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MARCH 2025

In Video: Russian Iskander Missile Scores Direct Hit On Ukrainian Air-Defense System

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In Video: Russian Iskander Missile Scores Direct Hit On Ukrainian Air-Defense System

Armed Forces control the loading of the transport rocket-loading machine on a self-propelled launcher operational-tactical missile complex Iskander-M. Sergei Orlov/RIA Novosti

A missile launched by the 9K720 Iskander system had scored a direct hit on a Ukrainian air-defense system, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced on March 26.

The ministry shared footage of the pinpoint strike that completely destroyed the air-defense system, a fully-loaded Buk-M1 9A310M1 TELAR [transporter erector launcher and radar]. The system was deployed to the southwest of the Ukraine capital, Kyiv.

The missile strike was coordinated with a drone, which was apparently used to locate, identify and tack the air-defense system.

The Ukrainian Buk-M1 system, which has a maximum range of 35 kilometers, failed to discover the drone, or to intercept the incoming missile.

The Iskander system can launch a variety of ballistic and cruise missiles. The air-defense system was likely targeted with the 9M723 quasi-ballistic missile, which reportedly has a range of up to 500 kilometers.

The maneuverable missile is guided by the GLONASS satellite navigation system and INS [inertial navigation system]. The missile can be also equipped with an optical seeker with a DSMAC [digitized scene-mapping area correlator] system for terminal guidance.

In Video: Russian Iskander Missile Scores Direct Hit On Ukrainian Air-Defense System

Click to see full-size image.

The Russian military has been using the Iskander missile system to hit high value military targets deep in Ukraine’s territory since the beginning of its special military operation in the country. Western sources claim that the Russian military has fired more than 1,000 ballistic and cruise missiles on Ukraine, so far.

In the recent weeks, the Russian military ramped up its efforts to neutralize Ukraine’s remaining air defenses. According to the military’s official account, 207 Ukrainian air defense systems have been destroyed since the beginning of the special military operation.


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Ukrop here. Last night most of my company got obliterated by an iskander missile. I dont know why the Russians even bothered because we had already run out of ammo, food, water and fuel and were not combat effective. Due to the lack of essential supplies serious infighting has broken out. Thousands of ukrop soldiers have already killed each other for the last scrap of food. Nobody is burying corpses over here and there’s already rats eating the remains of ukrop soldiers. Just like in San Francisco there’s a serious risk of the black plague resurging here. In previous posts I was requesting military assistance, now I have to amend my plea. I dont see how we can still win. Even if we are resupplied, morale is too low and Ukrainians are just killing each other now. So instead I beg you Russia, just send us food and water.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hohol
Yamil Perez

Oy gevalt… Poor little hohol.

Gorgeous George

But but, comical Zelensky told us, you are close to annihilate the asiatic Russian hordes and soon Ukrainian banners will be flying over Moscow?


Ukrainian media are already being passed off as Russian


ukraine does not exist—soon nazi gringoistan will collapse

Russians are simps

Russia has only captured one administrative capital, has loss thousands of troops and equipment with most of the troops having low moral, food, and fuel, and now since they are doing so poorly they are having to focus just on the Donbas region. So keep dreaming on schizos

Yamil Perez

You are in a CAPTAGON delirium again :)


Ok Zelensky

John Titor

Ukraine doesn’t even control it’s own country, and it’s army will soon be encircled, and destroyed.

Cope harder, if you cling hard enough to it, you’ll make nato propaganda real ^^


Evidence and proofs of your alegations?


ok you autist. take ur schizo meds you fuck

Death Angel

Putin had sent his troops to die in Ukraine. Thousands of Russian solider are killed Thousands more captured and Thousands more will die. And in the end Russia will loose. And the cost is and will be catastrophic for Russian people and millitary.

16400 dead Russian soldiers and counting, in Kherson 1300 dead Russian solider in vain Russian troops are deserting at hig rate Millitary equipment is almost depleted in Russian millitary Putin will fail and he brought his country back to 1960 era Now we almost liberated Kherson the first city wich Russia army took then we will move on Crimea to cut off Rus army and we will blow up the bride wich connects Russia to Crimea


Thanks for the laugh! Stick a fork in filthy Ukraine they are done. Ukraine has been on the defensive from the start. Never launching a counterattack. Never regained any territory only losing more. If it helps you feel better spreading BS while Ukrainian Nazis are slaughtered go for it.

Russians are simps

Clearly your delusional, if you have been paying attention to real news instead of propaganda like south front then you would know that Ukraine is on the counter offensive and has taken back some land meanwhile Russia is getting raped hard and having to retreat to the Donbas region.

Last edited 2 years ago by Russians are simps

These guys make me laugh, I hear real news. Where the nuclear weapons at? The level of stupidity of the human race now officially requires annihilation. The few that survive can start over.

