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MARCH 2025

In Video: Russian Rocket Strike Destroys Norwegian M109 Heavy Howitzers In Ukraine

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In Video: Russian Rocket Strike Destroys Norwegian M109 Heavy Howitzers In Ukraine

File image.

On June 7, the Russian Ministry of Defense released footage showing a strike on M109 155 mm self-propelled howitzers of Kiev forces, which were recently supplied by Norway.

A salvo of what appears to be Grad 122 mm rockets hit a battery of three M109s in an unspecified part of Ukraine, destroying howitzer and damaging the other two. A tactical drone was apparently used to detect the battery and coordinate the rocket strike.

The US-made M109A3GN has a maximum firing range of 21 kilometers with regular rounds and up to 30 kilometers with rocket-assisted rounds. The howitzer can fire four rounds per minute.

The Ministry of Defense of Norway confirmed on June 8 that it had donated 22 M109A3GN howitzers as well as gear, spare parts and ammunition to Kiev. The ministry said that Ukrainian service members were trained on the howitzers in Germany.

According to recent reports, Kiev also bought some 26 former Belgian army M109A4BE howitzers from the Tournai-based OIP Land Systems.

Kiev forces received hundreds of howitzers from its Western allies after the beginning of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine. Now, Kiev is preparing to receive heavy multiple rocket launch systems from the US, the UK and possibly Germany.

The West’s ongoing work to rebuild the fire power of Kiev forces is meant to prolong the war in Ukraine and deplete the Russian military.


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Barba Papa

There will come a time though when people in the West have had enough of high energy and food prices and the slogan ‘we must endure this to stop Putin’ will no longer work. Because Putin ain’t suffering. He is laughing to the bank as the high energy prices mean more money from him from China and India. And how can it be defended that we must no longer buy Russian oil and gas, but buy from Saudi Arabia instead. Which has invaded another country as well and committed gross human rights violations there as well. Or bankrolled Islamic terror groups like ISIS.


personally i think isis was a usa/jew creation … remember them going to israhell for treatment


o and dont forget all those usa weapon drops , that isis some how always ended up with…



10 Dead Generals

Very hopefully ;)

Hostage (Raptar) Driver

The problem with trying to bleed Russia dry is that the west is actually bleeding themselves not Russia. Western leaders have the mentality of mentally ill spoiled children, in fact I believe that’s what they are.


The western foreign policy establishment excels in irrational group think. Nobody with rational thought can join that club. This is incredibly dangerous for everyone.

John Tosh

You are absolutely correct…. they do “groupthink” thinking it makes them strong! Its their downfall.


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Last edited 2 years ago by Dawn

They are mainly lazy high school failures or dropouts that look to be important genitiles, but in reality the real billionares don’t need to mess with any others well established projects, these demonrat stinktanks are no where near as smart as proper college educated skills, they amass in numbers trying to cry victim,where all along they are the teorrists(period)


Yes, it’s absolutely true. Not only in the military, but also in the media: look at what happened to Phil Donahue, a talk show host back in 2003: he had a show on MSNBC, and he came out against the war and critical of Bush. The network immediately fired him and ended his show, that had ran for decades. If you dare to question America’s endless wars and sanctions–your OUT.

Adrian Buchan-Hepburn

Remember that.

America's 'culture'

Jerry Springer never seems to go away though.

Shiva the Destroyer

Indeed they are. “I want my Maypo!” “I want my body count!” That’s who’s at the helm.

They’re getting it, all right. Just not the ones they figured on.

10 Dead Generals

Then why Putin asks for sanctions lifting?

Diane Ferguson

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Last edited 2 years ago by Diane Ferguson

All those NATO weapons going to waste. Russia is in a large scale military exercise against NATO. Very valuable experience.

Hohol Laugher



Give anything to hohols, 1/2 will be damaged, 1/2 lost or stolen and sold out. The proportions may vary.


Hohols have families to feed too. Let’s hope more and more of them will sell those weapons to feed their children.


Their wives are lining up new husbands. Ones that actually are alive and have all their appendages.


That’s true. One woman from Lvov broke up one family in England. I was surprised, because english wife is a bit more beautiful and they have 2 kids.


The woman from Lvov was absolutely smitten as he had tattoos like the men back home.


Its just a fashion fad with tats,these wanks cant even sustain 1 kid, let alone need to rely on the the others hard works to get a roof,as for the nazi shill,she will likely move on to the poor rich bugger and ditch the fad.


She trusted the lair,thats what fools get,yet with tatts no one will take a poor winch.


He trusted to a liar, this is more correct, because that woman from Lvov was caught on fraud before. Stupid englishman who believed to a hohol, poor kids.


BS video. The grad rockets hit vaccant fields.


Not only the west is wasting weapons and losing money and equipment but most importantly, they are losing confidence knowing that their weapons aren’t effective against Russia.


Pity the poor fools that are forced to operate these. I hope they realize they are going on a suicide mission.


6 months proper training just to use them for the basics,problem is for each trained/experienced ukrope(necked) Tank operators diminished,it will require at the very least 6 moths to effectively replace each and every one lost and or even a decade to be somewhere in that league.


I hear Ukies withdrew from Severodonetsk according to their governor


It’s not withdrawal. It’s evacuation after mission accomplishment.


The M109A4 howitzer can be seen in the Canadian Artillery MUSEUM —-old school. Draft legislation submitted to the State Duma banning LGBT propaganda- fine up to $160,000.


I’m old enough to remember when Scandinavian countries were opposed to US aggression, going back to the Vietnam war. Sweden worked hard to maintain neutrality. In fact, Sweden and Switzerland would act as reps for US concerns in countries the US didn’t recognize, like Cuba. Now they are all chomping at the bit to be the best new NATO whores. And Greece, now there’s another sad joke.

