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MARCH 2025

In Video: Russian Loitering Munition Wipes Out Group Of Kiev Troops

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In Video: Russian Loitering Munition Wipes Out Group Of Kiev Troops

A KUB-BLA loitering munition during test. Source: the ZALA Aero Group.

The Russian military continues to use KUB-BLA loitering munitions to hunt down the equipment and personnel of Kiev forces.

On May 25, Russian sources released footage showing a pinpoint strike with a KUB-BLA loitering munition on a gathering of Kiev troops near the town of Pavlivka in the Donbass region. At least nine troops were killed in the strike, which took place on May 8.

The KUB-BLA was designed by the ZALA Aero Group, a subsidiary of the Kalashnikov Concern. The loitering munition has an endurance of 30 minutes and a speed of up to 130 kilometers per hour. The munition is armed with a high explosive-fragmentation warhead that weights three kilograms. The warhead is equipped with a proximity fuze.

In Video: Russian Loitering Munition Wipes Out Group Of Kiev Troops

Click to see full-size image.

The Russian military has been using KUB-BLA loitering munitions against Kiev forces since the beginning of its special military operation in Ukraine.

The KUB-BLA allows the Russian military to engage targets located behind the line of sight with high precision on a short notice. The loitering munition is not only highly effective, but cheap and easy to manufacture.

It’s worth noting that the KUB-BLA is not the only loitering munition in service with the Russian military. The ZALA Aero Group developed a more sophisticated loitering munition with the ability to detect, track and engage moving targets dubbed Lancet. This loitering munition has not been spotted in Ukraine, yet


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I definitely feel a sense of sorrow for the Ukrainian soldiers being slaughtered but truth be told Russia keeps negotiating and telling the Ukrainians to surrender and their lives will be spared. Russia is left with no choice but to vanquish the Ukrainian forces that do not surrender. It’s an absolutely incredible arsenal which Russia is displaying for the eyes of the entire world to witness. Russia has it all, the most advanced missiles, rockets, tanks with armor so advanced that Javelins and Stingers bounce right off with minimal damage, the best artillery, the most tactical drones, those sling shot drones are sick as hell, so mobile. The dark forces of the world are trembling with fear and uncertainty. Finally I’ll say this much, the video has some heavy metal music and in a way I do not condone the celebratory nature and tone of the video because those soldiers dying represent a great tragedy but on the other hand I have to admit that if I were Russian and I watched some Ukrainian soldiers torture and kill my Russian brothers like the gruesome videos that have surfaced online, then I understand why some Russians want to vent with displays of Russian retribution and retaliation. Hopefully Ukraine will surrender soon. Enough lives have been lost.

Last edited 2 years ago by 7even-N-6

There is a credit on video for “mercenary community”, so perhaps the music was added by those people and not on the officially released video. Pretty gruesome and hard to “celebrate”, death is real. However, the Ukies manipulated by NATO and the US started all this years ago. Maybe they should quit this and no longer shelling civilian towns or hiding in schools might be one step forward. The Russians intend on taking Odessa and going to Transnistria. The sooner the Ukies accept this, the sooner all the violence can end.


I completely agree with you and place the blame for all the violence on NATO and the Zelensky regime. Russia at this point has to take Odessa otherwise there are too many risks involved with allowing Ukraine to have open access to the Black Sea. I think eventually Russia will allow the new rump state of Ukraine some access to the Black Sea but under supervision. Either way Russia will have complete administration of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov which is already once again part of Russia.


Those responsible for dripping poison into the Ukrainian kids and for turning them into NAZIS, those who are from outside of the country, those who use Ukraine like a vassal state and have strings on their leaders, how much more responsible they are! The UK is very vociferous in her deceptions and detractions against Russia. There is no honour or conscience in almost all of our MPs.

Omas Bioladen

Theres plenty of possibilities to defect. If they are stupid enough to do the bidding for the west, which will result in certain death, thydo not have deserved better.


“Theres plenty of possibilities to defect.” But not for reservists. Nazis are standing behind them and sending to the battle. Want to flee — get a shot in a back. Now it is “law” of Kiev regime, officers can kill their own soldiers just for attempt to defect. Nazi is not simply a word, this is how they acting.


Unfortunately, it would have been better if some of the lives lost had been of the more culpable evildoers than of the innocent.


What I don’t understand is why is Russia introducing T-64 to the theatre? Shouldn’t they be having around 3000 T-80 tanks in reserve?

Edgar Zetar

When you play poker you show your full hand to your enemies… or you sit and play according to your oponnent behavior?… poker is so easy, you propably should known how to play

Ivan Freely

Poker is too difficult to comprehend for some. Marbles would be a better game.


