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MARCH 2025

In Video: Russian Tor-M2 System Intercepts Polish Drone With New Missile Over Ukraine

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In Video: Russian Tor-M2 System Intercepts Polish Drone With New Missile Over Ukraine

Screen grab from footage released by the Russian Ministry of Defense.

On June 22, the Russian Ministry of Defense released footage showing a Tor-M2 air-defense system intercepting a Polish-made FLYEYE mini drone over an unspecified part of Ukraine.

The Tor-M2 is one of the more modern versions of the Tor medium-altitude, short-range air-defense system. This version has an improved fire control radar coverage and protection against spoofing. It can also engaged up to four targets simultaneously.

The air-defense system shot down the FLYEYE drone with the advanced 9M338 missile, which has a range of 16 kilometers and a flight ceiling of ten kilometers. A single modernized Tor system can be armed with up to 16 missiles of this type.

The FLYEYE is a mini reconnaissance drone that was developed by Poland’s WB Group. The drone has an endurance of more than 2,5 hours and a maximum operational range of 180 kilometers. It is equipped with an advanced electro-optical system.

Poland supplied Kiev forces with an undisclosed number of FLYEYE drones after the beginning of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine.

Russian air defenses have limited Kiev forces’ ability to use drone in reconnaissance or combat missions. In the last 24 hours, 16 drones were shot down over different parts of Ukraine and the Donbass region by Russian air defense means.

According to the most recent briefing by the Russian MoD, 1,308 drones of Kiev forces have been shot down since the beginning of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine.


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The largest exercise held after the patriotic war. Russia updates its doctrine. All your equipment will be tested, corrected and updated.


In the adequate war times measure. What means: a lot of doctrine and equipment are in the strategical reserve, and they aren’t going to show you what they have. Capicci? Lets say, someone will taste it before understanding.

Last edited 2 years ago by jorge
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Last edited 2 years ago by Alize Sara
Work AT Home

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Last edited 2 years ago by Work AT Home
Pamfil Military Academy

An extraordinary opportunity to model the defense for at least next 30 years.


Those drones are not necessarily operated by AFU.. it could be anyone fron the pack of sanctionists operating outside of Ukrainian territory.. A direct involvement of NATO. lease Russia put an end to this fukkin madness to avoid spreading of conflict… A few kalibrs and iskanders to flatten Kiev today will end the crisis.


WB Electronics -Poland hails this drone which has been updated as “cutting edge ” ,it communicated on approximately the same frequency as 5G Wi-Fi with all sorts of defences against interference — as I said Russia is far ahead of the west in radar technology both in attack & Defence hence it can shoot down/disable this Polish effort. Russia is keeping its hi-power radar mostly on hold unless a full scale war takes place as it has a lot of surprises in store for the USA/UK.


Obvious. It became clear when they showed their hypersonic missiles. These things produce a mantle of plasma around them, yet they are capable of handling wireless communications. Theoretically this should be impossible, because of the plasma.

It is evident that the Russians know something that others don’t know. This something has to do with electromagnetic technology, coincidentally the same tech used in radars, em jamming/spoofing, etc…


As an American who works closely with Russians. They are very very smart. Some of my American co-workers call them “rude” or “abrasive”. It’s because they have confidence.

A passerby

Those creepy robot drone eyes at the end of the video. Guys, who else is scared?


Only the chickens.


I laughed at this this eye view. Looks like it was scared to the s**t before its “death”.



Pamfil Military Academy

Good morning Jumerica and Natostan (bad) warmongers ‘warpoker’ players ! Now, it’s time for my prestigious military academy to announce another ‘record’ for the ‘glorious’ imbeciles ukropizdan neo-slaves ! Today 22.VI.2022 the fascist Natocunt backed Kievan junta reachthe 55.000 KIA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In no matter than 12 days they manage to got another 5.000 killed on battlefield !!!!! That means an average of over 400 a day, which is the newest record of the Ze fag muricunt kike for the ukrainian people from the beggining of war ! Plus another 175.000-185000 WIA and about 5000-6000 POW’s and you have the BIG PICTURE of the satanic Washington theater agenda with the human spare player ! May GOD punish this evil circle of warmonger psychopaths !


