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In Video: Russian SU-24 Performs Low Pass Near USS Donald Cook Destroyer In Black Sea

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In Video: Russian SU-24 Performs Low Pass Near USS Donald Cook Destroyer In Black Sea

A screenshot from the video

Big bad Russian warplanes once again threaten peaceful US ships in the Black Sea.

On 23 January, a Russian Su-24 fighter jet performed a low pass over the US Navy’s destroyer USS Donald Cook, which recently entered in the region.

The video was published on the official Twitter account of the 6th Fleet of the US Navy.


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Laurent Parodi

Then the SU-24 is in the international airspace providing peace and stability in the region.


The US is actually acting like ISIS, that is like “moderates”. Back in Soviet days when Muricans were more like outright terrorist Ziojew invaders, the US would sail their ships IN Soviet territorial waters. And the Russians, to maintain “business and partnership”, would try to ram them out of their territory.

With Putin, they don’t need to do that, they already got Ukraine and the Baltics and know the Kremlin will go out of their way to ensure “unity” with terrorist Ziocorporate globalists for “investment and development”.

Jens Holm

Well we actually has very good details for Russian even on the Swedish coastline with a sub.

But that of course was in the good old days, where everyone in USSR needed several drinks to make the day.

Jens Holm

They dont say the opposite.

We have those full speed jets in the Baltics too. They show they are agressive being in full speed until they in last second are almost into the Danish Bornholm zone and the turn left of right. .

We see none of that here.

John Wallace

The US is actually restricted to the number of military ships that are allowed in the Black Sea at any one time. Can’t remember the number but it is not many. That is why they are continually rotating them. That is another reason why they wanted control of Crimea so they could take over the naval base at Sevastopol.


Yes, NATO and the US had all the carpets and curtains measured for the Crimean base after the illegal US backed coup, and its just not fair that NATO warships cannot now use the port because of the Crimean populations vote to return to Mother Russia :)


The Crimeans + Russians also foiled the AmeriCunts + NATO-Mafia’s attempt to infiltrate + contaminate the ‘Sea of Azov’ because they are NOT allowed there like they as well NOT allowed in the ‘Sea of Okhotsk’ in the far east.

Jens Holm

Well, thats a relative and no good sign for any happyness and understanding – And there You go and just make a third confrontations all by Russia themself.

Just Me

Iran receives first batch of locally assembled SU-35

The military-industrial complex of Iran has begun to develop heavy fighters in coordination with a friendly state ,accordance with plans to increase the defenses of the Islamic Republic, the deputy commander of the Iranian Air Force, Brigadier General Hamid Vahedi stated on January 28, 2021 after visual sightings of Russian SU-30/35 at Shiraz airbase in displaced patter southwest Asian color scheme of IRIAF. Reportedly 60 aircraft will be delivered to Iran in the first block.


Ashok Varma

Looks like more updated version than the IAF SU-30MKI. Good for Iran to sticking with Russia and not buying Chinese inferior products.

India is also upgrading its SU-30MKI fleet.

India, Russia to sign pact on spares for Su 30 fleet, availability could go up to 75%

MOSCOW: India and Russia are set to sign a pact for quick delivery of spare parts for the Su 30 MKI fleet that would ensure that the aircraft is available for more combat missions – a key focus area for Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar who has working on reducing the amount of time frontline fighters are grounded due to technical issues.

The long term spares agreement will provide for an express process for the delivery of spares for the fleet for the next five years. Unlike in the past where each spare part had to be ordered separately with a lengthy process involving license, customs clearance and bank guarantees, the contract will ensure that spare parts start getting manufactured within a month of the air force raising a requirement.


Iran joins an exclusive club.


Jens Holm

I will remind You, that Krimera was an important part of a big trade. It makes no sense, Russia left it themself and then just took it back. If so they should have left other parts of the USSR territory or fx has given some other compensation.

Next Ukraine actually got some % of the USSR navy. It would be very strange for any navy not to have harbour facilities included, where the same ships had their life and duties.

