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In Video: Russian Tu-22M Bomber Launches Large, Long-Range Missiles At Targets In Ukraine

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In Video: Russian Tu-22M Bomber Launches Large, Long-Range Missiles At Targets In Ukraine

Tupolev Tu-22M Strategic Bomber.

Russia’s Tu-22M supersonic, long-range, strategic bombers have reportedly began to carry out precision strikes on high-value military targets in Ukraine.

On May 11, Russian sources shared a video showing a Tu-22M, most likely a modernized Tu-M3, launching two Kh-22-type precision-guided missiles at targets in Odessa oblast. According to the sources, the missile strike took place very recently.

The Kh-22 is a large, long-range anti-ship missile with land-attack capability that was developed by MKB Raduga in the Soviet Union.

The older versions of the Kh-22 had a range of 600 kilometers only. However, the missile’s newest version, dubbed Kh-32, features serious upgrades on all levels.

The Kh-32 was designed to climb to 40 kilometers, to the stratosphere, after launch, transition to level flight, then perform a steep dive to the target. The cruise missile version is also designed to target enemy ships, as well as radars, and radio-contrast targets like bridges, military bases, electric power plants and others.

The missile has an inertial navigation system and radar homing head, making it independent of GPS/GLONASS navigation satellites. Presumably, it has a range of 1,000 kilometers and a speed of at least 5,000 kilometers per hour. The missile is armed with a 1,000 kg warhead. A nuclear-armed version was also developed.

Russia employed its Tu-22M bombers in Ukraine before, but only to bomb heavily fortified positions of Kiev forces in the Azovstal steel plant next to the city of Mariupol.

In Video: Russian Tu-22M Bomber Launches Large, Long-Range Missiles At Targets In Ukraine

Click to see full-size image.

When armed with the Kh-22\32, the Tu-22M provides Russia with the ability to strike high-value military targets of Kiev forces deep in Ukraine.


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Bomb Kiev until Odessa surrenders.


bit of entertainment:


Juris Doctor

Russia should have taken out all the C3I in Kiev in the first few hours of Operation Z. It can and should still do it. All the government facilities and “embassies” of hostile nations must also be targeted as they are the command centers of Nazi and Zionist terrorists.

The US and NATO bombed the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade in 1999, just because they released a press statement to stop the aggression, in Ukraine the US and NATO embassies are manned by military personnel openly waging war on Russia, and that under international law makes them legitimate targets.


The idea why Russia didn’t annihilate Kiev was intended to bring Zelensky to its proper senses. Russia was wrong. Zelensky like Hitler will sacrifice its people for as long as he is guaranteed that at the end of the story, he and his family are secured with billions.

Juris Doctor

Zelensky is a typical Jew, devious, liar and corrupt to the core. He owns a $18 million house in Florida and another $12 million properties in Paris and Geneva. He has been siphoning off foreign aid along with Biden family and many western corrupt Bilderbrerg installed puppets. This bastard is a tool of global Zionism and the endless war industry. Until, these low life corrupt criminals pay a personal price, they will continue to fan evil.Russia should go after him, his family and all the puppet Ukrainian corrupt criminal government. This war will never end as long as scum like Zelensky survive. Just look at daily Zionist atrocities in Occupied Palestine, they have the same agenda for Russia.




Fuck the Jews mate……………absolute shit……Seppos too….

Last edited 2 years ago by Bazza

Irrelevant rant. Taking cities doesn’t win wars, destroying armies does.

Khazar Agent


Hans Gregor

do not forget the 850 Million EUR that he have on Offshore Accounts

Juris Doctor

Even US sources have estimated that Zelensky has siphoned off $2 billion or more from western largess and corruption. Your figure is close to the truth. It is shameful, the level of Zionist plunder of the world. Ukraine will be an eternal prostitute now as it has soul its body and soul to NATO pimps and global human Zionist organ harvesters.

Last edited 2 years ago by Juris Doctor

Oh fuck off, you antisemitic provocateur.


Quick, inform Putin that he’s all wrong. Your advise is excellent.

Ashok Varma

Well, Indian generals have been saying that from day one. To make the NATO criminals and their Kiev Jew snakes pay, Russia must cut off the head of the snake. Indians know how to deal with poisonous vermin, we cut off the Cobra’s head first and then to make sure stomp on it. Russia needs to decapitate all the Kiev Jew regime which accounts for less than 0.05% of the population but 99.9% of all evil.


