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UPDATED: In Video: Russian Special Forces Destroy Group Of Ukrainian Soldiers

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An epic video from the Zaporozhie region was shared online. It shows a group of the Russian Special Forces destroying a group of the AFU servicemen in the Ukrainian rear. As a result of the ambush, two Ukrainian soldiers were killed, one was wounded and captured.


The first-person video of the ambush was shared online:



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Cpt Pervis

I start to very much dislike the hohol.


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Last edited 2 years ago by Dorothy
Kvass Boss

Your upbeat dedication to the pitch is honestly one of the more nice things in Southfront comments.

Gina Turner

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Last edited 2 years ago by Gina Turner


GG and Slava Russia


Interesting to note that they checked the dead for vital and immediately begun to provide medical assistance. I’ve seen Kiev forces go straight for the kill. Not even checking vitals, instead shooting their targets immediately after approaching to confirm the kill. Difference in fighting styles and human interactions. Say as you might about how aggressive Russians can be, the fact they immediately went to provide medical assistance to the wounded, even if only to capture demonstrates a degree of humanity still.


Yes, and professionalism. But they are kindred. In Syria I doubt that the opposing side could expect such courtesy, which is understandable. Even more of a reason to find a peaceful solution. These are all young guys speaking more or less the same language, same age, genetics, interests, etc. Impossible to feel joy watching either side getting killed.


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Last edited 2 years ago by Monica

I agree I was thinking that as I watched the clip,


That the difference one is a professional soldier the other is a street gang member. Soldiers act and fight by the rules established and recognised worldwide (Geneva Convention) while these rules don’t apply in the ghetto and the turf war.


They are thinking of exchanging for their comrades.


you are a wally. dead men provide no intel.


That’s just silly Hollywood mentality on your part.


but; Silly Hollywood mentality is the motto of the ukie armed “forces”


Well said dude

hunter bidé lab pork !

ohhhh the nato parazites gang of urubus terrorists lgtbs of the pimps, want to take in the anus also !!!!

10 Dead Generals

We got it. You found the vodka.

hunter bidé lab pork !

no i found the cold baths and the Pimps of the west like to see the slaves f ked !!!

Kvass Boss

Dmant right amd im” duuuurrrrrnk!

jens holm

They were lined up, so only one bullit was needed.

Special forces in Russia are less educated the the normal Ukra soldiers. When they get lost in enemy terriories the most important tool is fishing gear.


Are you delusional? There is nothing from what you wrote on the video.


Ignore trolls.

hunter bidé lab pork !

troll its your fake merdia and milions of trolls working for parazites with monkeys in their anus !!!!

hunter bidé lab pork !

theres nothing ohhhhhhhhhhhh i think they try a lot to corrupted some nazis to go to your anus !!!!

Vlad the Imposter

Time to upgrade from Babel fish 1.0 beta.


Can someone explain to me what the hell they are doing? Why are they getting into close combat with that guy and why do they capture him? Just do spare his live or do they need him for intel or something?

Just Looking

Following old school rules of war


Puting most armies to shame. I have to give them that.

Vlad the Imposter

Killing the wounded is a war crime … how he’s treated depends on whether he’s a soldier, mercenary or Nazi. Soldiers go to POW camps with proper food and health care, mercenaries are tried as criminals and Nazi’s are destined to a life of hard labour, hunger, beatings and sodomy.

Kvass Boss

Depends on who finds the Nazis. If it’s Russians, they’re in luck. NR guys will kill them mercifully, Chechens, without mercy.

Eddie Truncaro

Ukrainian soldiers are terrified of Chechens. That’s well known. My guess is that NATO mercenaries fear the Chechens as well.


Chechen are “scary” because they’re shouting “Allahu Ekber” and that’s known from some skirmishes western world had with some goat shepherds. The westerners can be real snowflakes and feel threatened just because they don’t understand the language. What’s wrong for saying “God is great” while fighting? Don’t they remember the crusades and what we’ve done in the name of same God?


