The 15th Guards Motorized Rifle Regiment’s artillery exercise with 2S19 and 2S19M1 Msta-S. 25 March 2020. Source: the Russian Ministry of Defense (https://function.mil.ru/news_page/country/more.htm?id=12283792@egNews).
On June 10, the Russian Ministry of Defense shared a video showing a battery of three 2S19 Msta 152 self-propelled howitzers destroying an armored vehicle of Kiev forces.
The howitzers took position and fired at the armored vehicle in a coordinated maneuver. The vehicle was detected by a drone, which recorded the strike.
The Msta has a maximum firing range of 25 kilometers with base bleed rounds and up to 29 kilometers with rocket-assisted rounds. It can also fire the laser-guided 2K25 Krasnopol round, which has a range of 20-25 kilometers. The howitzer can fire up to ten rounds per minute.
The vehicle of the howitzer is based on the T-80 tank hull, but is powered by the T-72’s diesel engine. It has an operational range of 500 kilometers and a maximum speed of 60 kilometers per hour.
More than 700 Msta howitzers are in service with the Russian military. The most recent version of the howitzer, the Msta-SM2, is still in production. This version is equipped with an automatic fire control system and a digital navigation system.
The Missile Troops and Artillery have been playing a key role in the Russian special military operation in Ukraine. Russian artillery strikes inflicted catastrophic losses on Kiev forces.
In the last two months, Kiev received more than 150 howitzers from its Western backers. However, its forces are still outgunned by the Russian Missile Troops and Artillery. The West will not likely be able to change this even with more support.
- Unable To Advance, Ukrainian Forces Kill Civilians In Donbass (Photos)
- UPDATED In Video: Russian Special Forces Entered Battle With Overwhelming Ukrainian Forces In Southern Ukraine
Will westerners admit that Ukraine is a lost course or will they escalate?
The West has used and abused the Ukraine. Westerners will fight all the way down to the last living Ukrainian soldier.
Sad but true.
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NeoCon Jish are at their worst when losing.
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Sure, why not? Then after all of the weapons are destroyed or used up, more orders for the MIC.
They seem to be caught in a self-created trap, because they have to explain to their taxpayers and voters that they have wasted huge amounts of their money.
They explain nothing never !!!
These guys have no reverse gear.
the day after zelensky say 60-100 casualties per day the guardian prints 600-1000.. only seems to be getting worse and ukies now mobilizing women after running out of pensioner men
Take Zelenskyy’s daily high number (100) and you can easily double it though I think the Guardian is grasping at straws at 1000 daily. KyivPost reports one number, Defense-UA reports another, RepublicWorld something else & MoD Russia another. But like you, I am far and away from the action and have to depend on sites like those to come up with a rough ballpark loss figure. At the rate the conflict is going, Ukraine is not going to have many western Ukraine citizens left.
Pensioner men are soviet,not yankee a doodoo hanky panky wokey dopey tornado gay mobs, Pensioners are 60 and over,which is insulting to the new gen woke considering Soviet pensioners of the east are absolutely smashing the fuck outta the hyped up new gens whom thought their drones will take out the entire russian military,like fkn derr wokey dopey gay fads!
The old joke: wokey young tossers, “we will start a revolution”, pensioner,”you can’t even start a lawnmower”!
The west (fck eu’s) doesn’t care about Russia or Ukropia, only China.
The so called ‘war on terror’ started in reaction to the 9-11 attacks cost the lives of over 1 million people, created 10s of millions of refugees, destroyed whole countries and resulted in blowback with (among others) the creation of ISIS. Maybe 0.001% of victims had anything to do with those attacks on the US in 2001. The foreign policy establishment labeled the war on terror a success, as they will do with the destruction of Ukraine.
Read western news for the answer: there you get the impression that Ukraine is winning. As long as the public believes that Ukraine is winning western Leaders can’t admit anything else. The Problem is: Russia is all in and the US are all in. And I don’t see an exit plan at all. The west put itself in a position where their leaders would lose credibility if they change their politics. And for Russia it is about life and death so they will fight this out. I don’t see that war ending anytime soon. And I hope to be wrong.
They wish they could quit but they can’t … they bet the farm on Ukraine. Ukraine is really a make work project for the MIC and those well paying jobs in the arms industry are a key US economic engine. US treasuries have had more sellers than buyers so more money printing will only make their economic problems worse. No US politician ever got elected by admitting defeat in a war so I doubt Biden is willing to fall on his sword over Ukraine … especially after Afghanistan … which wasn’t Bidens fault but that tar baby will stick like glue if Biden takes the blame for Ukraine..
World conquering NATO is so arrogant it forgot that their supposed Russian and Slavic inferiors can whip their Globalist Biden loving asses when they have too
The Ukraine, which is a racist-fascist nation-state, is currently a weapon in NATO’s hands.
It’s time for Russia to destroy NATO’s weapon.
It’s a dying weapon, lol!
Not only the weapens !!!
Russia has gained massive intelligence on NATO arms and fighting capabilities. For example there has always been the belief that NATO will come to fight for Ukraine. This belief has been shattered. Also the equipment supplied by Britain as well as the USA have shown their weaknesses.
Russia now has the samples to build the next line of weapons. Ukraine is the first step, there would be other steps to end the global hegemony which has held the planet captive for decades.