Oh you do not. You totally lost to England,can’t reconnect with Pakistan because your too weak to overcome the opposition that wants you divided and your never really independent even at all I’d just about bet your Crown Lands and are under Crown Law too.

Khazar Agent

Word “Jew” was invented in 18th century. Original word is: KHAZAR

Assad Defeated Zionists

Dum, stoopid ruskies. Now Findland and Sweden are part of NATO for all intents and purposes and there’s nothing Putin can do about it.


You can’t take even Mariupol 20 kliks away from the borderline, lol.

Michel LeBlanc

Mariupol has been taken for weeks, just b3cause some nazis are hiding in a bunker means nothing.

Its russia now, deal with it.


UAF is being battered at Odessa too and is fleeing all along the eastern front. Russians have got their mojo back.


There’s no way Russia can keep it anymore than Hitler Paris.


its not 1939. who needs to keep it. Chechens were Russians sworn enemies thirty years ago, Now they kill ukrainians with glee for Russia. tik tok

Last edited 2 years ago by BanderiteLivesDon'tMatter

Shut up silly spastic poofta!


ROFLMSLAOOOO —– and then you woke up, sub human uKRAPiTrash slug !

SIDDOWN, fool —- you embarrass yourself with your clownery !



The failed Ukrainian CIA project has lost thousands of square km of territory. Thousands.

Juris Doctor

All liberated lands of Ukraine should naturally be amalgamated with the Russian Federation legally under the law of eminent domain, since they are historic Russian lands of Kievan-Rus. Like the other illegitimate imperialist created entity of “Israel”, Ukraine is not a legitimate entity but a bastard child of NATO and USSR break-up. Russia must continue its justified liberation and de-nazification campaign. Russian people and the global majority support President Putin’s noble aims.


Right about Kiev being Russias capital when they were tied to Turkey for trade. Wrong about Israel which had the temple there before Catholics or moslem religions even were invented.

Khazar Agent

Millions of Khazars landed in Haifa, claimed itself “Semites”, start killing real Semites (Palestinians) and established Apartheid II state “Israel”.

It is like Eskimos landed in Zimbabwe, claimed itself “Negros” and set up state “Atlantis”.


Good for the khazars, fakestinians were weak enough to let curly headbangers defeat them, they deserve to be caged. no mercy for the weak.


Mariupol is done except for a few psychologically impaired armed and dangerous individuals that needs utmost and special care. They are holding lots of civilians as human shield.

Juris Doctor

The battered Nazi terrorists holed up in sewers are crying to be repatriated as they can see their end, but under the Geneva Convention and international code of war conduct, these Nazis, Zionists and other terrorist mercenaries are not entitled to any mercy. They are murderers, rapists, child molesters and civilian hostage takers and subject to immediate field justice and quick execution. Hopefully, Russia has learnt from its Syrian experience and will not allow any safe passage as these bastards will only relocate and kill civilians elsewhere.

Ashok Varma

The Kiev Nazis are inhuman savages and deserve no quarter and Russia must eradicate the sewer rats of Mariupol. JAI RUS!


With the capture of Popasnaya by DNR Militia and Chechens located on a higher elevation in recent days, the Ukrainian targets are all visible within the firing range of the Russian artillery.

I am surprised the West Jew MSM are not reporting about this and the battle going on at Odessa. In both cases I read the Ukrainian forces suffered heavy losses and fled. Bodies of Ukrainian Marines are being washed onshore.


Useless bombing. The troops are sitting ducks. Cannot advance.

Azov is not an Ukraine sea

Everyday Russian troops advance while ukrainians just remain inside trenchs..


Just compare May 11 map vs April 11. Mainly RU retreat is seen.

Hans Gregor

and rotten lol


shut up sepulcha medusa dumb feminazi tranny!


Hmm troops are advancing rapidly. Something like 500 Ukrainian death per day while Russians not so much, not even 3 digits.

Ashok Varma

Interesting that you have posted a correct situational analysis. An Indian panel on Zee-TV also stated that Russians have advanced some 300 kms in depth at certain locations and are trying to trap a large segment of Ukrainian puppet and Nazi forces. Russia now has total control of the air, like India did in 1971 Bangladesh campaign, Russia just needs to batter the Ukrainian puppets with massed artillery and airpower, but it is imperative to bomb Kiev and take out the infrastructure. JAI RUS!


https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2022/05/11/the-russians-lost-nearly-an-entire-battalion-trying-to-cross-a-river-in-eastern-ukraine/?sh=6efa85261689 So true.

