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MARCH 2025

In Video: Russian Drone Survives Two Ukrainian Anti-Aircraft Missiles

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In Video: Russian Drone Survives Two Ukrainian Anti-Aircraft Missiles

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On December 23, a video showing a Russian drone surviving a Ukrainian attack with two anti-aircraft missiles while conducting a reconnaissance mission over the special military operation zone surfaced online.

The first missile missed the drone, which was identified as a Supercam S350, while the second failed to explode properly. Military experts speculated that the drone was targeted with man-portable air-defense systems (MANPADs).

The Supercam S350, which is powered by an electric engine, has an endurance of a 4.5 hours and a data-link operational range of 70-100 kilometers. The drone’s minimal infrared signature was likely what allow it to survive the dual missile attack.

Ukraine received thousands of MANPADs from the United States and other NATO members in the months leading to the Russian special military operation, and after the start of the operation. The systems delivered to Kiev forces included Soviet-made 9K32 Strela-2 and 9K310 Igla-1, Polish-made PPZR Piorun, French-made Mistral, British-made Martlet and Starstreak as well as American-made FIM-92 Stinger.

Some recent reports also said that Kiev forces had received South Korean-made KP-SAM Chiron MANPADs via the Czech Republic as a part of a deal financed by the U.S.

Kiev forces have been using their new MANPADs extensively. Still, these systems failed to make any real impact. Russian combat drones, attack helicopters and even fighter bombs are still providing close air support to troops on the frontline in the special military operation zone while flying within the range of these systems.


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How is the morale of the ukrawehrmacht army?


Lighted up on the German references. WW2 Germany = christian Present day Russia = christian. And guess who is ADLish in both cases.


It seems that Zelewski the Clown has authorized a massive use of psychtropic drugs to raise the morale of the troops. With NATO support Ukraine is quietly launching a military psychological training program to combat the fear, agitation, and meltdowns by using desomorphine (Krokodyl, Flakka), distributing it among the rations without the knowledge of the troops.

Biden the Clown™, Zelewski the Clown™, Harris the Clown™, Pelosi the Clown™, Anglo-Ameriscums™ are all trademarks of Carlo, a high ranking (and CENSORED) commentator to SouthFront. Any unlawful use of these trademarks is encouraged


Z has been providing drugs to troops for quite a while now. Longer than Z admitting to cocaine use multiple times day just to deal with everyday life.


That’s why Hunter Biden is connected with biolabs in territory of Kiev regime — 1) he is the specialist in cocaine; 2) laboratories can do virus research at monday till thursday and make some crazy dust in friday for holiday party and for zombies at front line.

Friedrich Paulus

Same procedure as in 43: Endsieg shortly after Christmas.

Peter Nowak

The disadvantage of man pad air defence is that you can only attack visible flying objects with them. High flying objects cannot be targeted because they are invisible for the soldiers.

Bernard Davis

Not true; current manpads are IR heat-seeking missiles, not optically guided. Any other form of guidance, they would not be man portable. Manpads is short for Man-portable air defence system. Maximum range is about 5-6km. Can be defeated by decoy flares.

Khazar Agent

British MANPADS are guided by laser


i guess a battery powered drone has a tiny heat signature, impossible to detect except really close up.


This is a Russian drone made by Unmaned sytems ( Russian company) and probably the S450 which have an electric engine with very low IR sign.


Unable to shoot down a low and slow flying drone with two missiles? Than the ukro air defence is a joke.

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

Yes it is a bad joke by this is the only kind of jokes Ukronazis enjoy 🤣. Literally the war crime that is Ukraine has no air defence.


Too small for big SAMs (like obsolete variant of S-300 in ukrowermacht), not enough IR signature for MANPAD. I guess “Buk-M1” and may be “Osa-AKM” can hit it, but nazis lost almost all of these systems, because they have shorter (compared to S-300) range and need to be at front line, which makes them more vulnerable. The most advanced system bu capabilities in ukroreich is S-300PMU1 – export version of first deep modernization of basic S-300P, up to 150 km range. cost of the missile is many time higher than small reconnaissance UAV (drone). Ideal variant for such targets is small caliber programmed artillery rounds like “Derivation” system with 57-mm automatic gun based on IFV-3. Mas.distance of fire is 16 km, effective range is 9 km as i remember. Another option — small missiles with radio command guidance (no active seeker, cheaper missile) made for “Pantzir’-SM”, 4 missiles can ne placed in old tube instead 1 bigger missile. 12×4 = 48 small missiles per launcher and 2 times more in loading vehicle that can launch missiles with external guidance (loader has no onboard radar).

