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In Video: Syrian Army Resumed Operations Against Militants In Southeast Idlib

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The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) continued its operations near Ma’arrat al-Numan in the southeastern countryside of Syria’s Idlib Governorate on December 30, 2019.  The video shows SAA units deploying artillery guns, rocket launchers, and soldiers involved in the effort.


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Let us hope that the Syrian people will soon drive out the rats fed by the American terrorists.


Off topic: Can any American please explain to me why is Trump & his followers labeled so much as extreme right and “racists” and similar with all the hysteria and hatred that goes with that on Democratic side. When Bush family with all her NAZI past and conservative white background never had anything of that specially not in MSM propaganda apparatus.

If possible short answer please. Thanks in advance. Happy 2020 to all on S.F.

Bobo Voxar

simple… war of GLOBALISTS vs STATE ELITES … Trump is globalist ruled by Kushners circles … elites are ruled by bankers a oil mafia… this war have no relations to nationality but is (ruled- fueled) by one nation*s fractions … globalists have no structure of power (so difficult to find and name) – eliters have structure ranks -Congres,Senate,Supreme Court(all law related institutions),Army command and war industry… deep misunderstanding of situation was “russian meddling to US elections” and “impeachment”… only Elites needo steal a TIME for Trump ..Trumps work is to reformate USA way as USSR was dissasembled …


OK thanks. That still doesn’t answer why Bush not at all targets while Trump is painted as “white supremacist, racist” and mass attacked by the media.

Oscar Carrilero

It’s a góod explanation. State elits will use any means to discredit Trump and recover power in next elections. They didn’t against Bush because he was one of them.


Even if Bush were “one of them”. Sorry Oscar I fail to see how the Bush policies were radically different from Trump’s policies ?!? *Trump is in service of corporate (globalists) by only doing more lip service to ordinary Americans farmers, workers etc. I can’t grasp why this total hysteria in MSM and part of the population when basically US policies basically stay the same?

Bobo Voxar



Yes this is only good, logical answer in my opinion.

Bobo Voxar

you know..this developed in last 40y into this


Yes, Eisenhower has warned American people at the end of his presidency about the problem. Vietnam was already product of MIC and major reason for 1st US bankruptcy. A major reason of Nixon’s un-pegging of the gold from dollar and everything else that has followed.

AzrieI Herskowitz

Nothing new, we do it for centuries…


Ripping people off yeah, we know you are involved in online stock scams, you are to lazy to ever be nothing more then a tapeworm.


Zio Jews have always been parasites.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Yes the Turks have haven’t they, and now you’ve got it down to a fine art you’re nearly as good as the Israelis themselves, well done Turkey. Your boss Erdogan may hate the Jews but he certainly doesn’t mind copying their very effective but totally immoral use of deception in the media, but he’s taken it to new levels of discredibility, at least the lying Jews were smart enough to make their news subtle enough for international consumption, but only uninformed Turks believe Turkish news, no one else does, LOL. Cheers Mustafa.


So you keep repeating (and believing) “Hope dies last” I wish you to be right and me wrong. But sincerely I deeply believe that you and whole pro-Trump voting machine are being tricked to believe in all that. Everything he did in his mandate was nothing less corporate, in interests of “deep state” MIC, DoD, AIPAC, IsraHell than Obama and other’s before him were. The loser is always ordinary American people, this time only in role to have “their own candidate” that doesn’t really work for them.

Bobo Voxar

which and when your presidents in this and previous century worked for US nation?…


My question was always WHY ANTI-TRUMP MSM HYSTERIA? Why him and why now? No good explanation so far.

Bobo Voxar

he is unstructural power – globalist … read previous,pls… study a term GLOBALIST … even name globalist does not mean what you read …


He is “unstructural power”…whatever that means.

He is just candidate with opposite image to the globalist “structural” power. Both candidates are controlled by the same people and MSM hysteria is part of the staged image built around the Trump that doesn’t correspond to the reality that he also is part of those globalist elites. That is my 2 cents

Bobo Voxar

Putin said … its free for me with whoom in USA I will and have to talk … he knows the same as you, as me …

Bobo Voxar

MSN HYSTERIA? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/407b53b21b3da0af286e01e80dabf9421ce345a2cde6e3496e042bbdcf9418a9.jpg

my few dollars …:-)


Proves what? Trump has recognized Jerusalem as capital & moved US embassy (no other US president have even tried). Trump keeps US troops in Syria not because of “oil” but on the demand of IsraHell to stay in Syria and protects security of IsraHell. Turmp is showering IsraHell with huge “military aid” equally if not more than other presidents. Trump has removed nuke agreement with Iran and is permanently threatening Iran ( DESPITE the DANGER for the next elections to get Americans killed and lose elections because of that) Trump keeps kicking Russia interests and SAA with risking WW3 with cruise missiles on flimsy excuses (but IsraHell is pleased). Etc, etc, etc.

Bobo Voxar

Jerusalem- service for another fraction … who holds US money?… GLOBS and ELITES are one body and one mind in this … Russians and chinesse hoarding gold for final cut or revenge … one crissis ahead and stop to US (choosens) and start to hot reformating of USA from hegemone to country 100 years before (agricultural country with average inovation potential and industry) … education is 20 y ahead of real state of state-answer yourself where is US education except fer Universities and colleges


I am not sure for Russia and China but US is without shadow of a doubt under the total control of the globalist elites.