Vlad butcha orc

Ups, orcs loosing many many soldiers? Let’s replace them with expensive missiles, as Orcia cannot find enough orcs anymore.

Expensive phallus symbols don’t win a war, never did. Neither in WWII, nor in Vietnam or Afghanistan. Obviously the willing propaganda orcs here too ignore this fact as much as possible. 🤷

Russia has lost already two months ago, that’s not going to change. 🤷

But ban me again Orcfront, your copeaboutism turning into copeautism won’t change it. 😂🤭🤷


yeah, ban him again, he makes no effort at anything but opposition baiting, he is a troll, a simple backwoods retarded american with no actual on the ground info to add. A child from the PNG has more understanding of the political and military situation than this irrelevant monkey. kick him back to liveleak

Zelya Bucha Ukro-orcs

Is there something wrong with your eyesight? Where do you see many, many dead soldiers?

Last edited 2 years ago by Zelya Bucha Ukro-orcs

There are dozens of images/videos of mass human losses from both sides

Zelya Bucha Ukro-orcs

I asked him about the photo from his link.


Yes, if the dude himself asks, then ban him.

Last edited 2 years ago by Passer-by

When armed with the Kh-22\32, the Tu-22M provides Russia with the ability to strike high-value military targets of Kiev forces deep in Ukraine. How about striking all military targets before they come into Ukraine, then they won’t be deep inside Ukraine with supplies and support to Ukraine military slowing down Russian advancement.


That would start a war with NATO.

Juris Doctor

Technically and legally NATO is already at war with the Russian Federation.


Exactly Have been since the day they were created. That’s what they were created for.


Hahaha NATO started the battle to begin with.

jens holm

I wonder what the purpose is?

Vlad butcha orc

Distraction from impotence of the Russian Forces.

Missiles and bombers never won a war, it’s the soldiers on the ground, which Russia is missing since two months at least, after the failed Kiev occupation.


Your impotence in denigrating Russia amuses me.

Edgar Zetar

You should use your Kh-22\32 to sink some Enemy Carriers instead.


Recent modernization of the Russian air force, although intended to enable it to conduct modern combined operations, was mostly for show. The Russians wasted money and effort on corruption and inefficiency. Though much was made of the flashy new equipment, such as the much-hyped SU-34 strike aircraft, the Russian air force continues to suffer from flawed logistics operations and the lack of regular, realistic training. Above all, the autocratic Russian kleptocracy does not trust low-ranking and middle-ranking officers, and so cannot allow the imaginative, flexible decision making.

Last edited 2 years ago by Elgar

Do you think there is an autocratic western kleptocracy?

jens holm

Oh yes. USA fx has much lower corruption then Russia. The fatal problem is, that there is not as much to steal in money in Russia because of the low productivity.

A random made example. 60 dollar minus 10% theft gives 54 dollar in US. 25 dollar minus 20% in Russia gives 20 dollar.

By that the thefts in USA and Western Economies are much more in money but less important in livingstandard.

I could mention countries, but I wont.

We on a site like always are describes by the many poor. Facts are most of the poor fx in USA are rich compared to man other poor in USA and West.

The narrowminded world here says most people in USA is poor living naked under umbrellas in the streets and the Jews has their money.


Corruption is lower and theft is greater? Interesting, interesting…


The moral authority for rule of law is the Pope’s as Autocrat and the Head of the Commonwealth of Nations is the Queen as Autocrat.

Michel LeBlanc

Your script sucks.

Get new material, your shit is getting old

jens holm

Russia sucks. So many military products only exist as repaired pilotproducts and are not produced and distributed.


Haha that applies exactly to Ukraine. They cant eve repair anything the clown comedian only know how to beg. And it’s a lone :D


Feeding Jens is a waste of time. He has nothing to say but it says it constantly.

Thomas Turk

But, but.. he’s a Danish military expert, maybe even a Rtd. nato Col.? Who knows or maybe just a Carlsberg, fluoride and jab soaked Skanda-Hooligan pro Nazi keyboard Viking warrior.


