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In Video: Turkey’s Domestic Air-Defense System Passed Final Acceptance Test

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Turkey’s domestically-developed HİSAR A + air-defense system has successfully passed its final acceptance test, the Defence Industries Secretariat (SSB) announced on December 16.

The HİSAR A + is an upgraded copy of the HİSAR A short-range system which was developed by ASELSAN and ROKETSAN. HİSAR A has a range of 15 km only. The new version reportedly has an increased range and altitude.

“The high-speed target aircraft was successfully hit at long range with the warhead developed by TÜBİTAK SAGE.  HİSAR A + is ready now. We did the final acceptance test of -A + before entering the inventory,” SSB said on Twitter.

SSB also released footage of the successful test showing how HISAR A + located, pursued and hit the target with high-precision. The missile was guided to the target using radar data. After approaching the target, the missile activated its terminal guidance seeker.

The HİSAR A + air-defense systems were designed to engage a variety of aerial threats, including aircraft, ballistic and cruise missiles as well as drones.

Turkey has been developing domestic air-defense systems, HİSAR A, O and U, since 2007. After a series of delays and setbacks, the development program is finally bearing fruit.

“The most recent test was delayed for a few months. An embargo was imposed on a part that was normally supplied from abroad. What happened then? We made the indigenous part in a short time and integrated it into our missile and we reached the result,” SSB quoted President Recep Erdogan as saying.

The successful test of HİSAR A + comes at a time when Turkey has been hit with U.S. sanctions for acquiring Russian-made S-400 long-range air-defense system.


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Frankly good news. It also shows Turkey’s growing R&D capabilities. Turkey has now adequately examined the S-400 and will be in a position to produce better systems, like Iran has done with Bavar 373, which is superior to the antiquated Russian S-300 which has never been used in combat and was easily destroyed by Azerbaijani Turkish made drones in the recent Karabakh conflict.

Lone Ranger

Never go full retard..


Frankly, you are a Russian wanna be and don’t count. You probably also think that Russia won in Afghanistan :) and how about the S-300 pot plants in Syria ?

Lone Ranger

Frankly, you are a Americant wanna be and don’t count. You probably also think that U.S. won in Afghanistan :) Fixed Trollstoy ?


That’s all you know Turd? Usual slurs and labeling and cold war retarded logic where you call USSR – “Russia”. Russia doesn’t invade country to support communists like USSR did.

As for S-300 and S-400 , in Syria NATO jets were flaying all over the Syria when and where they wanted. Once Russia has brought S-300 and S-400 and have IMPOSED non-fly zone for NATO jets suddenly all NATO jets were not flying on the other side of Euphrates ! Now why is that ? And it lasts for years! No F-22 no F-35 any more ! Nobody to challenge S-400 ! What are you afraid of than?!

klove and light

dont give the braindead tooooo much satisfaction with long answers

The Objective

You’re the braindead pal.

The Objective

The S-400 was designed specifically to destroy big planes. But small drones are a real challenge when they get within range. The U.S has examined Turkey’s successful use of drone in combat. I’m sure they’ll have a surprise for the S-400 by now.

Russia never uses the S-400 to engage Israeli jets. Because Russia isn’t very confident they’ll survive attacks by Israel. Again, Russia didn’t give the S-300 to Assad, fearing that Israel will destroy them and prove to the world that Russian AA tech isn’t that powerful.

NATO simply doesn’t want to fight Russia in Syria, and NATO wasn’t invited in Syria. Even the pro-Russia analyst (The Saker) admits that Russia stands no chance in Syria should the U.S decide to overwhelm Russia’s air defenses. Missiles will do the job first before the planes come in.


You are very ignorant and incompetent


Israel bombs syria whenever it wants to and what does your s-300s, s-400s do? Nothing lol, they are all trash. Even Turkey humiliated those air defences with drones and electronic warfare combined.


Eat sh*t AmeriCunt retard. “Swarm” drone attacks were of US- Israeli making (Turkey was not up to the task) Since it was first performed globally Russia was not adequately prepared. But ever since that incident with minor losses all “swarm” attacks were defeated before even getting close. Russia has valuable experience (for their specialists and air defenses in general) from those attacks. After upgrading some elements Russian air defenses will even be deadlier and become literally unpenetrable for any kind of “saturated” attack in the future.