Bobo Voxar

nuke agreement what ever it seems dangerous for world does not cover CHINA,India,Pakistan ..Israhell etc etc.. oposite site is that he opened a way to new incorporating those states


My point was that Jewish controlled MSM didn’t have any bone in the fight against Trump since he did plenty for Jews. I think that Jewish controlled MSM attacks are staged and part of the bigger plan!

Concrete Mike

I will attempt an answer.

When we look at trumps actions, he has been trying to implement his policies.only to get cockblocked by his staff, like for example, bolton sabotaging the meeting with the Norks.

The globalist faction is also somewhat divided. You have the zionists, where trump belongs, wich are fake globalists, and the you habe true globalists like Bezos from Amazon or macron.

The logic of trump supporters is as follows: fuck the globalists as they are an unelected and unaccountable bunch of pricks.

Intries.to be brief.

Makes sense?

Jens Holm

Thats only partly correct. POTUS is no dictator and You see him as such writing as You do. Long term agrrements internal as well as external are made. You cant just take them away bacause they are decided by their Parlament as well as its negosiated with many other countries in trades based on long time negosiatios.

You as ususal put in zionist in everything. That crap makes no sense apart from Your little very dirty corner of the world.


U.S. has human rights severely reduced by the excuse of “terrorism” that is created by U.S. Not to mention totally criminal drone executions, CIA kidnappings (even non US citizens) and tortures and right to arrest without warrant and to keep non-limited time in prison any US even. Australian Assange is to be extradited as terrorist for journalism against any international law and any human right that exist on this planet. So leader is what hiss country is and can’t be seen or evaluated differently.

As for the Zionists just huge financial and foreign policy military support to IsraHell that costs hundreds of billions every year speaks for itself. You can deny obvious no problem about that

Jens Holm

USA is not my country, but I partly agree. Let me remind You that drone killings as well as CIA only is a tiny little part of You compare with the rest covering 327 mio. inhabitants.

The whole world has sharpened the laws as well as action against terrorisme as well as we dayli can read read right on this organ, that “terror” now is a very subjektive oppinion.

And I do agree very much about Assange as well, but USA dont have world records in jailing jpurnalists at all. Fx Turkey was number one in 2017.

And Yes, Israel is well supported by USA. As non USA I any time will support those Hews stay where they are, and I also see other diaporas sending a lot of money to their relatives, friends and like that.

If You mad people acceptet Israel is there for the future as a fact, those people would send less money and maybee help Ypu poor lazy on knowing watches for carbombs people up.

The main propblems are Yours. Low school, low education, low skill, Your women seemes to be even more stupid he our women,. You also are not paid pr hour and has jobs based on family relations.

Thats where fokus should be.

USA as well as Israel are protecting their own people by modern ways of killing. Its much better for them wasting some % pr risk. You think the world is many, many spendables of Your own. Many countroes of Yours not even take refugees back – unless WE PAY for that TOO.

A dew hours agao some jet killed 9 civilians in a school b Russians or Assads. Isnt that TERROR. I think so.

And we do clean in Denmark, but terror like Qaida as well as ISIS comes from You even USA and GB made Al Qaida. Here some seemes to forget those were against RUSSIANS INVADING Afghanistan with gunships, big bombs, bigartillery and too well armed tanks.

Dinally its not Your taxpayers money. The politics are made by public elected people, which You can resign, reelect or non reelect. Its obvious its well based campared to, where You probatly come from.

As I have written here at least 100 times, we should not be among Your simplified morons at all. But that dont dont say we prefare You for USA when we add and subtract. I am for a wall around ME having only oil out and food in. Thats it.

We only should send You sober information aboutr us by radio, TV and Internet. Thats it. Our blur is the biggest excuse for You to do NOTHING. NO CHANGE.

Balfour 1+2 and later on Lausanne should let You have great improvements even parts would be neocolonialisme. But You still inist in the totally stupid neocolonialistic borders and are only able to make Emirat seize Governess for big countries as Iraq and Syria.

And You after 1967 and 1973 dont deserve fx Golan at all. Relate to facts. For very good reasons Israel never will give that part up.

Maybee You should fokus on the rest of Syria as well as Iraq and Turkey. Thats where the base for uprise has been kept down having unimplyment at 50% for men and uch higher for Your even more stupid women. Thats where the support against Assads for good reasons are.

If You behave like nothing only blaming others, You are nothing. Not even You could live in houses not cleaned for decades by Hafes, Bashir, Saddam, Coorupt Shiit from Bagdad or for that matter Daffy from Libya.

And we see exact the same patters in so many muslims countries. You are non devellopment zones driven by bad culture and bad religion.

We danes has to learn refugees and emmigants to read the Choran as well as it goes by a traditional and a modern version.

How can muslims even use “ITS WRITTEN”, when so many cant read at all and certainly not – for good reasons – old Arabic language.

I see it very well here. I know thát the Great book says its allowed to lie on 2 occasions – But most people here lie all the time. So are they sekualr americans, jews or what??????


Of course it does. (Except for MSM media hysteria from the start and practically identical foreign policy as before if not worse) What doesn’t make sense also is to claim that Trump is against “deep state” and than he surrounds himself with people like that. Pro Trump supporters will call “half empty” glass “half full” and their opponents opposite. Both claiming the right on the “truth”(They will try to minimize and maximize something depending on their current need to support or attack Trump) Nobody really cares where the truth is. Left-Right paradigm is artificially created bullshit aimed on dividing population. What is even more puzzling is that US foreign policy is basically the same and that does not correspond to Trumps electoral promises. With now even new possibility of US – Iranian war on the horizon that is only in MIC and IsraHell’s interests.