Pretty sure he’s just a Belgian EU pedophile bureaucrat


How are the rail gun systems working in the new ships? LMAO How is the magnetic launcher working on the new carriers? LMAO Hows that anti ballistic missile system working? Can it hit more than 1 out of 17 yet? been decades and still no better. LMAO you were saying?

Last edited 2 years ago by BanderiteLivesDon'tMatter

This is not gorbachev era you moron,you wanna know the failed logistics re snake island you dum,b degenerate sodomite head up ye ass dumb poolak!


Edgar Zetar

I save one sentence of all the BS you wrote… “kleptocracy does not trust low-ranking and middle-ranking officers, and so cannot allow the imaginative, flexible decision making” and this works for almost any army of today not just Russia… Imagination and Flexibility or Rapid Adaptation in the battlefield, logistics and strategies are the most important capabilities any army should have today


It’s worst for countries that are traditionally desired for their wealth Russia India Middle East China, and yet have to be diplomatic correct and welcome foreigners coming to give good advice on how to operate banking education spying and military As trusted good friends.


ROFLMSLAOOOO —– and then you woke up, uKRAPiTrash slug !

SIDDOWN, fewI —- you embarrass yourself with your clownery !


Ashok Varma

Russia neglected its military since 1992 USSR collapse and has a smaller defence budget than India. Hopefully, this operation in Ukraine will increase attention and funding to the military as NATO will now be a permanent existential threat.


Indias “defense” suits England’s ambitions especially if “India”is owned by Crown Lands,wwhich I imagine it would be really.Actually possibly even Israel too.But that would be very secret.

Ashok Varma

Read a factual account by Shashi Tharoor, a Indian Congress Party nationalist of how the Anglo racist bastards stole $45 TRILLION from India in 200 years of plunder.

Inglorious Empire: what the British did to India

In the eighteenth century, India’s share of the world economy was as large as Europe’s. By 1947, after two centuries of British brutality and kleptocracy, it had decreased six-fold. Beyond conquest and deception, the Empire blew rebels from cannon, massacred unarmed protesters, entrenched institutionalised racism, and caused millions to die from starvation.

Pamfil Military Academy

And those imperialist plunderers and criminals still bragging with ‘industrial revolution’ ! No matter how many millions of slaves they exploit in hundreds of years and how many colonies were extorted.

Pamfil Military Academy

That’s what I’m talking about from beginning.


Cool video…night, engine noise, instrumentation lights, missiles….but I’d be scared shitless to be in there


Russian aircraft are left flying their straightforward missions, many of which use single aircraft without the mutual support from combined air operations. The pilots are given a target; fly in quickly to attack it, in many cases relying on unguided munitions to try to hit their target; and then fly out and try to not get shot down. They are not allowed to act flexibly within their commanders’ intent to achieve a mission. They have task orders and they execute them, come what may. Even Russia’s vaunted intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capabilities seem surprisingly weak.


did you read that somewhere?

jens holm

Its on videos from Ukraine. So many are shot down because of that. They fly in low and slow and BANG.


oh you mean some Ukrainian propaganda fake videos? You do know Ukraine is like the most corrupted country in Europe, actually the second most corrupted country in Europe? We can never trust anything that comes out of Kiev. All lies. Funny that most stuff are true and decent except a few propaganda from Russia, but most are true. Kiev? :D All lies!!!


Are many shot down? Would you like to take a look at “these many”?


The only weak piles are jealous losers like youself without even a single clue! How else can we put it,your pathedic and thats really dumb then again you cant fight for shit which is the classic case of too much globohomo suckass losa attitude,how you may ask? Never underestimate truth FOR YOU WILL SURELY DIE FROM IGNORANCE OR STUPIDITY! DUMMY LIBBY POOLAK!

Last edited 2 years ago by DEMOCRACY I$ =WAR$= LITTLE BIATCH
jens holm

Those many videos from Ukraine shows it well. You can find the same for Syria. No smart bombs and hardly any smart plans.

In Syria they still try to nombarde a whole desert away. Its still there.


Getting old and old, Nazi bot. Kiev videos are lies only lies. You live in the most corrupt country. The second most corrupted in entire Europe; UKRAINE!


Trying to bombard the whole desert? I would like to see these bombings.

