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MARCH 2025

In Video: Syrian Battle Tanks Pound Turkish Forces In Northern Al-Hasakah

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On November 10, Ruptly video news agency released footage of the ongoing clashes between the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and Turkish forces in the northern al-Hasakah countryside.

The footage shows SAA battle tanks pounding the positions and equipment of Turkish-backed militants around the key town of Tell Tamr.

The clashes erupted in the morning when militants of the so-called Syrian National Army (SNA) launched an attack on SAA positions in the villages of Daldarh, Tell Ward and Arab Khan with support from the Turkish military.

A day earlier, a similar attack by Turkish forces claimed the lives of five Syrian service members and injured 26 others.

These Turkish attacks on the SAA violate Ankara’s agreement with Russia on northeastern Syria. Under the agreement, Syrian troops should establish several positions in the region.

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Hasbara Hunter

If Turkey wants a little war…give’m a little war


If Syria wants a real war with Turkey, and not the daft terrorist thing they’ve been engaged in, they’ll get absolutely destroyed and if they choose to follow such a mad decision i doubt Russia will come to their help

This whole thing is turning into a nightmare for Russia

Hasbara Hunter

I bet Assad won’t make any foolish decisions without consulting them Russians….I’m with’m Russians…Russians are me Brothers… nobody said it would be easy….that is why AngloZioNazis could rule this Planet for so many Centuries to begin with…The Beast in its Final Death throes still got claws…Hey Putin better come up with a good plan…so far…so good..I always loved the way the Russians played the game so no time for cryin’ & moanin’…Show some Cojones & Good Leadership…ZIONATO-LBGTQI-Armies are not going to fight anyway…they are pussies without stamina…if anyone wants to make more trouble on Syrian Grounds: Give’m Hell


Wanna test us Israelis in a real war you ape? we would love that. You wrote we can’t fight, what are you going to do once we start our operations and send your Pali friends to hell? except for crying ofcourse. Listen kiddo, if the U.S and Israel armies join forces we will tear up any country in the ME, so better don’t write so much BS.

Hasbara Hunter

Bring it on Filthy Circumcised ZioNazi-Cockroach…you & your Kidkilling Paedophile-Brigade will scream for your mommies with your intestines hangin’ out…you are Nothing Filthy Kidkilling Parasite…Your Bitch America is in Deep shit…and so are you Filthy ZioNazi-Bloodsucking Parasites…Time for the Samson Plan…Filthy piece of Yagoda-Vermin…


Don’t bark, come over here.

Hasbara Hunter



Can you read? don’t bark. Catch a plane and come over here so I can kill you.

Hasbara Hunter

Can’t you read Khazarian Kidkilling IDF Mossad Pig…Bring it on…You very well know where to find me….


What are you mumbeling? I said come over here, you said we can’t fight. So come over here and we will show you how we chop your head off.

Hasbara Hunter

I will be there Motherfucker…no Worries…you are Nothing but a Faggot…Sucking on Satanyahu’s Lollypop…


Good, next operation I expect you to come. Promise me.

Hasbara Hunter

Sure Cocksucking Faggot…now go Suck Satanyahu and earn a couple of extra $hekels….patience is a great virtue…time is on our side ZioNazi Parasite…


Good, we will send you back to your country in pieces, if there is something left of you anyway. Man I wil enjoy cutting your throat.

Hasbara Hunter

Hahahahaha…you are one funny Cunt…you are nothing but a cheap little Whore of Satanyahu… Crawl back in your mommies arse…Loudmouthed Chickenshit Cockroach


Do you see me laughing? you think I haven’t killed terrorists before? I did it with pleasure. I will cut you into pieces if I ever catch you on the battlefield, pray to God you don’t meet me. Come here next operation soon, I’m waiting.

Hasbara Hunter

You have CREATED ALL TERRORISTS you Filthy piece of Pig-Shit…you are nothing but a Circumcised Kidkilling piece of excrement…


Ceasar Polar

Of course they did. And of course we will win (forces of Good, not ZioNazi-scums). They have no idea of what is coming to them.

Hasbara Hunter

Once Good peoples wake up & truly realize what kind of Evil they are dealing with…..they are done…

J Ramirez

Woman and children are not terrorist, only the filth that kills them!


You can come over here too, you will be a good carpet for my boots.

Ceasar Polar

I told you you wont see a thing coming. Just like Amir Barrat (maj.gen. Of the north region) that didnt see the 2 kornets missiles. And yes he is dead now and he didnt see a thing.

Ceasar Polar

Not if i see you first.

Ceasar Polar

Lol.this is the funniest zioNazi i read in days! Freaking pscho-zioNazi scum. God Bless Iran, God bless the Houthis, God Bless Hezbollah and their Kornet missiles. And God bless the shovels for making tunnels!