So everything that really counts doesn’t fit the bill. You can describe Trump any way you want it is your country that is on verge of total democratic and financial collapse. And I say that having on mind that Democrats are the same crap. Americans are not well served with their leaders for decades already. If we are positive that WW2 and Pearl Harbor, Vietnam, Iraq wars, 9/11-Afghanistan, were arranged directly or indirectly by your own government. Only for benefit of MIC and Wall Street and price of many trillions of dollars and endless list of killed Americans.

Jens Holm

I wont mingle in Your debate but just have a few oppinions. 1) Both Repuplicans and Democrats in Washington are see too much as a sate in the state. They have been spending too much time in internal figtings. Even Obama being very clever hardly made the “Obama Care” by Sanders. Internal reforms are needed. USA has lost internal terrain by the middle class has lowered in numbers. The good BNP is made by imported cheep laubor and by that many hands. They need a new education system too. 2) Worries are about stability. Even You didnt like Hillary, she represented that systems for the world had high priority, where countries and others could talk, debate and negosiate.

Trump is the opposit being oppertunist and like Putin. Every single country is its own and by that can be dominated by “big brother”, which can take all one by one. That might be good for USA and Russia, but it makes instability and fortunes as well as great possibles losses.

Trump also by that is isolationist and simply cares less about the rest of the world. Many examples are very visible.

3) So the Trump hysteria is the lack of something fresh in Washington DC. Looking at the Democrats tells me, they have no idea for anything fresh. Leaders are very old and now added Bloomberg.

I would say they also here need a reformed election system almost from the ground. How comes Hillary got more votes then Trump and was not elected. We -Denmark- get a letter out to every person over 18 years telling us what the election is about, where it is and when the election is open. We also are adviced, we can vote by letter.

When we arrive for voting at a school a countyhall, we have to show good idea and then get the candidate liste and vote.

But You ahve to registrate in USA and in some states, You even has to be tested to vote.

Have a nice debate…:) Nice to see some real debate here.


I’ don’t understand electoral process but neither do you…It is obvious. Can’t use the danish example because it has nothing to do with Denmark.

For the rest I don’t want to say to you. Read what I have written already and you’ll understand that your vision of US is completely different from mine in many details.


The opinion of retarded Kurd and Israeli loving Danish tranny.

AzrieI Herskowitz

Jens, you are a man of many words (incomprehensible most of them), and many “opPinions”… and they all stink….

Wayne Nicholson


Broadly there are 2 ways for a politician to win an election.

First is to unite a people, bring everyone under the tent despite their differences.

Second is to divide people, find wedge issues and push everyone who fall on the wrong side of these issues out of the tent and hope those left inside are enough to get you elected.

Trump chose the second strategy and the people he left out of the tent were women, LGBTQRSTUVW”s, minorities, and anyone who doesn’t watch Fox News. Of course media that has these interests as clients have to take an anti-Trump position in order to sell newspapers.

On top of that Trump was a well known public figure before the election with a reputation of hyperbole and dishonesty.

He claims to be a great businessman but he has managed to bankrupt casinos ….. three times. He claims to be incredibly wealthy but won’t show his tax returns. He’s not afraid to objectify women and disenfranchise gays and minorities.

He’s created a brand out of himself. A lot of what he says and does is in support of his brand …. any news is good news right.

This persona he’s created as well as his political strategy does attract the attention of the MSM but it helps him with his base by creating an us vs them situation which he exploits with tweets and rallies.

In short dividing Americans and creating conflict is his route to power and having the MSM against him makes him and his supporters seen like a minority fighting against persecution by the MSM.


I have seen people screaming and crying (women mostly) only because he was elected like he is some kind of supreme evil. List of anti Trump articles is literally endless. If you can’t see obvious tendency from the start of MSM to antagonize, attack even demonize Trump than there is no point talking to me.

“Broadly there are 2 ways for a politician to win an election.” Who really cares how many?. He won thus other must lose. Shit happens. The problem is reaction of totally biased media and hysteric behavior of the part of the population exacerbated by the MSM propaganda.

“First is to unite a people, bring everyone under the tent despite their differences.” Like Hillary was doing, you mean? And “honest” like Clinton’s who were involved even in smuggling drugs… or “honest” like Dick Chaney if you prefer. US is totally corrupt country it is hypocrisy to take on, only on one person.

Let’s drop a subject because we are too far in our point of view to be able to communicate in constructive manner.

Wayne Nicholson

I agree. it’s no secret that corporate interests own the entire US MSM and they have given up entirely on journalism and are just mouthpieces for those corporate interests. Vilifying Trump sells subscriptions without have to employ journalists or report the news. it’s just like the National Enquirer.

It works for Trump too. He’s framed himself as a polarizing figure. He’s like the villian in pro wrestling that everyone cheers for. The more they hate him the more his followers love him …. and love him unconditionally. Like he said he could shoot someone on fifth Ave and get away with it.

The Romans called it ‘Bread and circuses” the USA is running on an overstimulated economy and the Donald Trump circus. No one in the USA gives a shit about what’s going on outside of their borders except they get to cheer when the US military gets an evil doer in the Middle east. It’s all just entertainment and distraction.


Why and how the hell is he not “state elites”?

Bobo Voxar

did Trump become president from Elites control ? NO.. ELITES university? NO…


So what?!! If I was from “elites” I would put 2 candidates one that pretends to be against the “elites” and other that pretends to be part od the “elites” with opposite politics. That way I would NEVER lose! Bankers like Rothschild’s and others became rich buy betting on both sides and NEVER losing again as result.

