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In Videos: Russian Viral Agent Defense Experts Are Working In Bergamo

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In Videos: Russian Viral Agent Defense Experts Are Working In Bergamo

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Medics and viral agent defense experts of the Rusian Defense Ministry, together with their Italian colleagues, visited four health facilities for eldery people used to treat coronavirus (COVID-19) infections in Bergamo, the Russian Defense Ministry said on March 27.

The Russian COVID-19-response team drew up a set of first-priority measures to reduce the risk of the spread of coronavirus infection among eldery people, prepared plans for the disinfection of the territory of internal premises and the adjasted area. Later today, Russian specialists today will begin performing similar tasks in other Bergamo healthcare facilities.

On March 26, the Russian Defense Ministry published an official statement providing additional details on its anti-COVID-19 operation in Italy’s Bergamo:

“In the city of Bergamo, representatives of the Ministries of Defenсe of Russia and Italy, the Department of civil defense and the Agency for public health protection held consultations on the needs of local authorities in the fight against coronavirus infection.

The consultations identified priority tasks that local authorities rely on Russian military specialists who have arrived in Bergamo to solve.

First of all, Russian medical and nursing teams will be allocated for the treatment of patients in 65 local geriatric houses. They are now adapted by local authorities to isolate and help elderly people who have contracted a coronavirus infection.

Each of the 8 medical and nursing teams will be assigned to 7-9 nearby geriatric houses.

In addition, representatives of local authorities expressed a special demand for large-scale sanitary treatment and disinfection of all health facilities and urban infrastructure, especially transport.

During the meeting, the Russian side confirmed that all the forces and means that arrived in Bergamo will be used for emergency assistance to the city and Italian citizens.

Teams of Russian military specialists will begin practical tasks tomorrow, March 27,” the statement on its website reads.


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Assad must stay

very excellent russia


It’s amazing what the “80 percent useless” Russians are capable of.

Lone Ranger

CIA and Hasbarat trolls are crying and raging. Thats all they can do.

AM Hants

Plus, sending pornsite links.

CIA, Corona Virus and the porn cure, sort of sums them all up.

Lone Ranger



Come on, they already helped Italians “bigly”, by providing what they needed the most: Premium membership of PornHub!

I’m not sure it’s a Canadian or American company, but sure as hell it’s owned by a certain tribe.

AM Hants

I never realised gas stations could be so versatile.

I here they also provide the US a taxi service into Space.

They just seem generation’s ahead of your so called Western nations.

Well done Russia.

Lone Ranger

Russia is love, Russia is life.

Lone Ranger

Thank you Russia.

AM Hants

Must admit, I am mega impressed with the units Russia provides.

How many nations have or are operating something similar?


No media in Eu is reporting abouth great Rusian help to Italy. They youst mentioned that Germani is takin two Italian patienc.

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