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MARCH 2025

In Video: Russian Drone, Artillery Destroy Ukraine’s New M777 Howitzers

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In Video: Russian Drone, Artillery Destroy Ukraine's New M777 Howitzers

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The Russian military has destroyed a number of M777 155 mm towed howitzers recently delivered to Kiev forces in a coordinated attack.

The howitzers, which were deployed near the settlement of Podgornoe, were uncovered by a drone, which immediately targeted them. The initial strike damaged two howitzers.

After the drone strike, the howitzers were moved into a nearby wooded area. An artillery strike hit the area, destroying the howitzers and their support equipment. Footage of the coordinated attack were released by the Russian Ministry of Defense on May 18.

In the last few weeks, Kiev forces received a total of 100 M777 howitzers, 90 of which were donated by the US, four by Canada and six by Australia. As of May 17, more than 130,000 155 mm shells for the howitzers have been shipped to Ukraine.

The M777 howitzer has a maximum rate of fire of seven rounds per minute with a range of up to 40 kilometers when firing Excalibur precision-guided rounds. The howitzers supplied to Kiev forces were reportedly downgraded. All digital fire control systems were removed from them before they were sent to Ukraine.

During a Pentagon press briefing on May 16, a senior Defense Department official claimed that the M777 howitzers supplied by the US to Kiev forces are having a big impact on the battlefield. However, this does not appear to be the case.

The West believes that it will be able to turn the tide on the battlefield in Ukraine by arming Kiev forces with heavy weapons like M777 howitzers. The main goal of the West is to thwart the Russian special military operation in the country.


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G2 man

Russia is simply chewing up the UAF puppet military as expected.


Any intelligent military strategies will do this movement of troops in night time to gain a tactical advantage but Ukrainian army beats even a pure logic and common sense.

G2 man

Ukrainians must have dumb Pollack genes as firstly the morons thought that they will “defeat Russia” and in a purely objective military sense, how can a battered failed state of barely 30 million confused people fight Russia that controls the skies and has massive firepower. These M-777 have a limited range of maximum 50 kms even with base bleed and Russia is now getting thousands of local and Iranian drones that simply pick off this exposed artillery. 89 of these guns were deployed, the Chechen captured 4, and the Russians have destroyed another 18 so it was a total waste of US deadbeat tax dollars. Russia will end up capturing billions of NATO weaponry.


It may even be $ trillions. They could also set up a museum and sell the antiquities from there too. Buy a WWI machine gun! lololol Do the DPR & LPR have more scrap metal than it can handle? would they like our rag and bone men to pay a visit?

seyl ilaw

that’ what happens when you sell your soul to the devil (the west).He will make you think you are super human and that you can win any battle, but in reality he is pushing you to pure suicide.


They have more Russian genes than Polish – there are o lot of genetic and historical studies to support this. It is not a mistake when V. Putin says that the Ukrainians are “a brotherly nation”.

Pamfil Military Academy

Yes and no. Ruthenians, which are a minority in Ukraine but have almost all the POWER are not slav haplogroup R2a, but a germanic/polish R2b. The vast majority of ukrainians are indeed slav R2a haplo, brothers of russians. Going to east more of them.

Pamfil Military Academy

Also all decent military academy make calculus over the scrap metal remaining from the battles, and frontline wreckage which in this days almost doubled its price. My calculations is that Russia have already 3 billion worth of it. Only the scrap metal from Azovstal is about 400 million dollar. Those banderapizdan supreme idiots are TOTAL inferior monkey imbeciles. A smart person ALWAYS do its homework before go to fight another one, no matter how strong he consider himself and consider FIRSTLY the BAD consequences over the good ones.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy

ukrops are undertrained, low iq conscripts

the commanders of the various units flee asap, leaving their soldiers in the mud

no one wants to die for uncle shmuel and they know very weel that this war is about dollar hegemony and not Ukraine freedom


F**king excellent!