Ceasar Polar

Lol. You wont see a thing coming that i can insure you

Ceasar Polar

I will be there too. What a honor of taking some zionist-scums to meet their maker

J Ramirez

” chop your head off” are you a real Jew or a Saudi Jew?


I like to bring pain to my enemies.

Ceasar Polar

You dont know what your enemy can bring upon you.

Ceasar Polar

We will be millions upon millions coming to Palestine to restore it and free it from ZioNazis and send them meet their Maker. They are asked to be sent up above.

Ceasar Polar

Now this is why, one day or another, the whole world will unite against the ZioNazi-scums of this earth. And this time, there will be no country for hosting the parasites. And Palestine will be restored. Worst virus on the planete.

Ceasar Polar

Look behind you….

J Ramirez

Love to see that, drive all Arab nations to war with ISISrael,bye bye Jews ;}

Peter Jennings

So it pays to ferment trouble abroad amongst all its neighbouring states. The isreali regime have the cia for that.

Peter Jennings

‘If the US and isreali armies join forces’.What do you mean if’?

The US has always come to the aid of the isreali regime ever since it was a little cockroach in Palestine. This ‘joining forces’ is the only reason why the isreali regime has not already been forced to admit the error of its murderous ways. Past and present isreal is stuffed with rich and retired necon shysters from the US and europe and is the reason why the US/nato countries come to its aid whenever the isreali regime need digging out of another hole they have dug for themselves.

So. it’s not so much a test of isreali’s, but of US and nato.

Debunking Arrogance

Hezbollah defeated Israel in 2006. Today, Hezbollah keeps Israel in check. They launched retaliatory attacks in Israel two months or so ago. Israel has done nothing since then, and never attacked Hezbollah in Syria again.

The middle east power balance has shifted significantly against the US. Iran is armed with long-range precision strike missiles that if unleashed against the US, nothing American will remain in the middle east.

Diego Garcia, the top secret American military base is vulnerable. without this base, the US can’t win a war against Iran. Today, the base is within range or Iranian missiles.

The only advantage America has over Iran is nukes. But using nukes against Iran will guarantee the destruction of Israel. Israel is just too small in size. there are enough missiles in Iran to destroy Israel ten time over. That is why they have always barked without biting.


ROFL, let’s see them trying to destroy Israel like they have been barking for 40 years, if they dare ofcourse.

Ceasar Polar

Times have changed. Blessing in disguise. Thanks for Syria. God Bless Iran. God bless Russia & China.

You will see how many of your diapers military will simply “vanish”.

Debunking Arrogance

The Iranians will not wake up one day and attempt to obliterate Israel. even Benjamin Netanyahu knows this, otherwise he will not wait for the world to act. He would have preempted a strike had he been convinced the Iranians really intend to destroy Israel. Iran will not commit national suicide by attempting a genocide against Israel. But there is something Iran can do to really deal with Israel. In fact they are already doing it.

Train and arm the Syrians the way you trained and armed Hezbollah. Proliferate precision missile technology to Syria, Yemen, Iraq and Lebanon. Prepare Syria for a war over the Golan heights, a war which will surely come. Strengthen alliance between resistance forces.

Work for the collapse of the regime in Jordan, which is very unstable. If the Jordanian regime falls, Israel is in big shit. Why? Aid, Arms, weapon expertise, and training will flow to Palestine freely. A Hezbollah-style force will soon emerge, but much stronger than Hezbollah. What will Israel do? Use nukes on Palestine? certainly not unless Palestine uses nukes, which they don’t have.

Well, a two-state will emerge. something the UN has been calling for for decades. Only that these states will be the bitterest enemies against each other. Palestine will try to build their own nukes. Knowing what the Israelis have been doing to the Palestinians, the world will obviously pardon Palestine for seeking nukes. Israel will not be able to convince any sensible person to oppose a Palestinian drive for nukes. Unless if Israel denuclearizes.

So what happens after this? If a nuclear war does not start, then Israel will be contained for good. No more trouble in the Middle East.

The one thing preventing a two-state solution in Palestine is Jordan. This is why Israel will guard the Jordanian regime with all its might.

The US will sanction Palestine, but this will not work since the Palestinians have lived through the worst kind of blockades any nation has faced in modern times.

Debunking Arrogance

My friend, if the Jordanian regime falls, Palestine will unleash the toughest fight for its independence. and guess what, the Iranians, Shiites, and Sunnies of the Middle East were just looking for such an opportunity. Of course Israel will also put up its best fight, but even with the Support of America, they cannot end this war until Palestine is Liberated. I think this will be the worst fight in the history of that region.


It will be interesting, but no side can have it all. It will be a bloody war for both sides, but I expect us to win and force a peace deal upon them.

