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MARCH 2025

UPDATED In Video: Russian Special Forces Entered Battle With Overwhelming Ukrainian Forces In Southern Ukraine

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A new video from the Ukrainian front lines shows the battle of the special forces of the Russian Guard against the servicemen of the 63rd brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the border between the Kherson and Mykolaiv regions.

The small group of the Russian Special Forces carried out an operation aimed at control of the area along the rail ways in southern Ukrainian regions. As a result a larger group of Ukrainian servicemen was destroyed. At least 20 servicemen of the AFU were killed. At least two surrendered during the battle. The video confirms that Ukrainian soldiers who manage to surrender on the front lines are not killed by Russian forces.



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Keep up the good work, the more Ukranian soldiers are killed the more single hot women are available for overseas marriage sites.


Vile and moronic post as usual from you.


I produce eighty 5 dollars each hour for in operation an online job at .st25 I ne’er thought i’ll have it off but my relief makes 10 thousand greenbacks monthly operating this job and she or he Hav or he instructed coniferous tree State to be told further concerning it. The potential with this will be endless. For a lot of detail…… 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞.𝐭𝐤/

Last edited 2 years ago by Eva

US has been killing million of innocent peoples in the Middle East.

Ashok Varma

Don’t forget American murdering loser cowards killing Koreans, Vietnamese and Africans by millions.

R. Robertson

First off, President Putin is doing a good job in coming out on top over Western neocons and the economic neoliberal order run from Washington, D.C. The struggle between Eastern and Western oligarchs, the seemingly inept Western leadership, and the establishment of a multi-polar world order.

For a little history lesson about the high body count of The Russian State, beginning with The Soviet Union. Since you want to mention history pre-1992, Russians should remember your own history; for if they do not, you are doomed to repeat it.

Now, about American loser cowards killing Koreans. North Korea attacked South Korea after consulting with Moscow and Beijing. You know, Moscow is in RUSSIA. We can blame the Russians for supplying North Korea with the means of launching The Korean War. They are responsible.

Don’t forget the past history of Russia when it was The Soviet Union, trying to spread Communism throughout the world for domination. Prior to 1992, The Russian (Soviet) body count was even higher than The US’. After 1992, the former USSR was so weakened that they could not project power. The Soviet Union (Russia) killed so many of their own people under Stalin that the projected population of Russia was short over 100 million people. The mass roundup of orphan children, murdered by The USSR was appalling.

Don’t forget the Molotov-Ribbentropp Pact and the secret protocol that allied The USSR – controlled from Moscow – with Nazi Germany. Stalin’s plan was to attack in 1942. Hitler attacked first. Stalin and The USSR paid the price in 25-30 million dead Soviet citizens for their Devil’s Alliance. The USSR, which included and was run from Russia, invaded Poland along with Nazi Germany. Katyen Forest ring a bell?

Let’s not forget how Nazi Germany gained their expertise in death camps. By sending Nazis to GULAG for study. RUSSIAN GULAG. Where millions of Soviet citizens were tortured and/or murdered by their own government.

Let’s not forget how Moscow promoted their own wars across the globe to spread Communism, that cost untold numbers of lives. Afghanistan being the most devastating to Soviet Russian power.

Remember Beria, the murdering rapist that Soviet Russian law protected from prosecution?

This is just a little taste of murderous cowardly Russian and Soviet history. There is much more that can be discussed.

The difference? The Soviet Union lost and was no longer able to continue their murderous schemes for world domination run from Moscow. And for many years was subject to devastating economic consequences. Including Western economic attempts to divide Russia for control of her resources. President Putin put a stop to that, thankfully.

Unfortunately, Western oligarchs and their political hacks were left with no obstacle to spread their neoliberal economic disease across the face of the planet. Fortunately – more like ill fortune – Western oligarchs and their political hacks have proven their incompetence and malevolence in Ukraine, Afghanistan, and elsewhere.

Understand that the reason why The US military does not win wars such as in Vietnam or Afghanistan? It not because the US military can not. It is because the wars are run by politicians and are thus not meant to be won.

As for Russians whining about how murderous the US is? The Russian body count is far higher, including the body count among their own citizens. It is just that since 1992, they have not been able to practice it at all, being left in such a destitute state that Russia is just now recovering from.

And China still wants Siberia. How will Russia deal with that inevitable land grab? If only US leadership would have embraced Russia. We would have been unstoppable, as well as far, far wealthier. The shortsightedness of Western oligarch criminals and Western political criminals is legendary.


