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MARCH 2025

In Video: Russian Marker Combat Robots Arrive In Donbass

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In Video: Russian Marker Combat Robots Arrive In Donbass

Screengrab. Source: https://t.me/rogozin_do

Four Marker combat robots have arrived in the Donbass region, Dmitry Rogozin, former director General of Roscosmos and the head of the special military advisory group known as “Tsarist Wolves,” announced via his Telegram channel on February 2.

The Marker unmanned ground platform was engineered under a joint project of the National Center for the Development of Technologies and Basic Robotic Elements within the Advanced Research Fund and the Android Technics Research and Production Association.

The combat model of the platform can automatically recognize and attack equipment like American Abrams, British Challenger 2 and German Leopard 2 main battle tanks, which are set to be supplied to Ukraine, thanks to a computerized catalog of photographs.

Rogozin said that specialists had started testing algorithms of conducting combat operations as a part of a group of robots.

“The first four Marker robots have arrived in the region strictly on schedule. We begin downloading target images and testing algorithms of warfare within a unit of combat robots and installing powerful anti-tank armament,” Rogozin said.

In mid January, Rogozin revealed that Marker combat robots would be tested in the zone of the special military operation in Ukraine.

The Marker can be armed with different types of anti-tank missile systems, grenade launchers, and heavy machine guns. The combat robot navigates terrain on its own, and independently build a route. A modular multispectral vision system that uses neural network techniques to process data ensures the platform’s independence.

The Russian military has been using several types of robots since the start of the operation in Ukraine. However, not in combat operations. The Marker will be the first robot to be tested and used in such operations within the special military operation zone.


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Ukraine your gay allies do not have these tanks right? So Russia is going to slaughter you in a humiliating way🇷🇺🤣

Peter Nowak

I’m not sure whether the use of images for recognizing purposes will be good or not. In my opinion it would be better to use a 3d modell with the Dimensions of the tanks (though this can also be tricked). Therefore the best option seems to be the use of termal imaging, because all these western tanks use 4 man crews, the Russian tanks 3 man crews.

William White

Put a camera for the pilot up in a drone or two?


The Ukrainian Nation: “Like most countries, Ukraine is multilingual. More than eleven languages are spoken in Ukraine as native languages.2 The 2001 census (see figure1)3 identified Ukrainian as the native language of 67.5 percent of Ukrainian citizens and Russian as the native language of 29.6 percent. However, some more recent sociological surveys4 have shown that approximately 53 percent of the population speaks Ukrainian and 45 percent speak Russian.” https://www.wilsoncenter.org/publication/kennan-cable-no15-ukraine-whats-language-for


“Two surveys conducted in 2006 showed that Ukrainian traditionally dominates in western Ukraine (93.55 percent), in the central and northeastern regions (83.58 percent), and to a lesser extent in the southern and southeastern regions (61.29 percent). Only the regions of Crimea and Donbas preferred Russian (76.88 percent).”

National Idea to be sure!


“Some surveys8 indicate that when language data are cross-tabulated with responses to questions regarding views on the CIS and Western Europe, an association between language and outlook is apparent: up to 43 percent of Ukrainian speakers think their country’s future lies with Western Europe, while only 23 percent think Ukraine’s future is with the CIS. Among Russian speakers, 52 percent prefer the CIS and only 16 percent choose Western Europe. The bilingual category shows a similarly unequal distribution, with 41 percent in favor of the CIS and 28 percent preferring Western Europe. The percentage of those choosing both orientations is almost identical across categories: 34 percent of Ukrainian speakers, 32 percent of Russian speakers, and 31 percent of bilingual respondents.” Sounds like everybody was on board to ditch the Russians. Whoever doesn’t jump isn’t American!

Last edited 2 years ago by Clyde

“Viktor Yanukovych, the Ukrainian opposition leader whose first presidential election victory was overturned by the courts after the 2004 Orange Revolution, won yesterday’s vote on a promise to end years of turmoil.Yanukovych, 59, took 48.68 percent over 45.73 percent for Prime Minister Yulia Timoshenko… Ukraine’s presidential election, the fifth since the country regained its independence when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, was democratic and “organized in a transparent manner,” the OSCE said today in an e-mailed statement.