Last edited 2 years ago by Russian
Edgar Zetar

Agree with part of that, “Even Russia’s vaunted intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capabilities seem surprisingly weak” but I must say maybe its the lack of quick intelligence info transfer to the Battlefield and compute procesing all data from sources and a capable software to manage real time are some weak points of Russia… but Russia will correct this issues during their first Big War of the XXI Century. Wont apply to Russia in five years from now.


You’re such a loser, it’s painful to even attempt to read your bullshit. Appropriating hero Snowden’s image reduces you even further.


NATO has a dilemma if Russia uses tactical nukes in Ukraine. Ukraine can’t respond with a nuke because they don’t have any. So, if NATO, or most likely the US, launches a nuke in retaliation, they would be starting a war with Russia. So, I doubt NATO or US especially, would use a nuke..

Biden is afraid to sanction Putin’s girlfriend let alone push the nuke button to start a world war..

Last edited 2 years ago by Bob

Th president is told when he’s allowed to push the button and I know that for a fact because I knew who was the one whose job was to tell him.


Yes, Biden, cowardly girlfriend!


Awesome this is military technology as we see toward the 22nd century=vanishing point! Perfect logistics,doesn’t get better than that!


At an individual pilot level, the Russians aren’t as good as most air war experts thought. To destroy enemy assets and establish air superiority, an air force needs to be able to mount complex air operations involving many planes, analysts said. Instead, Russian jets have generally been seen in groups no larger than two, flying at low altitudes and at night.


They can’t put all their eggs in one basket They do understand this is just a entrapment scenario and not the end scene


In the wars of Western countries, enemy air defense was destroyed not by the Air Force, but by missiles from ships.

mike l hutchings

a beautiful airplane with a sting


musk terrorist NETWORK internet would be easy to shot down and make render useless with a change raektion if that become a problem ?!


Soon the best of the Ukrainian military will either surrender or be redacted. After that, the West can ship as many grovey weapons as they want to but it won’t make much of a difference. I feel bad for the Ukrainians. They are being used as pawns by the US deep state.


Hint “America is our barracks” Churchill


he wasent dealing with transvestites and crossdressers as inductees to conscription Good luck with the drag queens who cry about pronouns


The world owes President Putin and the Russian people a debt of gratitude for their efforts in eradicating the scourge of fahclsm and nahtzism where-ever it rears it’s ugly head.

First germany, and now 75 years later …. in uKRAPistan !

God bless you President Putin and the people you lead !



Justin Judeau

Both sides Jew owned, only whites dying.


The Vatican owns everything in the universe, by rule of law. Including the Jews The orb of Edward the Confessor grants the owner the right to strip Jews of everything they own including their life’s. The Pope has it and gave Prince Georges gran a replica to present to Baby as a token from his GODFATHER. He kept the original for himself.

Jens Stoltenberg

There are big doubts about Vladimir Putin here. The name of his mother can be interpreted in different ways, and no one has done a DNA analysis.


Well they better be busy restocking their shelves. They’re going to need too. Because it’s just a preliminary battle in Ukrainium, the war hasn’t even started.


best tell that to the decaying corpses of Ukraine’s army littering the countryside


The Ukrainium? Cool word!


Sounds like “cocainum”. youtube.com/watch?v=sqCUeqMMNrA


More civilians targeted?


Yes, the civilians of Donbass are suffering from Ukrainian shelling.

Muhammad your Prophet

Russia’s supersonic missiles are doing shit in Ukraine. Vladimir Putin can keep shooting them at the stratosphere so he can impress his brainless stooges in Russia. Those are the only morons he’ll ever impress.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
Muhammad is not my prophet

The brainless stooges supporting Ukraine continue to believe in this moronism.


What made Russia and Ukraine great was communism and they ruined it.


I think, the Russians don’t want a military surrender, but a mental surrender. The Ukraine can do what ever it wants, as long it is “cured” from its mental problem..


Will somebody here please send me a “share or link” of RT News online. The fukkin losers has remove RT in a bid to hide the truth from the public.


It’s Tu-22M3M with recent modernization. It can use new “Dagger” hyper-sound missile and new version of H-22 — H-32 which has speed 4000 or even up to 5200 km/h in different sources, ~3,5M or ~4,5M i.e. sub-hyper. Seems like they fired to ground target, because Kiev regime have no quite big ships to test H-22/32.

Fuck EU

Sweet! Go Russia!

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