I the frightening thing about Chechens is not the “allahu akbar”, but rather their ferocity in combat and their whole culture in general, in which if you show weakness, you are dead.


So you are saying that Russia will sodomize their prisoners???????

If so it is proof that the Russians are just as degenerate as those they claim to be fighting. May they all end in destruction.

You sicken me for even suggesting that is acceptable behavior.


Its also possible they had orders to get a prisoner.

The maharaja

Probably one of the better combat videos ever captured. Very impressive video.


Snake Island was good too!


Sad these ukrainians are dying for nothing but lloyd austin’s chest beating.

Hans raus

Ukrainian ,,kraken” group hunting down russian imperialistic invaders…hooah



Last edited 2 years ago by Hans raus

Stop lying and spreading dis-information, moron. No one wants to see your shit.

Last edited 2 years ago by CrazyCanuck

“As Ukrainians fight to defend their sovereignty, freedom, and independence, Canada remains committed to continuing to provide Ukraine with the military equipment that it needs to fight and win this war.”

– The Honourable Anita Anand, Minister of National Defence

But Canada must give up its guns, what hypocrites.

No War



That’s Russian soldiers for you. Nothing personal, just doing the job. Could have put that Ukranian casualty out with a bullet, but instead they saved him.


It is sad that Slavic orthodox kills Slavic orthodox. For banxters and great reset.


Agreed. Common folk at that, while rich Ukranian elite is enjoying lavish lifestyle in the capitols of the EU and after the war they will rule Ukraine and over those who were risking their lives.


“Common folk at that, while rich Ukranian elite”

Add to that the rich Russian elite, too.


Impressive professionalism to save that guy so quickly after the threat was over


Wonder if that Drone was live feeding the speznas ?


I said it yesterday paying my respect to the brave Russian Generals dying alongside their comrades on the front lines. I will say it again today, the level of courage, honor and dignity in the way in which the Russian military handle themselves on the battlefield is admirable and has earned my respect. The Russians are laser focused on their objective while at the same time displaying respect and compassion to the injured and captured adversaries. This is the very reason why I am on this site and why I see Russia as a beacon of hope. I don’t give a dam what the critics or analysts or what anybody else says or thinks. I know how to differentiate right from wrong, truth from lies so I firmly stand with Russia on principle.

Last edited 2 years ago by 7even-N-6
Florian Geyer

I agree.

The professional actions of Russian soldiers are a beacon of hope for decency. The actions of these Russian Spetsnaz will be applauded by all decent soldiers in the world.

The Barbarians from ISIS, Al Nusra, the Australian SAS, the British special forces, the Ukranian zionazis, the Israeli’s and saudi’s, and the American and Canadian soldiers et al are typical of cowards everywhere.

I am saddened to admit that the actions of the British government and its cheerleaders are cruel and despicable. I am ashamed to be British.

Slava Rossiya


@Florian Geyer Very good post but no need to be ashamed. The majority of the people of Great Britain are good people just like the people here in the States. We are both going through the same situation. Our politicians and our media are corrupt deceivers and there is a systematic dumbing down and brainwashing of our populations. Honestly speaking the average American has become so docile and indifferent that if there is going to be any positive change it will not come from within rather from exterior geopolitical events. Russia’s SMO has all the potential to create “shock waves of change and awakening” that can have a positive impact on both our continents. We will have to wait and see.


Amen to that !




Very impressive video, regardless of which side you are on as centralasianstudies mentioned below the well trained Russians rushed to preserve life,

Eddie Truncaro

Ukraine MUST and WILL surrender.


more trauma for immoral anglos


Very telling video. Ambush party well trained. Vectors of fire well established. Notice the unit commander waving hand signals for clearing of ambush site. You can see the unit ambushed well trained and shows good separation in movement. When hit soldier rolls, stays low, probably hit already, lays down fire. That maneuver is ingrained. I suspect the ambushed troops are either very well trained or mercs….or NATO SF. Some critique. Never cross troops. There is a moment when two ambush troops crisscross. Leaves two troops in line of fire. This, in my humble opinion, not about Russian SF trying to be humanitarian and loving. That’s not the way SF troops think. They want a capture on one of these guys. Notice how fast they pull out fabric cot. They want a live body in my opinion for interrogation. They most likely had solid intell on this unit by the look of the lay in.