Here You forget that and mention Nato as minus.

Well friends visit Our harbours too. Thats a part of Our relations to others. They sometimes are like Tourist Gueats for own promotions too, and sometimes we learn each other to be more united in civile as well as military matters.

We have smaller international armies inside us even fighting each other. People are not afrais of them even they speak german or dutch. I worked on a school for a HQ of theirs.

They played with the children, when they were not busy., They gave the children candy and painted them in green and brown camouflage. I even was allowed to hyave a Stinger on my shoulder and will never forget.

I only has an Armata in my garden and a simple Browning.

So thats why. Its back to normal.


Thats what the whole Ukraine coup was about,the Americanshad already drawn up plans for the development of the Russian naval base,Yats was supposed to throw the Russians out,i believe there were US marines on ships off the coast waiting to take control,now what that mindset shows me is those people are totally insane,did they really think Putin would tolerate that shit?


The almost infantile thinking of NATO/MI6 etc are their greatest weakness, especially when confronting adults with foresight and the ability to recognise past failures, in my opinion. :)

I put the current NATO strategy on a par with the exploits of the Famous Five as written by Enid Blyton.


Jens Holm

Thats correct. They are restricted in time and about 2 vessels. I dont recall, but its a kind of relative fast in and out.

Siegfried Stahl

Vlt. sollten die Russen mal wieder 1-2 unauffällige Frachter nach Kuba schicken, damit die USA wissen, was sie da machen…

John Wallace

Might as well. Relations between Cuba , Russia and the US can’t get any worse and it will get the US cocks flapping in the breeze.

Könnte auch. Die Beziehungen zwischen Kuba, Russland und den USA können nicht schlechter werden, und die US-Schwänze werden im Wind flattern.

Jihadi Colin

They can’t take carriers through the Bosphorus because of the Montreux Convention either. Of course an Amerikastani carrier in the Black Sea is automatically a sunk carrier the moment shooting begins, so it’s hardly a crippling restriction.


Frankly, that is pretty good flying for a medium fighter/bomber and appears to deck at 200 feet or so above the waves. Meanwhile also in the real world Iran launched a new generation of Space Rocket also known as ICBM.


“For the first time in the field of space science, the first test launch of Zuljanah satellite launch vehicle has been carried out after achieving the most powerful solid fuel engine technology with the goal of conducting suborbital test,”the Iranian space agency added.

Ashok Varma

This is good platform for ICBM, Indian media is showing the rockets range at over 5000 kms based on the trajectory from satellite tracking stations in Andaman islands. If you curved the Zuljanah’s trajectory, aiming for distance rather than height, you could carry a one-ton warhead as far as 3,100 miles, MOD estimated. A weaponized Zuljanah could strike targets as far away as China and the United Kingdom.

Just Me

I personally think that in the Black Sea, which is a historic Russian lake, the SU-25 Frogfoot would be more effective for up close show of force, they are slower flying tanks and can easily sink any US rust bucket. Su-25 with SU-35 CAP would get the message across.



I was hoping a missile would accidentally fall from the Russian jet, hitting the terrorist ship under.


These USSR bombers can’t hit an ISIS convoy, they need a squadron to hit the Cook.

viktor ziv

In Syria there were 70 russian planes at the top conducting 4-7 sorties per day turning the tide of the war, while 170 US planes were performing 2-3 sorties per day and failing. Dude, again your calculus is beyond wrong. Cook is cooked! Last time Su-24 blinded Cook, sailors from Cook requested release from the ship. Your animosity toward great russian nation is getting bored.

Jens Holm

I did see USA and friends make failures, but they also used much less soldiers and less soldiers mainly from the SDF was killed.

They also has used bombardments for destructions and trying to make the ISIS forced to non moving having great succes for that.

By that You are right, but You also are very wrong. USA has and certainly hasd a piano for it. The Russians never has had much more then the black ivory ones.


Yeah and SU-24 was manned by a little green anunaki from Nibiru, I had read on Russian media too.