Last edited 2 years ago by Антон

Good detail. Thanks Bro. Wow this drones vs missiles vs radar vs jamming war is going to be really complicated. For sure the modern era warriors are programmers and physicists.


Kiev can bully priests, nuns and children but can’t hit a drone. Why? They’re drunkards, and their allies swear up and down that there are 72 genders.


Well they managed to hit MH 17.


MH 17 was struck by a Buk and not a drone.


They = ukrodrunkards, not drones. They also shot down Tu-154 over Afro-american (ex-Black) sea with S-200 in early 2000’s, route Tel-Aviv-Novosibirsk. Their pimps shot down iranian A-310 in 1988 over Persian gulf, missile was launched from destroyer.

Last edited 2 years ago by Антон
End Ukraine once and for all!

Crappy stuff sent by USSA and their satellites?!

Everybody in the NATO shitholes called “countries” should see WHERE THEIR MONEY GOES FOR MORE THAN HALF A CENTURY: shit weapons, countless state terrorists in tens of “agencies” and departments contrary to any Constitution, gendarmes and riot police and all those thugs to impose criminal rules like “stay home” and paying taxes and schooling humans from small childhood to praise this abomination and accept this tyranny.


Ethernal Glory to Mother Russia!

Last edited 2 years ago by End Ukraine once and for all!

We in the CuckLective West should pray to God everyday (and night) that our “enemy”, the Russian Federation, wins this motherfucker war. Why? Because this is the less evil for us. The Ukronaziland would be the sacrifice lamb. As opposed to the “worst case scenario” when Russia loses the war (meaning losing their “integrity”). In this case they 100% WILL use nukes like Khinzal, Sarmat, Topol etc. ALL of these nukes can not , I repeat, CANNOT be intercepted by NATO AD. And if they lose the war they will use the nukes against us, this is a fact because according to the Russian law “nukes can be used to defend the Russian integrity”. And it’s their right to defend themselves.


Just wondering if someone knows the actual meaning of the Z the Russians use on their vehicles and badges? Does it stand for ZOV? People keep asking me and its always different what they think. Even Wikipedia i think if you type that in search it tell you a lie like it stands for zwastika or some bullshit like that. check it out.

Will Sylvander

From work with target aircraft. Call them unarmed drones, these drones have advantages. Electric motor, so very low infrared signature. As well as small reflector of active IR fuze. A small supersonic missile will fly right through a drone wing without triggering the contact fuze. Some missiles have time delay following fuse activation, intended to get warhead into vitals of a real aircraft. Aimed at a drone the warhead would be through and out the other side before detonation.


Good info. Thank Bro. I bet someone is working on a genetically modified controllable eagle, vulture or owl drone. Would be totally invisible even silent.


Como está o moral do exército russo, soldados russos não querem lutar, não querem dar suas vidas por Putin, estão indo para a morte, sem equipamento, sem treinamento, sem comida, suas mães estão desesperadas. Muitos estão se entregando aos ucranianos para não morrer, eles acham que é uma guerra injusta. Muitos dizem não tenho coragem de matar, não sou assassino. A Rússia já perdeu mais de 100 mil soldados mortos e feridos, incrível, porém Putin não quer saber se vão morrer, ele quer destruir a Ucrânia. É um ditador paranoico.

#1 USA shithole

marico Jorge boca sobrevivir mucho. vergas

Buford T Justice

More crap produced by the MIC .


Wow, respect for Western high technology! Even from several Miles away, the missiles can track a tiny electric motor! The fact that there are only problems with the distance ignition due to the low thermal signature and this is not a really problem.

I am beginning to believe the high amount of Ukrainian reported Kalibr destruction and why russia has to use retired sacrificial drones.

USA is the worst human farm

Shopping kalibrs with that is like chasing rabbits in a wheel chair.

mike l hutchings

Russia is adapting and surpassing the UK-NAZI-NATO weapons combine. impoverishing Europe to take down Russia is not working. maybe they should try cocaine instead of METH

Tommy Jensen

That means all Russian drones are unstoppable, and that US and Nato now will talk and listen to what Kremlin says, as Russia also is equal partners in green technology.


That Drone, i.e. Russia, has control of the skies.

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