Eddie Truncaro

Good analysis.

As for the ambush, it’s testimony to Russia’s growing tactical efficiency, something that’s turned the war around in recent weeks. The shoot-out is also evidence of what’s increasingly happening to the Ukies these days. They are getting gunned down and defeated.

Russia is on its way to a huge military victory. The Ukie army will be ground down, destroyed, and atomized. Russia must and will impose a very harsh peace on the vanquished parties, which are the Ukraine and its malicious patron, NATO.

Last edited 2 years ago by Eddie Truncaro

Yes. I recommend books by Antony Beevor regarding that area of the world.

Eddie Truncaro

I’ve heard of Beevor, but haven’t read any of his books (yet). But I just checked his bio online. Interestingly, the Ukraine banned his book “Stalingrad.” Do you know what’s behind that?

Stalingrad” was a best seller, and appears to have been well-received by Beevor’s academic peers and critics. Strange that the Ukraine reacted so negatively to this book.


Yes, you are correct. We must separate the past from the present. All the armies from WW2 murdered, raped, pillaged, to varying degrees. Beever was condemned, not just by Ukraine, but Russia..I believe Shogui condemned Beevor. Here is a somewhat referenced article by the less than stellar guardian. But useful in regards to your question as a starting point : https://www.theguardian.com/books/2018/feb/03/antony-beevor-stalingrad-ukraine-ban-censorship


Yes Shoigu. Thought I read it somewhere. That very article.

Eddie Truncaro

Yes, I remember Beevor’s data regarding WW2 rapes committed by all belligerent’s armies. This research garnered him a lot of media attention in the early 2000s, as I recall.

If I’m not mistaken, Beevor’s thesis is that all soldiers, if exposed to combat for long enough stretches of time, experience psycho-emotional and moral degeneration, after which they are liable to turn into rapists in the war zone.

Beevor also argued that troops from politically totalitarian societies with (allegedly) lower levels of legal consciousness, like the USSR, Germany, and Japan, began raping civilians at earlier stages of personal combat trauma than did their counterparts from the democratic and (allegedly) law abiding countries, such as the US and UK.

I definitely remember what Beevor said about the Soviet Army, that the wave of rapes started in the USSR itself in 1943-44 as the Soviets were pushing the Germans back into Europe.

So that’s what the Ukraine didn’t like about Beevor’s book. Okay, makes sense. I was thinking that the moronic, nationalistic Ukies had some other objection to the book, something petty, like maybe Beevor didn’t honor Bandera. Some nonsense like that.


Yes. You’ve communicated this by product of war. To the bone.


It was something about mass killings of Jews?


“All the armies from WW2 murdered, raped, pillaged, to varying degrees.” Not all. German + their allies army — yes, rest ones — no. We can say “army doing something” when it’s the system, an order, not personal choice of a soldier. Germans removed any punishment for crimes against civilians in occupied areas, it was their policy. Murdering 26,6 million people, including ~14-15 million civilians is what they did with clear intention to do it. In other hand we have normal punishment system for all crimes in the Red army. Anglo-american (AA) soldiers committed more crimes (cases for 1000 soldiers), because the commandment didn’t care about it in most of cases, if discipline not declines. But it’s also not the system, we can’t say “army did it”. Beevor tries to equate crimes of nazist system and individual soldiers of RA not even mentioned about AA side. That’s called propaganda of hatred and attempt to re-write history.