You cannot trade, you cannot live, you cannot keep your culture… you have to give in to their mentality of absolute madness otherwise they wipe you out. Libya, one of the best countries in Africa to live in was completely bombed back to the stone age; same happened to Egypt, and Iraq.
What kind of people do this to other human beings? Devil inspired crooks who use every tool in the books to keep their madness going. This is why the Bible calls this system the “Beast with Seven heads and ten horns”. Remember the ten horns have power which they give the beast for a short time. Ukraine gave complete control to the beast but this will only last a short time. The prostitute (CIA) riding the beast (G7 countries) will come to her end soon.
Regardless of what the G7 believes, their end is near. They have no control over the outcome of this battle. Its been written about for thousands of years because it is that important. The G7 will come to the end predicted in the Biblical book of Revelations Chapter 17.
How do you know the Bible was not talking about Rome or some ancient time in the past? It gives you a clue. The clue is “The beast will be able to see and hear everyone on the planet at the same time” This was only achieved within the last 20-30 years with the invention of Cellular telephones and the Internet.
The CIA is able to listen to everyone who has a cellphone, turn it on at will (how Russian Generals were located in Ukraine and killed). This is the first time any government or system of government has ever been able to see and hear everyone on the planet at the same time. So the Book of Revelations is talking about the Group of Seven countries (G7) and ten horns (smaller countries like Ukraine, etc) and the Prostitute ( CIA) who sponsor terrorists and support governments at the same time (like a true prostitute who sells her wares to anyone willing to buy).
Maye you can agree with me that USA is the today grand Babilonia the prostitute mentioned in Apocalipsis.
se joderan solos..para mi los rusos cuando se cansen le van a dar sin asco a europa..y acordate que usa no se va a meter para nada…para ellos seria lo mejor..porque quedaria europa y rusia destruidas o menguadas en su poder y saldrian de la ecuacion y a usa le quedaria solo china como contendiente en la lucha por la hegemonia global
y todos sabemos que rusia es el brazo armado de china por sus armas nucleares y convencionales, y ademas usa no es tonta, sabe que ir a la guerra con rusia solo los destruiria a los dos
And guess what Libyans wont even fight today for it . Neither did the Serbians or Ukrainians so much for Pan Slavic “brotherhood “
“What kind of people do this to other human beings?” People who are ruled over and controlled by pretend members of a minor religion that thinks it is special and above all laws, that’s who.
Why are the Russans pas au courant, why the Russian don’t know this, cant beleef this, take their stuf out of heaven, satelits and so on, and nuke the pentagon to pay for all the killed generals ! its time now, before they implod and start nuking !
For all the Russians here: *lotss of us in America are on *your* side. We know the real story and are embarassed by the creeps who have taken over Washington.
Amen to that, I’m not embarrassed but no doubt a lot of Americans are becoming aware of the truth. The whole world has witnessed Russia’s SMO and after all the lies of the Ukrainian government people realize that Putin was right when he said the U.S. and its proxy states represent the empire of lies. Glory to Russia.
Team Putin all the way! Destroy the deep state scum!
It was never about Q,QS proven to be just the gayee nazi dud,yet what is realm, Q cannot deny! =Z=
I agree wholeheartedly and there would be even more if our press were still reporters instead of talking heads that read what they are told to read. At this point, I hope Russia continues to take all the border areas around Ukraine until is controls all access points in and out of the country, then slowly squeezes the Ukrainians into a salient around Kiev, while allowing as many refugees to flood Western Europe as possible. Heck, Russian should give them traveling money to leave. Russia should also be funding a humanitarian refugee network to help Middle eastern and African migrants get to Europe.
“You cannot fool the people: you may fool people for a time; you can fool a part of the people all the time; but you can’t fool all the people all the time.” Abraham Lincoln
“You cannot fool the people: you may fool people for a time; you can fool a part of the people all the time; and we’re working on the rest of it.” BBC World Service
But those Americans are not allowed to speak or post in the mainstream media. My local newspaper which is the main rag in an area of about 200,000 residents has between one and three anti-Russian articles per day. In the last three months there has been only one pro Russian article and that was written by me.
50 plus billion of my tax dollars have been poured into this blackhole.
Q is a poof,all talk nocando tranny worshipping dud,all duds no matter what can never deny reason. =Z=
You can see that using these kind of artillery needs coordination and skilled crews. I’m sure these artillery soldiers were training for a long time for this.
How can USA send these advanced artillery to Ukraine and expect them to be put into effective operation in just days?
They can’t, but that is how inapt their think-tanks, generals, experts, or you-name-it, are. Utter morons that truly deserve the outcome they helped to plan and finance.
One last epic failure before the house of cards will come down. Inflation is just at the beginning. It was never about COVID or Ukraine. It was that relentless money printing (which went on for decades) that got them into that mess and that has no way out beside a default or WW3. US and the west have been living for decades way above their economic capabilities and now they have to pay for it.
Hit the Bulls eye
Good to see, blow them away, but why not Selenzky, or do they not know where he is hiding !
They are using drones as laser designator for laser guided rounds. How else could it be so precise?
It’s over Ukraine. Time to go with Russia’s reasonable requests and depose Zelensky.