Not Indian Paul

What happened in Syria after Russia started bombing those rats tells a different story. You idiot.

Jens Holm

I agree with Occy in this. Simple maps show USA and SDFs has taken just as much territory from ISIS as Russia, Iran, Assad and russia has.

Today it also seemes they keep them some % better.

Hard to proove that, but after following it for years it seemes to me, its mainly like that.


I’m talking about present, not history. Bibi gave clean orders to lil Putin, just to pretend…


Your Momma said the same thing to conceive you too ..half your zio village men tried on her but were infertile, then the Palestinian gardener did it

Jens Holm

It seemes to be true. If ISIS are fast hardly none can hit them. Thats why USA is a little better. They sometimes react fast enough by better high tech.

Roumors say the Rusians eat the cooks too.


Haha Ruskies going mad over their vintage scrap. Putin era is close to an end, billionaires will fight like pitbulls over what is left.


As usual the whiney AmeriCunt scum complaining. What does the notorious genocidal fascist AmeriCunt War-Criminals & World-Terrorists expect if they 24/7 in deeply hostile malign provocative manner sneaking in areas around the world where they have no business to be? Did the Rogue Terrorist Nation expect a welcome wagon?

Laurent Parodi

In they twisted minds they think they have moral superiority other anyone. Of course they expect flowers and red carpets wherever they go.


Just wait the B-52 to fly above Ukraine, to hear real moaning and sobbing.

viktor ziv

Mig-17 is enough to get B-52 hear Booooing!


Why waste the fuel for a plane, that’s the reason for the advanced SAM systems. The Jets buzzing over the AmeriCunt Rust Bucket is just for show and to use some Electronics on them, the very same vessel had some bad experience with the same type of planes in Baltic Sea and the Assholes doesn’t learned a thing. If they want to sink that Vessel they use a Kinzhal and they would never see it comming.


Where was the Mig-17 one month ago when B-52’s were over Ukraine?

viktor ziv

You’re aware that B-52 was flying over Ukropistan? Ukrops can’t afford to pay for attention (Eric Cartman quote) less to bring Mig-17 from hangar.


Did I say that it was flying over Muscalistan?


You know, the funny thing is an old Mig-17 could be very dangerous for an old clunker like the B-52. All the MG Turrets were removed from the B-52 in the ’70s and replaced with electronic warfare stuff and frequently upgraded to scramble jam with modern planes + missiles [except the latest generation] but an MiG-17 doesn’t have any of this electronic stuff but the old school missiles [w/o fancy electronic] and their infamos 30mm Machine Cannon could make scrap metall out of an Big Target like that Clunker and they also not that fast to bail on a MiG-17.

viktor ziv

Spot on mate! Little bit off the topic, that’s why I long for BMW E30 series. No electronics, just pure muscle. :)


Some modern cars are mechanically soo bad designed, they can driven/operated savely only with massive electronic assistance….most technical defects are today mostly caused by the electronics….too much of this mostly useless garbage unnessary for a car anyway.

Not Indian Paul

Plenty of moaning and sobbing going on after the West privatised all their assets. The US don’t give a shit about Ukrainians you fool.

Ashok Varma

A real Indian agrees :)


Neither palatial Putler about Dumbassians, their appaerments are popping like popcorns with their families inside.

Robert Ferrin

Yep and they will end up just like they did Nam as a permanet piece of the sencery.!!!

Ashok Varma

Hanoi war museum has so many that they put some in parks for children to play in. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8cdd6ddd30e4b58786a4324bb501445f9bcb34bc42c8ab42d01f51d4556cc2ca.jpg


Hehehe, ruskies already going mad :D


LOL!! Like this. https://youtu.be/rcOCzMAKNwk?t=18

Just Me

In many instances NVA 23mm twin AAA brought down the B-52 with many a crying obese US pilots.


Indeed its the only language they understood.


If fapping on vintage porn is your thing, thereare Sherman tanks footages too.


