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MARCH 2025

In Video: Russian Iskander Ballistic Missile Wipes Out Ukrainian Heavy Rocket Launchers

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In Video: Russian Iskander Ballistic Missile Wipes Out Ukrainian Heavy Rocket Launchers

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A tactical ballistic missile launched by a Russian 9K720 Iskander system has destroyed two BM-27 Uragan heavy multiple rocket launcher systems (MRLS) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU).

On April 27, the Ministry of Defense of Russia released footage of the pinpoint strike that wiped out the two rocket launchers. The missile strike was coordinated with a drone, which was likely used to locate, identify and tack the launchers.

The Soviet-made Uragan 220 mm MRLS can fire high explosive fragmentation, cluster or mine laying rockets. The effective firing range of the MRLS is 35 kilometers. However, it can reach a maximum firing range of around 90 kilometers.

As of 2016, at least 70 Uragan MRLS were reportedly in service with the AFU. Many launchers were captured, damaged or destroyed in the course of the ongoing Russian special military operation in Ukraine.

The missile used to target the two rocket launchers was likely the Iskander’s 9M723 quasi-ballistic missile, which reportedly has a range of up to 500 kilometers.

The maneuverable missile is guided by the GLONASS satellite navigation system and INS [inertial navigation system]. For terminal guidance, the missile can be also equipped with an optical seeker with a DSMAC [digitized scene-mapping area correlator] system.

In Video: Russian Iskander Ballistic Missile Wipes Out Ukrainian Heavy Rocket Launchers

Click to see full-size image.

The Russian military has been using the Iskander missile system to target high-value military targets of the AFU since the beginning of its special operation in Ukraine.

Despite repeated reports by Western sources about a “missile shortage” in Russia, the Russian military continue to employ tactical missiles from land, sea and air platforms on a daily basis. The Russian military has launched hundreds of missiles at AFU targets, so far.



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hallo best

HI Folks

Donald Moore

The US and EU go by their standard of weapons storage, just one month of combat is all they keep. Russia knows they will be fighting the US/NATO so they store a whole lot more!


I’ve hear a report like this too as part of the speculations. Do you have any links? If that is true then the NATO is even dumber than one could think


1/3 of all Javalin stock now gone which is why Goofy visited, Stingers are the same but Goofy was told they cannot replace them as some parts are obsolete and some are unavailable chips. give it 3 months and most countries will be bare cupboards.

Peter The Ungrateful

No video? I was promised video in the headline, yet I cannot see any. Is it just me, something wrong with my browser maybe?


I can’t see it either…. probably this one: https://t.me/intelslava/27036


definitely. 2 Uragans smashed by something huge.

Assad Defeated Zionists

The video would be too embarrassing. Dum Ruskies hit a cardboard decoy worth less than 100 dollars.


I watched the video on another site. I gotta say those Ukies are very thorough in their decoys, they placed an amazing amount of explosives and materials to make seem real, it appears they even hired some extras actors to sacrifice when the missile hit. Very good, very real appearing stage props… To bad about the actors but hey they were probably homeless people so it’s okay.



sod off

Your moronic and failed loser existence is too embarrassing. Go kill yourself asap.


dont make again a total fool of you, but we all know you are one anyway. alone the massive explosion and parts fying all around proofs that this hit and target was real. denial of reality does not change the fact that the anti-russian and ziotransatlantic bridgehead ukraine is being systematically crushed.

BoJo: Ukraine Kaput

Nah, that’s what the Serbs did with NATO attacks. That’s when NATO gave up with mobile military and decided to target civilians and their infrastructure instead.

NATO fags love high heels and lipstick

Cry more hoholtrash. Your tears are delicious.

BoJo: Ukraine Kaput

I see it via VPN through Europe. Depends on your browser and what servers it uses and what government free speech flunky is curtailing your free speech.

Peter The Ungrateful

Now I see it too. I guess somebody just forgot to embed it and has rectified it now.


Regardless of whether or not Russia has a shortage of PGM, this seems like using a bazooka to swat a fly.


Given these proportions, guess what they will use if they want to swat an eagle?

Duck and Cover

I shudder to think.

Peter The Ungrateful

One Iskander missile for two Uragans seems like a good trade to me.

Arch Bungle

It’s actually 1 Iskander to save the lives of how many Russians those Uragans would have taken.

An extremely good trade!


chances are the ukrop would fire them at ukrainians, it seems to be their modus operandum

An Interesting Observation

Guess that means there’s no shortage of bazookas.

NATO fags love high heels and lipstick

The only shortage is your IQ reflected by the double digit IQ comment of yours.


For what else could Iskander be used if not for such targets? This is very valuable target.

Since Russian solders prefer not to show themselves too much on frontline, and bombers with guided bombs are forbidden to fly by Putin, then medium range missiles have to do the job. They have obviously high level serial production of them.

Peter The Ungrateful

What are you talking about bombers forbidden to fly? Do you actually read those briefings or the reports here on SF? Who do you thing is firing all those air-based missiles? This is textbook combined arms warfare. Don’t look at these singular events – they are just war porn -, look at the bigger picture. The odd loss of Russian aircraft also shows that they are rather active.


