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In Video: Russian Loitering Munition Takes Out Norwegian M109 Howitzer In Ukraine

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In Video: Russian Loitering Munition Takes Out Norwegian M109 Howitzer In Ukraine

MOSCOW REGION, RUSSIA – JUNE 25, 2019: A ZALA Lancet-3 attack drone developed by Kalashnikov Concern on display at the Army 2019 International Military Technical Forum at Patriot Park. Marina Lystseva/TASS

The Russian military has destroyed one of the M109A3GN 155 mm self-propelled howitzers which were recently supplied by Norway to Kiev forces near the front in Mykolaiv with a Lancet loitering munition.

On August 9, Russian sources shared footage of the strike which took place somewhere on Mykolaiv front. The footage shows the loitering munition impacting the howitzer while on the move with high-precision. It’s worth noting that the howitzer was falsely identified in the footage as a German-made Panzerhaubitze 2000.

The Lancet, which was developed by the ZALA Aero Group, is equipped with an elector-optical system that allows it to detect, track and lock on moving targets. The standard version of the loitering munition, the Lancet-3, has a range of 40 kilometers and an endurance of up to 40 minutes.

In June, the Ministry of Defense of Norway confirmed that it had donated 22 M109A3GN howitzers as well as gear, spare parts and ammunition to Kiev. The ministry said that Ukrainian service members were trained on the howitzers in Germany.

The US-made M109A3GN has a maximum firing range of 21 kilometers with regular rounds and up to 30 kilometers with rocket-assisted rounds. The howitzer can fire up to four rounds per minute.

The Kiev regime has received more than 200 artillery piece since the begging of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine. Despite this, its forces are still outgunned by the Russian artillery. Many of the recently delivered Wester artillery systems have been already destroyed, damaged or even captured by the Russian military and its allies.


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Jens Holm Denmark

Norwegian Tax Krones going up in smoke. Rest in pieces!


Not only Ukrainian fools doing Ziolensky’s dirty work and going up in smoke. How appropriate if any Norwegians and other nationals such as Germany and USA manning such howitzers end up as smoke and ash because of the loiterers.


We’ve waited long enough to see the severed head of the comedian on a rusty bucket, RF when are you gonna fulfill our wish?

hunter bidé lab pork !

Norvegans – 20 degrees !! F then !!!!!

Ashok Varma

Norway is full of LGBT queers like most of the west. It is a small inbred racist Nazi society of barely 3 million pale, stale and dumb looking dolts who are being used by the Jews to supply NATO weapons to kill Orthodox Slavs. This is a Jew and Nazi war on Russia and humanity. I hope the Russians kill the Jew bastard Zelensky who is causing so much bloodshed.

hunter bidé lab pork !

its like almost all EU small nazi urubus mf who think they are great just to be together making a big abortion !!!

Putin bitches tears taste like heaven

Did you saw all the russian planes destroyed in the crimea base? Satélite footage everywhere now, hilarious 🤣😂🤣🤣💩

Abraham Lincoln

Russia can buy a few from the Ukrainians.

jens mom

Norway has more Nazis than Denmark and both are bastards like jens.

Southfront resident nigha

Oh come on! Norway has way more kebabs and nighas than nazis.

Muhammad your Prophet

The HIMARS are destroying every Russian ammunition depot in Ukraine while the Putin cockroaches are boasting about suicide drones. The Houthi freaks in Yemen use suicide drones and they haven’t accomplished shit. Maybe the Putin terrorists can go invade Yemen when they’re kicked out of Ukraine. Maybe they’ll have better luck there and save some face.

Jens Holm Denmark

Maybe you should stop taking low quality meth.


Or more of it…

jens mom

they are destroying my little jens ass for sure. You sound like a Jew pedo too.

Joe Bidet Is A Senile Pedo

Muhammad you Kike troll to use your proper name. Utter made up garbage from you as usual, but then that Jewish inbreeding causes many types of mental health issues.