Bobo Voxar

yessss… you named one of the invisibles – but this case Rotchs are only blured in midnight only (very long history of them – law of time


” one of the invisibles” was just an example of the way how those people work! Their names are less important. What it counts is that they control those in power by making sure that ONLY THEIR CANDIDATES get close to power and get elected ! I am sure that in US anybody who is not controlled by them has no possibility what so ever to become one of 2 candidates

Bobo Voxar

handshake …. what country do you live in?


I’m from Eastern Europe.

Sorry if I don’t answer something, my DISQUS is corrupted suddenly… I have no messages about comments any more.


Yes, I also have the same Discus problem. It is likely a problem that affects all of us and will be fixed when the New Year holidays are over.

I have looked an many member profiles , and none show comments for several days, even when that have posted in the last few hours.


Sounds like the same zio group which handles RT comments, are now handling Discus as well.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’m glad I’ve seen your comment, I thought it was a virus on my computer.

Xoli Xoli

Answer correctly which country you live 8n not region.Eastern Europe is region or Why dont you say you are asylum seeker waiting approval to be settle in Germany.


.”Eastern Europe is region” No shit? Your are strong in geography I can see that…. Lets keep that as our little secret… :-) ————————————— “Answer correctly which country you live 8n” Correctly?!!? Since when is up to you to decide what is “Correct”?!? And why would I have to do that? Nobody has that obligation here, so I just chose not to disclose that. You are pissed at me and you just try to have your little revenge, that’s all.

“you are asylum seeker waiting approval to be settle in Germany.” No I am not asylum seeker. I would not go to live in Germany even if they promise me to treat me like they treat the terrorists (keep them on doll and give them place where to live).

I hate that mad cow Angela for what she did to EU with the refugees even thorough I was never pro-EU.


Any East Europe cou try is better than the squatting camp called isrealhell where you squat!!

Bobo Voxar

I am too …but central Europe


Hi Bobo .


I’m pro “Central Europe” :-) Central Europe is the last hope of the Europe because Western Europe (the way it is now is going down the drain)

Bobo Voxar

Bush is Elite… all weapons are in … his verbal weapons are just unefective on Trump voters (efective for voters of Elite ) … btw …those Elites are widespread in both camps ( D and R) and elections are just theatre and performance fot sheeps and way to RATIO of money redistributed (printed by FED,taxes and so)…


If “Bush are Elite’s” what the hell is Trump? Trump is not “elites” because not as rich as Bush family? I doubt that very much. Things don’t become something different because we change their name. You can call “pear” an “apple”, as much as you want it will stay pear all the same.

All I am saying that all this divide between Trump and others like Bush and Reagan are totally artificial for foreign bystander like me.

Bobo Voxar

read better my post… better question is who are globs and elites and structure of power ..hard to understand that only structural power is power … unstructural – power without structure (ranks,dependence) is fought by elites as antisemitism,nazism, patriotism sticked together as antiberalism and processed into law as weapons ownership denying, free speach punished as murder or treason,anti LGBT agenda standings as hate crimes and so- …


I can’t “read better” your confusing posts with too many trees scattered and no forest on horizon. There is no clear conclusion or logic in your text. You mention too many things and your explanation hardly have any clear line of taught and structure. My principal of understanding is very simple : If one can’t explain something in very simple words than the explanation is probably not good and hardly worth considering.

Bobo Voxar

when you need simple explanation to this hard themes you deserve your blindness and confusion… ask questions as simple as your thinking and you never will see forward without knowledge …


OK whatever that means. I couldn’t get your message that is obvious. And I don’t intend to make effort to understand your hermetic explanations garnished with pile of words that do not stick together in my logic. In short we have communication problem. At the best your argument is very weak because I fail to see how is Trump different from all other candidates so much to receive such radical attacks against him.

Bobo Voxar

Trump must leave or stay?… his duty is USA reformating – globalists task … US must fall and this is good for World – Globalists – sources of the world are abused by USA throught dollar … fall of dollar mean fall of USA … wars outside USA are good for USA … World need no wars ..wars are only type of money flow and population control … USA have no sources win next war so they attack only poor nations and polititics are just way how to involve others to fight with USA not against USA .. just two poles of thinking …


“fall of dollar mean fall of USA” or re-birth of USA and taking back power to the people again.

Nobody sane needs any wars. This policy of global dominance by power and coercion will not last long.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

At least he has an argument, you just dribble nonsense.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

That’s why you’re the most ignorant person posting on SF, you only understand simple things.

Bobo Voxar

rich mean authomaticaly elite?…maybe in your view… world is not a caleidoscope… when you turn it or add a new colorfull piece of glass changing everything .. world is mosaic or puzzle … when you stand enought far you see whole picture even some pieces are missing .. knowledge is a start of it … and US MSN are about turning caleidoscope and/or continuously adding new pieces of glass … this it their main task and translatting comercials not to forget …


You need to research and read… Or ask your Jewish owners of America. They owned both Bush and Trump.. dem and reps!!!


My Jewish owners? LoL… I wish somebody is paying me but unfortunately for me that is not the case…

Will you believe it or not I can’t care less. Think whatever u want. Whoever is the owner of this planet … They must be insanely rich and most probably Satanists ( if they believe in anything at all ) Because money and religion are bad company always. I don’t exactly know who those people are ….but just keep guessing like you are, about their identity. So read and see that I was also saying the same. That is what I have argued all the time from the start. US is controlled by some super rich and powerful people and that politics and everything else is rigged…

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You don’t care less what he has to say, but you still insist that he reads what you have to say, what a ego you have buddy, way too big for someone as ignorant as you are. The US is controlled by the super rich and powerful because morons like you keep them in power, they swindle and fool people like you all the time, without any of you ever realizing it.

