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MARCH 2025

In Video: Turkish-Backed Militants Shell Hama Airbase With Grad Rockets

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Fighters of the Turkish-backed National Front for Liberation (NFL) launched dozens of Grad rockets at Hama Airbase on May 25.

The rocket attack was carried out by the Glory Corps, one of several groups that formed the NFL coalition last year. The group said in a press release that the attack was a response to the “regime massacres” in Idlib and its surroundings.

A source from Hama Airbase confirmed to SouthFront that more than 20 rockets landed in the base’s vicinity. However, they didn’t cause any damage or casualties, according to the source. The source clarified that the personnel were prepared for such attacks.

This was the third attack on Hama airbase during this week. A day earlier, Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) targeted the airbase with a barrage of rockets. Prior to that, an armed drone swarm attempt to strike targets inside the airbase.

Idlib militants are likely trying to strike Hama Airbase because several Russian military units are deployed there. The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) main operations room in northern Hama is also said to be located inside the airbase.

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Rockets provided by Turkey, of course, or via Turkey any way.

╭∩╮( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)╭∩╮

Hama airbase being targetted heavily by Turkish Armed Forces and their proxies behind it, good.

Concrete Mike

Terrorist supporting motherfucker


Just curious Mike. Do miners really talk like that? What where you guys mining for. :)

Concrete Mike

Ouff yes they do. I went from an engineering firm to working with these guys , i was talking regular english, it could have been french, didnt matter, it was like talking to a wall.

So to be understood , i started talking like them, 10 years later, and well…i aint coaching kids hockey lets say…

Over here its soft rock, so we were.mining evaporites, stuff like salt potash gypsum.

Xoli Xoli

Call in airforce to destroy artillery


Warning: The US troops in Mideast wearing naked glasses for Saudis ladies and gents. These images are recording.



Washington looking for excuses and struggle to increase pressure on Iran to impose an unjust war on Iran.

Instead of huge pressure and sanctions on Afghani Taliban still Washington got defeated so what about Iran with all types of missiles and heavy weapons. This would be not US madness to invade Iran. LOL

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

These rebels need US Naval and USAF support against the butcher assad regime ASAP


Yes these cockroaches are doing their best. Their advisors and forces are there to help them to attack Syrian nation.


Lol the regime in the USA loves their Al Qaeda terrorists.


So stop spamming garbage and go support your terrorist boyfriends you dumb pile of shit. ASAP. No? Pathetic coward, just like the butcher US regime and the butcher, mass murdering, genocidal Netanyahu’s regime.


I’ll tell you what Boyo…………….. you sound so damned gay…………. I mean, whats that “wraith” thingy all about then ? Have you got a soft spot for old rollers ??????

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

wraith is about the phantom ability of the Israeli Airforce and also refers to Rolls Royce :-)

Concrete Mike

Hmm maybe i should rename myself to bird strike.

It worked to keep idf away, since your such a fanboyy fagboyyy it would work with you too.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

lol ok..sure. keep believing the bird strike propaganda story, ya goof!

Concrete Mike

Terrorist supporting motherfucker, i should.call FBI on you.

Promitheas Apollonious

why you want him to be rewarded for the work they assign him to do? Or you haven’t yet realize all this moronic sub humans are coming here and else where for anything but getting their daily dosage and few shekels?

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

daily dosage? I want to spread truth and tell off assad apologists and antisemites… that’s what I’m good at doing :-) your daily dosage is nothing but brown nosing butcher assad


Lol, truth? You zionist fake American don’t know any truth, coming from a jihadi zionist apologist.. nice facebook account by the way zionist troll..


please don’t use the word “nosing”. You’ve all given us the burden of having to witness your massive nose taking up 80% of your profile pic… please don’t give us fuel to make more jokes about you XD

Concrete Mike

Thats your version of truth?

I call that a script! I find my own truths myself thanks nazi!


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacob_Wohl He is busted :

“Jacob Wohl (born December 12, 1997)[1] is an American far-right[2][3][4] conspiracy theorist,[5][6][7] fraudster,[5][8][9][10][11] and internet troll.[12][13] He was formerly an online blogger and a columnist for the website The Gateway Pundit.[12][14][15]” [16]

“Wohl is Jewish,[62] describes himself as a Zionist, and has co-hosted a podcast for Jewish Trump supporters with Laura Loomer.[63] As of 2018, Wohl lived in Southern California.[27] His father, David Wohl, is an attorney and conservative commentator who has been a guest on Fox News programs and who has also promoted conspiracy theories.[3][19][64]”


yeah his mommy and daddy are multi millionaires… he was given over 1 million to invest and started his own little scam hedge funds. turns out he committed investor fraud and squandered his own clients money. he’s banned from hedge funds and trading now… even had to pay a 50,000 dollar fine. little Rocket Nose is a victim tho cuz oy vey everyone on here is antisemitic :(

Concrete Mike

You speak the truth.

