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In Video: Russian Military Column On Fire

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The Kiev’s military sources have shared a video showing a column of Russian military equipment burning. According to the reports from the spot, the column was hit near the village of Kamyshevakha. Judging by the smoke seen on the video, the column was transporting military equipment or fuel and it was used for military supplies in the rears.

At least 7 units of Russian military equipment were destroyed.

Fierce clashes have been going on in the Kamyshevakha area for several days. At night, several Bayraktar TB2 UAV were reportedly spotted over this area of the Donbass front lined. They were likely deployed for reconnaissance and adjusting artillery fire.


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Kiev hasn’t been the most reliable of sources lately. It could be their own military column for all we know.

M from Romania

well if they woudn’t hit the russians back every now and then, the war would be over by now, dont u think ? sometimes they get their targets


According to Ukrainian sources, Kamyshevakha was never under Russian control. It’s deep in Ukrainian-controlled territory – 20-25km away from the Front line. (you can check Ukrainian claims about territory control on Live Ua Maps)

Last edited 2 years ago by Nemanja

Actually Kamyshevaha is on the front line now. 19 of May — first clashes, 20 of May — first group of 50 civilians evacuated after RAF and LDPR took control over railroad station. Nazis doesn’t allow to leave when they controls any city or they will stay without human shield. Beginning of evacuation means that part of a city is liberated from nazis.

Last edited 2 years ago by Антон
War junkie

That was a nasty bite.. Unfortunately true.

EM countermeasures are necessary to defeat these.. Russia has this tendency to throw human life and machines into battlefield. I think USSR for example didn’t do brute force strike would have saved about 10 million people in WW II.

So they have to be careful.


From what I be seen it’s Kiev that is throwing untrained reservists over 40 of age

azov bunch of emo rejects

I mean it’s war and those crazy were and still being armed with portal missiles… but at the same time it’s Kiev we are talking about, The Girl Who Cried Wolf…

They went full retart on many occasions. Kiev has lost all credibility, Zelensky’s word is worthless deceptions & lies.

Jens Holm.

Its must be in Russia the credability is lost. Where are the many general they had. GONE.

Thats because of unexpected losses. Maybee some has bad pockets as well. Many of them seemes not to need food.

azov bunch of emo rejects

All great Russian Commanders are expected to lead from the front. And Everyone of them chose to lead from the front knowing the risks…

One of them got honored recently, a the commander of the marines in Mariupol

t.me/intelslava/27705 t.me/intelslava/27703

Oye Vey 🤗

Tell me lies tell me sweet little lies… if that comforts you into a delusion of Russian saviour syndrome then keep on telling yourself lies lol


It’s very possible, because a) no obvious signs to identify the side; b) video is too short, so can be clipped; c) in bad quality for blurring identification details; d) in any case ukros would say the same — it’s not their caravan. Western MSM do the same, ABC filmed burned T-64 of UGIL, but reporter says about “russian T-72”. It’s not hard to separate one tank from another, just look at chassis, T-64 has smaller rollers with no gaps. Almost no doubts that he knew this. And both tanks are russian by origin, from the USSR, so that liar could say that he was meaning that.

Last edited 2 years ago by Антон
Jens Holm.

There we go again. You do anything tpo try to make a denial instead of being sober. Its true its not verified. Thats it. We wait and hope.

But its bad or worse to insinuate and assume as You do.

The video by routine is reduced. They try to give no information the enemy might use. They often delay things too, so the enemy cant calculate what really happend.

NATO is laughing at you



If Kiev is the source, the trucks are Ukrainian Army and not Russians.

Oye Vey 🤗

You wish Shlomo 😂 but let the delusion sooth thy butthurt lol

jeff montanye

shlomo? three words: victoria nuland kagan.

Jens Holm.

Very optimistic. Its allowed to hope. 5 times with Your behind towards Moskva migh do it.

NATO is laughing at you



Most likely. Ghost of Kiev, anyone?

The maharaja

So many odd sites to see in this fighting. This is just one more, the Truck at the front of the column is sitting there looks like it was not hit. The last vehicle sits there not having been hit. If they were damaged makes sense…. but if they were working they should have been driven out of a kill zone! If the crews thought to abandon and take refuge in the trees? Whilst arty is falling on them would be super odd! Push on the go pedal and get the hell out of there. So many odd things to observe. The drone if its spotting why no more shells clearly there are intact trucks etc to be hit? All strange!