“Yesterday’s vote was an impressive display of democratic elections,” said João Soares, the president of the OSCE’s Parliamentary Assembly and Special Coordinator for OSCE short- term observers. “For everyone in Ukraine, this election was a victory. It is now time for the country’s political leaders to listen to the people’s verdict and make sure that the transition of power is peaceful and constructive.” https://www.oscepa.org/en/news-a-media/press-releases/press-2010/yanukovych-wins-ukraines-presidential-election


“Prepared Statement of Thomas O. Melia The U.S.-Ukraine Charter on Strategic Partnership signed in 2008 demonstrates the broad range of our relations, from economic and defense reform, to energy, to strengthening democracy, the rule of law, and human rights. The fact that the Charter has endured–even after changes in administrations in both our governments since 2008–is testimony to the enduring nature of our partnership.”

Clearly this country was completely under the control of Russia.


“Since Ukraine’s independence in 1991, the United States has supported Ukrainians as they developed democratic skills and institutions, strengthened the rule of law, and promoted civic participation and good governance, all of which are preconditions for Ukraine to achieve its European aspirations. We have invested over $5 billion to assist Ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure, prosperous, and democratic Ukraine. Of that amount well over $815 million was for democracy and exchange programs. Much of this is being implemented through a range of technical assistance programs and working with nongovernmental actors in Ukraine.”


Clearly the Russians completely controlled the Ukrainian state prior to the 2014 coup.

William White

No you didn’t, you bribed them, conned them, lied to them, spent the money on guns and now your killing them ya slinky bastards.


Try not to be completely retarded. The documents cited above prove quite clearly that the Ukrainian state was not controlled by Russia, and that the people were not a homogeneous entity clamouring to be free of Russian oppression, and that the US has significantly worked to undermine the democratic prerogative of the people who lived in the Ukrainian state.

Baga Yaga Vicky

It was completely under the control of that ugly little witch Nuland bearing a poisoned apple.

I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy

So, we in the US violently overthrew a duly elected democracy in the name of democracy.

Sounds about par for our course.


yulia..its like someone stuffed goebbels wife Marta into the first genocidal mental patient they could find at the ST. Martins hospital for incredibly sociopathic cunts. of course the head Begger is forcing her into being a “Traitor” to the 1/5th reich one step at a time.

William White

An American survey?

Je Me Souviens

I still can’t figure out why Canada didn’t launch 7 years of shelling on Montreal when Quebec acted up in the 70’s.


IKR….I would have enjoyed watching trudeaus kid grow up in a cellar.


2006, “Gallup” conducts research with questionnaire form in russian and ukro-volapuk to chose. People could take any version, 86% took russian version. It was hidden research to uncover real ethnocultural percentage. 5 people out of 6 are using russian in daily life, because they are… who, hohols? Nope, russians. If to take main part of Russia, RF, percentage of ethnic russians here is smaller a bit, less than 85%. So you can put all ukrostatistics to a trashcan, the Ukraine, i.e. Malorossia, Novorossia, Slobozhanshina, Galizia, Volyn’ and few other regions is populated by russians. That’s why sooner or later it will be Russia again, may be except Galizia, Volyn’, Zakarpatie and Bukovina.


An autonomous combat drone… I am both impressed and terrified of the though. As much as I like to congratulate the Russian for such a machine in terms of technical capabilities, there are just so many things that can go wrong. I would hate to see this turn on their own forces or start targeting civilians. War is already confusing as it is. Autonomous drones make things more confusing. I would imagine that this would be deployed away from friendly armour, or where friendly armour has some form of friendly signal to help it further determine friend from foe.

Martin Rapavý

Certainly, its own forces can turn it off in less time than it takes to notify one’s own forces of friendly fire. As for targeting civilians, the responsibility for autonomous systems is still undetermined from the legal point of view.


Don’t worry, the red button still need an operator to open fire. All the autonomy means automatic search and engaging targets. Terminator won’t pass!


They tested these combat robots in Syria, didn’t they?

I guess it is a great time to really test them and get Russian troops experience.


I’ve read about mine sweeper tests only, “Uran-6”. No information about armed version, “Uran-9”, or about “Marker”, this article is the first time when a land robot comes to battle.


