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MARCH 2025

In Video: Russian Warlanes Pound ISIS Targets In Syria’s Homs Province

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Over the past weeks, the Russian Aerospace Forces have resumed intense airstrikes on ISIS targets in the central Syrian desert.

New Wave Of Russian Airstrikes Hit ISIS Terrorists In Central Syria As Death Toll From Clashes Reaches 22 (December 13, 2020):

Heavy clashes between Syrian government forces and ISIS terrorists are still ongoing in the country’s central region, according to several sources. 

The London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said the clashes have been taking place in the Aleppo-Hama-Raqqa triangle, north of the Homs desert. The region is ISIS’ main stronghold in central Syria.

Warplanes of the Russian Aerospace Forces provide government forces with a close air support. On December 12 and 13, Russian warplanes carried out more than 70 airstrikes on ISIS terrorists and their hideouts.

According to the SOHR, government troops and Russian airstrikes have so far killed 15 terrorists. Seven Syrian soldiers also lost their lives in the clashes.

“The death toll is expected to rise further as there are several combatants injured, some seriously. There are also unconfirmed reports of more casualties,” the monitoring group’s report reads.

The SOHR documented the death of 601 ISIS terrorists in the central region since March of 2019. At the same period, 1064 pro-government fighters, including foreigners [Iranian, Lebanese or Palestinians], were killed.

ISIS terrorists stepped up their attacks on government force this year in what appears to be an attempt to expand their influence n the central region.

Government forces conduct operations around the Homs desert on a regular basis. However, the ISIS threat in the central region continues to grow.



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This a a preview of what might happen to Turks and Azeris as they blabber and sound “victorious” in NK. Heavy bombing in Libya by Suk 24 and MiG 29 will render will make Turkish drones like mosquitos. If Turks talk big and want to rumble, they should be willing to take serious casualties.


I heard that Russians are watching Azeri TV channels because they have better quality image.

cechas vodobenikov

bacon sordo mudo


Llooking like checha is in high spirits this morning :) any rise of minimum wage in Russia?

The Objective

Turkey isn’t talking big, but acting big. Erdogan rarely boasts like the Iranians do. He only acts. Egypt is boasting some 500 new Russian tanks which it can roll into Libya at will. They already had these tanks deployed on the Egyptian Libyan border several months ago. However, the current widespread destruction of tanks in N-K by Turkish drones certainly didn’t go unnoticed by the Egyptian military. Their 500+ modern tanks are SITTING DUCKS. Turkey’s F-16 will likely be deployed in Libya to counter your Suk 24 and MiG 29. There will be missiles too if necessary. A hundred or so precision strike missiles shipped to Libya should cripple the entire Egyptian/Haftar airforce by bombing the hell out of runways and rendering them useless for months. New innovative swarm drones manufactured in Turkey are battle ready. These don’t have the weaknesses of a traditional plane where a large centralized basing is necessary. These small drones can be deployed in a small hidden airfield with little infrastructure. The good thing is that they cannot be stopped by the S-400 or S-1000. Because they are too small and fly in a swarm.


I deal with reality and not fiction, Russian and Egyptian aircraft controlling the skies over Libya would render drone activity to nothing. Turkey can deploy may 6 or 8 F16’s, the Russian and Egypt can deploy 100 aircraft. Turkey’s logistical issues are compounded because of the possibility of this war becoming high tech and the reality of the Libyan coast line being blockaded…….leaving the Turks and their proxies to be cannon fodder.

Swarm drones the recent buzzword, US has not developed anything concrete….let alone Turkey.

Arman Melkonyan

Russians are a bunch of goddamn’ liars. Too obvious by now.

Russians have been bombing Syria for half a decade and the genocidal Turks and their Muslim terrorist brothers are still fucking their Muslim terrorist wives and having their Muslim terrorist children in Muslim terrorist kingdom of Idlib belonging to Muslim terrorist Erdogan?


Get the hell out of our faces already. You’re all just shoe shine boys for the Jews and the Freemasons who rule this world.

Lone Ranger

Hi Shlomo. How is the weather in Tel Aviv hasbarat ?


The meek shall inherit the Earth, not zionists and Freemasons. Russia has not been bombing Syria for 5 years, they bombed and inflicted mortal damage to ISIS, and other Islamic groups, Idlib is going to be cleaned up as Turkish and Russian relations deteriorate further. Russia does not want to destroy the Syrian infrastructure by killing some jihadis, they will get them some other way.

Your narrative is a lie, Putin tried to make Erdo his useful idiot, it did not work out.

Igors Savitsas

Amernian who live abroad, i guess? You are sick.

Arman Melkonyan

Sick is the person who resorts to personal attacks instead of addressing the issues raised with rational counter arguments.

cechas vodobenikov

writes jealous racist gypsy

Raptar Driver

The Russians have been conquered by the world system since 1917.

Arman Melkonyan

“world system”…

Jews, my friend.

Even Putin (himself a Jew) says the Bolsheviks were Jews.


Lone Ranger

15? More like 1500. Condolences to the fallen CIAisis and wahabimossad operators. May they rest in pieces…


The quality of the video makes enough space for this speculation.


Useless theatrics, constantly applying healing to a festering wound: the black ulcer gets bigger and Russia applies ointment, just to contain its spread. Without healing, without regeneration, no hope possible. Its like your sick father is constantly kept in a hospital and all doctors say he will be healed, the tech and science is there, only you notice your father’s horrible leg ulcer still wasn’t cleared up since February, despite the best competent Russian doctors trying to convince you they can heal him.You see constant suffering, no progress in healing. How would you feel in that situation? You always ask the doctors, what is going on, and all doctors enthusiastically say many hopeful things, yet no progress in releasing your father from the hospital is made. Exact same situation here with Homs and Damascus provinces regards the Al Tanf Ulcerous USA base.

