Ukrainian service members firing a M777 howitzer on an unspecified front in the Donbass region. Source: the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense.
The Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) continue to sustain heavy human and material losses as a result of Russian artillery fire.
On October 2, a video documenting a recent Russian artillery strike on an AFU artillery battery made up of two U.S.-made M777 towed howitzers surfaced online. The Ukrainian battery was reportedly deployed near the settlement of Preobrazhenka. The artillery strike destroyed one of the howitzers and severely damaged the other. A drone was used to coordinate the successful strike.
The M777 howitzer has a maximum rate of fire of seven rounds per minute with a range of up to 40 kilometers when firing Excalibur precision-guided rounds.
In April, the U.S. supplied 108, Canada four and Australia six M777 howitzers to the AFU to help thwart the Russian special military operation in Ukraine. Since then, hundreds of thousands of 155 mm rounds have been supplied to Kiev.
The Russian military has already destroyed or damaged many of Ukraine’s newly-acquired M777 howitzers, in most cases with artillery fire.
Since the start of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine, the AFU has received more than 200 artillery pieces from its Western backers. Despite this support, Ukrainian forces are still outgunned by the Russian artillery. The entire West, including the U.S., does not appear to be able to solve Kiev’s artillery problem.
- Trump Cautions About Suicidal US Foreign Policy
- Russians Withdrew From Krasniy Lyman. Kiev’s Forces Captured First Russian Town
How can we tell that these are M777s? They’re outgunned, but still kick your ass in Kharkiv, just yesterday Liman fell under Satanic ocupation. How can we tell that this ain’t a stunt? Sorry, just asking. And please if you can don’t delet my comments. Thanks in advance.
How can we tell if you are gay or just bisexual?
Retard they are not outgunned in the North, they have more equipment and manpower, numerical superiority 10:1. They are absolutely getting slaughtered in the south tho.
absolutely, they are outnumbered in the North; and this was the main reason for the partial mobilization. But the situation will change in Donbass, faster than the Nazis will expect. The jolka of Novin God in Kharkov will have a red star on its top. This is a fact.
I wandered the same. And I guess we cant. And I am somewhat stunned with RF aviation inactivity to compensate for overwhelming numerical advantage of UKR in that area.
But what bothers me are very angry and insulting comments on your question… Can you people simply answer the question, or have a civilized discussion, as we are not all natotrolls? You are needlesly alienating supporters of RF…
Exactly my thoughts. There’s plenty of decent people who are on the side of the Russians but they aren’t immune from having some imbeciles on their side too. Best is to just ignore the idiots.
VKS is not inactive, but Ukr long range air defense is still active so they have to fly low, but then they must try to avoid manpads. NATO aviation back in 1999. only inflicted minor losses on Serbian forces after 3 months of bombing. They wrecked Iraqis because Iraqis were sitting in the middle of the desert doing nothing. US air power did not win wars in Korea or Vietnam and they used massive carpet bombing by strategic aviation. CAS missions by smaller aircrafts are not enough.
IMO the real problem is not numbers but tactics: Ukros are using mobile warfare of maneuvering on a large front (mostly forested). Chinese did something similar with nothing but light infantry to rout superior US forces. There were never ‘hordes’ of them as US propaganda claim even today, they were just smart and mobile and they keep hitting Americans and allies until they broke and run away all the way to Seoul (there Chinese lack of logistic and US air power finally stopped them). Same with Japanese vs Brits in WW2, Japanese never outnumbered Brits, just infantry on bicycles but they keep outmaneuvering them, and demoralized Brits keep retreating all the way to Singapore only to surrender while being in a fortress island and having a significant numerical advantage!
Russians now face similar problem: they cannot organize a positional defense across entire front so unless they learn how to ambush and counterattack these probing ukro attacks they will keep losing, Svatovo and Kremina are in real danger.
Hunting nazis in the forest: time for a new Russian hobby.
Correct. But to fly low is not a good strategy in the long term, not only because of the manpads. So I would suggest that the RF keep purchasing and using more and more Persian drones. Maybe China could also send some lethal drones, it’s also in Their interest to end the war asap.
China is a big disappointment. They are making profit, using Russians to support their dispute with Taiwan, their foreign minister or whatever he is supports Russia by posting memes on Twitter… But they did nothing militarily, just like in Syria. Their companies even sell drones to Ukraine. I partially blame Russians not to buy bunch of Chinese attack drones BEFORE the war, I fuckin said it zillion times. They are cheap, they are at least good as Bayraktars, some are actually much better, they would annihilate Ukros, they still have no serious defense against drones. Now Chinese are afraid not be sanctioned by the US. Chinese love money more than anything else, but if Russia falls China is next.
My thoughts exactly.