Lazy Gamer

Trump was the first president to attack the msm and coin the term fake news. He wants to bring back the soldiers home but he is hampered in doing so. He entertains sources and sites that bring needed information out in the open. Example-Obama’s citizenship, hilary’s servers, etc. He has little filter, hence he is prone to mistakes which are a source of ridicule and jokes. He seems bent on overturning some of Obama’s legacy like healthcare, wars, intl. agreements. He runs the presidency like a businessman, with the notion that he can do anything, thus the source of all his legal troubles. Apparently, he lacks the friendly advice of a competent lawyer who can translate his objectives into a lawful process. Ever since, he seems like an independent candidate, maverick like, who entertains “conspiracy” info like wikileaks. But the most heinous sin he did was he underestimated partisanship and the Russian bogeyman


Trump had to attack the msm since they were against him from first day! If not he would not be credible! My point is that all this is staged

Why is suddenly whole MSM media part of Democrats camp?! You people keep listing the events without giving true motive for all that is happening “Qui buono” who profits? It is all staged Trump, MSM and Left – Right, Hillary-Trump or Obama-Trump divide !

“He runs the presidency like a businessman”…….man you are writing the novel and not logical explanation that sticks !

“with the notion that he can do anything” …oh YES he can do plenty and what he does is interest of DoD, MIC, Jews etc… just like every other US president before him!

“Apparently, he lacks the friendly advice of a competent lawyer who can translate his objectives into a lawful process”

Poor Trump lost in wilderness bound to die alone one day, somewhere in seclusion of Trump Tower! How sad, it makes my crocodile tears even bigger!

“he seems like an independent candidate, maverick like, who entertains “conspiracy” info like wikileaks.”

Exactly what they wanted to make you believe

Bobo Voxar

partisanship and the Russian bogeyman are chymeric missunderstanding of nonexistent thread … fabulation of ELITES … russians know whoever is in white house outside politics does not change … fight or rule something in USA is lost time and energy


Behold the shadow of Super Putin covers the Earth! How can MSM “democracy” survive in such precarity of the situation ?! What is to be done ? http://www.freakingnews.com/pictures/96000/Super-Putin–96049.jpg


Extreme right? Wouldn’t call Trump that. But he is every bit as slavish towards his capitalist friends as any other Republican and Democrat politician. While every now and then, he articulates foreign policy views that are marginally better than those in the Democratic Party, he rarely carries out those policies (e.g, Syria and Russia). In addition to that, he is more blatantly racist than most of Republican and Democratic colleagues. And, his views on climate and environmental protection, are … well, you know.


“Extreme right” or “racist” are not my words. Endless you tube videos where is he labeled as such…

” he articulates foreign policy views that are marginally better than those in the Democratic Party” That can be argued. Logically to compare with Obama since successor of his. He is much worse with Russia, Iran and China so how is that any “better”. Impossible that US is incapable of any DIPLOMACY any longer. Everything just targets confronting opponents, throwing wrench in appeasements (Ukraine, Iran, N. Korea, China) like the confrontation and rivalry is the only God given option

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Short answer, Trump’s anti LGBTQI and the western MSM is totally pro LGBTQI, that’s why they do and say anything they can to get rid of him.

long answer, You don’t like my answers but I’ll offer you one anyway, Bush wasn’t opposed to the LGBTQI movement, but Trump and Putin are both destroying the LGBTQI movement, that’s the reason Trump is continually slandered, and the reason we have this BS Russian political meddling conspiracy. Putin started the LGBTQI war in Russia back in 2005/6, by introducing 2 new laws that prohibited the pro LGBTQI organizations, from providing LGBTQI material to Russian children under the age of 15, that’s when the western media began to demonize Putin and subsequently Russia a year later. Russia went from being a new world friendly nation to a pariah nation in the space of just 6 months, the media went to town on Putin and has never stopped since, all those pictures of Putin with no shirt on in the wilderness disappeared and were replaced with negative imagery/stories instead. Trump’s also taken on the LGBTQI movement in the US, he was totally opposed to John McCain’s new anti discriminatory laws and is trying to revoke them, and he’s also tried to stop trans soldiers serving in the US military, as well as many other things. And I know you may not have noticed, but Trump’s also been sacking a lot of Obama’s military replacements [they’re also quitting before they’re sacked], many of the high ranking military that were sacked under the Obama admin for completely BS charges, were replaced by pro LGBTQI agenda military commanders, now Trump’s in the process of getting rid of all them all. Many people say the Zionist control the MSM, I say LGBTQI run the media, and some of them just happen to be Zionists.


Talmudists are Satanists.

Every perversion is trade mark of Satanism.

The worse it is the better it is for them…necrofilia, zoofilia, pedofilia etc….LGBTQ is just beginning.

Their highest objective is not only money but power.

They corrupt society to destroy it…..to get their hands on unlimited power.They want to enslave all human beings and treat them as cattle.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I was born Christian but now believe that God exists in everyone’s conscience, I have no formal religious preference anymore.