I did look it up, Russia did test their Uran-9 in Syria.

“TEHRAN (FNA)- Russia’s Uran-9 battle bot, which was successfully tested on the Syrian battlefield, has been considerably beefed up. / The formidable vehicle has now been fitted with 12 anti-personnel flamethrowers, RT reported.”

Also, “according to Sputnik and multiple Russian-language blogs, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) recently deployed ten Russian combat robots in a battle in the Latakia province, leading to “about 70” dead rebel fighters and no dead SAA soldiers in fighting. Per the reports, these ten robots included six “Platform-M” systems and four “Argo” robots, which were controlled from a Russian command post.”

Last edited 2 years ago by JJ345

Indeed. Forgot about it, “Uran-9” was in Syria, here is the photo: https://southfront.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Uran-9-1.jpg

Last edited 2 years ago by Антон

As long as Ukraine doesn’t have any old Russian tanks or captured Russian equipment.

Tzar Tellus

Better to let it be maneuvered by personal via link and joystick. Thousands of these will do good…


Nothing will be autonomous, it’s basically a scaled up RC car with no situational awareness. Not going to make a difference unless their is 1000 of them.


A few won’t make a major difference. That said, they cost a fraction of the cost of a tank, and don’t put crew at risk so it is possible to see larger numbers deployed in future conflicts.

Stinging Metal

It depends how they use them. And how they equip and integrate them. We’ll see….

Tzar Tellus

Not a game-changer, especially 4 of them but good for testing purposes. When will we see drones capable of carrying a KORNET missile to strike those bunkers and tanks? This will be good indeed.


When will someone make drones that carry high caliber machine guns instead of atupid bombs, for example and automated gunship, for the sole purpose of attacking infantry in trenches. Bombs are not suited for that. Bullets from the air are

Gerry Bell

This Rogozin guy gets around


This is a gift for German Leopard 2 tanks.


Is alive ITS ALIVE!!!! LOL!

Mexican Czar

I have my doubts about these robots being succesful against a Leopard. Prove me wrong please

Stinging Metal

That would be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Funny!

William White

What keeps the head from being shot off? It seems very exposed.


Simple, but efficient


Download images of a comedian playing the piano with his penis as target images. Install that and cut them loose!

Stinging Metal

The Yankee’s are going to get HUMILIATED. It’s a boomerang for all their arrogance and shit talking about Russian equipment being inferior. The only thing sending tanks will do is give Russia a stageon which to DESTROY in front of the whole world.


I’ll be back…

Vitamin Protein

Robots, Drones, Cyberattacks, PMCs, Spacewars are the future of Warfare.

Last edited 2 years ago by Vitamin Protein
Joseph Day

The machines will take over, haven’t they watched terminator. Lol


Any of the new russian high tech stuff besides the misslies and submarines has failed to impress until now. What about those Lasers can’t they deploy them in crimea to protect it or in Donetks so the ukrainians can no longer hit civilians there after almost one year of war started to well protect the citizens of Donetsk from shelling? What about the electronic warfare cant they just put them in belarus or transnistria and cut the communications between nato command in poland/ romania and the troops they command in ukraine? Can’t they make some spedboat drones and blow up the british ships who remote controled the missiles who hit the moskva. I am still waiting for an accident with a british ship somewhere to be even.

What use has all this high tech if we end up in trench warfare like in ww1 after all those years? I i mean this for both sides. The only major change in warfare in the last years were the drones.


this comment is too long stuff is annoying …

But different to karabakh/ artsakh where the nato drones rained death from above and destroyed the forces of armenian karabakh the impact of the drones on military seems limited in ukraine while the impact on infrastructure is bigger.


Why do they film hangar where they are storing vechicles? They even included the name of the truck driver that delivered them. Ukros can just call the nuber,put some fony voice and order another pickup. Track the truck driver over satellite, and booom…….. Someone should warn

Last edited 2 years ago by dacaz

bwahahahahahahaaaaa them poor shmucks stuck in trenches are truely screwing pooches right now. another thousand cuts for ukraine.


look at this shit, hahahahahahahaha


Wouldn’t it make sense to automate the 1000s of T 72 in store?

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