John Titor

Ukraine launched a counter offensive at Irpin a few days back.

It failed, you still tought they were winning ^^

Follow the CNN science m8, you’ll be all saner and more successful in life xD


Again… evidence ? Do you have it ? Lol

Alexandre Souvorov

Keep Dreaming You Are Winning In The Virtual World 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺 Russia Will Annex your Artificial Country Soon Loser.

Russians are simps

Keep eating up that propaganda


You such a bad losers. The world already knows that Ukraine is the one doing the propaganda with help of the empire of lies, the west. Contrary to them, Russia has never lied. So stick your false accusations wherever you like it.

John Titor

Dude, you eat so much of it you’re even vomiting it out. But since it’s Nato’s you don’t care, the shittiest it is the more you want it. It’s like your daily burger diet ^^

eat shit and die

Keep eating shit from Biden’s diapers fucking moron

Critical thinking sheeple

With that said no war is ok only speaking tactically. my heart is broken for all peoples involved I cant imagine losing my home.

Plan B

They already changed the plan, realized they’, ll never capture Kiev, will focus on Donbass


Capturing Kiev was never in the book dude, there has not been any moviment on the ground for sich an operation, they were positioned there to force AFU forces tô remain around tge capital só they could not be used in the east. The same goes to otger areas like in odessa etc…(remenber that naval landing that never occurred? Maskirovka at its finest). The 2 fase will be take the dombass and force the ukraniana goverment to make its concessions, and if they refuse, then they go to fase 3 (that would be an andvance towards the west and kiev). I to dont enjoy the russian giverment, but not liminar putin and falling for absurd alegations and ukranian war propaganda, deniying reality is a hole other level….


Would you mind sharing the “plan” that has been changed? De-Nazification of the CIA puppet is still on the agenda. The only people who wanted Kiev were the Americans and the Galician Nazis. Boom goes the Iskander!

Critical thinking sheeple

that’s smart, Ukraine is not Iraq many places to hide, plus with western Help and well trained soldiers, Id say the Russian are doing ok given the situation land bridge in place. If Trump was still here this would not have happened. A deal would have been struck during the buildup.


You ok dude?


Zellerboy had sent his troops to die in Donbas. Thousands of Ukropbot solider are killed Thousands more captured and Thousands more will die. And in the end Glorious Banderistan will loose. And the cost is and will be catastrophic for banderite people and millitary.

16400 dead Ukrobotssoldiers and counting, in Kherson 1300 dead ukrobot solider in vain BANDERA troops are deserting at hig rate Millitary equipment is almost depleted in Ukropbot millitary Zellerboy will fail and he brought his country back to 1960 era Now we almost liberated Mariupol the first city wich Russia army took then we will move on Kiev to cut off ukro army and we will blow up the bride wich connects Ukropisstan to Poland. Fixed.

Russians are simps

Nothing says liberation like destroying and bombing the entire city to nothing. You terrorist sympathizers have the mind of ignorant children.

John Titor

What’s wrong about that ? That’s literally what you wanted for Syria so you should be cheering that up too.

Oh right, now it’s different cause your regime is losing. And when it’s gone all your liberal drones lives will be over ^^

Well, cry harder ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Big Smoke

There would be much less damage to cities and villages if Ukrainians would stop hiding in civilian buildings

Big Smoke

Ukrainian soldiers*


You have absolutely captured the nature of the Ukrainian ethnic cleansing murder campaign in Donbas that has been ended by the Russian Special Operation. Well said!

Critical thinking sheeple

you cant changes minds your only talking to hear yourself talk or type, Picking sides is part of the problem along with bias’s were all people and just want the same things, this is all the result of poor leadership on all sides.

John Titor

You’ll do nothing cause Ukraine is a failed country, and your a fat american tranny with a degree in barista and IPhone charging science. Completely useless ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


demented canadian shemaIe retard keeps vomit diarrhea from his mouth while having a heart attack ^


Evidence ?

Achtung baby!

Which do you sniff the most?, glue or your Nazi boyfriends farts?


I think that was an overkill. Su-34s should be able to neutralize those air defenses

Russians are simps

The Russians are desperate


Banderites are desperate.


Yeah they are desperate that Ukraine is so disapointly weak, they were hoping they could use their advanced weapons a bit, for training. But against these cowards and losers, Soviet weapons would already be enough.

John Titor

Sounds more like you, “bro”. You don’t know how to cope with your defeat anymore xD


You are desperate, stupid, boring, moronic inbred cocksucker.

basement in US embassy in poland

looks like russians are showcasing all the weapon systems to test in real world environment. there are a lot of audiences in the west. just like kalibr that obliterated mercs close to polish border. that shut the shit up a lot of folks in pentagon in a hurry.