Ashok Varma

That is how hasbara poison works, they assume different identities to fan hatred and conflicts. This prophet idiot is a low life and low IQ Jew who has a fixation with Putin and Russia. His trolling is very crude and one dimensional.


His real name is Shlomo-dan Sonofavicz.


Yet even Zelensky … or is it Lewinsky it’s so hard tell the difference when they’re on their knees … is complaining about the sheer volume of Russian ordinance raining down on Ukrainian troops eliminating 200,000 by his count. Either Lewinsky’s lying or you’re talking out your ass … both are not only plausible but highly likely. HIMARS are as effective as a gnat on an elephants ass. Good bullshit to make the marks at home think Ukraine still has a chance of surviving intact and keep the donation flowing.


I’ve got it from a good source that Kiev is using the HIMARS on Beijing… All the way from west of the Donbass.


“The Houthi freaks in Yemen use suicide drones and they haven’t accomplished shit”

Have you seen what those “Houti freaks” do to Abrams tanks? Saudi Arabis has a military budget the size of Germany, France or GB and they are armed with the latest and greatest US weapons like F-15’s and Abrams tanks yet they still get their asses shot to pieces any time they try to advance on the “Houti Freaks”.

Better still US contractors plan their operations and maintain their equipment and the US military is supplying targetting data and intelligence so the Yemen war is basically another US proxy war they’re losing against goat herders with small arms.


Zelensky asked the US for more HIMARS- Whitehouse — quote- “you have enough “- 3 from the UK and 3 from Germany.

The US now realises Ukraine will never win and is getting ready to criticize Zelensky which is starting to happen in the US media.


Madia was one of the many tools for propaganda purposes by the deep state who knew all the dirty secrets shared with kiev, who in turn hide and hold the skeletons as hostage to squeeze money and weapons from the conspirators who are now contemplating whether to continue paying ransom or drop the comedian, with the latter option carrying the risk of the jointly kept secrets being exposed by disgruntled partner. Nonetheless, it’s a worrying times for the western bloc who now faces a dire consequences of grim realities in the near future that will bite their asses as a result of the sanctions.


It has already started! Evil corrupt Biden regime will now get rid of that waste fascist cocaine douchebag named Zelensky


So when they ( the muricans ) will be forced to fight China, they will do it with sticks and stones HAHAHAHAHA

Putin bitches tears taste like heaven

Did you saw all the russian planes destroyed in the crimea base? Satélite footage everywhere now, hilarious 🤣😂🤣🤣💩

Putin bitches tears taste like heaven

Did you saw all the russian planes destroyed in the crimea base? Satélite footage everywhere now, hilarious 🤣😂🤣🤣💩

Jens Holm Denmark

The video is cool, but why to put this gay techno music? Here is a better thematic song: youtube.com/watch?v=b8HyJ7uvoNo


For anyone interested the music is a German hardcore band – “Scooter”, track – “Fire”. They are reportedly not gay, the main 2 are married anyway and they have topless dancers sometimes.

Irish gerry

Well done Russia

Ashok Varma

Irish people are good people and have no history of racist imperialism and are victims of the Anglo bastards who committed war crimes in occupied Northern Ireland. It is time Russia started arming the IRA and Irish freedom fighters to liberate all of Ireland.

Southfront resident nigha

Inbred Irish good people? Good joke, bro. They are called white nighas in US. They are more degenerate than xoxols.


all amerikans trash—‘White Trash:the 400 year Untold History of Class in amereika’—read it….you hillbillies have always derived from lowest most incompetent uncivilized classes from other societies—except the Jews and more recently superior Asians, Russians a few western European physicians professors, etc

Southfront resident nigha

Yup. There is a good book about it by Thomas Sowell called “Black Rednecks and White Niggers”

Last edited 2 years ago by Southfront resident nigha

Black Rednecks and White Liberals

Southfront resident nigha

That was the original title. He was not allowed to publish the book with it. So he replaced a word with a synonym. He proves scientifically in the book that redneck=nigger=liberal=irish.

