Boom! Probably not enough of it to rebuild but the Russians will probably be able to interpret the design of the unique loader and build a similar loader if they don’t already have one. Yet another piece of western military technology donated to the Russia and Chinese axis. All this expense for a corrupt country, that at face value is worse than Russia itself.
EU will capitulate befor the Ukraine with how things are going
You never has left Your balcony.
Winter is coming.
Russian scrappage scheme for Nato reserve stockpiled equipment. Demilitarization never seemed so easy, guaranteed and your money not back!
I’d hate to think how many bushels of wheat they must have spent to buy them…
They are given. If they had money we would take some of them.
Ukraine has still got to face it’s Longest Day.
guaranteed obsolescence….. what every arms dealer wants
OuteffStanding! Everyday now. Russia…1 Ukraine Nazi pukes…0 WWG1WGA
Hope there was another shell fired because the one in the video missed by 40 yards
I think you’re right, Damien.
it did not miss, shrapnels did the trick by damaging the long, sensitive pipe of the howitzer. Btw there is no fixing those, once damaged, they are good for melting only
Accuracy seems to need more work. Shrapnel damage is just too random
It must be fun to blow up the latest arriving weaponry from whoever sends it.
Hundreds of howitzers but no men to man them because they have either been killed or surrendered. Yeah that was smart thinking by the west. Now they become target practice for the Russian airforce and armed forces. Bwahahaha 😂🤣
That artillery shell just hit the middle of nowhere as usual with other Russian precision strikes.
It is most important to locate and destroy any heavy nato weaponry sent into Ukraine. This strike was as a result of first class intelligence . It will most certainly affect the capability of the Kiev regime and their nato backers in their attempts to intensifie attacks in southern and Eastern Ukraine and as for the morale of Kiev’s military machine in southern Ukraine my understanding is that even senior officers in the Ukrainian army are now openly speaking out against the regime and their No care policy in relation to Ukrainian military losses!