The Talmud is composed of 2 sets of laws, the Old Written Laws that Jesus abided by, and the New Oral Laws the Pharisees preferred, I think the laws Jesus followed were immaculate laws, but the ones the Pharisees developed are pure perversion. The Pharisees were the first LGBTQI movement and 2000 years ago they took over the Hebrew religion, the exact same way the LGBTQI movement is trying to take over the whole world now. Nearly 10 years ago I did some research on the Hebrew faith and got a shock, they have 2 sets of Laws you can pick from, the Old Laws that Jesus followed, and the new introduced ones the homosexuals liked. For comparison, the Old Laws [commandments] Jesus followed say this, It’s a sin to kill any animals at all, the only time God will forgive you doing it is if you’re starving to death and have no choice, the new oral laws and Pharisees say this, so long as it doesn’t make you sick, you can kill and eat anything. The old written laws say it’s a sin to rape and murder anyone, Jew or non Jew, the new oral laws and the Pharisees say, you can rape any girl over the age of of 5, but only as long as you intend marrying her, not that you do have to, just that while you’re raping her you’re intending to marry her, and the Pharisees say you can kill any non Jews if you want to, and even kill other Jews as well, just so long as you don’t actually kill the fellow Jew yourself, you can chain him to a tree and let him starve and it’s not a sin. What happened to that man they call Jesus Christ and the Hebrew religion 2000 years ago, is exactly the same thing that’s happening to the whole world now, and both Trump and Putin are teamed up on the same side fighting against them, that’s why the LGBTQI controlled MSM hates these 2 men above all others.

“Their highest objective is not only money but power.”

I think they want to destroy traditional Heterosexual family values and replace them with their own unworkable versions.


You are ill informed. Talmud is a about Rabbinic Judaism through oral legacy or as you say it “New Oral Laws the Pharisees preferred” and you are right about “but the ones the Pharisees developed are pure perversion.”

“The Old Written Laws” as you call them is “Torah” not “Talmud”. “Torah” is considered to be a Word of God the Father spoken threw Hebrew Prophets who prophesied about arrival of Messiah (Jesus Christ) also. And should be respected at all times by any Christian me included.

“It’s a sin to kill any animals at all,” Where did you get that nonsense ?! Hebrews were doing animal sacrifice in the honor to the God all the time. Hebrews had forbidden to eat certain animals like pigs, camels etc.( rule copied later by Mohammad) but they were eating meet for sure.

“and both Trump and Putin are teamed up on the same side fighting against them” You are such hopeless anti-Putin bigot. That “Trump and Putin are teamed up” that rubbish from Talmudic Jewish MSM media can be accepted by totally BRAINWASHED people like yourself only!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I did say it was nearly 10 years ago so forgive my error of confusing the 2 books. And the reason you don’t believe me is that you yourself are in fact a modern day Pharisee, just as all those who followed the Hebrew, Christian, and Islamic faith have been since the time of Jesus’s death, the Pharisees won the war and the old faith died out with Jesus, now the homosexuals are completely in control. If anythings perverted from its original sensible form you always know which group of people perverted it, it’s always the same group of people, back then they called themselves Pharisees, now they call themselves the LGBTQI movement. The only way to communicate with God is through your own conscience, it teaches you the will of God by making you feel bad when you think or do something bad, so if you don’t feel your conscience gnaw at you when you kill or eat and animal, you’re just simply ignoring God or worse still, unable to relate to God. I couldn’t be bothered trying to find any of my old sites to prove my point so this will have to do. —— And God said: “Behold, I have given you every herb yielding seed which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree that has seed-yielding fruit–to you it shall be for food.” (Gen.1:29) God’s initial intention was that people should be vegetarians. The famous Jewish Torah commentator, Rashi (1040-1105), states the following about God’s first dietary law: God did not permit Adam and his wife to kill a creature and to eat its flesh. Only every green herb shall they all eat together. [1] Many other Torah commentators agree with this assessment, including Abraham Ibn Ezra (1092-1167), Maimonides (1135-1214), Nachmanides (1194-1270), and Rabbi Joseph Albo (died in 1444). Later scholars, such as Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch (1808-1888), Moses Cassuto (1883-1951), and Nehama Leibowitz (1905-1997), concur. Cassuto, for example, in his commentary From Adam to Noah (p. 58) states: You are permitted to use the animals and employ them for work, have dominion over them in order to utilize their services for your subsistence, but must not hold their life cheap nor slaughter them for food. Your natural diet is vegetarian… [2] The above opinions are consistent with the Talmud, which states that people were initially vegetarians: “Adam was not permitted meat for purposes of eating.” [3] The great 13th century Jewish philosopher Nachmanides stated that the reason behind this initial dietary law was: Living creatures possess a moving soul and a certain spiritual superiority which in this respect make them similar to those who possess intellect (people) and they have the power of affecting their welfare and their food and they flee from pain and death. [4] According to the Jewish philosopher Rabbi Joseph Albo, the reason is that “In the killing of animals there is cruelty, rage, and the accustoming of oneself to the bad habit of shedding innocent blood…” [5] God’s first dietary law is a unique statement in humanity’s spiritual history It is a spiritual blueprint of a vegetarian world order. Yet how many millions of people have read this Torah verse (Gen. 1:29) and passed it by without considering its meaning? After stating that people were to adhere to a vegetarian diet, the Torah next indicates that animals were not to prey on one another but were also to have only vegetarian food: And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is a living soul, [I have given] every green herb for food. (Gen. 1:30) Immediately after giving these dietary laws, God saw everything that he had made and “behold, it was very good” (Gen. 1:31). Everything in the universe was as God wanted it, with nothing superfluous and nothing lacking, a complete harmony. [6] The vegetarian diet was consistent with God’s initial plan.

https://www.jewishveg.org/schwartz/view-torah.html ———–

Your lack of any general knowledge or specific info is astounding. The homosexual Pharisees have adulterated what was a originally an excellent religion, and it’s their perversion you follow in the bible, the Muslims follow in the Koran, and what the overwhelming majority of Hebrews practice nowadays, only people like Jesus followed the real laws of old Israel, he rebelled against the Pharisees because he wanted the Jews to return to the old Laws of God, sadly he lost. Modern day Buddhists have more in common with Jesus than most modern day Christians, Muslims, or Jews do, the God Jesus prayed to and believed in would consider any non vegetarian Christians, Muslims, or Jews a sinner.

