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MARCH 2025

In Video: Turkish Combat Drones Pound Syrian Military Convoy In Greater Idlib

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In Video: Turkish Combat Drones Pound Syrian Military Convoy In Greater Idlib

A screenshot from the video

On March 3, the Turkish military leaked another batch of footage showing drone strikes on units of the Syrian Army in the province of Idlib. The undated footage starts with a propaganda claim about thousands of ‘killed children’ allegedly shows an attack on the Syrian Army military column near Maarat al-Numan in the southern part of Syria’s Idlib province.


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Lone Ranger

More Mossad CGI..



Lone Ranger

Next stop Idlib city Shlomo…;)


Next stop hell and your virgins :) Hahahaha

Lone Ranger

For your mossadisis buddies for sure ;)



Lone Ranger

For yours ;)

Lone Ranger

Condolences to your fallen wahabimossad isis operators…;)



Legis Legis Juscius

lavrov 100% corect about turkiish terorists




Abu Bakrah reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “If two Muslims confront each other with swords, both the killer and the killed will be in Hellfire.” It was said, “O Messenger of Allah, we understand for the killer, but why for the one killed?” The Prophet said, “Verily, he intended to kill his companion.”

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 6672, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2888

Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi (authenticity agreed upon) according to Al-Bukhari and Muslim.


Are the Alawis Muslims? Do some research on the Aqeeda and give me some answers.


this is real reason of being killing Alawis.Sunni hate them..


If they don’t accept the tahlil they are not Muslims, or are confused Muslims (like the Christians). If Ali is seen as divine that’s almost it! That’s not enough reason to hate them though.


Hey Adi: Shame on you and Turkey. LOL


Photo after attack of Destroyed SAA 130mm M-46 SPG (103rd Regiment) https://twitter.com/MathieuMorant/status/1234909466270846976

Just fake of course ?

Lone Ranger

Could be old pic, or from Lybia. Until official confirmation its only desinfo…

Ziønist šhill

Bro it’s not CGI it’s probably just footage from Libya. Simple

Lone Ranger

Hasbarats must be desperate, video quality is also also getting worse… I guess no time for polishing up ;)

klove and light

get your head out of your ASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

THis is from almasdar News site…a SAA News site..understand moron a SAA News site and stop denying reality u Zionist cock sucking motherfucker


Home Syria Turkey bombs Syrian military convoy in southern Idlib: video Syria Turkey bombs Syrian military convoy in southern Idlib: video By News Desk – 2020-03-03 0

BEIRUT, LEBANON (7:20 P.M.) – A Turkish drone carried out a series of powerful attacks against the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the Idlib Governorate on Tuesday, causing significant damage to the SAA’s equipment. In one such attack, a Turkish drone was filmed bombing a Syrian military convoy in the southern Idlib city of Ma’arat Al-Nu’man.

As shown in the video below, the Turkish drone locks in on the Syrian military convoy and then bombs them, resulting in a powerful explosion.

Lone Ranger

Mossad could never fake a news site…


What do you smoke dude? SAA news are reporting this.

Lone Ranger

How do you know that? Did you track the IP adress?nope.



Angry Guy

Turkey is now using combat drones in closed?!! syrian airspace freely – no russian air defense is firing, no russian fighters are intercepting, the poor soldiers are getting slaughtered, long range missiles are coming from Turkey and S300/400 is silent!!!! Where is the ballistic defense, where is air cover what the fuck is happening?

This open turkish aggression is happening for more than 3 weeks now and no fucking response from the weak and pathetic Putin! I am sorry, even if he helped save Syria from destruction before this permissive behavior toward Turkey terrorist regime and no military response speaks volumes of his cowardliness and disgusting backstabbing to the ally in dire need!!!


Imagine the morale of Syrian troops where they are openly attacked by Turkey but there is no response from Russia! There are no close air support missions against terrorists either (bombing from 8kms with dumb bombs is not CAS but just plain dumb and inefficient and with no regards to civilian life)

Where are the ka-50/52 helicopters with antitank missiles and cannons which would have a field day with attacking terrorists? Where are the Su-25 CAS missions? (dont give me a MANPADS excuse) What has happened with ATGM missile jammers which we have been seeing on some Syrian tanks years back and were advertised to defeat incoming missiles? No tanks are equipped with it anymore?