Does not look like the Russia artillery hit anything. Its a joke

James Brown

No, you simply can’t understand what you are seeing. Those are cluster munitions – they spray hundreds of ball bearings in 360 degrees, basically like expanding circles of round bullets, and tear up anyone nearby. Looks like RF primarily wanted to kill all the US trained personnel, as then nobody else can effectively use the weapon system. The RF likely wants to capture couple of these US artillery weapons intact too, for future study their full capabilities.


These Russian drones can only drop dumb gravity bombs and missed.

Pamfil Military Academy

Cluster munitions are the dread of the entrenched infantry. For the open infantry/artillery its apocalypse.


You don’t need to hit the target to damage or knock out of operation. In many cases, impact within several meters will severely damage these weapon system, rendering them inoperable without repair. That said, it didn’t look like the Russian used precision weapons to hit this location. Target value apparently didn’t warrant it

Pamfil Military Academy

Depending the radius of impact, type of ammo and caliber ONLY the shock wave can disable a piece of artillery, even an armored vehicle, because it develop many hundreds of PSI per sq inch of pression.

Lesco Brandon

And here our armchair general fails hard. These are cluster munitions you retard. You don’t need a direct hit. The shrapnel flies in all directions and obliterates anything in its path. That’s why you’ll see videos of what appear to be “missies” by Russian artillery but then you see a vehicle 10m start to burn.


Funny that Americans didn’t teach Ukranians how to dig in those howitzers properly.


Muricans can dig in because they fight against guys in sandals. Digging takes time and makes position even more visible from above. Drone strike happened while they were still unpacking. Seems like they didn’t fire a single shell before they went to meet Bandera.


The anti tank weapons supplied by the west were meant to slow down the Russians but didn’t same with the heavy artillery Both efforts failing


Those howitzers will slow down Russia at least day or two.

James Brown

It looks lot like RF used cluster munition artillery on them, so maybe they just wanted to kill all the newly US trained crews, but not kill the weapons?? The ammo trucks were not hit with incendiary shells either. Maybe RF want to overrun and capture these US howitzers as trophies to assess capabilities??

Last edited 2 years ago by James Brown

First strike looks like kamikaze drone, and second like Grad salvo. They used whatever was available in the area. There is no need for some special weapon. If they want one they could probably just buy in on black market.

hunter bidé lab pork !

it was new…now its kaput !!!! send more junk and crack from hunter biden !!!!

hunter bidé lab pork !

10 % for the alzeimer parazite !!!

Vlad the imposter

The irony is that the Russian government is more than paying for the war due to energy price escalations caused by EU sanctions while the EU has guaranteed payment for these weapons if Ukraine can’t … which is certainly the case.

So what you got is the EU paying Russia to destroy weapons they bought and paid for … and paying premium prices to US contractors US leadership hold stock in.

They say leaded gas shaved 824,000,000 IQ points off people born in the USA and Europe between 1953 and 1982 … that explains a LOT.


An interesting observation. If you were to smell the Gas { Benzene} in Russia today and remember what gas in America smelled like in the 50s and 60s – the benzene smells like the old American gas. This is one thing I noticed right awy , when I filled up my Lada in Ukraine and Russia from 2008 until recently.

The maharaja

I miss that smell…. it was so good!


Russia and Ukraine are up to standards in fuels since the 90s. Where do you think they fuel all those BMWs and Land Rovers so common in both nations ???? You need to go to Libia or Afghanistan to find leaded gasoline now a days.

Last edited 2 years ago by opereta

Haha the M777 is just an old piece of garbage without the munition guidance System. Plus it requires a metric shit ton of maintenance.


Just a bigger 105 – that;s all – but if you get one for free – take it to the scap yard and collect the salvage money – instead of dying over it.

Georgeous George

The Ukies are paying good money for all that outdated crap. Or rather the EU dummies will pay.


Ukrops are paying with their lives. It’s a bargain.

James Brown

Uses titanium parts to make it light – but this wears out the loading breech fast. By all reports it’s a military maintenance queen. The US didn’t give any digital guidance system with them, as they knew they’d be captured soon enough.