You evil liar ! The opposite is true. There where several dozens of cases where german soldiers on the eastern front were arrested and put before Kriegsgericht (war court) for eighter raping or trying to rape local civilians. NS regime gave them death penality. Even the commander of the famous concentration camp Buchenwald, Karl-Otto Koch, was arrested and executed because he was accused of mistreating the inmates, stealing from them, and having unlawfully killed one of the inmates. Germany had signed Geneva Convention, where UDSSR did not, UDSSR they didn t stick to humanity, but instead ordered the massrape and mass-slaughter of civilians.

That why the russians are hated so much, because after their Czar was murdered and the judeo-bolshewics took over, UDSSR became a devilshole of unspeakable bestiality, with its soldiers commiting crimes so horrific, that I am hardly willing to name these red demonic hordes as humans.

Everyone interested in the truth should look at the true history, and listen to what russians themselves are saying about it, especially old Red Army soldiers, see here:

1) Old red army soldier tells about what he experienced in 1945 when they moved into East Prussia, and what his commanders ordered them to do. Watch video: https://kuty.me/lts

2) Russian man speaks out about Victory Day Watch video: https://kuty.me/bk1

Last edited 2 years ago by Sörenson

Military historian John Keegan thinks very highly of Beevor’s Stalingrad.

Eddie Truncaro

Did you read it? I remember reading a line or two of Beevor’s which spoke disparagingly about Chuikov. I’m not sure what that concerned.


Yes many years ago. Early 2000’s? Library. Never had heard of Beever. Can’t remember. He didn’t think much of Chuikov?


But regardless. NATO has stirred the hornet’s nest. Russia was provoked and justified.

Eddie Truncaro

Yes, there’s no doubt that US/NATO started this war. I’m amazed that so many Americans and Europeans fail to understand this reality. Or are in denial of this truth.

Can you imagine how the US would react if China tried to turn Mexico into a military ally, including using the country as a giant base from which to undermine American security? Easy answer. The US would blast Mexico into the stone age. Immediately.

Yet, the US and its are hypocritical enough to attempt to turn Ukraine into a large military base to be used against Russia. Then they use their leverage with Western MSM to lie about what’s happening, blaming “Russian aggression” for the problem. Amazing.

Last edited 2 years ago by Eddie Truncaro

Without a doubt. In my mind.


That’s strange move of ukros, because Beevor is a russophobe as well as Richard Pipes. Ukros so insane and attacking even their friends.


That captured guy was a terrible shot, missed every time.


Most likely wounded and shooting uphill by look of terrain. Notice the center operator in kneeling position. That’s more than likely clue that he needed to elevate to get a visual on prone enemy and provide supporting fire for fellow operators assaulting from his left flank. It looks like they could have finished him but were close enough to see he was incapacitated though alive. The flank rushed him. Can’t see operator commo from drone elevation. If they are SF bet the farm they had commo. Thus the mad rush to secure the enemy. You always want to take a live body as opposed to a dead one if you rule the skies. And the Ruskies do at this time. Take him back. Interrogate. Possibly save some your brothers lives. “That’s the ticket”. saith Jon Lovitz.


Although it looks like guy on far left flank got off a standing shot that finally put him out of action. These troops are, in my opinion, higher echelon glorified grunts. I.E. SF of some sort.


Correction. Looks like center operator got off the shot that put him out of commission. Regardless. Hope he lives. If he does….he’s very lucky. I know from the drone vantage point it looks flat. It’s not. Even a small rise can cause enormous problems for a grunt. Consider your eyes are 6 inches or more below the top of your head. You go getting goofy sticking your head up at the wrong time. Sayonara. That’s why in the best of situations most unseasoned troops shoot high.