Russian S-300 and S-400 in those bases are strictly for defending those 2 Russian military bases. Russia came to Syria to HELP defeating terrorists not to fight war against IsraHell or Turkey or US. Russia has no special obligations to Syria, to defend them against anybody.

The Objective

There is no feasible kinetic defense against drone swarms. These drones cost just a few thousand dollars each. How much is the missile used in Russia’s S-400? the cost just isn’t favorable. Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqsLR-wcA8Q


The Objective

My truth hurts. You don’t like to hear them. That’s why you couldn’t counter it. A question for your super-human Russian tech: Why does Russia give Assad all kinds of weapons except the S-300?


You lack of knowledge in some military subjects is on I D I O T I C level. You think you know things you have no clue about ! Acting like that is proper to i d i o t s.

Russia is not give away shop, doesn’t print money out of blue backed by nothing like US. Syria MUST BUY their weapons from Russia since Russian budget is limited even for their own army ! No more “free” weapons !

The Objective

The only thing you can do is spew more foul language. You dumb, when would you learn to argue with logic? You’re making such a fool of yourself on this forum even your Russian pals aren’t upvoting you. Simple question; Why does Russia give Assad all kinds of weapons except the S-300? And your answer is, idiot this and idiot that. I haven’t seen anything in you that shows you have knowledge of weapons systems. i read a lot of analysis by weapons expert. Yours is just regurgitated media reports without any deep technical details. Anyone can do that. And then you probably think you’re Albert Einstein himself. Much of what you comment here is straight from the toilet. Moron you either stop insulting me or I’ll teach you how to insult.


You have no basic knowledge on some subjects you pretend to know… It is a waste of time talking to person like you. Foul language is for those that at are not worthy of effort…an attempt to make them go away!

klove and light

why answer a braindead……????

the dude is totally braindead…absolutely ridiculous…..

an honest answer would look something like that…

turkey is currently at the early stages of self domestically development of air defense systems.In comparison with the master player of air defense systems , russia, russia is the indian elephant, and turkey is currently at the stage of a desert mouse.We are talking about 30 years+ development advantage atleast.

The Objective

Yeah? The same Turkey developed drones that bombed the hell out of AA defense systems manufactured by the master of air defense systems.

You’d probably have claimed that Turkish drones are inferior to Russia’s drone had Turkey not demonstrated the capabilities of the Bayraktar TB2

Bad news for Turkey haters: Domestic engines to replace all foreign ones in Turkey’s new drones, the TB3


Ignorant and idiotic comment If Bavar is “superior” why are they interested in buying S-400? Why was China interested to buy S-400 while having already their copy of S-300 (that is not “superior”) So why China than, when they are far superior to Iran let alone Turkey in revers engineering know how?! So if China couldn’t do it properly how come you Turk dorks are so “superior” when you can’t make even copy of 4th generation jet (like Iran)?

Obviously you are “superior” in talking straight out of your arse only ….

The Objective

“If Bavar is “superior” why are they interested in buying S-400?” Answer: Because they lack confidence in Bavar 373 and most likely over-exaggerated its capabilities, or so that they can manufacture a better system “Why was China interested to buy S-400 while having already their copy of S-300” Answer: Because they had no idea that Russia deceived the world about the true capabilities of those systems. “So if China couldn’t do it properly a copy, how come Turk dorks are so “superior” in copying when they can’t make even copy of 4th generation jet (like Iran)?” Answer: Who says Turkey copied from the S-400? When was the S-400 delivered? Iran manufactured a jet fighter. Good luck with that piece of crap on the battle field. By the way, I didn’t hear anything again about Iran’s new fighter, like mass production, combat testing (they could do it in Syria), etc. “Turkey have kept S-400 despite pending sanctions !” Turkey bought and kept the S-400 because Russia agreed to some extent of tech transfer. The U.S refused any tech transfers with the Patriot, otherwise Turkey would not have bought the S-400 in the first place. Patriot shot down a Russian fighter jet in Syria. Don’t forget tha.


