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MARCH 2025

In Video: Russian Su-57 Jets Once Again In Action In Syria

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In Video: Russian Su-57 Jets Once Again In Action In Syria

A screenshot from the video

On December 18, the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Valery Gerasimov announced that 5th-generation Su-57 fighter jets had passed a second stage of testing in Syria. He said that the jets “successfully accomplished all of their tasks” during trials in Syria”.

The previous phase of Su-57 tests in Syria took place in 2018.


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Few high precision bombs here and there on high value targets. Testing other missiles in combat environment to get certified for passing all necessary tests on that level. On paper they have passed all tests and are now officially “tested in combat situations” That’s “action in Syria” Yet true “tested in combat situations” will be when they take down few Western made jets (of US or French origin) I’m really looking forward that day when one SU-57’s takes down flock of F-35’s.


Keep waiting.


Patience is always rewarded at the end. :-)


That’s what i also say, our patience will be over when we put a proper PM that will show your Jihadi friends our true power. I can already hear the crying all over SouthFront.


“your Jihadi friends” ?! Since officially CIA, Mossad & Saudis were and still are main creators and sponsors of ISIS (Caliphate) and Al Qaeda jihad in Syria. I wonder about which “Jihadi friends” you are talking about?

Last time I have checked when Russia sends bomb down their Jihad chimney they fly like Superman in the air to meet 72 old virgin goats… :-)


In my terms it’s Hamas and Hezbollah, the two filthy organizations most of the guys here like. Our laws give too much power to one man, and he uses it against Israeli interests. Bibi has lost legitimacy to decide anything for us, he is not our leader and we don’t obey him. The 3rd elections will prove it, sooner or later the IDF operations will start, and no one will stop us.


Bibi SatanYahoo has become symbol of Israel. You better stay put with your IDF. Because Hezbollah might really get angry and hurt you badly this time. You literally scare nobody any more, not even Palestinians. Once dollar collapses Israel will become country without future with no U.S. support what so ever.


I can’t wait, let’s start the war then.


Learn to count. There is no way Israel can win. The most stupid thing human being can do is to start battle against all neighbors that are total majority. And that is what Israel did. When they start to attack you every Muslim will become your enemy and that will make them forget their divisions and unite them. They will all turn their anger against you and exterminate you.


We shall see about that.


Nothing to “see”. It is already visible. Israeli survival depended only on 3 things: 1.US support 2.Corrupt Arab regimes who recognize Israel 3. Permanent sectarian divisions among the Muslims (you were helped there with US and Europeans to keep those divisions alive)

When dollar collapses and depression kicks in you will lose US support . Corrupt Arab regimes (supported by US & West) who recognize Israel will fall Sectarian divisions will suddenly disappear since all Muslims will understand that only TRUE ENEMY is ISRAEL ! They will turn their rage against you and destroy you. Learn about human nature.


The bigger they come, the harder they fall. We will fight anyone that tries to kill Israelis, no matter how many they are. Don’t count on Bibi the chickenshit for too long because you might get disappointed, the IDF is waiting for a greenlight. Let’s go.

Concrete Mike

No its not time to”go”.

Cant you see the path israel is on leads nowhere??

You need to change the path your are following.

I have told you this again and again, militarism will solve nothing!!

For every arab you kill you create 5 more ennemies, so killing wont work. Try something else now.

Blaming bibi is a crappy excuse, as its society that needs to realize the current path is a dead end and subsequently DEMAND a better path.

If your are democratic as you claim, this path can be changed.

Israelis and palestinians deserve better than this sack if shit has been given to yall.


Mike, I’m not here to say I wanna kill Arabs because they are Arabs. I wish we can have a better way, trust me I would support a Pali state so we can seperate from each other. I’ve said many times that the best way is to work with the PLO vs Hamas, but clearly most of the people here think Hamas is the solution and not the problem for the Palestinians. Regular Gazans just wanna work, they are forced to go to our border and confront the soldiers if they wanna get money from Hamas, that’s how it works there. We made Hamas, and we should be the ones to dfestroy them too.