Jens Holm.

What has happend is very old. Try to sit in a barral and someone hit it from the outside with a big hammer. 1) splinters from the inside go very fast in the cabin. You also die by the air pressure.

So several of those vehicles are full of dead men.


Could be or could be Ukranian assets; why no real time targeting video from the Ukranian drone if it coordinated the attack?

Jens Holm.

militaries hardly evenr bring that unlesss they are forced to. Thats because they bring the methods and show their tricks.

It often has a delay. The enemy analyse information hard. By that we often gets only this.

Oye Vey 🤗

Slava delusions 😂 and Syria got bombed by Zionists again today… one delusion (S300 being used) being usurped after another… let’s all with a quarter of a brain face it, Putinyahoo is a whore of Zion and his checkers shitshow is comedy gold lol


RU move some forward air base further into Donbass, to reduce the length of the roads that need to be patrolled and monitored.

Jens Holm.

A constant updating is needed. Ukras bring in long range artillery. By that they also has to retreat depotds. Thats how it is.


Now all the Ukrainian and American media will write, we have destroyed another column. Hundreds of pieces of equipment and thousands of soldiers were destroyed. Just as they wrote about the “tipo” thousands killed at the crossing. This is how “victories” are made


Such “victory” is known as peremoga, quite funny word, because all ukro-victories strike back like a boomerang. Example: peremoga, “7 russian units killed”, then 2 days passed, boom, and this is zrada, 12 ukro-units destroyed instead. Just wait 2-3 days and we will know what really happened.

Last edited 2 years ago by Антон
Oye Vey 🤗

Like the Moskva we’ll know it’s actually worse than what we previously thought 🙂

jeff montanye

hold on to that thought. it will console you.

NATO is laughing at you


Jens Holm.

None will write hundreds. They are not You.


Shit looks like a video game movie graphics

Christian J. Chuba

Video game graphics are getting so good now it is hard to tell the difference. To make matters worse, we’ve been developing first person shooter video games with this type of scenery. Any gamer programmers out their who have a way to tell the difference between real and CGI footage?

Jens Holm.

Even my computer is rather old its not that bad. I see a lot of fuel burning.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jens Holm.
Hostage (Raptar) Driver

Totally fake news.

Oye Vey 🤗

You wish again Shlomo 😉

Jens Holm.

You know that. You took Putin TV using an arm as TV antenna.

Many need more verifications,


made in Hollywood fake news for nazis like Sawyer and grunter

Oye Vey 🤗

You wish Shlomo 🙃

NATO is laughing at you


jeff montanye

how did you two pass the robot test?


Kiev showing their own losses again ?

Jens Holm.

No. If true its from 20 km south east of Izium at the donetsk riverbank. According google there are some forrests there.

NATO is laughing at you

Poor little thing hahahahahahahahahahahahahahagahagahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


Well, they are industrious in projecting their own losses, the Clown et al.


I dont see a “Z” on the first unburned truck…

Jens Holm.

By that the Russian propaganda can trick You. Its very impressing You expect to see Zs in this. Some here also dont understand that all vehicles are not in fire.

Well people inside them most likely are dead by explosion and airpressure if they have not left. .

NATO is laughing at you

You are stupid, can t see shit anyway :)


Its a war, and all sides take losses some more some less but that a fucking war !! As a war vet there is nothing worse the hiding losses no matter how bad !! Soldiers can take the loss but not being lied to fro their own which Ukraine is doing in astronomical amounts !!

Jens Holm.

The whole Russia is lied for much more. The dont have acces to the many other media we and the ukras have.

We also has dayli contacts by the 1000s of relatives being refugees here. Many has mobile phones and androids. Russia has censured the last sobr media away and fc Facebook as well.


They advanced 20mile behind the Ukraine line they were bound to be caught

Jens Holm.

Its 20 km south east of Izium. Havy fightings are going on there. BY that i can have heappend. We need berificatio but none can say its any kind of lie just like that.

Why dont You check out well Yourself. Its at the donesk river bank and might be some memorial sit – not the village kilomaters from there.


How many Ukrainian soldiers “evacuated” yesterday?


Evacuated to prison in Rostov or evacuated to hell to Bandera? Hundreds.