China and many others in the world have been ‘obliged’ by the US to purchase US Treasury Bills in order to trade with the US and events have seen the US illegally withholding assets of other nations.
The US theft via sanctions is not a risk worth taking. This is why China and others are not trading with the US as much now.
To put the Russian withdrawals on the Kharcov frond in context we can use the analogy of a fight in school with a gang who outnumber you, say 4 or 10 to one.
Is it sensible to fight this battle and ‘die’ OR is it wiser to withdraw and pick them off in ones and twos at a later date?
I am very tall with a stammer, and the older boys used to bully me. I picked them off one at a time and they then left me alone. I saw the ringleader of one of the gangs alone at a swimming pool and he ended up gasping for air in the deep end as he was hauled out. LOL.
The strike was fine, but the music is horrible. I suggest this soundtrack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2N366xn6V4 – watch with English subtitles on.
Another two M777s bite the dust. Boom , boom , boom another two bite the dust. And another one’s gone, and another one’s gone, another one bites the dust !
Nice nice! But so reports Azmilitary1, this evening
“During the attack from Osokorovka, the AFU managed to establish control over the settlements of Zolotaya Balka, as well as Shevchenko and Lyubimovka.”
Also, Russian soldiers complain that they do not receive orders from the high command and therefore they are forced to retreat
They failed to contain AFU at Lyman &Oskol river, how they gonna stop them now? There are no prepared defenses at svatove and nothing but vast area all around, not even many villages. AFU will keep pushing, if they cannot take something directly they’ll go around. American satellites and spies monitor Russian movements so maskirovka won’t help much. I have no idea how to stabilize the front at this point even when reinforcements arrive… Bickering, public accusations and power struggle between different generals, kadyrov, MoD, not really helps. Bad for morale. Russia could really use General Winter right now…
General Winter will only freeze the rivers and promote the Ukrop offensive. The Russian generals stink and the nonsensical Kremlin humanitarian strategy also stinks. If I was mobilized I would refuse to go because Russian MOD is so incompetent.
First it’s mud season/one or two months of “rasputitsa”. I doubt their NATO vehicles and ISIS-style pickups can operate in mud nor they can hide in forest after leaves fall off trees.
Only if those aren’t evergreen trees.
You counter this by having mobile reserve to counterattack or hit their flanks. But looks like Russians don’t have any reserves…
President Putin has said that the Russian forces are currently operating at less than 1%. Up to now, that is all they needed to take thousands of square miles of territory that nato thinks is theirs. The US and nato seem to think their tactics used against Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, will do for Russia. There’s nothing like over confidence to get heads rolling.
This is the turning point of this war. Without these 2 howitzers, Ukraine is doomed
How many military personnel of the failed Ukrainian CIA project have been killed since the last week of August?
Lost count?
This is all part of a grind down strategy that Russia seems to be maintaining. The success factors it’s banking on are – western economic and political duress – increasing reluctance to continue, increasing Ukrainian casualties and societal will induced by economic failure to drive settlement plus increased Russian forward combat capabilities enabled by a 300,000 backfill. The problem is the west is pretty adamant to fight to the last Ukrainian and the west doesn’t want to lose face. The effect of this will be that it is likely the west will press on and that Russia’s only way of finishing things will be a massive escalation to take all of Ukraine. So, in terms of all these military exchanges at this level of engagement, it is just a continuance – more of the same again. These engagements will not deter Ukraine, at best they will just continue the grind according to Russia’s plan. The problem is, if the grind allows Ukraine to take more territory, then Russia will look weak leaving the west more emboldened. The 100, 000 freed for forward combat capability by 300,000 backfill really has to make some advances to show Russia is back in the driving seat – even to maintain the success factors depended on in a grinding strategy! Russia needs protect ALL of Russia AS IT PROMISED by an offensive approach!
“the west doesn’t want to lose face”, oh they are very good in losing face, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Bay of Pigs, Mogadishu etc. And about the grinding, well the so called Russian Grinding Machine will soon become a Russian Grinding Megafactory as soon as the 300k young soldiers will join the front.
The west won’t lose face to Russia, because Russia is proposing and predicating the loss of Western hegemony – the loss of the western dictatorship of the Billion over the rest of the world. This was never the case in any of the other conflicts you listed.
So what? The Russian military has slobs for generals, they take forever to do very little and lose territory at a shockingly fast rate.
Does that rate compare to the disappearance of the territory of the failed Ukrainian CIA project during the SMO? I’m pretty sure the Russians didn’t hold Kherson, Melitopol, Mariupol, etc. last January. How did the Ukrotards lose such a vast swathe of their country with the third largest army in Europe and eight years of NATO training, supply, adivising and intelligence support?