Yes, a fast moving and stressful situation, and generally he reacted very well. The initial ambush was about 30m though, not difficult to hit a target that size at that range. He must have seen something worth shooting at to fire. I think the captors were fortunate, and perhaps it shows evidence of the situation where troops are sent to the front and only get a gun when they arrive. Possibly lucky for him too, as they might have been more annoyed otherwise. The second in line also moves and perhaps returns fire, and someone goes to check on him too although it goes out of shot, and by then he is no longer moving.


good ambush


and THERE IS THE BIG DIFFERENCE between Ukraine NAZIS and Russian Forces as soon as the Ukraine NAZI was neutralized the Russian soldiers rushed to help him and evacuate him whereas if that was Ukraine Soldiers they would have either killed the injured soldier or mutilated him. Russia is fighting the righteous cause and the Ukraine NAZIS time for reckoning has come after 8 years of war crimes against the Donbass people. – Z –

Uncle Joe well known peado

Professionalism, & ability in bucket loads. The Russian military has shown the upmost dignified & morally correct ways professional are conducting them selves when these so called experts start adding the victories & they were each achieved. The western narratives will be totally different to what they were at the beginning of the operation. As they view more footage their mouths start opening slightly. As more are learnt of & viewed the bottom jaw just keeps dropping a little lower. It’s when they can’t open their gob smacked mouths any farther. That’s when they realise theyve been talking complete bullshit about the Russian forces & they know fuck all about them. Except now they’re all experienced battle hardened in an all out ground war in urban warfare, open warfare, intercity warfare in built up environments. This knowledge will be invaluable. There’ll be full consultations of what military wear & footwear is best. To what small personnel arms heavy arms & military hardware that was weakest & what hardware performed the best. What is the best way to modify platforms. The best way to advance & supply lines. You can’t put a price on that. It’s telling how successful the Chenchens have been. Many of them with vast experience & know how. They were up against the extremists at Avozstal. We all know how that went. Even Zelensky the Junkie admitted it today finally.


Very true indeed. Military brilliance coupled with the highest virtue of compassion. Look at the speed in which they attend to the injured soldier all in the middle of a raw and dangerous battlefield. This video is unique because it displays not only the supreme skills and tactical organization of the Russian troops but also the laser focus and almost second hand nature in the way they carry the injured Ukrainian soldier away. The teamwork is as impressive as the will of the Russians to genuinely rush the Ukrainian off to try and save his life and attend to his injuries. This is profound I don’t care what side people are on. I have to thank SF for this one of a kind video. Glory to Russia.

Muhammad your Prophet

Shit, don’t tell me that the Southfront troll farm has been effectively neutralized. That would make my fucking day. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


You are clearly coping again … nice to see you in such agony every day, BTW. Must be a real bummer to be you. Told you many times, reality will get you. You bet on the loosing side, now cope with it like a man instead of a total wimp. You are so embarrassing and a disgrace. What a shame!

SM Sparviero

Whatever you call it professionalism, or not, i am really sad. Just saw two men killed. War is a crime itself, no contest. What the hell we must see in the near future?



Johny B G

Maybe a good way of combating the evil and lying western media and press will be by dropping millions of leaflets over Ukraine. Explaining all the western deceptions, lies and manipulations. And how we the west deceivingly and secretly really provoked the Ukraine war. And how the Nazi Ukraine regime was created and funded by American and EU Zionist Bankers and Oligarchs. And last telling them to stop fighting for rich American and EU rich bankers and Oligarchs, while their children and families are dying and they all have their families safe and sound.


I don’t get why the guy that was pushing the ukrop fag didn’t blow his brains out? I guess it’s better if he suffers through his injury and ends up in gulag? I would have headshot the ukrop faggot.

Johny B G

The big difference between the Russians and Ukrainian military is that the Russian Generals fight in the front lines with their men, while the Ukrainian Generals fight from under their beds in their 1 or 2 miles deep bunkers. Maybe a good way of combating the evil and lying western media and press will be by dropping millions of leaflets over Ukraine. Explaining all the western deceptions, lies and manipulations. And how we the west deceivingly and secretly really provoked the Ukraine war. And how the Nazi Ukraine regime was created and funded by American and EU Zionist Bankers and Oligarchs. And last telling them to stop fighting for rich American and EU rich bankers and Oligarchs, while their children and families are dying and they all have their families safe and sound.

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