Putin bitches tears taste like heaven

Did you saw all the russian planes destroyed in the crimea base? Satélite footage everywhere now, hilarious 🤣😂🤣🤣💩


Destroing all them!


Rise Lancet toward Kiev!


Since August 1st –10 grain ships have left Ukraine-

one heading to England- one to Ireland- several to Turkey- Italy and China -its all animal feed -NONE to the Middle East -Lebanon refused Russia,s grain delivery -NONE from Ukraine to Africa.

Ukraine FM-quote- “I hope every family in the Middle East-Africa -Asia knows Ukraine wont abandon you ”

Aye right !!!!! (sarcasm )

Ashok Varma

The racist Uki Nazis sent all the grain to the EU parasites, Africa did not get a kernel and is buying from India and Brazil. The British bastards are racist to the core.


and TWO faced without integrity and STUPID and arrogant. They do not understand or see anything because they look down their noses, instead of with their eyes.

Putin bitches tears taste like heaven

Did you saw all the russian planes destroyed in the crimea base? Satélite footage everywhere now, hilarious 🤣😂🤣🤣💩

Southfront resident nigha

What grain grade are they? For animal feed it is usually industrial grade that has mold. Used mostly for spirit distillation that in turn is used for gasoline blends.




Good work👍. But at the same time I’m worried how many civilians must die in Donbass because of these weapons arriving every single day. How many Russian soldiers must still die or get wounded (some for the rest of their lives)? Putin is too soft. If this war US/NATO vs Russia continues much longer, will not USA achieve it’s only goal which is to weaken Russia? Dmitri Medvedev would break Ukraine forces now and force them to surrender and I believe he would destroy Zelensky’s Presidential Palace in Kiev etc. Putin is a devoted Orthodox Christian and that’s of course a very good thing, but is he too soft?


Too many Russian lives is at stake. It’s not a fair battle by any standards. 1000 million NATO countries vs 150 million Russians. As it’s not a fair war it should probably be put to an end with tactical nuclear weapons? Russia should consider it immediately. Give ukro-fascists brigades a huge blow in Donbass and Kharkiv and Odessa regions and force them to surrender. At the same time Zelensky’s palace in Kiev should be destroyed and Klichko Nazi brothers offices and why not fascists senate Rada too? All targets in Kiev should of course be destroyed with non-nuclear missiles or bombings.


Yeah, the time to take kiev Presidential Palace down has come

Last edited 2 years ago by Jay

Is he too soft? That is the question. If i was Putin, i would have bombed up most of the world’s nations by now and possibly had nuclear responses and nukey WWIII. Putin is restrained because he is dealing with belligerent MADMEN with nukes.


immoral and counter productive to murder Russian narod that need to be liberated from nazi oppression…you are obviously amerikan

Azov neurosurgeon

experimental brain transplant in ukie village…we removed jens senile rotted brain and replaced with lemur from Kiev zoo. hopefully miss holm gender dysphoria improves

frisian acaadmy janitorial services

we train nazis to qualify as janitor; we have service contracts w many corporations owned by superior Jews some superior blacks also. our advanced bootlicking theory course is rated 3 brooms by nebraska hillbilly janitors guild

Southfront resident nigha

Correction: HARM. Hillbilly Ass Riming Masterclass.


Wrong weapon to against such a target. The lancet is to be used against “soft targets”. As the video shows, minimal damage. “Product 305E” would be a better choice.


That might be, but the Howitzer is now completely destroyed, impossible to make it move again. Plus, all the servicing and repair workshops in Ukrop areas are being destroyed as we speak.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jay

According to the description it’s not the lancet but the heavier lancet 3 which is designed to take out armoured vehicles and bunkers with AP and thermobaric warheads.


The article on the 16 children slaughtered by the Nazi Zionists is back in the hands of the hackers –check it out .

As I said there the Paid Posters bosses are really worried about this TRUE article so they are still attacking it –Jscript hacked as is RE-captcha.