Facts are my thing,and the fact is a B-52 would be toast in any conflict.


Don’t worry about them, they can launch cruise mussiles from thousands if km away

Tommy Jensen

McCain is it you?


Well McCain had a SAM up his arse.

Kenny Jones ™

Easy target for even a manpad


Or a pigeon or a fart. Russia has no reasons to cry.

Kenny Jones ™

But then why doesn’t ukraine join nato finally, what are they waiting for?


They will not join NATO officially, but will have NATO bases on their teritory.

Kenny Jones ™

That would be stupid, one provocation and those bases would turn into dust, why would they make such an easy target

Tommy Jensen

There are too many “targets” around. Russia cant do them all plus it would be against International rules and agreements.


Same for Moscalistan.

Tommy Jensen

No matter how many of our USS Donald Duck destroyers Russia threaten or shoot down in the Black Sea, we will come back with new USS Donald Duck destroyers. We will continue to sail ups and downs in front of Crimea in International waterways of free navigation in order to defend our Allies and freedom, and Russia cant do a shit about it.


It’s Donald Dick.

Harry Smith

Donald Dick is busy with Melanya.


And Arkady Rotenberg with Putin

Harry Smith

Envy in silence little bacon. ROFL.


I envy Russian nation for having 100 people like Rotenberg. Ohh wait

Harry Smith

And your nation has none. Like I said before: for you is better to envy in silence.


Eastern European countries that are members of EU don’t have jews in top 10 richest, because EU is very tight with natural resources, ecology and corruption so they preferred no mans lands like Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, you name them :)

Not Indian Paul

Tommy, what is this freedom you talk about? Freedom to get obese?, freedom to fill your mind with Hollywood crap that entertains and brainwashes at the same time?, freedom to get addicted to opioids?,freedom to have no universal healthcare system or social safety net?, freedom to let your 10 year old son become a girl?, freedom to let women rule over you? The US is a joke and so are you.

Jens Holm

You seemes to forget we see normal people also has a build in named as being resposible as humans are in a free inviroment.

You make Your own Russia-Arabi context, where You alos see freedom. By that You critizeise ANARCHY, which we do too.

But we are not. Its not Our fault or default You dont understand that and even insist.

Your version says we are collapsed decades or many more years ago.

So we are not like that. Under same condition women Our women are just as bright as men and they are mainly used equally in most matters. They are premiereministers, they are chieafs of the poilice, they are everywhere even a little underrespresent in the top top paid and influence jobs.

Its not Our fault some moron saw Your woimen are much more stupid then Your stupid men and You has to fight hard to keep them there.

We dont let 10 year old boys become girls as well as the opposite way. We see people are not as semilar in genders and other things as ts decided by baboons. We see there are problems, which are very vesible and sometime do Our best to make corrections, when those children are very You.

The few other corrections start with a psycological deep test from 16 years old and none are psysical correcte by operation until they are 18 or sometimes 21 years old. Here hormans is important for those few the rest of their lives.

You should be ashame wrtiting like this and how You do it. We try to include all we can, because they have not chosen those versions and we learn each other to aqccept and respect it. We have seen many improvements for Ourself in tolerance among each other.

Its the same for homos and especially the gay ones. We mainly see them as a plus. In a short version og mine they makes no children and by that has time for education and by that can advance in jobs better then the rest of us. By that they also more often becomes good taxpayers to the ones with children. The Danish state support all chilkdren here with a lot the first years. It declines down to zero, when they reach 18years old.

I see no gays are bad people at all. I do see bad people all over being no sexually minority. I also dont look behind curtains about sex. People can do anything they want unless they harm others being psycopats, rapists or pedofilias.

So I thik You should learn that. Most mjacho men are the ones, which has to proove, they are not gay by low self confidence.