Flyeye has operation range at 50 km ,it isn’t 180km range.


Or even 40 as other sources say. It’s small to operate at 180 km radius.


These cheap small drones have become a big headache for armies around the world. One million dollar worth interceptor missile is required to shoot down a 1000 dollar drone.


This is lies. Cost of this UAV is ~0,5 mln dollars (2016) with delivery to Borispole. “Tor’s” missile is small and has much cheaper than you wrote. It’s even cheaper than previous generation missile, it’s smaller and the firing unit has 16 new missile instead 8 old one.

Last edited 2 years ago by Антон

the Russian was correct when he wrote that those small cheap drones are causing big headaches,


… given the fact that a large fuel storage in Belgorod was set ablazed today…


… using Chinese made commercial drone worth less than 10k usd…


… Bear in mind the west aims to weaken Russia..


… and everytime Russia fires an expensive missile constitute a waste of Russian resources..


.. meaning one less fiber from Russian muscles.


Fukkin moderator won’t allow the chopped banter I posted above.. I have to butcher it into segments. Sorry


His statement is well-known false cliche. There is nothing to discuss excepts one thing: does he believe it or tries to trick us.

Ed Theman

The missile probably does cost a bit, not .5 million dollars for those small ones, but the savings from preventing Ukraine from doing an artillery strike or to give them valuable reconnaissance is worth the missile cost.


True. I had in in my mind, but didn’t say, because no need to discuss false cliches, need to break them with facts and lesser amount of words.


The small drones are shot down by EW weapons. Also there are laser weapons, but I don’t know how they work. Both are being used by the Russians in nazistan.


Your right on both your posts rex and for the Paid Posters –even American military sources agree Russia is way ahead of them-here is an AMERICAN website giving pro Russia posters an idea of what EW means-georgetownsecuritystudiesreview.org/2019/26/the russian edge in electronic warefare/


You’re fabricating numbers without having the slightest clue of the costs of Russia’s missiles. Russia only has a total budget of around 65 billion dollars a year for its entire military expenditures. They are not wasteful with the Russian taxpayers money unlike the U.S, with a military budget of 900 billion dollars a year. Just because you’re using the name Russian you think anyone believes your bs. Brother you’re in South Front most of us here are well informed unless you’re another troll.


This is graphics.


The drones have proven to be very ineffective against Russia’s vastly superior military. Having said that the drones must be destroyed and Russia is easily shooting all drones down whether they are Turkish, American or from any other country. Drones cannot turn the tide of a war against Russia. Russia has multiple drone destroying technology.

Florian Geyer

Wow, that Kinzal bunker buster is the real deal.

The yank shitting his pants seems to suggest that he was part of the transport of the 50 + senior Ukranian officers and generals ( + NATO officers ) who were killed. It makes sense that the officers escorts were told to wait close by.

Slava Rossiya


Russia was prepared for every single weapon, drone that NATO is throwing at them. This SMO turned out perfect for Russia to try out their armaments against the proxy army in Ukraine. Russia will be victorious and have hundreds of thousands of battle hardened soldiers and another couple of hundred thousand of Ukraine’s best armed forces that will switch over to the Russian military. Perfect outcome for Russia, they literally stole NATO’s biggest and best trained soldiers in Ukraine and will also keep all the tens of billions of dollars worth of weapons that Russia is confiscating. Not to mention the fact that Russia will now control more of the world’s wheat and most of the world’s neon now that is situated in Ukraine since Russia has decided that they will now take over all of Ukraine because of Zelensky’s insolence.


Yes this offensive is proving “a Godsend ” for Russia’s military industry it saves months of additional testing of their technical products. Just like Syria helped in that direction.


Indeed, speaking of Syria, once the SMO in Ukraine is finished Russia needs to once and for all rid Syria of this pestilence from the north of Syria and annihilate any remnants of ISIS, set up some S400s to prevent Israel from random aerial bombings.