And the article I linked you isn’t what I really wanted to link, the original texts are available somewhere with translation into English and they are much more specific, this article is just more Pharisees debating the Old written Words and then giving their own interpretations of it, the original laws don’t allow for any other interpretation, and according to them you can’t even tether an animal, only house it in a barn with an open door, milk it and take it’s fleece. God’s in your conscience ZP listen to God, God lets you sleep all through the night, that’s if you listen to and obey Gods will, if you don’t your conscience wakes you all through the night, how well do you sleep ZP?

History is written by the victorious, and the Pharisees were the victors.

Liberal guy

Great work saa

AzrieI Herskowitz

Israeli terrorists puppets, sorry – moderate freedom fighters must be protected!

Mazel tov!


Get real job there jacob.

AzrieI Herskowitz

Stop Anti semitism!!!


Stop the murdering of real Semites in Palestine, you lazy sack of shit.

Shlomo Shekelstein

oy vey

Betzalel Feldstein

Your kind is why people disliike the jews!

Azriel Herskowitz

And what did they gain? Oh yeah that’s right, nothing. The moderate rebel freedom fighters continue to inflict MAJOR casualties in the assad regime ranks. And how did the butcher regime respond? By killing more civilians.

Netanyahu’s butcher regime always kills more civilians, especially little kids…

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I keep telling you Mustafa, you can’t use the same terms your boss Erdogan uses or you’ll end up giving yourself away, then everyone will realize you’re Turkish instead of Jewish, just say ‘Assad the killer’, or “Assad the dictator”, or even “Assad the murderer”, but never ever say “Assad the butcher”, that’s your bosses favourite term for Assad and a bit if a give away, so don’t keep using it if you don’t want to be discovered.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

And the Russians seem to be helping too, they’re in the air again after a week off, but sadly there’s only 6 more days until Orthodox Christmas, which means we may have to wait until after the Russian Christmas break before we have a new ground assault, hopefully they keep things simmering until they’re ready to restart the final assault.


6 days is plenty to prepare attack through bombings…

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Russian Christmas is jan 7 and then I think they’ll have a week off to celebrate, so I don’t think the SAA will launch an assault before then, they need Russian assistance to be really effective so may have to wait for the Russians. But hopefully the Russians don’t even stop for a break and fight all though Christmas, though they didn’t last year, so I’m expecting the Russians to have a week off and won’t be overly disappointed if they do.


If some of the pilots are practicing Orthodox believers than celebrating Christmas is important for them. I doubt that they will have order to bomb on Christmas eve. But there are non Orthodox among them also, atheists included. As an Orthodox I guarantee you that there is no “week off” for the Christmas. So why would they have it?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Since you’ve been totally wrong about just everything else you’ve ever told me, forgive me if I don’t believe you, they had a week off last year so why wouldn’t they have a week off this year. And they don’t just need atheist pilots for the week, they need all the service personnel that they’d normally use to support them as well, many dozens of people for every pilot, maybe even a hundred. And for someone who supposedly supports Putin wholeheartedly, you surprisingly show an utter lack of understanding of his stance on religious importance, avoiding hostilities if he could I would think would be the highest priority for him during Christmas, imagine him sending the corpse of a Russian pilot home for someones Christmas present, nah, not something a religious man would do if he could avoid it. I sort of hope you’re right though, even though I wouldn’t want to ruin anyone’s Christmas, I’d really love to see the SAA and Russia recommence operations.


You are nothing but wrong so why should I explain?! As Orthodox I know at least how long, how many days Christmas lasts. Week off can only be related to some intern week off (to go back to Russia maybe) since Orthodox Christmas is not celebrated whole week. “And they don’t just need atheist pilots for the week, ” Oh will you kindly f*** off ! They have every right to celebrate Christmas if they are Christians! If majority of stuff is celebrating the Christmas than they will stop bombing completely.

“avoiding hostilities if he could I would think would be the highest priority for him during Christmas” Again EXTREMELY pretentious attitude that you know better than Putin what he should think or do. He is not concerned with such unimportant things. It is up to the Military command to decide Your theory as usual is nonsense! These are the terrorists and if there is reason to stop they will not for sure stop to give terrorists a Christmas brake (pause) They will stop only for their own reasons!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I only offered speculation you dickhead,

“I think they’ll have a week off to celebrate” “which means we may have to wait until after the Russian Christmas break” “But hopefully the Russians don’t even stop for a break” “though they didn’t last year, so I’m expecting the Russians to have a week off”

Can’t you understand the difference between speculation which I was doing and unsubstantiated assertions, which you accuse me of doing, I didn’t say,

“They’ll definitely have a week off to celebrate” “which means we’ll definitely have to wait until after the Russian Christmas break” “And the Russians definitely won’t even stop for a break” “And they didn’t last year, so I know the Russians won’t have a week off”

WTF is your problem, you can’t read or understand English and wrongly criticize me for something I didn’t even say, what a ridiculously pretentious little turd you are, you quote things I didn’t even say and then criticise me for it, that’s a big mistake. You may have blocked me but I’m going to burn you, every single stupid thing you say on SF from now on I’m going to rip to absolute pieces, I’ll show you up for the ignorant unknowledgeable fool you are, and so far you’ve been right about absolutely NOTHING, you’re a moron.


