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MARCH 2025

In Video: Russian Mi-28NM Attack Helicopter Targets Depots Of Kiev Forces With Loitering Munitions

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In Video: Russian Mi-28NM Attack Helicopter Targets Depots Of Kiev Forces With Loitering Munitions

Photo: russianplanes.net / Alexey

On June 19, journalist Alexander Kots released a video showing unidentified Russian loitering munitions hitting two depots of Kiev forces near the city of Bakhmut in the Donbass region.

Based on the indicators on the video, the munitions were controlled via the AS-UAV data-link system which was especially developed by the Luch Rybinsk Design Bureau for the Mi-28NM attack helicopter. The system has a range of 50 kilometers. It allows the advanced helicopter to launch and control loitering munition as well as to receive data from reconnaissance drones like the Forpost-R.

The Mi-28NM is a completely upgraded version of the Mi-28N. Beside the AS-UAV, the helicopter is equipped with a new H025 radar station for all-round visibility, an upgraded fire-control system, a DIRCM [Directional Infrared Counter Measures] and the new Izdeliye 296 onboard radio-electronic data processing system.

The helicopter was also equipped the more powerful VK-2500P engines with FADEC [full authority digital engine control] system instead of the previous Klimov TV3-117VMA engines and improved rotor blades to increase its maximum speed by 13% and cruise speed by 10%.

Last year, the Russian Ministry of Defense approved a plan to upgrade all existing Mi-28Ns to the Mi-28NM standard. The ministry bought more than 80 AS-UAV for that purpose.

The Mi-28NM ability to launch loitering munition, or what is commonly known as suicide or kamikaze drones, is not a secret. The helicopter conducted tests with such munitions before the beginning of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine. As of now, there is still no clear information on these munitions.


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The Dark Forces can never prevail. Slava Rossiye.


The failure of the Western block’s sanction had actually saved them from the wrath of Russian hypersonics considering the position of Russian rejection of defeat from economic onslaught designed to strangulate kremlin to death, otherwise Moscow was well prepared to unleash its apocalyptic weapons to obliterate all unfriendly nations. SLAVA ROSSIYA.


I get paid over 90 dollar.s per hour working from home with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over 10k a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless. Heres what I’ve been doing.. Copy Here→→→→→ 𝙎𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙟𝙤𝙗1.𝙘𝙤𝙢

Last edited 2 years ago by Julia

US has been killing million of innocent peoples in the middle east lol.

Last edited 2 years ago by War
Retired Troll

Russia is now using some serious weapons, A Russian Kinzhal missile at 12,000 kilometers per hour, 10 times faster than sound, was, reportedly, used today to destroy a Ukrainian weapons depot 136 meters underground. (Listen to the astonishment of the American reporter when he suddenly saw this).


jens holm

Very good to entlarge small dicks

jens holm

We will see. here should be a long term effect.


Hello, you are aware that this war is taking place in Europe! Europe is big, colorful, loud, open to the world. And Ukraine belongs to it since 2013. We want to keep our Europe as we LOVE it. Joy, love of life, openness, etc. should be reflected in it. we do not want the fascist putin to destroy our values.

Even if it is about serious concerns, the people look rather and rather participate, if they feel addressed. So I like to come to fight in Ukraine Not in BLACK with weapons, but then rather in flower power colorful and loud. As an open-minded person, I know that this is more likely to spread messages. If you look for racism or Nazis in Ukraine, you will have to look with a magnifying glass, but as we all know, sometimes you see what you want, then maybe you don’t need a magnifying glass. Russia must also become part of the West – we can’t let a dictator ruin everything now, like hitler did in 1933. putin has already done enough damage: he rigged the election in the usa so that the NEO NAZI donald trump came to power.


so I guess the NAZI torch parades glorifying Bandera were just a figment of our imagination… get off the crack/meth idiot

Retired Troll

Even US saner minds are calling for an end to this fratricide and the hohols are being wiped out by Russian firepower and superiority. Only the British bastards and Zionists want continued bloodshed to “defeat Russia”, as if that is possible lol

have wiped out most of the Ukrainian Nazi scums “high command” and even US military analysts are calling for an end to this fratricide that only the Anglo-Zionist backstabbing criminals are pushing to “destroy Russia”, which is a totally moronic pipe dream:

When the Lies Come Home

After lying for months, the media are preparing the public for Ukraine’s military collapse.


jens holm

I dont belive the Russians hjas evaporated some 50 officers. The rest might be partly true.