Ceasar Polar

IsraHell 420 kms long 114 kms wide. You know 2 nukes from Russia and the whole israHell noise is gone ? IOF is a well known diapers military that attack the under-defended poor citizens of Palestine. Dont even thing one second that you can stand against a real opponent.


The entire war has been messy. Because the Zionist axis of terror has lost their ability to wage real wars. So they resort to terrorist proxy wars. Wars are won by gaining ground and vanquishing the enemy. The SAA and company have been doing that since the Russian intervention evened up the playing field. And gave Syria with it’s $1.9 billion a year defense budget a fighting chance against the $100 billion spent by the Jew world order terror machine.

Not only is the Syrian government gaining ground against the Zionist Kurd traitors and their US sponsors east of the river. They’re gaining airspace and an expanded footprint for the SADF to install air defense systems east of the river.

The main problem for Turkey, Syria, Iran and Russia is the Zionist Iraqi toadies supporting the war against Syria with it’s stationing of US invasion and attack forces on it’s territory and alowing them to prosecute the war and secessionist drive from Iraqi territory against Syria.

The Iraqi parliament passed a get the US out of Iraq bill that the Iraqi government is ignoring. This needs to change and the bill’s provisions need to be implemented to expell US forces from Iraq. The Kurds would quickly fold and the Turks would have no further reason to stay in Syria once the US is gone and the Kurdish border problem is resolved within the Adana agreement.


There hasn’t been a real war though

If America and its allies had have wanted shock and awe version 2.0 in Syria it would be all over for Assad and his regime a long time ago

As for proxy wars they’re as old as war itself

The situation in Syria is the failure of the government to actually create a proper democracy and functional economy

What happened after 2011 is almost irrelevant in one respect, its what happened in the decades before that date which is important to understand,the fact is the people hated Assad and by 2011 they’d had enough


The US was in no position economically to fight another Iraq type war in the middle east for the Jews. And the rest of NATO had no interest in getting involved in anything other than US coat tail riding.

Your claim that the war was caused by insufficient democracy is completely false. It was caused by the Jew world order war mongers spending $100 billion on a failed regime change proxy war. Without that the Syrian government would of resolved the protests and there never would of been a war.

There’s been a Russian base in Syria for decades. That the US would of had to deal with in any type of Iraq war type of invasion. If the US had the money for it, which they didn’t.

Ryan Glantz

Let’s be honest, well said RichardD, yet there is something else to add. Syria is the homeland of ancient cities, once majestic and grand (like Iraq and Afghanistan,Lybia ect). Many ancient ruins of the forgotten past high civilizations are buried near the surface in some of the most highly fortified and contested areas. A large portion of the fighting deals with keeping ancient technologies out of the hands of black ops contractors and deepstate mercenary factions.


I haven’t seen any credible evidence to support that. Do you have any?

Ryan Glantz


To name a few- Citadel of Aleppo, Qal’at Najm, Citadel of Damascus, Citadel of Bosra, Halabiye (big Palmyra battle, remember?) Also, Manbij is highly important.


How is that evidence that there’s advanced technology to be had? Those battles were about driving terrorists out of those areas.

Ryan Glantz

Would not be good if terrorists got a hold of an ancient Vimana stored in an underground chamber that could bilocate 1000 places at once and be almost impossible to figure out which is the real Vimana.

Ceasar Polar

They are rumors that Saddam did have an ancient hadron collider inside an ancient temple (forgot the name of the place sorry). When the US heard he found the artifact, they accelerated the iraki invasion.


“The situation in Syria is the failure of the government to actually create a proper democracy and functional economy”

The situation is related to the ziocons wanting to break up Syria to keep it weak. That is root cause.

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Heh, he needs to lay off huffing petrol fumes and crystal meth.

J Ramirez

Sounds like a JEW!

Ryan Glantz

Jew? Have you heard of Hiawatha ?

Doesn’t take a genius to figure out the truth.


lol, what a dick


“expanded footprint for the SADF to install air defense systems east of the river.” I think a first step would be Pantsirs at Tal Tamr. Too many Turkish drones flying around like they own the skies there! :/ https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/923f49001f6d01206884bfa0490b883ad3be9c42993f4827498565e94a91b18a.jpg


The Turks will probably avoid hitting the SAA with airstrikes for exactly that reason. And limit airstrikes to the Kurds who are in the buffer zone when they aren’t supposed to be. I doubt that the Turks are the only ones flying drones over the buffer zone at this time. Which are covered by the MOU. Now if they start flying them outside of the buffer zone. That’s a different matter.

Ceasar Polar

Pantsir S1/S2 and some TOR systems also very efficient against low flying, slow targets like militant drones.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Very insightful, and guess who Assad will have to turn to if the Russians don’t/can’t help him repel the Turks in an all out confrontation?