I’m guessing you have a pretty active inner monologue.


I produce eighty 5 dollars each hour for in operation an online job at .st25 I ne’er thought i’ll have it off but my relief makes 10 thousand greenbacks monthly operating this job and she or he Hav or he instructed coniferous tree State to be told further concerning it. The potential with this will be endless. For a lot of detail…… 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞.𝐭𝐤/

Last edited 2 years ago by Jamie

Southfront.org is in the top 3 for information and fuck the paid dogs of the west who can put a bullshit post to deter the truth.

Last edited 2 years ago by RussAngel
Muhammad your Prophet

The Ukrainians who manage surrender are sent to Putin’s concentration camp somewhere in another part of the ISIS caliphate. Mariupol most likely.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

Looks like you’re a big consumer of Slava Cocaine huh?


bitching and crying about it isn’t gonna change a thing. ukraine is done and finished. calm the shit down and move on with what is left of your life. you are wasting lotta people’s time. we are moving on to the next project, either south korea or taiwan.

Last edited 2 years ago by vietnam
Eddie Truncaro

Just ignore that guy. He’s a pervert, like the ones who hang out in men’s public bathrooms. My guess is the vice cops have probably arrested him many times already.

He’s a real sick puppy. A Nazi supporter too.

Florian Geyer

He is probably a vice cop himself. There are increasing numbers of UK vice cops who are being charged for rape and even murder. :)

Muhammad your Prophet

You’re the fucking moron who just responded. Start by taking your own advice.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

US has been killing million of innocent peoples in the Middle East lol.

Putin your Destruction

YOU’RE the fucking moron who just responded. Start by taking your own advice.

Last edited 2 years ago by Putin your Destruction
Sgt. Based

Maybe they shouldn’t have provoked the Russian bear because they assumed their western overlords would defend them

Muhammad your Prophet

The Russian bear wanted to bully a neighboring country and the Russian Special forces ended up incinerating to death in Kiev. Now they’re just filthy murdering cockroaches doing what filthy murdering cockroaches do.

Stephan Williams

heh heh heh …stark, raving looni tick on the downward slide into irrelevance. Purrfect.


US has been killing million of innocent peoples in the Middle East lol.

Muhammad your Prophet

LOL. Like I give a fuck about mooslim cockroachez. Like Ms Albright said: It was worth the price!!


Almost as worthless as Hispanic cockroaches right Yamil Perez??


Allbrights dead,just like your soul eternal,fakeo muslim/sodomised mi6 rant!

Putin your Destruction

Yeah. And guess who will be next? YOU. We will find you and we will denazify you.


Absolutely,unless the fascist soros/mi6 sukrr denazifies itself first!


The west cant argue with that video –a smaller group of Russians kill a much larger group of Azov’s– no “playing around ” there -shoot to kill.

Sgt. Based

Is just training and discipline vs. Conscripts and prisoners forced to fight


Russian military has the best and most efficient army in the world waging war for the security of their motherland is in their genes for many centuries Russia has repelled and won against all their invaders and looting western monarchies and later also the American scavengers RUSSIA IS THE FORCE and togheter with the free world will destroy these capitalist predators and perverts of Anglo American origin

Last edited 2 years ago by ERWIN VERCAUTEREN
Florian Geyer

All aimed shots from the Russians. The Ukies tend to use the US spray shots method as we see in Hollywood:)


And still they got their asses kicked,chances are Russians used their shells far more effectively!

Tommy Jensen

The Russians think they are Rambos. But there is only one Rambo and he is American…………..LOL.

Eddie Truncaro

Is anyone here having trouble posting? I am, and I have no idea why. For some reason the webpage won’t load when I post. I have to check the “I’m not a robot” box endlessly. Sometimes I get the obnoxious photo clicking tests too.

Why’s this happening?


Guess who owns the Captcha box —-Google the worlds biggest civilian tracker linked to NSA -need I say more?

Eddie Truncaro

Interesting…I didn’t know that about the Captcha box.

Anyway, if the spooks are here watching us, my message to them is:




Cyber proxie nazi censors (parasites) Clear the cache,reboot the router,sometimes that helps or keep on keeping on,usually them poofs assume that heteros on a duty back off at some stage? Well they’re all fkn wrong,keep on fighting untill second last breath in me,tooth and nail,all the way!

Last edited 2 years ago by 'OSLO FREEDOM'=TEORRISTS

Some words from your message are in stop-list. Or links. Do the next: type short text (111 or anything else), send the message and edit it, all will be good now. Sounds weird, but it works. P.S. This text wasn’t allowed to post, but i followed my own advise and voila.