Kenny Jones ™

Still waiting for bibi to go to jail, just as you promised


He has 9 souls, but he already lost 8. He will lose his final one in March, the third and final elections to remove him for good. We won’t stop till he leaves.

Kenny Jones ™

March, April, 2021, 2030.., don’t you see what you and he are doing?


I see a corrupted man that hurts all sides, Israelis and Arabs alike. You should be on my side here.

Kenny Jones ™

https://9gag.com/gag/a5RVeXo I’d be on your side if you were a real Jew


What nonsense!, When the dollar collapses the whole world will suffer, but those who’ll suffer the most are those middle eastern countries like Syria, also Russia and China who all depend upon the dollar global system to sell and buy stuff,oh and please don’t even bother with all the garbage about the end of the dollar because it’s basically propaganda pumped out by idiots

Frankly you’re just an angry person who longs for social,political and economic collapse of the western most successful countries, you’re suffering from a form of hatred and you really should get a grip of yourself, one things a fact if you got what you wished for you’d hate it, so grow up and get with the programme, which isn’t incidentally indulging in stupid self hate and endless bouts of consuming Red-Brown- Green propaganda, especially against the USA and Israel, they ain’t going away so cool it!


Russia has NO DEBT you simpleton and has huge quantity of gold just like China (and unlike US that has no gold in Fort Knox any more) Russian dollar reserves are reduced to minimum and China will get rid of the dollar savings no problem about that. They can invest in plenty of countries and spend it on their projects It is called SILK ROAD it is road-map of Chinese economic domination of the planet you LOOSER! Russia will soon completely abandon the dollar and use Euro and other convertible currencies including Yuan. BRICS have their banks and Russia and China have already replacement for SWIFT.

Israel is country on totally wrong place and also country of no importance. Muslims will eat them alive .


Russia doesn’t have huge amounts of gold

So what if it does, so does America, come to that if the EU member states combined theirs, especially those in the Euro currency it would be more than china and Russia combined! It would be more than the USA also, so whats your point?

You’ve listened to idiot blather from Gold bugs who are constantly trying to drive people to invest in gold

As for BRICS its over, the banks that China established such as the AIIB have 50% _foreign investors, you know countries like the UK, Germany and many other western countries, successful ones, the types you hate!

Here’s another little factiod these new style banks from China spreading all that Chinese love are in partnership with the World Bank for a good deal of their projects, and who is the major share holders?…..America!!!!

Your gonna find those inscrutable Chinese ain’t really spreading any love, only the love of money and totalitarian control, so stop all your BS about Chinese infrastructure projects


”Russia doesn’t have huge amounts of gold” yet they are 5th in the world with the reserves and SECOND producer of gold in the world ! You are an idiot and waste of time I have no time with your MSM propaganda


Russia has 2.2 thousand metric tons, America has over 8 thousand!!!!

So dip shit lets back the dollar with gold, you know your BIG idea….over to you buddy


NO the Fort Knox is EMPTY !! There was no AUDIT for FIFTY YEARS !!!! If there was any gold that would never have happened ! And you have external debt on 22 TRILLION + “only” Not to count all other HUGE INTERNAL debt dip shit ! US is finished! You bastards are finished and billion people will come to dance on your grave!


Yup Fort Knox is empty, i forgot it was robbed by Gold finger and James Bond couldn’t stop him!

Can you direct me to the next david icke convention


No audit for 50 years ! Anglo-Saxons are common THIEVES and LOW LIVES ! Nobody will buy your bullshit any more Anglo-Saxon-Jews


Of course there’s been no audit Gold finger nicked it all!


Kennedy, 9/11, Pearl Harbor , WMD-Iraq, Lusitania, war on terror=supporting jihad

You americans are such gullible idiots. US global parasite nation Rot in hell .


