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In Video: Russian Serviceman ‘With Brass Balls’ Defeated Ukrainian Drone In Duel

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Russian serviceman spectacularly escaped from the strike of Ukrainian FPV drone. Russian reconnaissance drone filmed a battled between Russian servicemen armed with a machine gun and small Ukrainian FPV drone.

The brave Russian fighter shot at the Ukrainian drone, forcing it to attack him. At the very last moment, the fighter dodged the attack in a somersault. Apparently, he was not wounded by the explosion nearby and he left the battlefield untouched.

The coldblooded Russian servicemen surprised his colleagues, who were watching the battle from the Russian reconnaissance drone.

“Handsome! You have brass balls, bro!” – the operators of the UAV exclaimed.

This is an example of a highly-motivated trained soldier, who is ready to fight for the victory.


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brass balls are still in place… to be continued…

NATO is laughing at you

too bad that a50 and il22 did not have those brass balls moves… awacs and command and control planes, the rarest and most expensive planes of the russian aviation joke force? shot down in the azov sea!!!! 15 crew each being azov fishes food… wow what a fiasco !

hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha


this comment did not age well. already proven to be debunked literally the same hour. ukro propaganda…i cant 🤣🤣🤣🤣

NATO is laughing at you

southfront.press two-russian-aircraft -came-under-attack -over-the-sea-of-azov-report

hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha

Pedro Moreno

sure enough you downed the two planes with you ridiculous and childish laugh.


links to an article that confirms his claim is debunked. i swear they pull these paid posters straight out of a mental asylum 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Cuckoo 40

can’t wait till the moron yanks take on iran and if i was russia i then would supply iran with the kiinszhel missle. game over for the yanks then no navy to in force your will on others.

NATO* Terrorists

them kinzhal missiles are really making them call for an anglo-saxons retreat, with uncle sam with a father up his azz and call it macaroni … yankee doodle keep it up

Last edited 1 year ago by NATO* Terrorists

why not use shotguns for taking down drones?


it’s not a video game where you can just press a button and equip a secondary gun, you need to take weight and mobility into consideration. encounters like these are rare, they mostly need weaponry capable of hitting targets at a distance.

Zelenskii's Flaring Nostrils

well, this drone business is new. no doubt that tactics to survive drone attacks aimed at individual troops will evolve and something like a shotgun feature added to standard issue individual arms will be common. this is all in flux right now and combatants will demand anything that works for their survival.

Boycott usa the world's bully

a december1991 bitchute video of a russian soldier manning the front showing off his guns, which included a mean heavy machine gun to ‘wow down dill (ukrop)’, and also a shot gun for drones. but yea this is a defense position, not assault where you are limited what you can carry.


there are none, although it would be nice to have such an opportunity. the problem is that you need a lot of such shotguns, plus everything you need for it. we haven’t done anything decent yet, and from what we have, it’s not very effective, the quality and quantity are lame. and there is no point in even trying to focus on this, in my opinion

Boycott usa the world's bully

shot guns and their ammo are easy to make ads cheap. there is video of russian using it on a defense position. typical low tech easy solution the russkies come up with. in an assault squad you can imagine one guy has the shot gun drone duty.


careful, you’ll have the nazis complaining about war crimes if you start using shotguns.

Boycott usa the world's bully

a december1991 bitchute video of a russian soldier manning the front showing off his guns, which included a mean heavy machine gun to ‘wow down dill (ukrop)’, and also a shot gun for drones. but yea this is a defense position, not assault where you are limited what you can carry. very enthusiastic soldier about his weapons including a scary heavy machine gun demo. whoever wants to fight these guys (russkies) is an idiot.

jens holm

the they do. most of them are slow.

the problem is to see them and be accuate and fast.


my benelli m$ is not slow by any means .look at yt video “benelli m4 rapid fire – 9 rounds in 1.35 seconds” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgkadfor0ec


well done.

jens holm

i wish i had balls

Peppe il Sicario

you should be proud of your penile collection though!!

jens holm

i never wrote that.

Icarus Tanović

you never wrote what?