An iskander missile launched to destroy an mb-27? Looks to me like killing a fly with a nuke


blowing up two fully armed uragans with one iskander, thats still a good deal.

Arch Bungle

It’s actually 1 Iskander to save the lives of how many Russians those Uragans would have taken.

An extremely good trade!

Fritz Hans

God Job Russia, see the Video here -> 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡The Russian army destroyed the Uragan MLRS of the Armed Forces of Ukraine t.me/intelslava/27036


Fine, all good on paper. What about the impending attack on Transnistria by Ukraine and Romanian forces, the never ending incursion of foreign mercs and the loud mouths in Kiev. Enough FUCKING around already! Why hasn’t Putin brought in more troops and bombed civilian infrastructure in the West?

Peter Parkinson's

Because its a special military operation, not a war ! He would have to admit a mistake to start conscripting and increase his manpower. 200,000 full time front line soldiers is a large proportion of what Russian has. If he was telling the truth and no conscripts are fighting he already has most everything he has committed to the fight. Large scale bombing by the air force would just make for easy more predictable pickings for the Ukrainian air defenses. Putin’s likely had more losses then he can hide for long.

Mayo Clinic

Parkinson’s finally catching up to you?


Well, admit or no admit, entire world and Russia already know that he would need at least 100% more troops there to do the job. And that he miscalculated first day, first week and first month. He has million reserves, but it is more easy for Putin too push his head in sand.

With only shelling you cant conquer the land. It is just matter of time when Ukris will collect enough experience and weapon and begin to retake back. And what will Putin say then? And what will do then?

He wont go in history as war winner.

Roach Motel

Ah, they’ll for sure set a fuse on those 20,000 tons of munitions and if overwhelmed, set it off when all the roaches are gathered inspecting their prize.


If mined right, that would make it close to Hiroshima’s 15 kt yield.

I wouldn’t put it past the Ukies to set it off themselves, then accuse Russia of using a tactical nuke.

Would anybody in the west ever check for radiation? Of course not.

Peter The Ungrateful

Because bombing civilian infrastructure is a war crime too. Don’t look through the lens of the US and try to understand that the Russians want to do this by the book with minimal damage.

Joseph similia

Competing world powers

It’s just as the bible said it many centuries ago. Predicted in Daniel chapter 11, the pull and tug of the King of the north and the king of the south. Two great powers on earth both under satanic influence have been battling for centuries, both have the same  purpose and that’s world domination exclusive of God Jehovah’s sovereignty. Furthermore, they want people’s worship as Revelation 13 describes.

These two great powers will come to to an agreement of peace the bible prophecy predicts.  When the political system thinks they have succeeded in enslaving mankind, the bible says:

” Whenever it is that they are saying, “Peace and security!” then sudden destruction is to be instantly on them, just like birth pains on a pregnant woman, and they will by no means escape.  4 But you, brothers, you are not in darkness, so that the day should overtake you as it would thieves,  5 for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We belong neither to night nor to darkness.” 1 thessallonians 5:3-5.

Satan the devil is behind this struggle of the great powers on earth. His plan is similar to the political system objective, ” rule or ruin”. Diabolical objective is to distract people from the real source of peace and good health, which is no other than God’s kingdom- Revelation 11, 13, and chapter 21.

The Universal issue is: ” who has the right to be rightful sovereign of the earth and universe”.

It’s not really about jabs from pfizer, it’s about total control of the Earth’s inhabitants in whatever means possible and strangle all aspiration and hope of God’s kingdom and it’s rightful ruler for the earth , Jesus Christ appointed by Jehovah God.

We need to pray for God’s kingdom to come soon and judge these beastly powers that disdain Jehovah’s appointed king in heaven, none else but Jesus Christ.

“Your will be done on earth as in heaven, your kingdom come.” Matthew 6.

Competing world powers

It’s just as the bible said it many centuries ago. Predicted.


Guy, this isn’t a sinagog

Peter The Ungrateful

Some prediction that is. The Book of Lies Bible was written in a time when people were literally bashing each others’ heads in on a regular basis. This prediction is as virtuous as predicting the sunset or that it will rain at some point in the future.


Ok great so if you’re right do the right thing and after Sunday mass conscript your mates and yourself to the crusades cause and than travel to the north and south to fight those unbelievers and save all of from Satan. If you believe in words from the book. Or you’re just a preacher?

hans raus

Romanian forces on the way to ukrainian border. I think its time to liberate transisinistria that belongs to moldova. Very proud of romanian brothers. Russobots are on high alert ^^


Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

hans, halt die fresse.

The dummkopf at it again

How much of Romania and Ukraine do you think 20,000 tons of explosives will take out in one shot?

Sure you aren’t Polish, wishing for such things?

Peter The Ungrateful

Nah, the blast radius should be rather local. Granted that’d be a very big bang but not that big either.


You are dreaming. Last time when Romania went against Russia lost Moldova. They will secure border, because Ukraine is out of control.

hans raus

Dumb ruskiye destroy a fly with iskander ^^ They runing out of ammo i guees.