” a week off and won’t be overly disappointed if they do.”

how gracious of you….lucky Russians you forgive them….

“Willing Conscience The Turd ” forgives them.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re a raving lunatic, all your facts are wrong and you talk more nonsense than just about anyone else on SF, and on top of that you’re a rude son of a bitch as well. Re read my comment moron, explain to me why you said what you did, what does your comment have to do with my comment, nothing you said about my comment relates to my comment, so WTF are you talking about, are you having an embolism and becoming irrational? “how gracious of you….lucky Russians you forgive them”. You need to learn how to read before you continue making more comments, that’s probably the reason all your facts are so wrong, ABOUT EVERY DAMN THING YOU’VE EVER SAID.

And what about our argument concerning the oldest Hebrew laws that forbade the killing and eating of any animal whatsoever, have you found out the truth yet, it’s not hard to do, just use google search.


“You’re raving lunatic”…”moron”…..” you’re a rude son of a bitch as well” — Bravo!!! Well your own words, INSULTS, speak only about you! And you are ”very polite” person huh? You are lowest kind of human being I have ever met in my life. A true human filth of the worst kind extremely egocentric and megalomaniac. Unlike you I have red Old Testament and do not need Google you pathetic clown. You are blocked!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You were totally wrong, and now instead if admitting it and apologizing to me, you block me instead, LOL, how old are you, 12 Y/O, you silly child. And I’m not a Christian, I don’t turn the other cheek, and since it was your rude obnoxious remarks that started it, why complain about my bad language, you can dish it out but then cry like a baby when the favours returned, go home to mummy.

I said this, “For comparison, the Old Laws [commandments] Jesus followed say this, It’s a sin to kill any animals at all, the only time God will forgive you doing it is if you’re starving to death and have no choice, the new oral laws and Pharisees say this, so long as it doesn’t make you sick, you can kill and eat anything.”

and you said this, “Where did you get that nonsense ?! Hebrews were doing animal sacrifice in the honor to the God all the time. Hebrews had forbidden to eat certain animals like pigs, camels etc.( rule copied later by Mohammad) but they were eating meet for sure.”

and I posted you this with a link, and and also suggested you do more research,

“And God said: “Behold, I have given you every herb yielding seed which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree that has seed-yielding fruit–to you it shall be for food.” (Gen.1:29) God’s initial intention was that people should be vegetarians. The famous Jewish Torah commentator, Rashi (1040-1105), states the following about God’s first dietary law: God did not permit Adam and his wife to kill a creature and to eat its flesh. Only every green herb shall they all eat together. [1] Many other Torah commentators agree with this assessment, including Abraham Ibn Ezra (1092-1167), Maimonides (1135-1214), Nachmanides (1194-1270), and Rabbi Joseph Albo (died in 1444). Later scholars, such as Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch (1808-1888), Moses Cassuto (1883-1951), and Nehama Leibowitz (1905-1997), concur. Cassuto, for example, in his commentary From Adam to Noah (p. 58) states: You are permitted to use the animals and employ them for work, have dominion over them in order to utilize their services for your subsistence, but must not hold their life cheap nor slaughter them for food. Your natural diet is vegetarian… [2] The above opinions are consistent with the Talmud, which states that people were initially vegetarians: “Adam was not permitted meat for purposes of eating.” [3] The great 13th century Jewish philosopher Nachmanides stated that the reason behind this initial dietary law was: Living creatures possess a moving soul and a certain spiritual superiority which in this respect make them similar to those who possess intellect (people) and they have the power of affecting their welfare and their food and they flee from pain and death. [4] According to the Jewish philosopher Rabbi Joseph Albo, the reason is that “In the killing of animals there is cruelty, rage, and the accustoming of oneself to the bad habit of shedding innocent blood…” [5] God’s first dietary law is a unique statement in humanity’s spiritual history It is a spiritual blueprint of a vegetarian world order. Yet how many millions of people have read this Torah verse (Gen. 1:29) and passed it by without considering its meaning? After stating that people were to adhere to a vegetarian diet, the Torah next indicates that animals were not to prey on one another but were also to have only vegetarian food: And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is a living soul, [I have given] every green herb for food. (Gen. 1:30) Immediately after giving these dietary laws, God saw everything that he had made and “behold, it was very good” (Gen. 1:31). Everything in the universe was as God wanted it, with nothing superfluous and nothing lacking, a complete harmony. [6] The vegetarian diet was consistent with God’s initial plan.”

Ok block me, I don’t enjoy breaking down brick walls with my head anyway.

“”Willing Conscience The Turd ” forgives them.” “Oh will you kindly f*** off !” “You are retard. End of story.”

And you complain when I bad mouth you back, you cry baby.


Average temperatures around 40 F (5 C) in Idlib, Syria region. We know that the Syrian Armed Forces, Russia & the other Syria allies are working hard in the wet & cold; but don’t let that distract you from continuing your battles to liberate Syria’s land mass of 185,180 sq km (45,758,974.5 acres) expeditiously. Keep crushing all of those terrorist gangsters; these thugs have nowhere to run and no-place to hide.

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