Tommy Jensen


Jens Holm

Haha. Very good. If I should choose from those very old days, I would take Orange blossom special by Sea Train:)

Harry Smith

And Launchpad McQuack! You forgot about Launchpad McQuack! How could you? https://media3.giphy.com/media/l2QZX5dM8y0RUD2q4/giphy-downsized-medium.gif

Lost Empire

If SU-24 is not enough for US, then something also is ready for them/you: Sarmat, Kinzal, Poseidon, Avangard, Zircon. What of these “baby” do you like more?

Tommy Jensen

We could have shot that SU-24 down 500 times.


What the heck ! I objectively thought that the Russians were scared shitless of anything remotely American !!! this is RT propaganda. In real life the US ship would have qhot down that big bad plane from 10,000 kilometers away with super-duper RAM missiles right xD

Man I can’t stop laughing. RuAF has made a habit of trolling US sailors and they don’t seem to be able to find a response.


Most Americans take themselves very seriously, in my experience. Such people are full of their own bullshit or just rather dumb.

Both groups are unable to laugh at themselves and have little empathy with others, especially non Americans.

During WW2 a comment oft used to describe Americans in the UK was was that :- American servicemen are over-paid, over-fed, over-sexed and over here. :)

Jens Holm

Working as porter at a hotel for the first years of my life, I would say that about half of the Americans are like that.

In WW2 hostile britts were correct. Compare to them the USA system did pay more and also gave a lot in better food and conditions.

It was because they could and Britts could not. It also should be remembered UK used their money being in war seveal years before United states and war is expensive. So I allow me to add many Britts were happy the american forces by thats contributed with a plus. We also has to remember Uk was filled up and almost anything was sold or rented to the armies, which by that was compensated.

USA was learned to behave the opposite to the Nazis, so all could see they were liberators. By that they had gifts as well as contrseption with them. By that they also was welcome as guest in the Brittish home, because they paid for themself and a meal or two more and maybee simple things as nylon stockings.

We west won WW2 by overwhelming material production. The american soldier was best to the price but SPEED education and not as good as the Nazis(as long as nazis had well educated soldiers). So in the same spirit they got a lolt of good weapons as well as almost no limits for bullet and fuel consumption.

They were not as good as the nazies, but that was compensated by a formidable air and a very accdurate fist class artillery.

People in Russai sometimes forget USA and Britts were the ones, which knocked almost every production and transpotation down, whcih helped the Russians very much.

USA also sold and gave Russia any help they could og any kind, which Russians even today deny or say was almost nothing. Pictures show american bedfords following the T34 and seldom russians ones for refuel. Russia was given them and also high octane fuel to mix with the Russian very low octane.

The Russians truch were much less stabile for those advancements. Inside the T34 thre raioequipment also very often was made in USA. It was much better for all those ups and dows for tanks.

Some here also forget the Marshall help was a proposed oppertnity for USSR by Stalin too but denied. By that – for me – the difference has been very visible ever since.

And I do allow me to compare. We by EU want and wish the new countries west and south of Russia up to Our standards for them as well as us.

We have no intensions for what Raisins say. And we do have at least some succes. Chanes in minds and ehaing has to be changed into systems, which has its ups and downs but mainly is up.


I remember the first time it happened,the look on those Americans faces was a picture,they were in shock.https://youtu.be/ylONaw4ODuk?t=60

Ivan Grozny

Up, close and personal! What’s not to like ;-)

Tommy Jensen

Amateurish and unprofessional. We could have fired out triad but fortunately our boys were professional.

Potato Man

“ensure security & stability in the region.” Good joke, that has been Russia, China and Iran job for long time now. The only country that bold other small shit alike of Zion and Wahhabi State is US and none of them follow international law. But yet they cry about “international law” you don’t follow it you don’t get to complain about…yet ofc they are wrong, black sea is Russia region not US or US dogs.

“Operating in international waters in the Black Sea while a Russian SU-24 does a low pass nearby.” Yes, that Russian jet was also was operating in international waters…who write this? sound like a fuking kid.

jeremija krstic

Pilot to base: “ship controlled remotely. crew in hibernation. nobody to put asleep.”


“”” Today, ?? #USSDonaldCook operating in international waters in the #BlackSea while a #Russian SU-24 does a low pass nearby.”””