Well this will happen as it is a military conflict afterall against, Nazi nutjobs aside, a reasonably competent army. It will not change the overall outcome one bit though. As Andrei Martyanov would say, it’s not the same as fighting men in sandals in the desert carrying AK47s. I’m sure the Russians knew they would have some casualties. Sad, but a fact of proper war. The media in my country (Britain) has become increasingly slient on this conflict in the past few days. That in itself tells you all you need to know about which side is actually having true success.

I’m also actually starting to think, in hindsight, that all the ‘help’ given to the Ukies from Nato has proabably caused more issues for them and fragemented their command and control. So please Nato, keep on helping!

Last edited 2 years ago by Terry
Jens Holm.

Here and in Brittain as well there is a heavy debate. Thats because we decide like that. When we havde decided its started

Jens Holm.

Too much is taking away from here. By that my comment is very short.


Kiev is always telling the truth. No Nazis in their military, evacuation no surrender, Bucha, … Now they needed a very BIG truth, to boost the diminishing morale of the troops and civilians.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nobody

Orwell, “1984” at its worse. The author has fought in Spain for republicans (legitimate gov-t) alongside volunteers from the USSR, he knew what his domestic press wrote about that war. France took money for military hardware for Spain, but banned the shipping. Germany and Italy fought at the side of fascists led by general Franco. Modern EU do the same: robbing money, supporting fascists etc, even Spain, which was never attacked by Russia, but attacked Russia in 1941 and attacking now by supporting ukro-nazis. The only difference is no one has a will to send troops to fight for nazis, excepts some mercenaries with swastika in their head and $$$ (looks like 666) in their eyes.


I think my rulers (Britain) know this, at least in their subconcious. Hence they have not openly sent troops to the Ukraine en-masse. Same with the US and, even with a lot of their population dumbed-down, they know could not enforce a draft as they did with Vietnam (which they also lost). Even if they managed to convince a lot of fools to do so, it is highly likely the troop transports would be shot down or sunk before they got there.

Jens Holm.

As usual You laways has to find other sources. The Ukra officials are just as propagandized at the Russians.

And we do need verifications about this one too. But telling it dont exist makes people into living in their own created dark. The rest of the world not exist for them as well.

They only understand by their behinds, when they have to color of their own flag.

36 mio Ukras ruiled by some 8 Russians added Moskva is a no go to most of the world and me included.

Lance Ripplinger

Even if this report is true, it doesn’t matter. Russia has won the ground war. Ukraine is just getting more people killed for nothing.

Jens Holm.

You dont decide. Thats the whole point. You still dont get why some morons like me help them to defend themself.


I wouldn’t believe Ukraine if they said day was light and night was dark. Even if they were a Russian column 7 trucks doesn’t make a difference. That said I wish Russia would just get on with it and finish this war so I can read the English version of the Russian book and find out what really happened.


If it was something serious, we will know about this case in general in 2-3 days, no need to wait too long.

Jens Holm.

Sure. That bridge over trouble wa totally denied by so many even it was well verified for the wjole world and at least one general was fired.

Jens Holm.

None says You have to believe. But the addres is correct. Its 20 km south east of Izium. Here there are heavy fightings.


No time stamp, no co-ordinates. No thanks,

Jens Holm.

The article brings a name. Its easy to find on a map. Its 20 km southeats of Izium. Here its also true there are heavy fightings.

You are rtaised not to look up. You should be time stamped Yourself and over and out.

Carl Johnson

in fairness, I note that there is indeed a greater emphasis on the rear columns during ambushes or shelling. I’m not sure about this video specifically, but there are such cases.intelligence is provided to them by allies. they want to disrupt the provision of shock echelons to reduce the pace of the offensive of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, NM LDNR to create artificial starvation of fuel and ammunition

Jens Holm.

ts 20 km south east of Izium

Isambard Prince

Can’t wait for this to be rebadged as the “Brave work of the Azov Crusaders who liberated themselves from the cruel invaders capture, ran 300km during the night, and eliminated an army column using nothing more than a cigarette lighter.” —Paging Langley, Cheltenham.. BS on line 5.


Another column without air protection and proper recon…satellite realtime footage is provided by US and EU. Will the Russians ever learn? Big duties smokemachines could hide many things.


Russia is going to lose if they don’t start striking the real enemy.


I have to that video proved nothing. Perhaps the claim may have been published to hide Azovstal mass Ukrainian surrendering.

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