Niall of the Nine Hostages

This war has shown up all those politically correct, diversity loving, LGBT worshiping, self-styled liberal progressives across NATOstan – Euroland to be nothing more than the evil bunch of Russophobic racists and war mongering Nazi loving hypocrites that they always were. So when are these so called “liberals” going to protest against their country’s part in this proxy war against Russia, the DPR and the LPR. When are they going to protest against their government lackies giving the ukronazis and the Kiev fascist regime the weapons to murder Russian people in 404 as well as providing these war criminals with moral support.

Southfront resident nigha

Americans were never anti-Russian. Most of them are not buying this never ending agitational propaganda against Russia. While Western Europe’s people were pro-Russian and they flipped overnight to kill Russians, like hateful libtards who change narratives every week.

Last edited 2 years ago by Southfront resident nigha
Pamfil Military Academy

Military Academy here motha fucker hoholist kosher garbage with news: Russia MoD start working on a new class of explosives especially for trench fortification works, as actual ones have insufficient yield. So, stay tuned and see what’s next to strike the banderist nazi pigs.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy
Putin bitches tears taste like heaven

Did you saw all the russian planes destroyed in the crimea base? Satélite footage everywhere now, hilarious 🤣😂🤣🤣💩

Nato is laughing at you


sawyer homo drug counselor

reduce use of crack during lgbt orgy


Out of 88 posts on the Zionist child killers only 26 remain all but one of my posts -a mild one not referring to the evil Zionists is left – that webpage is OWNED by western hackers my apps show it.


The new spy satellite for Iran is up and working – Russian launched on IRAN media it states it can distinguish objects at ONE METRE and American Scientific website states the US spy satellites can read an automobile number plate -so much for the Troll who said it wasn’t true.



This war has turned into a money and prestige pit for NATO and the US. Putin is taking his sweet 😋 time ⏲️ killing the NAZIS.

The slow, painful killing of NATO reminds me of a terminal cancer ♋️ patient.

NATO is suffering a slow, painful death and the world is watching. This is a good thing and the Russians are killing NAZIS in the process. It’s hard to be sad about the brutality in Ukraine 🇺🇦 when Nazis are dying there.

The Nazis are the disease and Putin is the cure. And NATO was the biolab that created the disease.

Putin bitches tears taste like heaven

Did you saw all the russian planes destroyed in the crimea base? Satélite footage everywhere now, hilarious 🤣😂🤣🤣💩

Hans rauss

no news on southfront about this ? surprise,surprise :D

15 fighter jets or more destroyed, 60 pilots and airbase personel killed nad 100 injured. hahahahahahahhaa

hans nazi drug counselor

when consuming tyrone sperm in nebraska trailer park fake new confusing to homo Hans

hans nazi drug counselor

illiterate nazi Sawyer —-zero aircraft damage

Hans rauss


Hans rauss

just damage, not big deal. Better focus on 15 destroyes figghter jets in crimea airbase. Russkies are losers and whole world can see it now. enjoy https://twitter.com/UAWeapons/status/1557445569278345216

Jean Paul France

I am sorry to say it but you are very right, Russia is a braggart and cowardly bear that does not dare to use its claws, (0.5 kt tactical nukes), against the US AND UK INSIDE UKRANIA. That is why he shamefully lies to his own people and also to us his friends in the West. Same as with the Moscow cruise. I’m sorry but right now I’m very disappointed with Russia.

hans nazi drug counselor

Jenny projecting Iowa hillbilly cowardice

hans nazi drug counselor

fake news homo—fuel fire—zero craft damaged….homo nazi fake news…the desperation of nebraska hillbilly

Dick Von D'Astard

The Ukrop slave, dollar army is running out of time and reserves, hence the levels of desperation setting in by the Nato planners.


I’ll say it again since it got deleted for whatever reason. My previous comment said that the Lancet is the wrong weapon to use against such a target. Lancet is to be used against “soft” targets. This hardly did any damage at all. The appropriate weapon would be something along the lines of the the Russian “Lemur missile” also known as “Object 305E”

WT Baker

why are these recent videos “not available?”

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