A ukanuck's a sitting duck

So was Canada, until the Banderites took over.


Greece needs to vote the present government out for good,that clown is another dumb weak pussi, belongs to the homosexual sex debating team,good at words but a real brainwashed low iq dummy!

Tommy Jensen

US said “we will give you 500 bucks if you jump around wagging on two legs like a bunch of poodles”. 500 bucks are 500 bucks, yes?

Rick Jefferson

Yes, but it is closer to a million bucks to act like a poodle.

hunter bidé lab pork !

but…what is a norwegian tank doing in ukronazistan of corrupted biden……oh wait Kabum xáu !!! norweigian – 1 ohhh so nice to please the nazis ss digital ukro anus m f kers !!!

hunter bidé lab pork !

stolemborg is happy is gonna send is pants full of monkeys !!!

hunter bidé lab pork !

the ministry of war of norwegan send 22 sheizen to prolong the deads !!! norwegans should hang the ministry of war !!!!

What's in a name?

Norway produces all the morons running NATO. They should rename the place Moronrovia. Either that or Noway, Jack!

Shit country makes shit military

Thorvald Quisling Ståhtenberg pissed off? Not really. Norway is making lots of money selling oil 50% better price than Vlado.


Does he care? He has 500% more oil.

You know what the Swedes say about the Norwegians. Multiply that by ten.


So far, Russia is only doing retroactive attacks to stop the weapons from getting to the battlefield. Why not launch a proactive attack and begin annihilating LGBT North Atlantic Terrorist Organization western scum bases in Poland and Romania?

Boris Johnson

Kill as many civilians as possible, Ukraine. It’ll look good on your resume. Ours too.

Edgar Zetar

Yes, Russia is wiping out old West military equipment like this Norwegian Howitzer, but you have to understand the strategy behind sending weapons to Ukraine. Superficial Level: 1. Fight against Russia 2. Empty EU inventories 3. Money laundry and weapons laundry in the west…. then we move to High Level Strategy: 1. US Military MIC will replace with new weapons to the EU Countries. 2. NATO Weapons Systems uniformity, old systems doesnt work thats why Russia win so easy in Ukraine, you should buy and use our next gen military USA equipments 3. NATO EU will serialize and uniform their armies against Russia in the East Front of Poland , Romania, Turkey and Finland (will see NATO would change strategy in training the EU soldiers after Ukraine Special Ops)….. move on to Concealed Underground Strategy: 1. USA after establish a new iron curtain in EU would pivot to ASIA. 2. Expect heavy covert ops in Russia in the next years, throught proxy false flags . 3. Expect huge antiRussia movements in all Western Countries. … mind my word…. to USA is not over yet in dealing with Russia…. the Big Power competition poker game has just started right now… and everyone should shit and play and if you dont play you are going to be gone forever deceived into oblivion of countries. Grab your cards and play the best you can…

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar

Russia has been stocking up ammunition for the last 8 years and have been preparing for this operation for a long time they have waited until they were absolutely STOCKED to the gills with ammunition for ALL of their weapons until they were sure they WOULD NEVER RUN OUT and so now you see Russia is winning everywhere and their stocks are not even close to being used up they have many many years worth of ammunition stored and the West are floundering and their economies are going down the toilet but Russia economy is getting stronger and stronger day by day, the LIE of the west dominance has been broken and now the world sees that the western nations are not as strong at they portray as Russia has KILLED the USA empire in just a couple of months and the WORLD not just the 38 western countries who like to think that they ARE THE WORLD but the ACTUAL WORLD can see the west and in particular the USA era of terrorism is OVER. – Z –

The Crunge

But they didn’t destroy the Danish howitzers. Jens’ people and their military engineers are way to good for that.

SM Sparviero

Be happy! Once the football mondial starts then nobody will be interested to Ukraine any more and perhaps, some diplomatic step will be taken while we will watch the TV.

The Crunge

In America, I was looking at our Russian hating Fox News site. After scrolling down a long time, I saw nothing on Ukraine. I’d hazard to guess they wanted to avoid discussing their side losing.

Tommy Jensen

This is freedom.

Edgar Zetar

Yes, Russia is wiping out old West military equipment like this Norwegian Howitzer, but you have to understand the strategy behind sending weapons to Ukraine. Superficial Level: 1. Fight against Russia 2. Empty EU inventories 3. Money laundry and weapons laundry in the west…. then we move to High Level Strategy: 1. US Military MIC will replace with new weapons to the EU Countries. 2. NATO Weapons Systems uniformity, old systems doesnt work thats why Russia win so easy in Ukraine, you should buy and use our next gen military USA equipments 3. NATO EU will serialize and uniform their armies against Russia in the East Front of Poland , Romania, Turkey and Finland (will see NATO would change strategy in training the EU soldiers after Ukraine Special Ops)….. move on to Concealed Underground Strategy: 1. USA after establish a new iron curtain in EU would pivot to ASIA. 2. Expect heavy covert ops in Russia in the next years, throught proxy false flags . 3. Expect huge antiRussia movements in all Western Countries. … mind my word…. to USA is not over yet in dealing with Russia…. the Big Power competition poker game has just started right now… and everyone should sit down on the table and play… Oblivion is for the loosers

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar

this shows that russia needs much more guided ammo and armed or suicide drones. than there will be no need like this to fire 40 grad rockets to hit maybe one target.


MLRS rockets are cheap and it’s harder to intercept 40 rockets than 1-2 UAVs. Though i’m not arguing, UAVs are really needed.

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