You are an incompetent i d i o t most of the time and hardly worth of me wasting any more my time on answering to you

The Objective

You won’t answer me because you can’t. I’ll always answer you until you realize what a moron you are.


You AmeriCunts have “adequately examined” S-300 and have produced Patriot-PAC3 a widely known crappy air defense system… that you impose on your “allays” by force to buy it.

The Objective

The same crappy patriot shot down a Russian fighter jet in Syria.


No it didn’t. There are no Patriot’s in Syria, they never were there. Turk F-16 have shot Russian bomber guided by AWACS…All other loses of aircraft are from MANPAD’s (one SU-25 and few choppers)

The Objective

Okay, you tried this time. There was no foul word in your answer. And maybe you’re right that the patriot didn’t shoot down any planes in Syria.


Fu*k off ignoramus I don’t need your approval ! You are right on military subjects only when you make mistake ! I had enough of your bullsh*t !!! Good bye!

The Objective

You’re the expert on military subject, and that’s why you failed to notice that Russia is lagging far behind in drone tech. When your Russian pals analysed the situation objectively, you even countered them. All you do is smoke weed, drink alcohol, probably fornicate with a local girl or prostitute, google a few things on weapons, and then bore people on this forum promoting a Russian capability that clearly doesn’t go that high.


Russia has 5th generation jet in serial production and 5th generation drone as prototype. If it is any delay existent, it is NEGLIGIBLE and subjective. Since Russia is with US and China only country producing 5th generation jet! One of rare countries to produce 5th generation drone! Thus there are no important delays in Russian aviation industry!

The Objective

Yeah, Russia can create heaven and earth if it wants. But all the tech bravado amounts to nothing without proving itself in real combat against peers. I won’t take any theoretical capability as equal to real capability. In case you haven’t notice, interest in Russia’s S-400 has decreased drastically as countries are beginning to doubt the supremacy of Russia’s AA tech. The TB2 drones destroying Russian AA systems in Libya, Syria, and N-K has really made a big dent in Russia’s defense industry. If Russia is so confident the S-300 is very capable, then Putin should let Assad have it and use it against Israeli planes. Don’t tell me Russia doesn’t want to hurt Israel. Because Assad is already using the S-200 against Israel. In fact, Russia can instruct Assad to only shoot down the missiles launched by those planes and not the planes themselves. I’m not a weapons expert, but I know a lack of confidence when I see one. Nothing would please America more than Israel proving the over-hyped Russian AA defense systems inferior to U.S fighter planes. A large chunk of Russia’s foreign revenue comes from arms.

The Objective

Tweets by MiddleEastWatch since December 15th:

“Russian Reports: During this past Spring, Turkey conducted a no fly zone to test the S-400 air defense system. However, the real reason was to test the Turkish indigenous made Gezgin missile (similar to the American Tomahawk) from a submarine in the Black Sea.” “According to the Russian report, Gezgin, a laser ballistic missile was successfully launched and was able to hit a precise target, at a 1000km distance. If the news is true, this will be a game changer in both the Black Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean.”

“Why are the European Union hesitant to sanction Turkey? The simple Answer is Economy. Many of EU states are involved in the Turkey with billions of euros, and the West has a lot to lose. This makes sanctions more difficult – and strengthens Turkey’s position. – Spanish financial institutions’ exposure to a Turkish collapse was $62 billion. – French $29 billion. – British $12 billion. – Germans 11 billion. – Italians $8.7 billion. That means lenders from five EU countries would be vulnerable to a combined $122.7-billion loss.

“On Monday, the Minister of Defense of the Government of National Accord, Salah al-Din al-Nimroush, discussed with the Pakistani military attache mechanisms for enhancing military cooperation between the defense ministries of the two countries. Pakistan and Libyan government agreed on enhancing cooperation in the military field. Pakistan will train the Government of National Accord forces on combating terrorism and organized crime, mine clearance and explosive materials disposal.”

