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In Video: Russian ‘Terminator’ Tank Support Combat Vehicles In Action

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The Russian Defense Ministry reported that crews of the Central Military District are mastering new BMPT “Terminator” combat vehicles, which they recently received. The Terminator is a multipurpose and highly protected tank support combat vehicle. It is capable of destroying lightly armored targets, battle tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, and together with military air defense to fight helicopters and low-flying low-speed aircraft.

In Video: Russian 'Terminator' Tank Support Combat Vehicles In Action

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Lone Ranger

Best in its class, hands down.

Servet Köseoğlu

Agreed very functional but extremely expensive sniper rifle… if it gets shot,you are loosing 2*30mm,1 7.62 mm and 4 ataka atgm launchers,3 crew in one platform which will in turn decrease your fire-power in the blink of an eye…Algeria has ordered 300 of these if ı am not wrong…


What futile logic. With that logic nothing expensive should be ever produced. So: “If get shot” AWACS is huge loss comparing even to Terminator.

Servet Köseoğlu

apple and orange…Terminator is supposed to fulfill the tasks of destroyed Tanks in battle-field but there are another approaches as an example one platform carrying 2 atgms (less expensive).if it gets shot the other less expensive platforms can continue fire-support..


Tank – destroyer = Armata with 152mm canon. —- Despite pretensions you don’t know much on the subject and your logic is weak. Ignorance doesn’t make your argument valid. Primary role of Terminators is not “destruction of tanks” the way you think. Their primary role is PROTECTION of tanks in the urban conditions (that’s why primary weapon is 2 X 30mm canons). And that protection is mostly from ATGM’s, RPG’s and whatever might put in direct danger armory tank units. Anti – tank missiles that Terminator has serve as self protection against enemy tanks and bunkers. ————– AWACS example is not “apples and oranges” but to underline your senseless logic that more expensive weapons are useless because of existence of certain danger from some cheap offensive weapons.

Servet Köseoğlu

ı am saying ”.Terminator is supposed to fulfill the tasks of destroyed Tanks in battle-field” which literally means support tanks by providing firepower onto places conventional tank guns could not reach due to limits of gun elevation..You are replying to me True tank destroyer T-14 armata with 152 mm cannon

ı didnt claim terminator is tank destroyer ..how did you tarnsform the sentence is mystery..but ok..

if you know the history of this vehicle you should know that it is always transforming and has various incarnations.This illustrated one with ataka launchers with proximity fuse to hit helicopters theoretically which shows us to avoid threats from air to terminator not only atgms launched from troops or vehicles or rpgs…rpgs cant give any damage to Terminators by the way..

This type of vehicles always developed since Afghanistan war if ı am not wrong and all guns are collected in one platform which makes it expensive in case of loss but less expensive approaches are also in use at such platforms..(its not my logic)… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0875808f925db05f794f5ad515665815f36afa0ff726d4a31d215b626c0d418b.jpg


Sorry my bad I was thinking you pretend that missiles were to replace tank 125mm canon If not that is even more insane to replace tank with 30mm canon Terminator ! That is even more stupid and nonsensical ! How he f**k can 30mm canon play role of 125mm canon?!! How can Terminator become tank?!!! Now I understand. Your logic is failed because of your ignorance (and not opposite) about the true role of the Terminator I have above in previous comment explained already what that role of the Terminator is no point repeating myself. Terminator is in category of armory “combat support vehicle” it is NOT TANK and can not replace tank in combat.

Yes Russian newer RPG 7 can damage any battle tank including Terminator If you shoot them in volley it can even overcome defenses of Armata T-14 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RPG-7

Servet Köseoğlu

ı didnt mean Terminator replace with a tank directly..sure tank with 125 mm canon and much more ammunition is the prime,forward player but terminator can still destroy tanks with its atgms am ı wrong?ı dont think any tank can survive after ataka-t shot..Maybe my bad ı should be more clear,specific if you understand that way..and ı love this vehicle so much engineering with observational capability..

Harry Smith

You don’t understand the paradigm, Servet. BMPT was designed after the first year of war in Syria. SAA very successfully used Shilka as tank support in urban battles. It’s main function not to destroy tanks, but destroy ATGM crews, snipers and other enemies which can hold tanks.


That is what I have said, but somehow he doesn’t get it. True I have jumped on wrong conclusion buy miss-rading part of his comment…but still core of the message was that Terminator is against RPG’s, ATGM’s

Furkan Sahin

I want to show you something who do you hope to win? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Hungarian_parliamentary_election

Servet Köseoğlu

yes its tank support vehicle but the atgms which mounted in terminator can take out any tank am ı wrong?