And a lot of NATO elite troops on the ground, including French Foreign Legion etc.?
Numpty Russians are doing their best to lose all that too. Slobs.
M777 just a normal type of 155cannon. It just lighter than another nation cannon and can destroy ,if US cannon is so powerful ,US willn’t running away from Taliban.
Russian forces destroyed two howitzers and this is a front side news? Sorry, but regarding what the Ukronazis are doing to Russians in Lugansk region, the success many magnitudes greater will be necessary to turn the tide.
You said just what I was thinking. 2 howitzers down when “we” lost Krasnyi Liman. How many Howitzers and HIMARS are there left to destroy? 100? And more coming to Kiev? Russia should understand that the satanists in Washington and Kiev are fanatics and that firmer satanist regime is also filthy rich. Harder measures must ne taken to protect Russian territories as they will be in next week. And take back Krasnyi Liman etc. Slava Rossiya ☦️🇷🇺
Slava Rossiya my brother
Its easy to watch some shitty videos and think that is it but its not. Clearly there is a lot more than these two guns. Problem is that people who want to tell stories for hits etc have to have something to use. Fact Russians are not as good at creating videos … rather they be propaganda or simply real. The drones camera quality sucks. But reality is these were not the only strikes yesterday.
Me I dont think all Russian troops are equals. Those from the south started with the Z they are well trained those that started with V central mil district or western whatever poorly trained piss poor. Either way just too few. It will take another month or two for numbers to change. The real pathetic display has been the VKS. They have failed to provide air cover hit static targets and simply cant get over enemy air defense which should not be a real issue by now. That all said just visit a pro Russia channel for your filll of Russians blowing up UAF shit.
The best Russian units in Lyman were Cossack volunteers from Kuban I believe, much better than regular Ru. army. What else to say…
I dont doubt that at all. The Russian army is not a well trained army. After fighting for a while now they have gotten better but that is the expensive way to learn. The lack of an air force is what is truly telling. However all that aside they seem to be all in on the fight it just took too long and they continue to do idiotic stuff, so much so I am actually on the fence of them throwing it on purpose? Nobody makes such mistakes and over looks the obvious like this unless they are doing it on purpose.
Napoleon and Hitler were taken in the same way. Feigning retreat stretches supply lines for one side and shortens them for the other. Perhaps nato are creating their own cauldron to stew in?
Seems the Russians aren’t good at much of anything. The generals are stuck in WWI, the politicians are stuck in lala land, and the people are between a rock and a hard place.
you guys are losing yourself to western propoganda..
spot on, bunch of trolls and defeatists
I myself am not in this war. I neither win or lose, however in the long run I believe the world would be a better place if Russia were to win this war. So in that sense I would be better off so I am for them in this. I am not a troll nor am I a fan boy. As far as a defeatist nope just an observer…. watching the Russians drive a car over a cliff because they have no idea they can simply turn the wheel or hit the breaks is not defeatists is simply common sense. The fact that Russia refuses to use those breaks or steering to avoid said cliff instead of cheering it over is not trollish or defeatist …. Pretending that all is well and making up a rose colored view is what the supporters of Ukraine do all day and Id rather not be in that camp. A spade is simply a spade. Rather it be Russian or any other Thats all you see here.
Not at all. Rusia is the one that takes bite downs and loose waste territories in matter of days, not the other way around. Those are facts, son. Just listen to Kadyrov.
No not so much I watched a nine min video on topwar.ru of a UAF attack. They were driving in huge columns in the open. The open in day light , they even get lost and have to turn around, the best the Russians could do was fire what looked to be blindly at them and had four well placed shells out of a max of 20 fired.
No fear at all in the UAF this should never happen they shoudl be sukhoi food… but alas there are no sukhoi and when I do see them they are carrying only two rocket pods on their wings? WTF who goes to war with 10 shots when they can carry hundreds? Thats not western propaganda thats fact. We watched as Russia for a day tried to hit power stations and transformers … then just stopped after they cut the power for four hours? Its nt western propaganda to watch working trains deliver armor right to the Donbass front… over bridges on the Diniper that should have been destroyed day 1. There cant be more that 20 barges on the whole river that could carry a tank across 20 max…. yet somehow Russia does not bomb the bridges? They do not destroy the rails? Is that western propaganda? No its not.
The attack on Ukraine’s power stations and transformers was a warning that they can be reached at anytime by a number of means. Now that Ukraine has gone full nato nazi, there won’t be any more warnings or stays in execution.
Theoretically, the Russian admin, if they have enough weapons, could take out every nato office in the northern hemisphere without warning and with no way to stop the missiles hitting their mark.
Now that the western regimes have declared war on Russia, just about everything is now fair game including, but not limited to, ports, coastal and air, pipelines, etc.