Yup, ok buddy you keep taking the Putin kool aid

Merry Christmas


Merry Christmas to you as well


Oh shut the fuck up already you crying baby. The U.S, NATO and Israel keep the world order so crazies like Iran or North Korea won’t start a nuclear war. Russia can choose to be on the good side, instead they decide to help dictators because they are dictators themselves (same as China). So calm down boy, we Israelis are not going anywhere, and if anyone wanna remove us by force – they’re welcomed to try and face the consequences.


Fuck of Jew! Fuck you and your terrorist country! Russia has chosen best side you LGBTQ fags!

Go suck dick to your Wahhabi friends !


Now I know you’re just another troll here. Go join verner in my blocked list, ciao.


Happy new 2020. Celebrate till you can. Future brings nothing nice for Israel and Israel doesn’t deserve it anyways.


You will get absolutely nowhere with being so overexcited.

Unless of course you are a professional agent provocateur working for the State of Israel.


What? Whatever Mr Paranoid. And how does that show that I am Jew? Where was I ever supporting Israel or jihad or US ? Put up or shut up. I am waiting the proves.


“And how does that show that I am Jew?”

I never said ANYTHING to that effect, self-described “Mr Paranoid”.

Hope that helps.


Unsubstantiated nonsense just for change from you.


I’m sure it was the communist Chinese who gave Gold finger the bomb

Thank god for 007


Yep, there are lots of self destructive delusional idiots around like you. But when all is said and done they usually get their Darwin Awards and humanity is improved.


Huge majority of you Americnas are such cowardly rotten losers So glad that hell is coming to claim you and you’ll go where you belong


They tried that three times before and lost. And that was before Israel had those couple of hundred mostly thermonuclear missiles. Your anger and obsession to destroy Israel will yet get you and yours turned into pretty glow in the dark dust and vapor.


They can put all those “thermonuclear missiles” up your fagot LGBTQ ass ! There is no my “obsession” Billion Muslims wants Israel to be destroyed and nothing can change that. False Hebrews must go back where they came from


the filth, i.e. the israelis, is pushed against the Med and that is where they will go to drown once the true middle east people decide that they’ve had enough of the hymies and proceed to send them to kingdom come.


They can always use their bathtubs to row to Khazaria ( in Georgia ), or maybe create New Israel on Isle of Man in UK (since UK loves them so much)


The Isle of Man would then become the ‘Isle of LGBTQ+++ ‘. :)

Khazaria Man.


more likely that jared kushner, son in law of head moron, will buy the fleeing squatters the right to settle in the unhinged states of A, say for example, in the Mojave desert (the unwashed public won’t like it but on the other hand whenever did washington dc heed any attention to the people except to collect the taxes for more wars and better dividends and better stock-appreciations). pitiful situation and an entirely voided democracy!


Guess Israel will be around for a very very long time. Sorry to disappoint you. Most likely, the shithole country’s economy where you live will collapse well before the US Dollar and your shithole country will disappear long before Israel. Just the way reality is.


Guess Israel was destroyed and will be destroyed again. Sorry to disappoint you but dollar has already COLLAPSED and what keeps the RIGGED dollar afloat is the fact that US prints huge quantities of dollars to keep solvency while using force in the same time to coerce the countries not to reject the dollar. People will run away from dollar SOON ! The end of the game is NEAR BITCHES !


Oh yeah, they’ll run straight into uncle Vlads arms!,….NOT, or those bent money making authoritarian Chinese, its a fact investors and manufacturing is leaving in droves from China…..must be soooooooooo good there!


Yeah dream on idiot ! China is the only world INDUSTRIAL SUPER POWER ! Think they’ll cry over effing Apple and crap like that ? They have copied everything LONG TIME AGO from every Western corporation! Now those idiots can go to Vietnam and Philippines they will never go to US anyways you LOOSER !!! China can already build more ships in one year than US in 10 years! They are taking it over the planet as we speak and in max 5 years US will be OUT of the game !