How many more syrians have to die because of Putin soft policy toward Turkey? When will Russia start bringing fighters, SAMs and other equipment to confront the turkish terrorist aggressor?! Because now they are hopelessly outnumbered. I am getting sick of this shit. Such cowardice, such low regard to human life for an ally is something that is deeply disturbing, he is willingly letting them die! If that is the case Russia should get the fuck out and let Erdogan have Idlib and his terrorist budies since Syria cannot defend themself. Be honest and tell them you wont defend them, not letting them into a meat grinder!

Putin is morally bankrupt and is destroying reputation of the russian army. I once had Putin in high regard but now I see what he really is – a weak, pathetic, disgusting thug who just so happens to be good friend with Netanyahu and saudi King and wants to be a friend of Erdogan too, the guy who was supporting ISIS before.





Yavuz Fatih

“You can’t run away From these styles I got, oh baby, hey baby

Coz I got alot…”


Putin and Erdogan need that “Turk Stream” gas pipe more than Idlib, economic interests will transcend current disagreements


I doubt entire convoy was destroyed. Don’t believe Turkish liars. Turkish propaganda is bull shit. Anyway, Russia has plenty armored vehicles to provide Syria. SAA will be back! My deepest condolences for dead Syrian soldiers… God bless their family and comfort them.


Equipment and ammunition have never been a problem. Losing soldiers is a very big problem. The Arabs are very stubborn and will need time to accept that the danger from above threatens them.


My take on this is:

Putin: I just sold a ship full of old crap shit from our storages.You know i need cash bro.

Erdogan: Ok,i take care of it.

Putin: Give me a call when its done.I prepare a new one in the meanwhile.

Erdogan: Sure bro.



Destroyed SAA 130mm M-46 SPG (103rd Regiment) with real Photo after attack and video from the attack.


Hello Mathieu. So precise information, are you there in Turkey?

Yavuz Fatih

splish splash, they were taking a bath…


Best antidote for terrorists of all kind—Drone!

Black Waters

A terrorist supporter calling people who protect his country terrorists…. what a world we live in, jesus.


Who is protecting my country? Chewed to much khat again?

Black Waters

I was referring to the SAA protecting their nation.

PD: What is khat? i’m curious.

Yavuz Fatih

“Ready or Not, here I come, you can’t hide, gonna find you, and make you want me… “


Goodbye hasborat.



klove and light

reality denier..this is from almasdar News site a SAA News site..understand????SAA News moron with video


Home Syria Turkey bombs Syrian military convoy in southern Idlib: video Syria Turkey bombs Syrian military convoy in southern Idlib: video By News Desk – 2020-03-03 0

BEIRUT, LEBANON (7:20 P.M.) – A Turkish drone carried out a series of powerful attacks against the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the Idlib Governorate on Tuesday, causing significant damage to the SAA’s equipment. In one such attack, a Turkish drone was filmed bombing a Syrian military convoy in the southern Idlib city of Ma’arat Al-Nu’man.

As shown in the video below, the Turkish drone locks in on the Syrian military convoy and then bombs them, resulting in a powerful explosion.

STOP Living in a Fantasy world u moron https://twitter.com/clashreport/status/1234865725581512704

PUTIN is atreachrous zionist pig……

death to america death to israel curse on the jews, the houthi slogan, the bravest of the brave


Those s 300 are useless

klove and light

do you want to know WHY the fucking S-300 has not engaged either IDF(Israel) or TAf(Turkey) planes and uav´s?????????

before i give u the answer…99% here are Dummies, brainwashed Zionist cock suckers!!!!!reality Deniers!!!!

well here is your TRUTHFULL answer….. it was posted on ALMASDAR News on NOVEMBER 22 2019, which is a SAA News site.You can still find it there….go to almasdar News and search for “s-300 syria”….here is the article!