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

to name two uragans as a fly, proofs that you are a braindead ziotransatlantic hasbara troll.


Its pronounced “Dipshit”


Good night Universal Disorder, go see, on your prefered position upside down, with the feet on the air and the hands on the ground, if outside is raining.


Finally you seem to be jealous that Russia is wiping about 200 to 500 Ukies and some mercenaries per day pushing that kill ratio up 30:1 to 40:1. Boy, that ego of yours must be pretty hurt now :-) BTW, they cannot simply run out of ammo, since they capture tons of west weapons left by fleeing Ukies. It’s almost too easy now. I told you Ukies were about to fold. Now they do.


Just nasty.

Peter The Ungrateful

War is hell, but the sound is great.

stephan williams

posted by Peter The Ungrateful,

“War is hell, but the sound is great.”

That’s a brain dead psychopath ranting…thinking he’s watching a movie on TV…

We’re in deep doodoo.

Last edited 2 years ago by stephan williams
Peter The Ungrateful

It’s a rather well-known saying in the military. If you can’t stand black humor go cry to someone else.

Wait a minute, aren’t you that Holocaust denier?

Funny how all of a sudden you seem to have grown a conscience.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter The Ungrateful
NATO fags love high heels and lipstick

Bumm headshot…. So long hoholtrash….

stephan williams

Have any of you seriously asked yourselves why these innocent men on both sides are dying? Are you mentally ill if you support the Russians, or are you mentally ill for supporting the Ukrainians? …or are you sane for rejecting all the paltry justifications for war provided to us by those who effectively control our governments on both sides of any argument?

This has to stop with Russia on top. Otherwise it will all have been for naught.

Right now the Russians are winning. Let’s keep it that way

Proud Ukrop

When you have only dumb bombs from 1980s and can’t hit any targets accurately, they use their only guided missile to strike MLRS position. this is so bad compared to NATO tech. How are they losing to uktraine but think they can beat NATO hahaha maybe too much vodka make you delusional


You halfwits are running thin on excuses for your Nazi buddies being wiped out in large numbers. People don’t care about how old their tech is when it does the job. NATO is actually fighting in Ukraine and loosing ground every day. BTW, using “haha” in a comment indicates that you are either around 12 years old or just a simpleton :-)

Last edited 2 years ago by TopGum

Two less Ukrop SPGs. All the AFU can do now is pointlessly shell border villages and launch occasional failed small-scale offensives. They are evidently dying in the hundreds every day yet if you listen to the brainwashed idiots in English-speaking social media you’d think the Ukrainians are ‘bad-ass heroes, slaughtering Russians left and right’… There’s going to be a lot of disappointed Ukrainian supporters after this war.

Last edited 2 years ago by SnowCatzor

I hope the Polish and Romanian NATO stooges prepping to enter Transnistra are ready some of these up the ass.


This was just a NATO bluff and it didn’t work. In any case, Russia issued a warning that any serious meddling would be met with military consequences. End of story.


Every time the US sends weapons for the Russians to capture, the US propaganda machine calls it a ” Game Changer”. So far, I’ve counted about 10 “Game Changer” weapons exports, none of the have changed anything and the military I see with them are usually Russian captured munitions, thrown down by the retreating Ukrainians.


That is how they cope with reality. Soon they will be sending magic unicorns and declare the whole mess a victory. According to them Russia was about to default in February, but instead EU is now paying in Rubles for their purchases of Russian gas. There is an oil embargo, but UK, US are still importing Russian oil in record amounts. They lie on every occasion and they don’t even hide it anymore. They just don’t comment when they are caught on it. West has no shame anymore. This bunch of dimwits are just a helpless and deranged Muppet show of utter nonsense. They can’t even stick to their own rules. They are throwing supplies at Ukraine but can’t change anything. To the contrary, Ukies are wiped out on a much faster pace now then before. So far they lost the conflict, their sanctions didn’t achieve anything. In fact they are struggling with their own sanctions and are paying more to keep Ukraine alive then ever before. This whole mess was a total miscalculation on their part and is an utter embarrassment and failure.


I feel sorry for the Ukrainian soldiers who are forced to stay put in Donbass, for they must all surely know that this is a war they cannot win and that they are likely to die for nothing. Donbass is in practice already a part of Russia, and as such a part, it will of course never be returned to the tyranny of the Kiev-usurpers. Unfortunately, Nato and their bunch of killers don’t care if tens of thousands of these soldiers die. Yes, they have totally miscalculated the whole situation.


Iskander missile must be far more expensive than two old Uragan launchers? Not a great profit ratio.


The first Iskander was very expensive. Once they are mass produced, then they become cheap. Mass production is driven by demand


round about same value, but two fully loaded launchers lost for the ukr


Why was the video cut in the middle? The missile did not hit on those vehicles? Just nearby?

And why was the video cut in the end? Was the other vehicle intact?


Independent media in the West are reporting that nato proxy forces operating in east Ukraine are taking heave losses with causality numbers high and many are none Ukraine nationals

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