Now back off I had enough of your crap !


No they didn’t copy it they Stole it!

No in 5 years China will be out,they’ll have a massive revolution, starting in Hong Kong


the only filth in the middle east is the thieving and murdering israelis. nothing much of a debate on that point.


Don’t get on my nerves. I’ve lost my patience with you aswell, ape.


sending mossad to do some extralegal killing which happens whenever anyone dare to voice criticism of the illegal settlement called israel, and which needs to be eradicated a s a p.


Israel is here to stay, and I’m sick of reading your useless comments about how we need to disappear. I don’t hesitate to block people that offend me or my country, consider that a first warning.


Its because you’ve got a successful country and that’s what they hate

Union Jack,Stars and Stripes and Star of David hang outside my home

And the reason is they represent freedom


Thank you bob!


Freedom loving people have to stick together, difficult times are upon us,but not impossible to overcome

The trouble is we have to many people in the west who look to Putin or the Chinese as though these countries have a locker full of magical thinking solutions, when in reality these are countries who stole all their tech from the west, or the west willingly transferred it through fair and honest trade

People on this site think Assad is some sort of poor chap who’s had a beastly time through the actions of horrible western capitalists and imperialist, well Assad and his bent family brought hell into their country through their own stupidity, Assad isn’t any hero, neither is Putin, who’s simply keeping a vile dictator in power, they’re spoilers nothing more weak countries taken advantage of what they think is weakness in the west thats why we need leadership from America and the rest of the five eyes

Israel won’t fall, but you know that, if it does the anti Semitic Putin fan boys on here won’t be cheering as it’ll be the end also of the world, personally i don’t understand how these people can back such dangerous losers, and all this childish blather about Putin’s super wiz bang crap,it’s beyond me, and its also very dangerous, its though these people have some sort of perverse death wish!

Anyways all the best my friend, the new year will be good as Trump will win again and that idiot Corbyn has been destroyed in the UK election, so hope is in the air, the friends of Israel are strong and together we’re unbeatable!


Loved your comment, in this sea of hate towards me and my country, thanks! Israel is the best U.S ally in the Middle East, we stand with you and support you against the Islamo-fascist dictators and their actions against the U.S, haters gonna hate when they see our countries prosper.


You’re welcome, I’m actually British,ex army specialist in Soviet armoured warfare did my bit during the cold war, including Falklands war, fighting more stupid fascist and communist idiots

Well we’ll do our fighting on here and anywhere else to undermine the rise of this dangerous Red – Brown coalition of knuckleheads, frankly there’s too many people to stupid to understand what they’re actually involved in, its designed to create division, I’m glad the authorities in Americ, UK and even in the utterly stupid EU are beginning to wake up to perverse effects of propaganda

Merry Christmas my friend, be safe, and keep up the good fight!


Thank you bob, Merry Christmas and a happy new year! I’m sure the UK under Boris would prosper aswell, the Brexit is the best thing for you guys. No more EU bureaucrats telling you guys what to do, now you can run your country the way YOU see fit. And here is a cool article on the joint U.S, U.K and Israeli forces: https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/your-air-force/2019/06/29/us-uk-and-israeli-f-35-pilots-train-together/ God bless you guys, stay safe. Love from Israel!


it’s sowing an idea in the minds of the world’s people that it’s israel that needs to be eradicated to absolute zero and that it’s palestine that should be the one state solution. the idea is taking hold as the squatters sort of are digging a hole for themselves to be buried in. can’t wait for that to happen.


Well then keep waiting, but I guess you and I have nothing to discuss anymore. Blocked, goodbye.