I enjoy insulting them though, i get in trouble for saying too much alot, its nice to let loose;)

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

oh wow! says Not-So Concrete Mike lol. I can outbench you with only one arm! But just remember you support a murderous butcher regime in Syria…


A “zionist conservative” supporting jihadi slaughters just like the depraved regime in Washington.

Concrete Mike

I dont need to remember shit. I came to the conclusion myself in april 2012 that Assad was the lesser of two evils. Back then sites like this did not exist, but through other corporate information( safety bulletins) i got wind of what was going on.

So, I used my own critical thinking, and came to the conclusion that the syrian government is the better option for the people of Syria.

7 years later and I have been vindicated in my judgement.

You on the other hand are nothing but a stupid kid with no life experience, think you can bench press 2 plates your king of the world.

Your a coward that cant think for himself and just parrots what the media says.

A cheerleader always follows a script.or a choreography, as you are doing right now.

I, on the other hand am free.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

there’s nothing free about russkie, chinese and mullah/iranian propaganda! I get my info from Fox and other reputable honest sources that report the truth only, with zero propaganda… something you wouldn’t understand PS… 2 plates is a minimum for me


Wohl Troll, are you in your mom’s basement using her computer again? Sorry, you get no shekels for this post.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

Except I used her computer till I was 12. Then I bought my own computer. Btw shekels have more value than all Arab currencies combined :-) now go away wannabe wermacht troll


correction: Jacob Wohl trolls on his daddy’s computer from jew boy day care center in LA He still needs potty training and frequent lessons on how to blow his honker

Concrete Mike

How.many useless meme can you stuff in a post?

How many rabbis’s dicks can be stuffed in your mom?


The Jewish politicians and media in US have become active once again accusing Irani nation like Iraqi nation as a threat and on the base of that excuse to invade it. Jews are real evils butchers of prophets, children and women.

Christos Pratis


Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

Your economy has been a dead man walking for years now :-)


Funny to read a little zionist American troll, go suck Ben Shapiro circumcised little cock.. America is decling just like the butchers in Tel Aviv.


ben shaprio probably his 3rd cousin lol


This zionist troll Jacob Wohl is by the way quite known in the US, look up Wikipedia..banned from Twitter, spreading fake news and an egregious troll.


You brain is dead, you psychotic degenerate:

Jacob Wohl (born December 12, 1997) is an American far-right conspiracy theorist, fraudster, and internet troll.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

yea use wikipedia, great source :-}


“more than 20 rockets landed in the base’s vicinity. However, they didn’t cause any damage or casualties” Did the Jihadist trash miss by more than a few km again, spending their time blowing up dirt and sand? What a bunch of losers. :D

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

just like all those destroyed rust buckets last year? haha remember when poor rooskies lost 10 planes due to rebel shelling… I do!


In your dreams Wohl Troll. Seems you spend a lot time posting fake BS on this site. No Shekels rewarded to you for this fake info, now go back to your mom’s basement! LOL


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacob_Wohl This troll Wohl has made quiete a name of him self in the US, banned on Twitter, spreading fake news, lying et cetera..


“rebels” is for fake conservatives (just a zionist goy) terrorist slaughters just like the regimes in Washington and Tel Aviv, how is Afghanistan going lol..?


oy vey… afghanistan is antisemitic :(


Without the benefit of a US taxpayers funded nose job, your lies and desperation are getting worse. It is a medical fact that blocked sinus can create blockages in oxygen supply to the brain. One of your Jews was arrested in Colombia trafficking children, perhaps your fellow Jew pimps can pay for your nose job?




LOL except none were destroyed. They all got repaired and damaged parts replaced. Maybe you should get your MASSIVE nose smashed and replaced by a plastic surgeon. Rocket Honker man! :)


It is the inept Turkish military that is now directly involved in supporting their headchoppers.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The rebels backed by Turkey, which in turn is backed by Russia, attack the Russian airbase again. Believe it or not this makes sense to some of us, it’s true what they say about love being blind, and a lot of SF commentators must really love Putin, nothing he does is wrong and everything he does is right, but only if you have the logic of a lovestruck teenager. The rebels backed by Turkey, which in turn is backed by Russia, attack the Russian airbase again. Logic for lovestruck teenagers.


Rocket Nose on overdrive recently. He’s been banned from almost 100% of all social media, and banned from managing hedge funds… so now he spends all his time spreading zionist propaganda and trolling through his nostrils PS spend a couple thousand to fix that Mount Everest Nose of yours Mr Wohlstein

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