Wow! What an accuracy! None of the howitzers were hit in the above video. And they have released the video footage of missed hits.

James Brown

FFS, these are cluster munitions. How they work is to cover a specific area with a defined spread of hits. Not hit the same spot over and over again. Because they spray hundreds of ball bearings in concentric circles. They spray anyone nearby with high velocity ball bearings – killing them. And the defined spread of hits covers a lot of area. This was a crew kill – to shred the recently US trained Ukrop crews that went to Poland to learn the weapon. You do realize that only ignorant idiots shriek out first, before knowing anything about a topic.


“RUSSIAN DRONE, ARTILLERY DESTROY UKRAINE’S NEW M777 HOWITZERS” – the caption of the article. But none of the howitzers were hit. Pathetic state of Russian drone technology and precision strikes.

Last edited 2 years ago by Russian

If you mess with the Russian bear, he will simply tear you apart.

[A3OB] KKKiller

Each day thousands of volunteers reach ukraine 4 the “white jihad” against mongrelized anti-white duginist russia.

Each day thousands of trucks full of new weaponry, ammo and so on reach ukraine.

Each day billions of dollars are funding the struggle for the white race.

Each day chechens mercs and military demoralized LPR and DPR conscripts die or desert.

Each day russia reveals its weaknesses and it’s true face: poor, mongrelized, AIDS champion ahead of congo, drunkardness, gay and retarded (even it’s military hardware is mid-low tier).

You niggers are in deep shit


And what is the point of your story?


Destroyed? Its like they threw a firecracker down and missed terribly. Pathetic. Check out some Ukrainian drone videos instead to see what real hits look like, lol.

Last edited 2 years ago by Boggs
James Brown

Look up cluster munitions. You just saw many thousands of high velocity ball bearings thrown out in a spread of hits, that lacerated anything for several hundred meters around the vicinity of that artillery piece. It’s called a crew kill – priority is take out the freshly US trained personnel more than the weapon itself.


Made my day good


The M777 only cost $million each. The USA can buy more.

Just keep breeding more Ukrazians.


The Western technological edge just isn’t that far ahead of Russia that it is enough to compensate for Russian air threats and consequent Ukrainian inability to mass the artillery. The presumption that a few Western artillery pieces appearing here and there can outperform massed artillery that are targeting entire areas, doesn’t seem to be working out. This approach is so ineffective that nobody suggested it even in Syria, where the US fully recognised that only an air and cruise missile offensive could have an effect. Not having the option to intervene directly seems to be resulting in a totally exaggerated hopes about particular units of ground-based Western weapons, which in all other conflicts Western experts would never suggest could be enough to win a war.

Last edited 2 years ago by Clubofinfo

Destroy? Not shown in that video if true. Kamikaze drone completely missed its target and the odds of any of the few artillery shells hitting and destroying the howitzers seem incredibly low. Just sayin’.

Last edited 2 years ago by CalDre

Guns are in one piece, but trained crew is not. I don’t think that guns can fire themselves.


The first strike in the video missed by 30 yards (at least) and did no damage at all, the second strike were cluster munitions which may or may not have hit anything but likely did not put a howitzer out of commission either.


On second look I may have to change my mind: the bomb was dropped exactly in the center of the arrangement of three vehicles and you could see soldiers falling. Maybe a three in one deal.


Haha burn that expensive western shit to the ground!

opet ja

They missed those howitzers both on the open field and in the woods.

Lord Protector of the Drop Bears

IF, and I mean IF, the “Australian” government is sending M777 howitzers and other unofficial “aid” to the Ukraine, without the fire control systems, the below become apparent: 1. The “Australian” government is further weakening Australia’s boutique defence force. By “further”, see also the Covid19 mRNA bioweapons. 2. The object is not success, but further involvement. Given additional publically available information it can also be inferred that: 1. The “Australian” government is doing the above in league with Klaus Schwab as head of the World Economic Forum (WEF). Video is available in the public sphere of Scott Morrison speaking to Klaus Schwab.

Tim bassett

Go you good Russians



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