This a remainder to all NATO that the Black Sea is a Russian lake, and can toy with anybody who thinks otherwise. The same goes for the Baltic Sea.


They could’ve shot the su-24 anytime they wanted, russian military is shit

Lone Ranger

They could’ve shot the Donald Duck anytime they wanted, U.S. military is shit.*


Maybe they’re scared to do so, that’s why they just flew by it

Lone Ranger

Maybe they arent as bloodthirsty… Play stupid games win stupid prizes… Russia could sink all 10 carrier strike groups within 96 hours. That according to the Pentagon… Dont mix up good will with weakness…

Jens Holm

And what happens next???

Ivan Grozny

Doubt it would take that long – more like within 24 hours ,maybe even less, with a little help from the China-man ;-)


But according to Tommy., that is against all international usary rules.

Jens Holm

I agree. Even the retired tennis star Caroline Wosniaki can take them with her longest racket in high heals:)


Your wife says to all the men she fucs..then same about you

Jens Holm

We agree. We will buy Spain and give it to all of Our children.

We even has included windpower systems, so we can make enough drinking water as well as water for farming, when we die.

All has to support their families, the best they can. Share is not always a bad thing. I have warwidows too.

They finally are free and I do my best in my best way to make them forget their misarable life and miserable husbounds too. I say nothing when they come to me and sometimes name me as Ahmed and Abdullah, when the light sometimes is not on.

I also make them busy. They go to school and now even can and are allowed to read the Holy Choran. One also is a Christian. Reading in that bible she now knows Jesus walking on the water, was with no ice.

I didnt force any. I advertized with fair conditions as well as it goes. The best one might be her mainly upstairs. She has cleaning as a hobby and not only the rooms and laundry:)


One Suk 24 shot down…..destroyer D Cook sunk.. $20 million loss vs $1+ billion loss.


The point was that they can shoot that jet down anytime

Jens Holm

I agree. This pic is only an observation.

Servet Köseoğlu

its typical sigint game both sides measuring each others reaction times.


Another point is Russia could sink that ship anytime.

Jens Holm

Russians dont have that big throats. Too many here are like this https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/45e13ec9b6b26f615f13064fd906319307010a333c23f11a0d2b06aca22baac6.jpg like small rabbits and ships like biig biig carrots.

The base seemes to be some kind of infalation for the many many liras, Rials and Rubels, whcih next week will make the US dollar to collapse again, because too much USA debt makes it for them.

Jim Allen

Actually “they” cannot shoot the plane down. US launches missile, Su-24 switches on EW. Missile gets confused, wanders off. Su-24 cranks up EW makes an ultra close pass at high speed, so US sailors can count rivets on plane. Guided Missile Frigate goes dead in the water. Again.

Servet Köseoğlu

They can shoot the Su-24 easily with ciws but they can not dare..%100 Uss donald cook destroyer is in the range of Russian submarine at that moment.Usa knows it,they can not dare even in their wildest dreams shooting down Russian jet at black sea.

Jim Allen



No, the point is that Russia could have sink that ship at any time. Neither is going to do anything so stupid, but if they did, America would come off worse.


Your wife said the same about you yesterday …on her back


What do you think would have happened to that ship you ape?

Jens Holm

He only write that because he cant efford to have an Aramata in his garden or has no space for it on his balcony.

He think its funny teasing You. Maybee he is sponsored to do that:)

Lost Empire

Maybe they could. But then? Donald Dick was in the Black Sea. What do you think would have happened if americunts had shot down the russian plane? Probably you have a short memory, but i remember that yankees cried like a newborn when another SU-24 blinded them with ECM


Talk is cheap Frankly, then do it :)

Tommy Jensen

Exactly what I have been saying too. Rusty iron and obsolete hypersonic.


That dumb american comments under the tweet is surreal..

Tommy Jensen

But true. If America was not in the Black Sea to ensure security & stability the whole region would be a volcano of quarrels, shootings, bombs and wars about territory, robbing and land grabbing.