I don’t think you have eternal life but you do have such delusional wet dreams.


please do dimwith




I think that most reasonably intelligent observers can see how the tide is turning against the squatters and that there no longer is a pro-israel faction in the world, rather the contrary and then the hymies can try to buy the congress with aipac and other hymie-institutions in the unhinged states of A but it won’t do much good when the rest of the world is turning against a country that

a) operates an ethnical cleansing program, b) is engaged inthe theft of land on a scale similar to hitler’s lebensraum program´ c) is operating concentration camp Gaza similar to say Treblinka set up by Hitler although the killing of the inmates is effectuated by israeli snipers and the people these snipers kill is kids with slingshots. the starvation and the systematic humiliation together with the thievery perpetrated against the palestinians in concentration camp Gaza is a crime against humanity and must be broght before the ICC.

rest in pig’s shit for the rest of your pitiful existence.


In the meantime, Israel now sells natural gas to Egypt and levels yet another Islamist Iranian base in Syria with impunity. And still its subs with nuclear cruise missiles sail off the coast of Iran.


Israel needs to level every Iranian base in Syria!

If Assad had any bollocks he’d kick the Iranians out!, But oh i forgot this great victor over all those western terrorists is actually beholden to Putin and those idiot scum from Iran

Assad has no country, he’s a useful idiot puppet of others trapped, and f@#ked


at it again the squatters – selling something that isn’t theirs to sell – thievery is an integrated part of the hymies dna and so is murder. the impunity under which the squatters believe they can behave worse than hitler’s ss will come to an end and then the wrath of the world will come down on the squatters with a vengeance from which they’ll never recover. days to behold.


doubt that they actually are selling their gas to egypt – egypt is second choice for the squatters since the benefits would be much reduced compared with piping it to europe. and that won’t happen even if they, the hymies, are trying to lure turkey into such a plan and lebanon has already denied the hymies to use lebanon seabed for the necessary pipeline.

Human kind is doomed

Filthiest of all is daesh, and you are backing them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vweHtxqnh-Y


No we don’t, they were just smarter enough than the Iranian proxies not to shoot into our territory, when they were near the Golan.

Human kind is doomed

And as a reward you gave them logistics, medical help, weapons?


It was FSA, not ISIS.

Human kind is doomed

No, it was daesh!


israeli striped


Israel will simply hack into its substandard electronics and crash it into the ground


The only reason why you badmouth SU-57 is because it can run circles around F-35 any way the pilot wants. And you are not sure if Egypt or some other not far away Muslim country might buy them, to scare away your “flying bricks” F-35. Now tell me, when was the last time Israel “hacked” into anything ? Let alone Russian defense equipment… Results of Hezbollah war against IDF shows that days of glory and “invincibility” of Israeli army and their other services against the Muslims are irreversibly gone never to return. So keep your head up your ass as much as you want Shlomo nobody cares about Israel any longer.


Oh really, well do me a favour, please explain why all those wonderful Muslims simply pile over the Israeli border?

Oh don’t bother, it’s because Israel would kick the shit out of’em, simples!

As for Muslim countries buying this Russian crap, you’ve just vindicated the point i was making,in that Russia sells its trash to third world tin pot countries run by idiots like Assads Syria


Well said bob, couldn’t say it better!


“Muslims simply pile over the Israeli border” because Israel is TINY patch of land with small, insolent, aggressive population surrounded by ocean of Muslims.

US is already totally bankrupt it just doesn’t show yet…and Israel will be invaded by Muslims no doubt about that. SU-57 is by far the best air-superiority true multi role fighter jet hands down. F-22 is far too old and F-35 “the flying brick” is ridiculous to even compare.


Oh and can you please explain just how many of these wonder planes Russia has?

Not many!

Oh and just how many can they make?

