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In Video: Syrian Army’s Advance In Southern Idlib, Northern Hama In Period From May 6 To August 23

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In Video: Syrian Army's Advance In Southern Idlib, Northern Hama In Period From May 6 To August 23

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This video provides a general look at the progress of the Syrian Army in northern Hama and southern Idlib in the period from May 6 to August 23.


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Jacob Wohl's Nose

SAA surprises coming for Idlib next targets, Tamanah, Kafr Sijnah, Heish, Al-Tah by this December, two-three more turkish OP will be encircled :)

Jacob Wohl

in your dreams, antisemitic butcher assad lover


Anti-Japhetic – Ashkenaz was not descended from Shem! ;)

Simon Bernstein



Aspects of the theology sure – God given chosenness = the height of exceptionalism, in other words fascism with a capital F. History complements this point of view.


I wanna be that too…

Abtin Do

how many times do you use that word per day man, seriously ? and how many more times have you pulled that wildcard when out of arguments in a serious debate going too far for your limited knowledge on issues and/or exposed bias ? Besides,you definitly look like the living cliché of a bookworm, except that you must not be reading that much actual books in your proud, though futile and irrelevant fanboy life.


That term has about lost all effect… More and more people are awaking to what they are and learning about the Hollowhoax.

Concrete Mike

Treat black jews better fucking anti semite!

Bob Rock

Fu.k Israel


Khazarian Kneel and Bob soy boy…

Jacob Wohl

russkie troll

Jacob Wohl

i can bench your body weight


You da man er soy boy…

John Wallace

What does that really mean. Strong of arm , weak of mind.

Gary Sellars

It means he likes his BF on top, but he’s too lazy to do the work so big nose has to take the lead…

Abtin Do

Dude, you do realize what you are wishing here is a stalemate preserving Al-Qaeda factions supported by Erdogan’s Turkish Islamist AKP party against secular and Syrian Armed forces fighting to secure their own soil back from their clutches,right ? do uou even know what you are standing for in tyis war ,you moronic kid ?


Oh, you are here again. You stopped crying?


Americans = Anyone who criticize Israel is an anti semite. Seriously, you guys are the most ignorant people on the planet. No one likes you and you should take care of your own country before others. Israels PM is a tool, a stupid goddamn tool. The Israeli people has been living with a corrupt person in power.


In your dreams, warmongering Jihadi lover. Did you change your pic so your nose is now much harder to see? It really bothers you, doesnt it? Sorry.

Gary Sellars

hahaha… the dumb cunt resurfaces after having a few days off to cry out his baby blues… LOL!!!


No one reply to Jacob Wohl or Simon they Fake accounts, Jewish people

Jacob Wohl

only reason the butcher regime advanced was because of non stop airstrikes and targeting of civilian infrastructure. abdul kareem has tweeted all about this, plus Charles Lister and Scott Lucas do very good unbiased coverage as well


Not that news affects idealogues, but https://youtu.be/a9NyL78kDUQ


Simon Bernstein

get lost russkie troll go back to your 1960’s era health hazard apartment


Well at least we know you aren’t paid opposition. At least they put on a veil of intelligence.


Oooh that reminds me.



Simon Bernstein… Simon Bernstein… That’s a good Irish name. No hidden agendas here.

Abtin Do

there are enough such unhealthy places in Israel itself, no need to go as far back in time as that.

Simon Bernstein

exactly, but pro regime morons dont like to hear that. Scott Lucas and Charles Lister are very outspoken and good critics

Abtin Do

and blind anti-regime morons tend to forget who has actually more to lose from the stalemate they’re wishing for here, namely Jaish al Izza, the Islamist Turkistan Party and of course Hayat Tahrir Al Sham, by far the biggest factions in charge of their remaining Idlib pocket, which haplen to be direct Al’Qaeda affiliate imposing rigorous Shariah law everywhere they still “govern”. Those are greater foes on the long run for Israel than the secular Syrian state will ever be,but you’re too fuckin stupid to understand that bigger picture. That speaks volumes as to the hypocrisy of your stance, caring about stricly nothing except the Syrian crisis to drag on indefinitly and prevent the resurgence of their society as a country with modern institution as long as it is possible. Good luck with that. Watch thel reconquer their land from those jihadi zealots and get over it.


He who controls the sky most likely will control the ground. Setback for Zionist Israel pretending to be jihadists.

Daniel Vogel

Doesn’t seem to work for the Saudis in Yemen though.

Abtin Do

Abdul Kareem is a self-proclaimed supporter of Hayat Tahrir Al Sham and calls himself an islamist born-again,you ignorant retarded juvenile,again you don’t even realize exactly what you’re standing for in thus conflict. GTFO kid, you”re a permanent embarrassment to yourself.


If that is the case, wouldn’t that imply the jihadis use humans as shields? Get over it, You lost! Trump promised but didn’t deliver and your fellow jihadis got their asses kicked. Over 30 nations, including NATO, US, Britain, France etc… And no one could fight off the Russians.


Charles Lister and unbiased coverage. LOL. Your info war thing is pretty amateurish. Why waste your breath here? Most here followed the war for many years, and know and can judge most sources themselves. Try your luck on Reddit, Jacob.


So, what does anyone think will be next? My money is on the Tigers going to Kabani in Latakia, although further trying to capitalize on the gains in Southern Idlib now that the Jihadis are on the run would make sense. Don’t give them time to recover and regroup. Last time it took months of slow attrition and the occasional setback to break them. I reckon that taking Zawiyah mountain would place the SAA in a very dominating position in Southern Idlib that give them lots of options. And further opportunity to bypass and bottle up Turkish troops in their useless observation posts.


All the south Idlib front will progress, maybe first by east, in direction to Maarat al Numan

Rhodium 10

Bad news for the garbage team ( USA, Israel ,Turkey)…Tiger again knows how to encircle terrorist ….

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