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MARCH 2025

In Video: Russia’s Tsirkon Hypersonic Missile Hits Naval Target 1,000 Kilometers Away In New Test

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In Video: Russia’s Tsirkon Hypersonic Missile Hits Naval Target 1,000 Kilometers Away In New Test

Admiral Gorshkov Russian frigate, 10 July 2018. Source: the Russian Ministry of Defense. http://мультимедиа.минобороны.рф/multimedia/photo/gallery.htm?id=59002@cmsPhotoGallery

On May 28, Admiral Gorshkov frigate of the Russian Navy’s Northern Fleet fired a Tsirkon hypersonic, anti-ship cruise missile from the Barents Sea at a naval target located 1,000 kilometers away in the White Sea.

The Russian Ministry of Defense told reports that that the shooting was part of a series of tests for new weapon systems.

“Today, the lead Project 22350 frigate Admiral Gorshkov fired a Tsirkon hypersonic cruise missile at a naval target position in the White Sea from the Barents Sea,” the ministry said. “According to objective control data, the Tsirkon hypersonic cruise missile successfully hit a naval target located at a distance of around 1,000 kilometers”.

The Tsirkon, which was developed by Russia’s NPO Mashinostroyeniya, is powered by a state-of-the-art scramjet engine that allows it to reach speed as high as Mach 8 and 9. The maneuvering anti-ship hypersonic cruise missile can destroy both naval and land targets with a report range of more than 1,000 kilometers.

The missile is reportedly equipped with a high-precision inertial navigation system and an advanced active radar seeker.

The high speed of the Tsirkon likely gives it better target-penetration characteristics than lighter subsonic cruise missiles, such as the US-made Tomahawk. Being twice as heavy and almost eleven times as fast as Tomahawk, the Zircon has more than 242 times the on-cruise kinetic energy of a Tomahawk missile.

The missile’s speed means that it cannot be intercepted by existing missile defense systems and its precision makes it lethal to large targets as aircraft carrier.

The hypersonic missile, which is currently in production, can be launched from surface ships and submarines. NPO Mashinostroyeniya is now developing a costal defense system that utilizes the missile. The system, which will be able to engage naval and land targets, will reportedly enter service with the Russian Navy before the end of the year.

The Tsirkon is one example of the advanced capabilities the Russian Navy has acquired in the recent years. As of now, the NATO has no match for the missile.


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Are the Ukrainian troops winning from the boilers?

Biden and Zelensky will go down in history as presidents who staged a holodomor on the planet

mike l hutchings

Biden and Zelensky are along for the ride

Elohim Kosher Bar

Would Team Putin kindly send a few of these Zircon missiles up the jewish banker arses? Start with the Rothschilds, Blackrock, and the BIS (Bank of International Settlements, Basel, Switzerland). Destroy their money and you destroy their power.


Ranking America’s Worst Presidents 1 JOE FUCK BIDEN


biden or no biden, they are all the same. whoever rents the white house will make no difference. do not bring shit here. keep that shit in yanqui land.


Yes they are all Jewish owned. Thanks.

Elohim Kosher Bar

Woodrow Wilson is the worst USSA President. He allowed the creation of the third Central Bank in the USSA, the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve is not an USSA institution. It is a private bank to benefit the bankers ONLY. The Federal Reserve is as federal as Federal Express. Woodrow Wilson also allow the USSA income Tax through the 13th Amendment.


I beg to differ.


Beware of illegal Texans bearing gifts (https://www.ae911truth.org/)!…

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
Von Braun

Wonder why it was not tested on Ukraine? What a waste of expensive missile.


Its a flex sire.. usa says russia is running out of missiles.. clearly not… we can even use these ones for testing…

also showing capability of “dont fuck with us” we have most of ukro in our range…


Scott ritter in his days in Russia has seen the underground production facillities where missiles were produced. His words : We were traveling underground in a small train for almost two hours before we arrived at what looked like a station (dock). These are the size of small city’s and as far as you could see there were stockpiles of missiles. There are several facillities like this. Putin knew 20 years ago what had to be done, they have more rockets then you can count. In dutch we have a saying : Hoogmoed komt voor de val. Meaning :Pride comes before the fall. And that is exactly what our western leaders will experience. I just hope Russia knows that the population in the west do not want a confrontation at all !!


interesting info my dutch brother!


i also dont want confrontation… i wish the zio fags could just let us live in peace …

imagine all the tech focused on actually helping people and advancing society , not killing and poisoning them…the world would be a utopia


I think the American people will not kill anyone, Putin is not a killer. But he has a dagger that can definitely hit the main targets like the Pentagon, the Capitol, the White House and so on. This is a war to liberate the planet from the Khazarian mafia!!