Home Syria Syria may replace Russia’s S-300 with China’s HQ-9: report Syria Syria may replace Russia’s S-300 with China’s HQ-9: report By News Desk – 2019-11-22 15

BEIRUT, LEBANON (3:00 P.M.) – Syria may replace the Russian-made S-300 air defense system with the Chinese-made HQ-9, the Russian publication Avia.Pro reported on Friday. “A number of Syrian sources report that Syria has begun negotiations with China regarding the purchase of the Chinese H-9 air defense systems (according to other sources – HQ-22) instead of the Russian S-300 system, which so far has shown zero effectiveness in repelling Israeli attacks,” the publication reported.

“The source indicates the fact that at the moment the negotiations concern the gratuitous supply of Chinese air defense systems to Syria, however, at the same time, the acquisition of these anti-aircraft missile systems was not excluded. The reason for the negotiations is the impossibility of using the Russian S-300, since the latter is controlled by the Russian military, however, there are other reasons, in particular, Damascus intends to deploy Chinese HQ-9 throughout Syria, thereby completely covering the airspace above the territory of the country,” they added. Syria has yet to comment on these claims; however, if true, this could be a boost for the Syrian air defenses, as they already have the Russian-made S-300 system.

klove and light

did you read the article from SAA???????????????????????????????????????????

it clearly states and i Quote ” The reason for the negotiations is the impossibility of using the Russian S-300, since the latter is controlled by the Russian Military”

UNDERSTAND NOW??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

klove and light

wake the fuck up…..Putin is atreacherous Zionist bibi cock sucking pig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ofcourse you can still deny reality, and like the other99% Keep coming up with brain dead explantions, but dont Forget brother……… the truth is straight Forward and easy to understand once you have overcome the brain washing of them satanicn zionists.and dont Forget, dont ever ever underestimate the wickedness and evilness of satanic zionism



Miguel Angel Solano

lol xD

Joe Dickson

Problem for Turkey is they are getting drones shot down left and right but they don’t have many to lose. Attrition is starting to catch up to them.


Goodjob Turkey, atleast we can trust them to do the job unlike Bibi. P.S, we need Sanders to save us from that man.


So much for your man Gantz winning you said things would be different if he did – I guess the big war plans are now off.


For now….


You don’t like Bibi? You anti-Semite!!


Don’t like is an understatement, I despise him.






Tim Williams

TOR M 1’S unloading today at TARTUS



And where are the Turk drones when one needs them for practice?!

Horace Lacondeta

Impossible to be sure if this footage is what it claim to be, but I opt for usual Turkish propaganda for domestic audience to ease the pain of losing Saraqlib. Classic.

klove and light

stop denying reality …..this is from almasdar News site a SAA News site ..understand a SAA News site


Home Syria Turkey bombs Syrian military convoy in southern Idlib: video Syria Turkey bombs Syrian military convoy in southern Idlib: video By News Desk – 2020-03-03 0

BEIRUT, LEBANON (7:20 P.M.) – A Turkish drone carried out a series of powerful attacks against the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the Idlib Governorate on Tuesday, causing significant damage to the SAA’s equipment. In one such attack, a Turkish drone was filmed bombing a Syrian military convoy in the southern Idlib city of Ma’arat Al-Nu’man.

As shown in the video below, the Turkish drone locks in on the Syrian military convoy and then bombs them, resulting in a powerful explosion. https://twitter.com/clashreport/status/1234865725581512704

death to america death to israel curse on the jews, the houthi slogan, the bravest of the brave

and putin is a fucking treacherous zionist bibi cock sucking pig

Douglas Houck

Tough to say as another AMN news story today (3/3/20) states that with Russian electronic warfare Turkey has had to significantly reduced it’s use of drones.

“At the moment, it remains unknown whether deliberate action was carried out on drones or exclusively jamming the GPS signal, but Turkey was forced to reduce the use of its drones to a minimum, which had already led to the restoration of at least 7 settlements, including the large and strategically important city of Saraqib,” they added.

klove and light

well then here is another article from almasdar News..from November 22 2019…. and this article explains WHY THE FUCK syria´s S-300 does not engage either IDF or TAF planes…..Ps. it is still there, just type in s-300 syria and search on almasdar News……..here is the post..it will be an eye opener for you bro…..