AM Hants

Not forgetting they will also strip down the NATO junk and have a laugh at how far behind NATO members are, compared to Russian technology. Trouble with WEF, insisting on using the top narcotics, rather than those with the ability of critical thought, in their academy of Globalist Leaders, Russia easily runs rings around the idiots.

AM Hants

Typo error, narcotics should be narcistics.

Kid Komanche

Narcissists have a lot to do with narcotics.


That is so true, NATO is outgunned, outmaneuvered and Russian weapons are literally over a decade ahead in technological advancement. Russia’s hypersonic missiles alone are ten years ahead of NATO from even being able to successfully launch one of their own. Russia’s troops have gained more experience and the NATO “woke” lgbtq army would be embarrassingly defeated. Take Russia’s artillery firepower for example, the US and NATO have absolutely no way of being able to take on Russia and in every single AI war game simulation Russia wins and wins decisively. Then you have the low IQ westerners that say oh but the USA has a 900 billion dollar military spending budget and Russia has 65 billion, yeah and? The US has over 900 military bases throughout the world and the US pays over 20 billion dollars a year on air conditioning for their bases in the middle east. Its a monumental typical waste of US tax payer dollars and from what I hear the US nuclear silos are still operated by old computers with floppy disks.


lol remember the floppy disks

AM Hants

The DM have been using that image, claiming it was Ukraine hitting a Russian tank. Did laugh, as I saw it before the DM cloned it and it was around the time the Generals met Lucifer. That’s the way to do it. Nice one Russia. I wonder how many NATO Senior Personnel and Trainers were attending the meeting?


Drones are cheap, a few thousand dollars, shooting down costs a 50.000 for rocket plus operating costs. The ratio is 1 to 10 in cost, so we can expect flocks of drones on the battlefield in the future, which will result in high costs and great efforts for the Russian army..

Straight from Kiev's Kosher Kielbasa Kiosk

The Pollack Smacker?

Liz Truss Me

So that’s where all those crop circles in Cardiff came from? A secret Putin plan to invade England. I knew it!

Army/Navy Store

Those look like all the wunderweapons that Zelensky keeps begging the US for.

Sorry, out of stock Zel. You know, supply chain issues & stuff….. plus the Chinese optics & chips are on back order.

Last edited 2 years ago by Army/Navy Store

Don’t forget the AI self-driving chips supplied by Musk that makes them keep crashing into semi-trucks, trees or the nearest pedestrian.

t s

I hope they have a recycling program.. some of those drone parts seem still to be good.. still I like the systems with the ‘last ditch’ auto-cannons… [maybe a auto-30mm grenade launcher with shotgun/type rounds]

Lance Ripplinger

Russia’s air defense is the best in the world. Really pathetic here in the U.S. how much money is wasted, and all we have are garbage weapons systems that break all the time. We have nothing in the U.S. military that can match any of the Russian anti-air defense systems. The Patriot system is a joke. THAAD is a joke.

Kid Komanche

THAAD is great at taking down civilian airliners. Way better than a Ukrainian BUK.


amerikants cannot comprehend Russian military patience, focus—-the nazis lost due to their lack of focus—-amerikants always lose; lack of focus, stupidity, drug addiction, cowardice syria, Chechen wars, troop rotation, reorganization…..ukrops were easily deceived—they believed Russia was interested in Kiev…..while distracted in Kiev region Russia liberated much of eastern/south Ukraine. methodical encirclement continues to reduce the size of ucrappystan


This looks like a 1000 USD drone shot down with a 200000 USD missile. This does not work. The drones will force a complete reorganization of warfare.


nazi lgbt Sawyer ignored by all lgbt in oregon traumatized by Russian superiority impersonates me—-thanks Sawyer but I prefer my gf—-amerikant lgbt like Sawyer prefer lgbt since US female more masculine obese ugly than feminized lgbt male…


That drone’s eyes look like Cody the Robosapien.



Last edited 2 years ago by CrniBlack

One fried polak please.


Big deal. Shooting down drones is easy.


That video looks faked. One thing is sure though, that was NOT a hypersonic missile.

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