What change do you think the Satanic Demon Worshiper ‘Biden-Kamala-Gates’-Cabal will bring to this situation? Yeah, exactly right!

Arman Melkonyan

The Russians are lying and only pretending to be seriously attacking the Muslim terrorists.

Russians are in fact PROTECTING the Jihadi psychopaths and their genocidal Turkish allies by forbidding the Syrians and the Persians from eliminating them from Idlib.

A few fuel-air bombs can clear Idlib in a couple of days.

But Russians are allies with the Turks and the Jihadis — yes, just like the Jews and the Americans.


ISIS obviously supported out of Al Tanf with supplies, money, and personnel. Dam, when will this desert conflict end? :/


Since SAA was never up to the task to remove them complitly and secure the area with their large clearing actions… They’ll be gone…(as you have said yourself) when US stop supporting them.

The Objective

Syria is Afghanistan V2.0 for Russia.


Fuck off Erdogan’s c o c k sucker! You can say whatever you want p i g. Your tens of thousands Wahabi dogs, Zio-terrorists are rotting under the Syrian ground because of Russia. And there will be more to come ! Ask IsraeHell to help you, cause Turkey obviously can’t stop the bombings.

Arman Melkonyan


The Objective

The many thousand Syrians Russia murdered is a price worth paying to liberate Syria from dictatorship. These murders won’t be forgotten and will be paid for by Russia some day. Throughout history, No country or empire has invaded a Muslim land except that God devastates it. Ask the Mongols, Alexander, Crusaders, etc. You think Russia will be any different? It may take time for the Muslim world to catch up technologically. It may take time for the dictators and tyrants ruling the Muslim world to fall. But mark my words. These two things will happen. And when they do, God have mercy on Russia and all those who trouble Islam and Muslims. I would like to be alive during that period, but I don’t think our generation will see it.


Western Globalists Zionist Liberals + JEWS + Wahhabi Salafism

Those are 3 piles of S H I T are untied against free world. Bring it on Wahhabi excrement. Russia, China, Iran have something for you ready and waiting.

The Objective

LOL. Iran wants to spread Shiism around the world when they take Mecca and Madinah. They’ll like to see Shiism pread in Russia. China is too busy making money to care about what Russia thinks of the world. You lied when you said Turkey’s engine was Ukrainian tech. I did a deep research and found multiple sources, including government documents signed by Ukraine and Turkey, but Ukraine refused to transfer engine technology. Ukraine refused Turkey’s request to share its research labs, manufacturing procedure, and even train Turkish engineers.


Russian Muslims are Sunni and leave peacefully in Russia (when not manipulated by CIA and MI6 and Saudi Wahhabi’s) Some of Russian Muslims are billionaires (one of the richest Russian’s is Sunni Muslim). Russia have no problem with Russian Sunni’s just with Wahhabi’s. Russian Sunni’s don’t have any problems with non Muslims. They live in peace together. If Wahhabi’s didn’t come to start war in Russia, than Russia would never go to Syria to fight them. “Ukraine have refused to transfer engine technology”. That doesn’t mean that some engine blueprints were not sold to Turkey by those who work in “Motorsich” factory that produces chopper engines (Ukraine is extremely corrupt country like Turkey) That doesn’t mean that some experts-engineers were not paid lots of money, bribed to work in Turkey and to bring the know how tech with them! China did the same, Iran also (specially after the collapse of USSR) Most of the tech those countries today brag about is USSR know how brought by Soviet blue-prints and experts who started to work for those countries for huge salaries. Specially in domain of making nukes. Turkey’s engine is USSR – Ukrainian tech and know how since Turkey have never built chopper engine, so they have bought it from Ukraine end of story.

As for Iran..Russia didn’t choose their friends or enemies. Russia doesn’t support Shia against Sunni. It is Sunni Wahhabi’s who have chosen to support US, Israel and other Western NATO countries that are enemy to Russia and not other way around.

Arman Melkonyan

I see that you didn’t answer. You do not seek knowledge, Muslim. Only to justify your evil ways.

The Objective

I’m sorry I forgot to answer your questions even though I read everything. I was too busy with work. I’ll answer you. Just that your questions require a deeper level of explanation and I decided to postpone it.

Arman Melkonyan

OK, take your time.


What if they don’t stop supporting them?thats the problem,those illegal US bastards need to get a warning from Russia.


For f*ck sake Cromwell do you honestly believe that those fanatical Wahabi monkeys Who like to decapitate even Muslims will listen to anybody who is non Muslim about anything?! They are in Syria already for years. And if they have any success in recruiting locally among Syrian Sunni a new Zio-jihad recruits, than this war will last forever. Specially if there are some Turk, Western and Arab sources (who are supporting them) are still active.


Thats the point i made,as long as those Apes are supported by the Americans and Turks it will go on,thats why the US morons east of the Euphretes should get a reality check,same with the turks.


I doubt that any “reality check works for US any longer. While Turkey might change their attitude completely once out of NATO and closer to Russia,Iran and China.

cechas vodobenikov

merciful pilots spare CIA bacon, jens

Raptar Driver

Yes the never ending pounding? When will the terrorists be gone? Answer: When there is no need for the pounding.

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