“atgms which mounted in terminator” are SELF PROTECTION and anti-bunker Primary role of Terminator is defending tanks (above all) from ATGM,RPG’s

Servet Köseoğlu

Ataka-t Intended to hit moving and stationary modern and prospective tanks, other armored (IFV, APR) and small-sized targets (such as Long-term fire torrent, Woodland firing point), fortifications, manpower in shelters and in open areas, as well as low-flying air with speeds up to 400 km/h targets day and night, surface light targets…


4 Ataka-t only …. thus main weapon in use is 2 X 30 mm canons and targets are appropriate for that caliber (not tanks)

Servet Köseoğlu

4 ataka-t is enough to fulfill the task of destroyed tank…even can take out helis easily..


They bump into 2 tanks and 2 bunkers …Then they go back for more huh? We both know that main weapons are automatic canons 2 X 30 mm with plenty ammunition (so they are not seeking tanks but soldiers with ATGM’s) I don’t argue what ATAKA can do I only argue which is the primary weapon thus the main role of the Terminator

Servet Köseoğlu

if there are 3-4 more terminator they can go further..why not? thats why they were developed to take the hit and survive and surpress the point where attack came from..if a tank is destroyed by another tank,terminator can take out the attacker.. simple ..its a very-effective supportive vehicle ..they are seeking soldiers with atgms.. isnt tor better for that role like in Kazakhistan case When an enemy outpost was detected, the TOS-1A vehicles would just level the entire area with a barrage while the Terminators worked as unit command posts. Afterwards, they’d move in and mop up any survivors.

Harry Smith

ATGM can shoot down helicopters and even enemies ATGM teams. I think ATGMs are mostly for defensive goals rather than main battle guns.

Servet Köseoğlu

well isnt it complicated?…with defensive atgms you take out attacker platforms then continue attacking with same defensive atgms…

Harry Smith

All is possible. Even fly to the Moon. But BMPT was designed after successful usage of Shilka by SAA as tank support in urban environment.

Servet Köseoğlu

ı know ..here a interview with its engineer Aleksandr Yakovlev..he says Я никогда не делал вещи на мировом уровне-всегда выше..lucky for me ı know russian language though ı need dictionary when things gets too much technical but its all-right..))https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7kbS43-M6s and note that atgms were used by rebels in syria theatre to take out syrian soldiers and usage of atgms gradually rised from 2011 to 2015 because of its success..


It is called antitank, the Ataka missiles engage tanks at ranges beyond the gun, giving an immediate advantage of first shot. Of course you have to wait up to 8-9 seconds until the missile hits the target, however, it damages the tank or destroys it. Yes, it can be used against helicopters, being expensive it is not recommendable for anti personnel usage, if you use outdated missiles, I suppose you can you it in anti personnel mode.

Harry Smith

Don’t think if you will spot enemy ATGM team assembling aATGM to hit your BMPT, you will think about cost of missile. All depends on situation.


The Terminator is built on a T72 chassis, it is not a BMP., it is heavily armored and has reactive armor. The 30mm guns would engage the atgm positions with their 30Mm guns, or a 57 mm gun that has longer range.


Show him that

Let’s Remember When French Paratroopers Once Used Bazooka Vespas in Combat



The Terminator is designed to complement tanks in an anti tank and anti personnel capability, eliminating bunkers ATGM nests or retreating infantry without the need for infantry support. IFV vehicles in the second echelon following the exploits of the tank and terminator will dismount its infantry and secure the terrain gained.


The Terminator has equal protection if not greater then T72 B3 tanks. It would be nice to see some carrying a 57MM auto gun, which would add greater anti personnel punch at longer ranges. 2 tanks to 1 terminator on open terrain, 2 terminators and 1 tank in the urban areas.

Servet Köseoğlu

good point and considering its transformation process in years why not?


SAA could needs this + KAI T-50 Golden Eagle this to clear Idlib of the infested rats.

Lone Ranger

Can I have one… Pretty please…??


Does 44 tons Terminator has speed limited only on 60 km to keep 1000 HP diesel engine cool and infra red signature low in night actions? Will that engine burn(when hit) like Turk (German) Leopard’s engine or US Abrams engines in Iraq, I do not think so.


The Terminator is the solution to the problem the Russians had during the Chechen war, in Grozny where Russian tanks and IFV could not elevate ther guns high enough to deal with chechen fighters firing from tall buildings.


I want this to guard my backyards

Icarus Tanović

It is ment dor use in urban warfare where tanks are vulnerable, so this terminator with heavy rain of 30mm missiles can cover wider terrain and destroy in seconds hiden nests with atgms and fortifications. It is made only as tank support and protection because it can rain hell on very wide area and distances.

cechas vodobenikov

SF has interesting contributions

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