———————————————————————————————————- Home Syria Syria may replace Russia’s S-300 with China’s HQ-9: report Syria Syria may replace Russia’s S-300 with China’s HQ-9: report By News Desk – 2019-11-22 15

BEIRUT, LEBANON (3:00 P.M.) – Syria may replace the Russian-made S-300 air defense system with the Chinese-made HQ-9, the Russian publication Avia.Pro reported on Friday. “A number of Syrian sources report that Syria has begun negotiations with China regarding the purchase of the Chinese H-9 air defense systems (according to other sources – HQ-22) instead of the Russian S-300 system, which so far has shown zero effectiveness in repelling Israeli attacks,” the publication reported.

“The source indicates the fact that at the moment the negotiations concern the gratuitous supply of Chinese air defense systems to Syria, however, at the same time, the acquisition of these anti-aircraft missile systems was not excluded. The reason for the negotiations is the impossibility of using the Russian S-300, since the latter is controlled by the Russian military, however, there are other reasons, in particular, Damascus intends to deploy Chinese HQ-9 throughout Syria, thereby completely covering the airspace above the territory of the country,” they added. Syria has yet to comment on these claims; however, if true, this could be a boost for the Syrian air defenses, as they already have the Russian-made S-300 system.

klove and light

did you read it……. it clearly states the following..i qoute

“The reason for the negotiations is the impossibility of using the Russian S-300, since the latter is controlled by the Russian military,” UNDERSTAND NOW?????????????????????????????????????

I know Folks have a difficult time to understand how wicked and Evil satanic zionism is…..but it is what it is…..and once you see through the zionists lies and deceits, it will be all out in the open…..and dont Forget…..the truth is Always straight Forward!!

ALL nations that recognize the illegal criminal satanic Entity named israel are part of the satanic Zionist Agenda of a one world Government with Jerusalem as it´s capital under satanic Leadership.This includes USA,russia,uk,eu,china,turkey etc….

ALL that we 99% sheep see is a theatre Play, a Charade for us 99% sheep!!!

klove and light

NOW there are ONLY 2 possibilities to achieve their goal

1. make ISRAEL bigger or 2. make the world smaller

take a wild quess which it will be……….a nuclear Exchange between east and west was Always the plan of them satanic zionists…….and they are ALL in on it….. or do you seriously believe that TRUMP LOVES the average american Joe? or that Putin loves and cares About the average Ivan?or the b.jhohnson loves and cares About the average Tom? or Merkel loves and cares anbout the average micheal?or maCRON loves and cares About the average Philipp? etc…..


Klove is a nut job, don’t worry about him.

Angry Guy

Can you believe this shit? Even after all the events that have happened Russia still flies their fighters with out air-air missiles! How stupid and naive can Russians be? Again no air-air missiles on this Su-30 plane. You never see any US or Nato plane flying anywhere without at least 2 missiles always attached. This is also 100% proof that Russians cant and don’t intend to shoot down any potential F-16 fighters attacking inside Syria.


Douglas Houck

You may well be correct. Notice how the Syrian news (SANA) has made no mention of such an attack while they have acknowledged the loss of a third airplane. If this story is correct, Turkey has gotten lucky as they have lost a lot of drones since their first successful attack on Syrian forces, after which they have not had a successful day with the changes Syria has implemented.

From AMN we have two news story today (3/3/20) on Syria shooting down lots of drones.

“This is the second drone to be shot down by the Syrian Army in the last two hours and the seventh drone to be shot down in the last two days.