This is general practice for most large military operations. When on the offense, you want to use long range strike and inexpensive materials to eliminate the high value material of the enemy forces. Sadly, for the Russians this means using obsolete tanks in the first waves. The saving grace was the inexperience of Kiev forces in combating russian armour. That said, Russian tactical miscalculations resulted in significant material losses and human losses as well. Though now ukraine is low on high quality troops, and high quality war materials. So the Russians are slowly introducing higher quality equipment, which is proving effective in many circumstances. That said there are failures of these deployments, though not largely on the behalf of the equipment, but the inexperience of Russian forces (not lack of training but lack of actual combat experience). A quick note is the EW systems. I have read it has proven effective at grounding smaller drones, especially commercial and switchblade drones. US observers are actively looking into how to counter these devices, which any military would do. Countries learn from war, even when not directly involved in the capacity that they are the combatant force (US is involved in terms of intelligence, logistics, and material, in addition to training and oversight by military attachés and even special forces. The usage of special forces however may or may not constitution direct involvement as these can be written off as mercenaries or volunteers with support through various national and 3rd party aids)


The US UK EU Poland are all very directly involved like the puppeteers who blame the puppet.


There are no T-64’s dude, except (ex)Ukrainian ones. If you’re referring to the train footage of T-55/62’s being moved ‘yesterday’ you should know that video is from 2019 (they were headed to Syria). Even a quick google search can show you what images are new and what are old.


T-64 in use of LDPR. RAF uses T-72 (AV, B3), T-80 (BV and BVM) and T-90 (A and M). The main tank is T-72B3, including latest 2016 year version sometimes called as T-72B3M. That’s what I saw in videos from the front. Don’t await T-14, it’s small in numbers and should be studied well before use in battle.

Last edited 2 years ago by Антон
Assad Defeated Zionists

Now that’s just wrong, killing retarded cannon fodder should be a crime against humanity.


It is preventing the Russian forces from becoming cannon fodder, especially when they have to cross rivers and of course it is about preventing the massacres and genocide of civilians who have suffered for longer than eight years.

Lesco Brandon

Love this! Oryx will pass this off as a Ukrainian kill using the switchblade drone against Russian forces! Hahhahaha!


When you use badass music to your war footage, it means you are loosing.


Cope harder, Azov simp!


It’s “lose”, not “loose”.

Jack in the Box

That reminds me to call denazification a delousing operation from now on.


Yes, exactly. When one has nothing to say and losing the argument, he/she start correcting grammar.


he/she STARTS correcting grammar.

PS: What was the argument again?


He meant that he plays fast and loose with the truth.


I have to say the music was stupid. Many of these warmongers have mindset of skinhead.


True, on both sides in fact. Wars bring out the beast faster than a speeding bullet.


Even though they’re enemies, it’s still hard watching these videos. I remember the Azeri’s callously posting these videos of dying infantry every day towards the end of the war. Most of those bastards thought it was funny or something to brag about.

I really hope Ukrainians just start surrendering or deserting en-mass, you don’t need to die like this.

Last edited 2 years ago by SnowCatzor

There are many harmless missiles being sent, stuffed with leaflets on how to surrender.

Crazy cnook the fruitcake

Boooo southfront booo your buffering sucks


Isn’t Pavlivka in the western part of Ukraine? Also, the bottom of the video says “Mercenary Community”.


it is in the Donbass. Perhaps these Kiev forces were mercenaries.


Pavlovka is widespread name, same as Andreevka or Mihailovka. There are many of them from Lvov to Vladivostok. You should name region and even district to differ one Pavlovka from another.

Last edited 2 years ago by Антон

Because the video was originally uploaded by a DPR volunteer, who seems to upload videos on behalf of the mercenary community for some reason.


That was really scary, though the music is nice for such video, especially drum beat when drone hits the target.


The warhead quite the same weight as shell of 81/82 mm mortar.


This war will end soon. What a great hit…

Stephen Obi Emekekwue

When This is All Over And Very Soon it Will Be in Total Russian Victory!.Then For Final Reckoning That Murderous Traitorous Jewish Clown 🤡 Zelenskyy is A War Criminal Together With His Sugar Daddy Kolomyskky And All Other UkroNazi Azov’s RFR Government Of Rtd KGB Col VV Putin Give Them The Nuremberg Trials 2.0 Treatment And Summary Execution’s On Conviction Send The Neo-Cons-liberal Globalist-Imperialist’s A Message: GLOBALISM IS OVER AT UKRAINIAN BLOODBATH DEBACLE YOU WENT A COUNTRY TOO FAR!!.

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