By showing the American flag the innocent civil populations feel more safe and that someone care for small fisher villages, humanity and freedom.

Jens Holm

I agree. Those new little ones need someone to count one and Russia is only very limited having its own big problems.

It fx is terrifying too that Armenia and Azarbaidian finally got rid of Russia, Turkey and Iran – and then makes war twice. Russians are several places too. Is that needed – well maybee it is.

Jim Allen

US warships in the Black Sea, aren’t there to “stabilize” anything. They’re there to create tension, promote fear, etc.. US warships are the only ones scared. They look like they’re in a backyard pond. Too big to turn around, shallow water. They’re large slow targets with zero defense against Russia’s weapons systems. Makes US a laughingstock.


:)))) what a load of horseshit.. congrats..

Jens Holm

I see the same as Occy in this. Its better with at least some stability by USA then Russia with no limits continue to make the collapse and unbalance as a permanent chaos, where nobody knows whos who unless the are repatriated into the Russia non devellopments and their selfinflicted collapses.

Robert Ferrin

HAHAHAHAHAHA YAHOO and its not even April fools day yet>>>


Maybe they ought to work on ‘peace and stability’ in their own capital before spreading it elsewhere …. although I have to say what we saw in the capital last month does look an awful lot like the peace and prosperity they spread to Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and the Ukraine

Jens Holm

Thats no related at all. I not even feel its tempting.

There is nothing strange in USA and others are more in the Baltics. USSR collapsed and the Russia Neocolonialisme finally wnet back to close to none there.

Maps show Bulgaria, Roumania, Ukraine and Grusia is there and take their part of the border and local sea territory. They are under international convensions right but also0 and limits allowed to invite anyone they wish.

Thats none of the business for Russia as long as its kept. Here I recall Russia has kidnapped Ukrainian provocative threats based on Ukriane has right to use their own small harbours if the Azov sea.

Not nice. Maps show the reduction in % (with or witho https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3ad47a416151ad5a050ed73f86118ceb98c222bbf460de1ea013110bf3c517ba.jpg ut the Krimera as You wish).

The map is perfect. Here Russia are non mature ornages and lemons with no sugar spitting acids as if they were made for it:(


Take your head outta your stinky jewish rectum and stop talking with your mouth full.. you know what is coming out

Jens Holm

I feel fine if You define me as a Jew. You name all that, because they dont agree and work for Your infatility demands.

I look at my paycheck and my house.

We are millions of Jews here in Denmark. An estimate seemes to be more then 90%. Even most of Our muslims are Jews in Your context.

We all go to school educate and are paid for our skills and hard work and are rewarded for it in Our system.

By that You know us well. We feed You by high tax and UNICEF.

cechas vodobenikov

jensy needs to return to rehab–another decline and relapse no geography class in bad schools in US colony

Ivan Grozny

Your map is WRONG!! Chrimea is Russian!!

Assad must stay

Hahahaha i remember last time i heard the su-24 had some kind of ECM called khibiny and it like disabled all electronics on the ship and the sailors got scared shitless and tried resigning lmao


On return to their Virginia base, about 30 applied for immediate discharge




Jens Holm

Good one:) . Never seen here before.

It also could be Obama care and Trump.

Kenny Jones ™

I miss trump


I hope the toilets were not electric flush like on passenger jets…could get serious.

Jens Holm

You never know. Their smoking last aircraft carrier has outdoor toilets to reduce the weight.

They hardly dare to leave Murmansk because of all the dirty tourisme pictures. I still wonder why all those crewmebers shave their behinds. Is it a food thing or what:)

Assad must stay


Lone Ranger

Did it manage to limp back to the port this time?


Hey Putin, stop harrassing the poor Donald Cook. She is done for good. Your forceses did this already two time. Pick another Agis Ship. Maybe a zumwald this time?


If the Zumwald make it that far.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes


Black Waters

U.S occupants getting desperate.

