Russian servicemen accepted the battle against a group of Ukrainian servicemen. He alone defeated the enemy, throwing grenades at their hideout. As a result, Ukrainian soldiers, who survived, raised their hands and surrendered.
The video clearly shows the low morale of Ukrainian servicemen, who prefer to stay alive and surrender to the Russian military, because their security is guaranteed in the captivity.
moral is good, training is key, and using your ammo and grenades wisely means the difference between life and death, clearly the russian lads are showing better discipline in these areas on average, and crushed the learning curve on fpv drone combat to flip the advantage in their favour quickly in areas unaccessable to armoured assaults.
takto sa to robí!!! rus dostane pochvalu a tí dvaja si zachránili kožu. teraz sa môžu už iba modliť, aby ich nezabili banderovskí fašisti ak ich budú chcieť vymeniť pri výmene zajatcov. lepšie pre nich istotne bude, ak ostanú do konca švo v zajatí. určite bude o nich lepšie postarané.
i would abstain from calling that behavior “low morale” and from mocking those soldiers. karma waits around the next corner, you know! i would do whatever i can to encourage – not mock, you idiots! – those soldiers for their decision.
high morale is when you keep fighting, low morale is when you give up fighting. that is one of the reasons you treat prisoners well. and everyone is right to mock soldiers who mistreat pow.
in this case, high morale for an ukrainian is to deny fighting against russians because ukrainian gov. cause is not the right cause.
their security is guaranteed in the captivity? no. no more. zelensky is everywhere.
more than in usa gov. ukraine that is for sure.
i would actively look to surender to russian forces… there is no reason in harming russians.
don’t worry boys you won’t be tortured and murdered like russian pows have been.
this situation occurs on both sides permanently, the proof is the periodic exchanges of prisoners.
if they show me massive surrenders then that is significant, but this is not.