Last edited 2 years ago by Антон
Eddie Truncaro

” At least two (Nazis) surrendered during the battle. ”

We’re going to be seeing a lot more Ukrainian troops surrendering pretty soon. They are getting the living crap beaten out of them in the combat zone. The Nazi army is falling apart!

Titanium Dart

To me it looks like one Ukie got captured and a Russian got wounded.


Well done.

Kvass Boss

!Z! Sending this to every SLUVVU YOOCRAYEENEE chode I know. !Z!

Eddie Truncaro

The Ukies are now creating human hostage shields. About 400 civilians are hiding in the basement of a Severonetsk factory. 300 to 400 Ukie troops have taken position on the ground floor, trying to resist the Russians.

Russia has demanded that the civilians be granted safe passage out of the factory. But the Ukies refuse to negotiate.

Can you believe this?


amerikan training—-ukie defeat guaranteed

Kiko Pinto

A Russia precisa vencer para trazer paz, desenvolvimento e justiça para o mundo.


It is amazing that the Russian’s so easily defeated and killed these Ukrainian troops. Judging by the video both sides had only small arms and the Russians were outnumbered. This is disturbing ! Were these untrained recruits throw into the battle as cannon fodder ? Why lose 20 men for the sake of a railway track ? Time to end this bloodbath before anymore people die for no good reason.


Weapons didn’t sound that of any cannon fodder,but rather natos best trained at the front,FIXED!


Either the Ukrainians were completely exposed with no cover or they are really bad shots.


Russian fighters are far better trained than natos,simple as that!

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

The soldiers must follow the order of the leader and if the leader is a religious idiot who believes that he is protected by his god, then it ends like this.




The Russians are not even taking full cover (as in lying down to shoot) but are shooting from a kneeling position presenting themselves as a target. Incomprehensible that they did not take lots of casualties.


How can you shoot lying down behind a raised platform like a rail track?


Lie between the rails, support the gun on the rail. The rails will provide partial cover.

Ding Ding

And what about if a grenade comes your way


From the drone video it looks like these guys were taken out by artillery fire, one group by thermobarics judging by the large burnt area nearby. Artillery impact craters are visible everywhere. It is not easy to _kill_ a soldier wearing a bullet proof vest and helmet with a rifle. This would require sniper like precision fire.

This “firefight” was a mop-up operation after an artillery strike.


Not easy to kill a soldier wearing a vest and helmet? Maybe a vest, the helmets are useless unless against shrapnel. But why wouldn’t special ops forces carry armor piercing rounds?


They might carry AP but its not required old 7n6 5.45 will puncture NATO helmet at 150 meters no prob. Plates on the vest results will vary depending on the plate. New stuff is not getting punctured. What does Ukraine have? I have seen many types of plates new US and old french. As they say rinse and repeat until stain removed.


The camera soldier was just giving head shots to lying bodies, most of the work was done by artilery or by AGM17 they have mounted on Tigr. Definitely not according to Geneva Protokols


correct. The tigers also had ags on roof one did not even have ammo box loaded. They caught a group out in the open , then these guys were sent out to sweep after,


Like I stated weeks before, Ukraine has no army anymore. Those unfortunate men are nothing else but civilians in uniform, forced into service and thrown into battle by the criminal and corrupt Zelensky and his Muppet show of a government.

This only shows that Zelensky must stand trial for his crimes against his own people as well as against humanity in general. I would also extend that to all their western backers, especially the US and UK. Boris Johnson has almost no confidence and old potato Joe has the lowest approval of all times. Seems there will be some regime change in US and UK soon, rather than one in Russia. Just another front where the west has miserably failed to accomplish their set goals and one that has again backfired on themselves.


Turkey Shoot

Peter Jennings

All of a sudden, playing war becomes real and deadly. The sad thing is, they need not have died. The whole sorry mess lies at the feet of the USadmin and its nato poodles.

Gunther Wilderman

Indeed. All wars are bankers’ wars.


this so called battle, looks staged, same similar language, same uniforms. killed clean no blood dead bodies. can’t tell the difference between who’s who.



Yes, I see it the same way. Here’s an analysis on the ukraine situation from an european guy very balanced. It is titeled: Why Putin is perceived by so many as saviour. (Warum Putin von so vielen als Lichtgestalt wahrgenommen wird – Ludwig Gartz), see: https://youtu.be/BLZTHAywH-4

Last edited 2 years ago by ludmilla
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