Jens Holm

The usual invented assumption. Next You repeat it to everybody in Your own narrowminded cicles belie it into a fact.

No westerns are that stupid. It goes for Israel too. They dont waste time crying all the time being scared and desperate.

We are not like You, but if You are like this, we treat You as grass and cut.

cechas vodobenikov

agree–who want to be like a cowardly backward citizen of a lowly colony, subservient, submissive, incompetent

Jens Holm

This is not about cowardnes, honor and respect as You believe in. We in the west has other definions for that.

Those countries has to find themself again and space has to be made for them to choose.

They can only choose from a total collapse by learning things from Scratch and try to take the alredy invented and needed changes. With no production or close to zero or none, they will remain as victims for Marx and Enegls driven by fobis mad made by lenin, Stalin and Trotskij. Before it was the same. They were driven by the Tzar and his kind of Feudals.

We by EU try to propose, what we need from them, so they can buy our stuff and vice versa. That might take generations, but we see changes i plus and cant fic the car day by day as Russians try to use as a reasons for our limited succes.

The Russians didnt make this by one day or a week too. They are used to commanders ecocnomy, but doies it work for them as well as those new ones.

I dot see that. Its long time hard work even to learn freedom also very much is about taking responsability Yourself having less overpaid and corrupt bosses hardly knowing what they do themself – apart from whats the best meal next time.

Production should be driven by the need for them and not what some KGB see is going on in Krasnodjarsk.

Black Waters

Jens, we already know you, we know your masters, how they operate how they send their scouts here. So… your opinion has 0 relevance in here, 0 power, 0 influence.

So you should shut the fuck up, because either way… nothing of the propaganda that you spill will coerce over any of us.

The collapse of the U.S is already at full scale, they have two choices, use complete force to subdue their citizens (which they are kind of doing deploying 25.000 troops in D.C) or let their influence and power die into oblivion.

cheers, and fuck you.

Jens Holm

I have no Masters.

USA is not collapsing. Thats not even allowed. USA is declining a little from a very high level. Having a high level makes declining as a part of the nature in Our kind of economy – which mainly is soing pretty well.

And if real crises are true, we support each other. The rest of us will by insurrence help USA declining to a lover level until it find stability. We by that are dependent and has decided that by many agreemenets for western economies and vital parts of the rest of the world.

Its easy to understand for normal people here. Even China will help USA, because if the are not able to sell and by, the Chinese economy will be in big trouble too.

Your version for USA is highly biased and only show their soft sports. Here its true some soft sports are grown, but they still represent only smaller parts of their systems.

I can only see Your fictions are Your hopes. But it dont cover realisme and the world we are livin in.

If they were true, they and we were collapsed many times. I dont see that, because Our systems are able to renew and change things.

cechas vodobenikov

the insecure children frightened, call mommy; these little girls feel destabilized–the notorious death fearing bed wetting amerikans can now return to their LGBT perversions


Su-24 to Donald Cook:

“Remember me?”

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Looking forward to the Chinese PLAAF doing similar around Taiwan, but with the USN DDG sinking.

Raptar Driver

It seems we are in an endless loop. Talk about history repeating itself. This play is getting boring.


Oh, it’s the USS Donald Duck again…

Band Itkoitko

This is a repetition of the situation when Russia reconquered Crimea. This is actually very important as it follows a model of behavior. This is not a diplomatic act of the Foreign Ministry, but and act of the Russian military – a completely different caliber of an actor. Since past behavior is the best predictor of future actions, one can expect that Russia is going to counterattack. Counterattack because what the US did is seen (correctly so) as an attack as during the Ukrainian maidan. Tears are coming. Before they hurt you, they tell that you are going to lose, and they say it by doing this. Let’s wait and see what will happen. We can have a few guesses though…


where is the video?

John Wallace

At the end of the article if you are referring to the fly past


wasn’t there when i was reading first. now it is though. thanks

John Wallace

That happens sometimes.


Russian animals.

If i were the captain of cook, would shot down that ruskie fly.

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