Last edited 2 years ago by basement in US embassy in poland

I’m wondering what was the BUK operator doing. Like, drone was flying over it for some time, i can imagine it spotted that system and then hovered there long enough to film that direct hit lol. Maybe ukrainian BUK operators specialised only on civilian airliners, drones are harder to spot 🤷🏻‍♂️


Pantsirs are the anti-drone specialists, the only system in the world. Everything else is higher altitude. Remember the Saudi oil facility strikes that caught the Patriots napping? Seriously the Patriots are bad but that was way outside of their job description

Hungary Guy

Yep, only hard- on for MH 17

Hungary Guy

Dunno what it was protecting…

Yamil Perez

Bumm headshot. Bullseye 🎯


Ummmmmm that might have been a little overkill for 1 buk launcher XD

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

An Iskander a day keeps Azovisis away 🤗

Russians are simps

The Russians are the ones committing blatant terrorist attacks you ignorant child.

John Titor

Western countries are commiting terrorists acts against their people and countries all around the workd.

Yet you’re supporting it because you’re a brainwashed child, with the intellectual capacites of an abused dog clinging on it’s masters. People like you are the most perfect slaves.


Ukronazis and their NATO mastrers dismissed the Ukrainian ethnic cleansing in Donbas as propaganda and called 75 dead KLA terrorists in ditch in Racak a “genocide”. The Ukrianians are assets of the US/NATO murder machine. Outright terrorists.

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

Ciatrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗🤡

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

Russia is gaining ukrobots are draining 🤗

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

Slava Rossiye 🇷🇺

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

It’s the only weapon the Putin faggots have left that doesn’t involve chemicals. All the Russian radar jamming systems have been either destroyed or captured. Ukranian forces are now free to hunt down the tactical ballistic systems without worrying about Mikhail Mizintsev the white haired general faggot.

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot


I think it’s funny how you hypocrite western supporters use the word faggot as an insult when you try to force homosexuality on the world. It just goes to show how degenerate and retarded you people are.

John Titor

That’s because they don’t think, liberals are part of a cult. And get emotional at things their masters tell them to be emotional about.

Best dogs, most perfect slaves. Fauci ouchi loves them ^^

John Titor

Get off your computer, it gives you delusions. People have been asking for you at the pride parade. They missing your hrt tits.

Sorce: Head, voices from my. 2022 forth edition

Hungary Guy

Meanwhile: CIA NN showing Hellywood Action Movie Scenes of Ukraine Forces heading to Moscow blowing up a Russian Command Post in Mariupol.


anything on CNNis CIA


SF can you guys have your clips and videos in that form?


Man Russia needs to up their drone game big time. More investments into these shitty little things.


An Orion UCAV was sufficient, not an Iskander. Thing with drones like TB-2 is that their strikes are lightweight, never completely destroy armor. But still an Iskander is the kind of thing you send to kill Zelensky

Neo Galt

Seems like too much overkill for just a Buk. It would have been much better used on a military base, especially one with foreign troops.


Search them out, then zero in and reduce Ukranian weapons to tin.

Simon Ndiritu

It seams Russians were particularly Irked by this Buk-M1 and used a theatre ballistic missile to obliterate it, a clear overkill. NATO should use this as an example of the fate of thier Oskosh and Humvees with SHORAD or EW systems. They will have nowhere to hide.


a double message to amerikants if they wish to be obliterated


Ukrainan armed forces are having fun stomping the Siberian vermin infestation to the ground. They’re crushing and mutilating the mongoloid cockroaches and the Chechen insects. Ukraine is undertaking the largest Russian pest removal operation of the 21st century. The Russian pest swarm has been instructed by the infestation overlord the they will find flowers and pies where they can disburse their disgusting members. They were greeted with javelins and NLAW’s and bullets and stingers and bayraktares and artillery rounds. Just enough to turn the Russian infestation horde into small constituent parts.


The racist Nazi vermin weighs in while screeching that there are no Nazis in the Ukraine. Boom goes the Iskander, bye-bye goes the CIA puppet Ukraine state. Cannot wait to see what the Poles piece off in the west, and whether Hungarians take a chunk as well. Poor, crazy Galicians. Led down the garden path, again, by CIA and MI6, and once again, driven into the wilderness. Glory to the homeless!


Puff was it really needed an Iskander for this, a Cruise Missle would have been too much more than enough tho, Iskander makes holes up to 20 meters in the ground. Jess




Fuck me! That is a definition of an overkill! :O And a direct hit at the centre of the target! O_o



Peppe il Sicario

A bit of overkill, yeah. I would have used it on the Pedo in Chief of the USSA’s motorcade in Warsaw!!!!! “Oh, sorry….we used GPS, not GLONASS.” 🤣🤣😂


i love it. on to the next nazi fuck

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