Where is this pro Russian channel. Very rarely do you see the Russians do anything at all. Mainly just lob shells at empty fields.
Ffs cuck stop whining like a bitch. You are just another shit Ukro troll or some pathetic cunt .
Here enjoy how they do “nothing”, just slaughtering your ukro boyfriends https://t.me/intelslava/38263
Try Slava z in telegram you will get a heavy dose of pro-Russian videos. A pro Russian view. Topwar.ru is good for comments reading as they are almost all Russians many in the service or have been.
In youtube there is a ZOV channel and one called Chechen special forces all are video clips from Russian forces in the SMO. Also on you tube indonesian news there are a few news channels one is mainly pro russian has the blue ticker script on all videos. No english but thats a good thing as you do not get commentary just images. there are more but these will cover most clips
Two destroyed, US and its vassals will send 2 more…. Or 4.
They officially spent $85billion which makes Ukraine n.3 in military budget in the world, just below US and China! Probably much more than $100 billion if you include black funds. “Poor little Ukraine” now has bigger military budget than Russia. And it will keep growing, they send more and more advanced/expensive hardware.
Your President (who shakes hands with imaginary people and talk to the dead) continues to send Billions of tax dollars to the pockets of the Kievian corrupted elite. I mean, you really think that money can buy a war? Well, then why did you lose against mountain nomads, despite investing over $2 trillion in that war (nearly $300 million tax dollars per day). Money will not help you. What counts at the end is the IRON WILL of the local people, and the local people have spoken: They want RUSSIA and not Ukraine.
Not if locals are exterminated. US good at that.
I agree with you. What they did in North Korea was just that – They understood that they can’t win against the IRON WILL, so they started to exterminate civilians intentionally, including women and children, a well documented historical fact that today even the Pentagon does not deny anymore. They almost dropped the atomic bomb there, but thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ this somehow didn’t happen.
amerikans are morons
Yet the Ukrainians are rolling over them with almost no resistance.
Rolling over with no resistance ……there are a shit load of UAF who would disagree if they could. But they are all dead, roll over forever. It should not be happening at all but it is what it is. This is the UAF at its peak not sure I can say that about Russia.
We have had difficulties lately dealing with the nazi scum and satanist regimes of Washington-Kiev’s because the partly mobilization takes of course time. I’m sure new soldiers are only about to start coming to the battlefields during this month. Then it will be a totally different story. Heroic victories will surely come! Slava Rossiya ☦️🇷🇺💪. From 🇫🇮❤️🇷🇺
This is what I was trying to say in another forum, “Have patience people, the real war still has to be declared (most likely tomorrow or day after)”. We didn’t even start yet. The Great Patriotic War against the Nazis wasn’t won in 7 months either. But make no mistakes, there is 0% chances of RF losing this war. This is not only political impossible. But also technical: West Europe and the USA would be reduced to radioactive ashes before this could happen.
The situation in Kherson becomes complicated. The Russian high command is silent and does not communicate with the troop on battlefield. Intrigues, incompetence and corruption are rampant among Russian generals. The Ukro forces are numerically superior to the Russian ones in men and armaments with a ratio of 4:1 and no decision has been made to reinforce this area.
“gold never wins a war”. Machiavelli the moron amerikans and colonies can bankrupt themselves—good! Russia will prevail soon—NATO will either surrender or we will have WWIII
And in case of WWIII, there can be just one winner: the RF with unstoppable (for now at least) hypersonic nukes AND multilayered air defense system which includes the S-500, S-550 among others. And no need to say that the 2nd preemptive step would be to kill NATO sats.
S-600, S-700, S-800, S-900, and on. Yeah and what about that if you just don’t have balls to stand up against say turkey, 2,7 years bac? Not to mention wet dreaming of ‘nuking the American capital’ and shit…ffs.
Turkey backed down you stupid fucking faggot from some balkan shithole.
Theere’s one hundred more to Destroy. Russia must send Shoigu and Lapin with rifles in the frontline
That’s right.
Two destroyed, four to come. Two destroyed, four to come. Two destroyed, four to come. And now Russia. Two destroyed, one arrives. Two destroyed, one arrives. Two destroyed… This is how it looks in reality.
No problem, we have time. Send four more. Hell, we didnt even start yet.
True. With Soviet era military equipment and empty warehouses it’s hard to get started.
Oh I didn’t know they have hypersonic missiles back then in the SU.
Oh I didn’t know that we talk to talk here for years, nor that they pile the shit that high in the air. You have hypersonic, but got no balls to use it. You got EVEN FOAB and got no BALLS TO USE IT!
It’s true, they don’t. But the Russians have already used up those two and the missile storage is already empty. USA 0 : USSR 0