Facts are the ussians has problems in their ranks. Those all are verified.


First tested in Syria armor protection glass -withstands bullets up to 12.7mm -armored partition between pilots in case one is killed -hull withstands -20mm shells and the crew can exit using parachutes -energy absorbing seats in case of crash under 100 metres -plus many more protections .


Guard duty sucked for somebody

John Tosh

Belarus says Poland would not be allowed to take Western Ukraine and surround Belarus. Ladies and Gentlemen, WORLD WAR 3 is building up.

The reason World war 3 is occurring is the West was supposed to go under but stubbornly refused to do so. The West decided Russia will be destroyed from internal strife and economic pressure from the West after which an invasion from the surrounding countries will allow NATO destroy Russia. China can easily be handled when the Russian Federation is no more. Unfortunately for the West this is not the true future.

The future has a country called Russia…. the future does not have a country called the United States of America. I am not sure how the USA disappears, maybe Yellowstone super-volcano will erupt. Maybe a Tsunami will occur, maybe civil war will occur. Not sure how.

All I know is the future of planet earth 100 years from now has the same old countries from 400 years ago….. Russia, Indo-China, etc…. The only major difference is THE USA IS NOWHERE ON THE GLOBAL MAP 100 years from now.

Please I am asking others who have the ability to see visions to please confirm this vision. Please do everything honestly and look into the future and see if you see the same things.

Last edited 2 years ago by John Tosh

And its all down to one thing John –Russia winning -“may you be born in interesting times”. We are lucky as this will go down in history and we are witnessing it.


i dont have visions,but i used i ching to see in future, and i believe Russia will come out victorious

jens holm

I see Russia decline making nothing to prevent it.


like all the empires in the past, when it goes down, it tends to break up into several countries. you are looking at several countries rising from the ruin. alaska, hawaii, texas, and california will regain sovereignty and become independent.


Texas will then declare war on California…

jens holm

Its because You dont see USA as many united states. They have their own parlaments and decide a lot from abortions to death penalhy.

The USA states was created one by one by very different invaders from very different countries and cultures.

The system inspired by the French is to avoid one person or one group to take over, as they saw in Europe. By that they as one person can defend themself by arms and create own religions a long as they finace borth themself.

So the upper hat in USA named Washing D.C. has a divided power which in one hand make them safe. In the other hand any kind of reforms for the whole country is very difficult.

The decidings are very visible in new invensions as well. Some states are installing a lot of windpower systems and solarelectricity. Others hardly do it.

By that there is no need to take in Arnold as mercenairy :)

jens holm

Total Lukashenko propaganda. As long as he keep his troops away from the rest, they wont uprice.

Thats the whole point.

The Polish intensions is not like that. Some very small minority is for taking back parts of Belarus or most of it. Those are not the deciders.

Even in Denmark far away You can find some few people wishing Moskva to be a lake. Poland wish for good relations to their own old possetions which is the western parts of Ukraine as well as Belarus almost to Minsk.

They are not possible by Lukashenko and his militaries. Belarus is a no devellopment zone. Hard times for people living there.


Oil prices obviously need to be kept high.

jens holm

Thats the predicted result. It semes too many try to take an extra profit. Its a kind of theft. But Putin is happy.

The state in Denmark tax fuel hard. By that it gets extra. Some of that will compensate some of the high prices for the poor. That of course is not enough.

We pay. Its of importance Ukraine can defend themself.


Excellent. Keep the rockets raining pls

Red Admiral

A Kinzhal missile at Mach 10+ used earlier today to take-out a Ukrainian underground weapons depot. https://twitter.com/51st__State/status/1538246067262832643?s=20&t=JCM82os4LeuccjUe_Xxssg

William White

WOW! Almost nuclear!


