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MARCH 2025

In Video: SDF Foils Attempt To Smuggle ISIS Relatives Out Of Al-Hawl Camp

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In Video: SDF Foils Attempt To Smuggle ISIS Relatives Out Of Al-Hawl Camp

Click to see full-size image. Source: the Hawar News Agency (ANHA)

On April 9, Asayish, the security branch of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), foiled an attempt to smuggle 13 relatives of ISIS terrorists from the notorious al-Hawl camp in the eastern al-Hasakah countryside.

The individuals, eight Iraqis and five Syrians, attempted to escape the camp by hiding in a water tanker. The attempt was foiled by Asayish personnel who arrested the 13 individuals along with the tanker driver.

According to the Hawar News Agency (ANHA), the individuals attempted to flee al-Hawl because their names were mentioned in ongoing investigations related to ISIS activities in the camp. All the individuals were heading to the Turkish-occupied town of Tell Abyad.

The SDF launched a security-humanitarian operation to secure al-Hawl camp, where around 60,000 people are being held, on March 28. The first phase of the operation ended the 2nd of April. 125 members of ISIS were arrested.

Over the last ten days, Asayish carried out a series of raids and search operations inside al-Hawl. A source in the special forces, dubbed YAT, told the ANHA that 33 ISIS members were arrested in these operations, which covered the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 7th sections of the camp.

Among those arrested was ISIS top commander in al-Hawl Ahmad Khash’a, also known as “Abu Khalid”. The terrorist was commanding all the cells in the camp. The second-in-command Qusay Mohamad, also known as “Abu Karar,” was also apprehended.

Despite the immense effort of the SDF, the al-Hawl camp is still far from being safe. The group itself warned before that the dilemma of the camp can’t be solved without an international solution that would see all foreigners in the camp return to their countries.



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Willing Conscience (The Truths

Escaping the camp and heading to Turkish occupied territory, now why doesn’t that surprise me.


This is one of the ways the ISIS/SDF partnership in eastern Syrian works, SDF using ISIS’ families so the Ziowahhabi jihadis will keep working as good pawns.

That’s how we get 20 ISIS attacks on Syria Arab army soldiers for every ISIS “attack” on SDF terrorists. And the US/EU terrorist Ziocorporate globalists sponsoring them both can’t be any more pleased with this status quo.

Jens Holm


johnny rotten

These Kurds of SDF are simply one of the many terrorist formations that infest the MO, and must be eliminated, the sooner it is better.

Pave Way IV

The attempt was foiled by Asayish personnel who arrested the 13 individuals along with the tanker driver.

Clearly explains why the U.S. and its proxies will never defeat ISIS in Syria. Russia wouldn’t have arrested anyone. They would have, how do they say? Neutralized the escapees. A much more effective and permanent solution.


Jens Holm

Maybee we should do the same at You. There are ghood reasosns for extremisme as well.

Jens Holm

So muc for ISIS are from foreign countries

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