Not many, probably

Just like that other daft vanity project the Armata MBT, which isn’t gonna get built although i suspect it’ll be driven past Putin onto Red Square to impressive silly people who are easily taken in


T-14 Armata first batch of 100 Armata’s is in production already. They are getting them all next year. First 12 of SU-57 is in pre-production and order of 76 SU-57 production model with stage 2 new engine is planned to start next year. Russian power is in her missiles specially in S-350, S-400 and S-500 And new hypersonic models like Dagger Mach-10, Zircon Mach-9, Avangard glider Mach-27, cruise missiles like nuke cruise missile Burvestnik with illimited range and Kalibrn and supersonic anti ship missiles like Yakhont – Brahmos and of course Status-6 Poseidon 100 MEGATON torpedo that sinks US carriers together with battle group.


‘ illimited range’ did you mean unlimited?

Anyways its BS from Putin, nothing has unlimited range simply impossible

100 MEGATON torpedo, really? you sound like a daft school boy, bashing one out over make believe wiz bangs!


Use your precious Jew-google to find out the facts. Plenty of articles

Russian official declaration is “100 MEGATON torpedo” (size of mini submarine ) and Russians never brag or exaggerate.

Yes unlimited range simply because they have no clue for how long (how many days) missile can stay airborne (or they don’t want to say it) Yes unlimited range simply because they use mini nuke reactor to power cruise missile and they also a mini nuke reactor to power 100 MEGATON torpedo. That’s why torpedo goes deeper and faster than anything you have..

Also not to forget Sarmat = Satan 2 that will carry hypersonic glide Avangard Mach-27 warheads with NON-BALLISTIC trajectory .


Official Russian declaration isn’t worth arse wipe!

They pump out this kind of stuff because they’re weak and frightened, its for their domestic propaganda so they appear like a true world power, which they ain’t, thats why they support scum in Syria and Iran which will ultimately blow up in their thick stupid faces

As for their unlimited range missiles they don’t exist, toxic garbage yes, toxic garbage which goes bang in the lab absolutely…..like i said,makes Putin look good, because he can sell this to his poor country, did you know over 45 % of Russia’s young people would like to leave!

I wonder which countries theyed like to migrate to? Syria wouldn’t be first on the list there’s some help for ya

Why do you support these idiots?, its beyond me


You keep repeating that Russia is nothing yet you are SCARED COWARDS even though NATO is 30 countries and sitting on Russian border. You can’t touch them because they’ll eat you alive ! You are COWARDLY LOW LIVES ! Human whores ! And Russia dominates in Syria despite everything you tried ! Syria is not lost and Assad is winner ! All that despite the fact that US, NATO, Jews & rich Arabs and their jihad terrorists trying everything to remove mighty Russia from Syria but they can’t! You understand jack shit on missiles you idiot US generals take those missiles seriously only idiots full of shit like you drivel nonsense….you effing looser!


American generals don’t take those Russian missiles seriously because they know they’re junk!

Oh sure they make a lot of noise publicly so they can get funding

Russia has nothing in Syria other than a broken down shit hole run by a cleptocratic criminal Assad family

Well Putin will keep playing his game trying to impress and good old Israel will keep reminding them they are playing in the big league by bombing the shit out of targets in Syria, and do you know what, Putin wont do f@#k all about it even when his old Soviet junk planes get shot out of the sky by his own side!

And do know why Putin wont do anything?

Because hes weak and vulnerable, his allies in the region are also weak like Iran, a horrible regime, so Putin and his Russia aint going anywhere other than down, so suck it up


There appears to be an enormous amount of brown smoke ( see screen shot )coming out of the back of this thing!

More post Soviet junk me thinks, to impress third worlders

Anyway i doubt it’ll frighten Israel much they’ll soon out think it, and thats the Achilles heel for the Russian they are forced to use and test their kit in an environment which allows the west/ NATO/Israel to create a whole bunch of countermeasures

For the Russians Syria represents a show case to sell what people claim/ think, and is super new kit, in reality most of it is old junk, fit for sale to third world idiots, the real state of the art kit will always belong to the superior technologies of the free west

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