NATO* Terrorists

beautiful. i loved it 😍

Malcolm Z

maybe a shot gun for hunting is better vs drone that an assault rifle


maybe u should stick to playing deer hunter 80’s edition fruitloop. fairly certain the russians can take over now, considering that there was a brief pause awaiting ur weapons recommendations.


the most important thing is that “our guy” survived to fight another day (or many, many more)


many more…


there’s a story going around here that an a-50 was supposedly shot down under the sea of azov, is there any information about that?


there is info fagzilian…diaper shortage already reported zionaziland…

jens holm

you as usual dont check up.

Ultrafart the Brave

great work by the guy on the ground.

as for the reporting, there’s this…

“at the very last moment, the fighter dodged the attack in a somersault.”

he dived to avoid the drone’s attack, but he definitely did not “somersault”.

let’s be real here , the guy is just human, he’s not the wolverine. good judgement and quick action by the soldier overcame the drone attack. the facts of the situation are sufficient endorsement, no need to fluff it up with clearly false embellishment.

Zelenskii's Flaring Nostrils

probably just a clumsy translation issue.

jens holm

yes or instinct.

jens holm

thats right. he pushed his luck well.

jens holm

eruption in iceland like eruption in my mouth when me visit gay bar

Peppe il Sicario

yuri yuri…!!!! 😂😂😂😂

jens holm

i never wrote that

jens holm

i can bet thies rustica has not alny brass balls but aulso a steel diek. i would suk it. boths.

Last edited 1 year ago by jens holm
Boycott usa the world's bully

at the end, strolling away like charlie chaplin on park walk, totally cool. ukraine and nato want to fight these guys and think they might win? mad.

jens holm

sure. putin statues all over but usewd for shooting practice.

USA UK ISR = SCUM of the world

treacherous anglos and beastly jews, the moral stain on mankind. they fight like cowards, using ukrainians and terrorizing palestinians. the day of judgement and comeuppance is coming, theirs is sick mental condition and lousy global system of injustice. breaking point is coming

Last edited 1 year ago by USA UK ISR = SCUM of the world

just fuckin move on mass and stop fucking around….gerasimov and putin need a kick in the head. why bring a far superior force to trench level fighting when you can use hundreds of mobile fighting units en masse. sweep to kiev and kill what’s left of that cringe level rat leadership. dont fuck around anymore russia with these braindead souls …. move en masse to kiev and kill the junta……restore order in ukraine and make ur move on to the baltics in 2025.

Boycott usa the world's bully

remember one of the russian objectives ” to de-militarise”. static trench warfare is best for this. in ww1 germany lost while battle lines were still in france and belgium, because they ran out soldiers, ammo and food.

Boycott usa the world's bully

ukraine is second largest country in europe after russia. yanquis in vietnam for 10 years. big important wars take many years. the ukraine war is still in its early years.


russia has killed enough ukrainians and destroyed more armour than any country on earth since 1945. ukraine is fighting with leftovers ….no point in wasting another year to kill some ukranian farm boy when you can make a big strike towards the ukraine leadership. remember in war u cut the head off from top and the rest will fall in place….russia could have took kiev in september 2022 and killed far less ukrainians and restored order long ago.terrible strategy by the russians

jens holm

just a anther ickted tricked version.

thye get new equiment everty day. the rest is crap too.

you live in a closed fanasy world behind iron curtains.

you right are in one thing. by that putin and the rest of yoo mot even know your enemy. you dont dont do. you are kept – away

when i write here some 141 countries as you to reteat, there are no aswers.

jens holm

i somoo tired of this.

wev we see anny supply is much more important.

jenny mcholmtard

“i somoo tired”

sell ur cow on the black market idiot

jens holm

its not possible mr and mrs moroin.

very much as the russian collpased 140 mio dwarfs is disconned to the the rest of the world.

there were not order in the collased ussr but the oligarcs, oligars and crime. most of them by that were and are too in the same ways too.

and you want to meets nato, who are wellcome, its it all over and not in the baltecs.

5 ruusian bears in the graves are better then one at the roof

concerned citizen

i think the delay from remote control gave him a edge.


nice! hope the russian lives a very long life and takes out more drones!

jens holm

ha ha. it it was me its a one timer.

Душан Мирић

soldiers should carry a shotguns to shot down drones until some kind of effective detection and automated defense system is in service. engage bird hunters.


ozajstný bojovník. už som videl zopár videí, kde si vojaci ruskej armády poradili z útokmi dronou.

Cuckoo 40

why aren’t they supplied with sawn off shot guns, that would have put pay to these’s poxy drones.

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