It is because of the soviets. They built a massive military machine and tons of underground cities for military and civilian purposes.

Russians are continuing on this way and have done a good job at modernizing every aspect of their military.

Putin is a great statesman, but he can count on a great country and a great ruling system.


Russia is Christian Orthodox and has Churches Cathedrals, monasteries, full seminaries. Her Churches Cathedrals /seminaries are NEW or newly restored.

Peppe il Sicario

In many Hollywood films, in fact, they allude to this fact of huge underground facilities the Soviets built during the Cold War. I think in one of the “Resident Evil” films they even go to a MASSIVE underground sub base….that was ex-Soviet, a piece of engineering mastery!!!!

As you stated, Putin told the Russian General Staff over a decade ago to prepare for WW 3 so immagine what the Russians have in their military storage facilities. They did the same thing in WW 2 moving their production facilities east of the Urals beyond the reach of German bombers. Andrei Martynov states that from his sources inside Russia the Russian military production facilities are working round the clock, 3 shifts 24 hours a day. The faggoty neo-liberal woke West is truly fukked and I’m loving it!!!


No ukrop targets on water. This was just to show what will happen if the Brits and others try to “unblock the grain exports”. Smart move.


not just for water targets sire


No, but the point was to show it working that way


Well, even better target- the QE carrier the Brits are so proud of.


The RF and Britain may take that one personally. City of London & Stock Exchange


Because they need to control both the launch site and the target site to get the amount of testing they need.


So, no evidence? Just some hear-say and a rocket rising towards space? Never mind, SF team believes whatever Russians state.


“So, no evidence?”..the proof is when it hits you, fren


We believe whatever lies told by US

Last edited 2 years ago by Russian

Fire zircons at weapon supplies to Ukraine

Last edited 2 years ago by Russian

Naaah, Zircons can only go after Elensky


And this is why the US needs to think very hard about giving the Ukrainians Anti-ship missiles and long-range rockets; Russia can turn around and give items like this to US enemies.


Iran would love them Zircons..


And maybe they have something similar. The last week has seen a massive touring of Russian military cargo planes going Moscow-Teheran. I don’t know the purpose of those voyages, but there were a lot.

Maybe Russia is sending something to Iran or Iran is sending some drone to Russia, or maybe both ways.


And this is why the Russians fired this missile. Just a reminder of what will happen if the western cuckolds dare to hit another Russian ship.

As for the Moskva, serious analysts doubt the fairy tail of the missile. It was probably a sabotage. There was no typical missile hole on the sides of the ship. And the radar was in the idle position, meaning there was no battle ongoing with bayraktars.


In the Russian news on the first day they said that they shot down the point U, which was released by the Ukrainians, the wreckage fell on the ship and detonated.


Meanwhile the Yanks can barely get their first air-launched hypersonic missile working.

Dick Von D'Astard

Admiral Isakov is due to be commissioned in 2023. It is going to be Black Seas Fleet warship, it is the same Project 22350 class.

Karl Pomeroy

That’s enough to scare Liz Truss.


where is the White sea?


Very Northwest of Russia with port-cities Murmansk and Arkhangelsk.


Russia is winning. Kadyrov reports that hundreds if not thousands of Russian volunteers are arriving EVERY DAY to the Chechen Republic, where they receive training from certified RUS instructors, and are ready to clean up the Donbass and Ukraine from the Bandera junta, Nazis and devils. This means that Russia can easily replace their man losses with volunteers, and they don’t even have to mobilize. This is the worst case scenario for Zelensky, because Ukraine is already running out of volunteers, and now they’re mobilizing everyone, the old, the young, the weak, people who are not willing to fight, just forced to be there.


Pyotr Veliky and Admiral Nakhimov battlecruisers will be able to carry up to 80 Zircon each once they are fully modernized. That is enough to sink every single US carrier group (11 carriers + 55 destroyers), assuming the US Navy AEGIS can manage to intercept only 50% of the incoming Zircon missiles in the best case scenario. In reality a mach 9 missile with plasma stealth during terminal phase, AEGIS would struggle to intercept even 15%. Bottom line is a single Buyan class corvette armed with 8 Zircon can sink half of an entire US Carrier group.

Last edited 2 years ago by BMPTerminating-UKROPS

Russia needs to start supplying Iran with loads of S-400, Kalibr, and Pantsir :) Even better would be SU-30SM and SU-35S with electronic warfare pods.


In response to NATO supplying weapons to Ukraine, Russia should start supplying Serbia with S-400 and loads of Iskander-M missiles.

Last edited 2 years ago by BMPTerminating-UKROPS
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