Read more here: https://twitter.com/MiddleEastWatc1?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1335869449275133954%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es2_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fdisqus.com%2Fembed%2Fcomments%2F%3Fbase%3Ddefaultf%3Dsouthfrontt_i%3D13089420https3A2F2Fsouthfront.org2F3Fp3D130894t_u%3Dhttps3A2F2Fsouthfront.org2Fturkish-backed-forces-are-preparing-for-new-military-escalation-in-libya2Ft_e%3DTurkish-backed20Forces20Are20Preparing20For20New20Military20Escalation20In20Libyat_d%3DTurkish-backed20Forces20Are20Preparing20For20New20Military20Escalation20In20Libyat_t%3DTurkish-backed20Forces20Are20Preparing20For20New20Military20Escalation20In20Libyas_o%3Dpopularl%3Dversion%3D46aa6ce1907927200257678d09dec282


“laser ballistic missile” ha ha ha ha ha! You are soooo ignorant it hurts !!!

The Objective

I quoted your Russian report quoted by MiddleEastWatch. You’re obviously smarter than the Russian who reported it as a “laser” ballistic missile. I know the word laser (relating to light) is what got you confused. I merely quoted them. If you are so smart, you should be working in one of the Russian weapons labs, not commenting here like a fool.

I’ll be your match on this forum, sucker.


“laser ballistic missile” ha ha ha ha ha!

IDIOT “quoting” IDIOTS like himself !! I honestly doubt that they did say that! You are probably too stupid to even “quote” few words… So you even got those 3 words completely wrong, being so ignorant… it doesn’t come as surprise…

Good bye and do not waste my time!

The Objective

“I honestly doubt that they did say that” Oh, you “doubt”. But you’re not sure? You sounded so sure. Why don’t you visit the link I posted to read from the source?

It’s your parents who are too stupid and obviously transferred that stupidity to their child. Only your own foolishness is on a whole new level.

Have you noticed that your English is full of grammatical errors? Telling me how to quote, you should fix your language first.

“Good bye and do not waste my time!” Coward. You’re backing off. Keep replying to me if you are so smart. And I’ll certainly make your day bitter. You’re a son of a bitch. Matherfucker


If true, than they are ignorant idiots just like you.

The Objective

Oh, spare me that nonsense. Even if you are right, people do make mistakes. Correcting them doesn’t mean you have to hurl insults. I’ll treat you the way you treat me. Respect deserves Respect and vise versa. I’ll doubly insult you anytime you spew your childish garbage at me. Many people are complaining about your relentless torrent of foul words. Sometimes I wonder if you are some angry teen from a poor unsuccessful family. And the worse is, you think you’re smart. I’m not surprised. Most fools think they are wise.


there was no need to buy s-400s, erdoğan got deceived buy russians again


That explains why Turkey have REFUSED under the threat of sanctions to give up on S-400 and buy US crap “Pariot” instead despite being in NATO !!!

FUCKtard !!!

The Objective

Russian AA tech is crap until it proves itself against Israel’s attacks on Syria.


F u c k IsraHell ! You are Wahhabi Salafist. So why don’t your Zionist-“jihad” dogs never attack your allay IsraHell you filthy Takfiri SCUM ?! Also fuck Syria if they are not satisfied with quantity of Russian help and free weapons given to SAA so far ! They can ask Iran. Also I will not take complaints from Takfiri Zio-jihadist p i g like you!

The Objective

I’m not complaining to you, dickhead. I’m only telling you reality. Wake up from your dream of Russia’s omnipotence. Did you know that it cost Russia on average at least 1 million dollar in Syria? This has been going on since 2015. How much is a battery of S-300? How much is a battery of S-400? Do you know how much in weapons Russia has given Assad? Besides they can give Assad the S-300 on loan. Why are they refusing to do that? the only logical answer is that they are afraid of bad publicity. But the world is no fool. Many have realized this. If you still doubt, ask the Pantsir and Bayraktar TB2 drones.


It’s probably the best AD of the world. No, of the universe ^^

The Objective

If it performs like the TB2, then it’ll certainly be among the most effective. Muslim countries starting to rise!

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