There can be no alternative to fighting back against the terrorist invasion of Turkey and it’s jihadist and zionist allies!

Peter Jennings

Let’s hope there is a Russian backdoor kill switch for the S-400s recently acquired by Erdogan, the untrustworthy. The Turkish admin could/would just as well use them for targeting Syrian and Russian aircraft operating in northern Syria since they seem to think that the region is up for grabs.

Ceasar Polar

The Kremlin have been exporting arms to “not so friendly” forces for decades. They have refined the art of “export” versions. Not in terms of backdoors but in terms of quality of the equipment.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Very good SAA, keep pounding them into dust :))))

Smith Ricky


klove and light

Putin u r a treacherous Zionist pig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i knew that the day Russia/Putin signed of in the united nations security council Resolution sanctioning the houhthis who are defending their Country against the most Evil human Regime of bin salam……but like all other UNSC members (France,china,usa,russia,uk) they sell the most modern weapons to the attacking and occupying Regime of Saudi and uae!!!!!

Putin u Zionist treachrous pig.

ps. i did not Forget the pictures and Videos of Putin and bin Salman having a laughter and giving high fives to each other this year at a Meeting.This said it all.

Putin u Zionist treachrous pig.

Tudor Miron

Harder Trolly, try harder. We all know that your masters hate the fact that Turkey is de facto out of NATO and doesn’t play on your side anymore. And yes, we know that you hate Putin for that :) But you should try harder, to earn your 30 sheckels.

Hasbara Hunter

I still have one question for you that remained unanswered up till now…perhaps you missed it

What is it with you & Putin?….Them Russians have been doing a good Job up till now…& thus Putin too for he is responsible for giving the executive orders… Is Putin Russia? Are the Russians Putin? Is the Russian Army Putin? Is Putin the Russian Army? Do you consider them Russians, Zionist Treacherous Pigs?


May I, here is some info. If there was any doubt that Pres. Putin or his administration is affiliated or influenced by the zoinist / talmudist perverts, Patriarch Kirill would be the one to warn us, As in the pre Bolsheivik revolution 1917 the Russian Orthodox Church many times warned of these earlier zios, alarming Czar Tsar Nicholas II and murdering Russia’s holy man Grigori Rasputin. For now Pres. Putin is genuine so his inner circle, it is only those Judaizers / crypto Bolsheviks that despise Russia and its President //russia-insider.com/en/exclusive-how-russian-church-influenced-putin-save-christians-syria-video/ri22230. I gave you all the facts vs fake news as klove and light.

Hasbara Hunter

I’m with the Russian peoples anyway..for me it never really mattered whether or not Putin was on the right side…The Russians & thus Chief executive Putin have done a Great job up till now…I like their Style…The Russians should simply never let happen again what happened after the Murder of the Czar & his Family…Yagoda & Friends are True Demons…


I agree, following you. Logging on again to reply had some issues. Good luck and God speed!

Black Waters

Paid troll.

Valerianus Maximus

Very satisfying to see some footage of the SAA in action.

Hanny Benny

turkey = REAL ISIS !!! (500 years of devsirme childabduction)

Kill’em all. Push this erdoDogs calipHell jihaShitters out of your country Next Hatay is Syria!!! TURKEY HAS TO GET SHATTERED!!!



Willing Conscience (The Truths

I wonder what Erdogan really thinks when he sees just how badly his new Turkish/Russian Memorandum of Understanding is working out, Turkish media says he doesn’t like it one little bit [LOL], but they also say he doesn’t like the deal he made with Trump either, so it’s not like he has a better option, poor old Erdogan LOL. And the Adana agreement hasn’t been mentioned for a while either, perhaps the Russians and Turks have given up on the idea of flogging that dead horse, Assad wasn’t in the buying mood anyway, and this is a much more entertaining race to watch without the old Adana agreement being reinstated anyway, Adana would’ve just nobbled all the other horses running in the race making it unfair, and that’s not what I call a race, but this is now, very entertaining, LOL.

Disclaimer, I’m totally opposed to all forms of animal cruelty, racing, circuses, show events ect, and because I worked at a racecourse as a young man and saw the way race horses are really treated, don’t like even using the activity [I refuse to call it sport] as an analogy for my surmisings.

Free man

Any territory now occupied by Turkey will remain under its control. And no one can do anything about it. sad.

Ceasar Polar

The SNA is the terrorist proxy force backed by Turkey. The turkish forces are normally the regular army forces that are behind the terrorists protecting their backs. So when said turkish forces one must add Turkish backed terrorist/mercenary/takfiri force.


The critical e interesting point is…..which side would Russia be ? trying to pleasing both at the same time Syria and Turkey (NATO member).

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