I was impressed until I saw another post explaining the video was originally posted 3 months ago and the guy was just making all sort of edits. This might a case of hopeful thinking.

Last edited 2 years ago by richebourg
jens holm

Thanks. Too much of that faked copycatting. They try to redefine truth.

Stephan Williams

The reporter won’t ever forget that experience. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forget it either!


I had an epiphany, the rich will become richer and the poor will become even poorer, if they don’t die in war before that is.

This reflects the essence of a class struggle.


They are doing it for the reason,unlike neo-libba sodomised lgbtq counter productive cia/mi6 bio labs!


In all wars common working people die while elites thrive from trade.

jens holm

You are right. Tempting to take the ones making the wars out of cirkulation as number one.


US media starts to show the reality of war. youtube.com/watch?v=wSlk9PeBOWk Better late than never.

jens holm

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Putin has censured away Facebook and most sober russian sites.

USA has not started anything. You write hewre by Facebook and Twitter. Those are the medias open 24/7 and even invented for everybodys use for the whole world(unless they are censured away).

You even ignored how many times Biden and others has been on USA and World TV.

You also ignore the many Youtubes for free made by Americans as well.

You try to tell the american/west information level is just as low as the hard censured one in Russia. Its not.

You also assume the everyday american has its focus and center of the world only here. They have a life. We have a life. We live it. We defend it.

Ed Theman

All I see is this destruction of Ukraine, but guess what, Ukraine is still fighting to a stalemate. blown up buildings, blown up soldiers just don’t seem to matter. Ukraine has millions of more men who can be conscripted into the army.


Not whilst the lgbtq assume they will die for biden,watch what will happen,keweers are all (sic) liars!

jens holm

It make sense to include people. By that USSR and its neocolonies might still exist with its Bolsjevisme, KGB and its KOmbinates.

But they dont.

You seemes to be an abnomality Yourself.



Congratulations on being the perfect western consumer. All mindless impulse, critical thinking skills relagated to the corporate government media. Like yea man, I see the TV and it doesn’t look it has changed, it is just a big stalemate. Consummate western consumer ‘thinking’ on display. But not to be outdone, your critical thinking skills go so far as to say there’s millions to be conscripted! Fyi, History is a great thing. When one reads it one frequently has an idea of what will happen in the future. OTOH for the ignorant, they look at modern TV and figure everything out in 3o seconds of video. They then look at a total population number and say ‘well there’s all kinds of people to win’. Fyi, though it will fall on your western consumer deaf ears, that’s not how putting together a professionally combat trained and capable of winning an ugly war military works. You can read up on from General Caesar to Napoleon for reference but that would require turning off the TV. Chances of that are near zero.


I hope they can get a large number of these lean mean denazification machine into action! Russia will be victorious against evil. Slava Rossiye


No matter what the sodomised fraternity try to boast about big numbers,no one is interested in taking on heteros and on that basis alone is another reason why Russia will surely prevail over cia/mi6 p00fs


senile morons Hans Sawyer poko polo describe humiliation as success–your immoral decayed money worshipping societies are irrelevant to civilized people—you will not be missed


video cannot being played. It is defective or not exist at all.


The video is working for me, problem is on your side. Reload page, clean page cash or try use VPN.

jens holm

Its working here too. I press on the line below.

jens holm

It makes no sense Ukras hide anything in higly visible boxes like that. If so they are stupidists. I doubt about it.

Nice helicopter.


social worker released you from sanatorium—you unhappy cretin consume more legal psychotropics anti-depressants than all peoples except Americans/anglos—depression and LGBT cheese is happiness in dk

Hans raus

Russia every weeks claim that they destroyed nato weapons :D Most of the time there is no proof at all, just typical russian propaganda to hide poor their performance on battlefield. Cheap russian child rapists and toilet thiefs :D

Theedrich Yeat

This upgraded helicopter is a technical marvel. It will do well in eliminating all of the U.S.-drive war toys being shipped to Zelenskyland.

Theedrich Yeat

“driven,” not “drive.”

mike l hutchings

the arrogance of the Atlantic alliance will be their undoing….

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