In relevant development, the Syrian Arab Army was reported to have targeted a Turkish Air Force F-16 jet with its S-200 system in northwestern Syria.” See: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/syrian-army-shoots-down-another-turkish-drone-air-defenses-target-f-16/


“For the third time in the last 12 hours, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has shot down a Turkish armed drone over the northwestern region of Syria.” See: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/syrian-army-shoots-down-3rd-turkish-drone-in-northwest-syria/


“The Russian military is using electronic warfare to disrupt Turkey’s drone strikes on the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) positions in the northwestern part of the country, the Russian publication Avia.Pro reported on Tuesday.

According to Avia.Pro, at least two Turkish shock drones were lost in Syria after the Russian military activated its electronic warfare systems.” See: http://avia.pro/news/rossiyskie-sistemy-reb-krasuha-ubili-dva-tureckih-drona-nad-siriey

Horace Lacondeta

Thanks for the links


This footage was likely from several days ago when Turks claimed 2500 soldiers were killed, since then drones are dropping like flies


Not only that, they used video game footage as their “victory proof” before. Medal of Honor, Arma 3 and other games.


Idlib is an opportunity like no other to decimate the Turkish terrorist filth’s airforce. Syria needs to enable nearby airfields and airports like Aleppo’s for Iran to ship in more AA weapons. The Turkish/ISIS/al-Qaeda league can only expect to retreat under falling Turkish drones and F-16s.


That 18+ video-frame of a bearded head of an ISIS roach with the right side missing, probably destroyed by a bullet entering the skull, creating pressure and pushing out the big white left eyeball – MADE MY DAY!!


He never saw his death coming :)


“Syrian Army shoots down 3rd Turkish drone in northwest Syria(6:40 P.M.) – For the third time in the last 12 hours, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has shot down a Turkish armed drone over the northwestern region of Syria.”

The Turkish/ISIS invader scum just don’t get it, there’s no place for them in Syria.


Why are they never posting pictures or debris of those drones?

Arbaches Glaukus

While Russian army can handle this situation, ups and downs of 5 column in Kremlin make things Interesting.


What the Turkish terrorist filth’s propaganda videos don’t say is that those drone attacks are covering their retreat as SAA advances the liberation of Idlib.

klove and light

HERE to the fuckin g REALITY Deniers…….THIS is from almasdar News site which is a SAA News site u fucking Zionist cock sucking Putin lovers

Home Syria Turkey bombs Syrian military convoy in southern Idlib: video Syria Turkey bombs Syrian military convoy in southern Idlib: video By News Desk – 2020-03-03 0

BEIRUT, LEBANON (7:20 P.M.) – A Turkish drone carried out a series of powerful attacks against the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the Idlib Governorate on Tuesday, causing significant damage to the SAA’s equipment. In one such attack, a Turkish drone was filmed bombing a Syrian military convoy in the southern Idlib city of Ma’arat Al-Nu’man.

As shown in the video below, the Turkish drone locks in on the Syrian military convoy and then bombs them, resulting in a powerful explosion.



Putin’s concessions to terrorists are unreasonable from whatever standpoint, but the SAA has actually managed to withstand the NATO terrorists’ 2nd largest armed forces onslaught relatively well for a force in their condition after 8 yrs of battles.

Gotta wait to see if Putin is gonna sell more bits of Syria’s sovereignty in his next meeting with Erdogoon.

Tim Williams

How many more dead Turks ?



Is this inside Turkey?

Horace Lacondeta

“Turkish Caucasian”?


NATO, urmmmmm , Observers perhaps :)

klove and light

wrote About EXACTLY this IDLIB FIASCO in 2016 already………I wrote in 2016 2017 2018 2019 that THEY (Zionist motherfuckers) are BLEEDING SAA and HEzbollah and iranian Forces SLOWLY out…….

I wrote About the BS “EVACUATION” Agreements of PUTIN with the headchopperrs in ALEPPO,DOUMA,DARAA,QINETRA……..

check out southfronts OWN articles from 2016-2019 on These BS “evacuation” agrteemenst BETWEEN RUSSIA and the head Choppers……

READ SOUTHFRONTS articles on the ALEPPO “evacuation” Agreements between Russia and the headchoppers……and how SAA AND hezbollah WENT BESERK when they heard About it.SAA and HEZBOLLAH fighters torched dozens of RUSSIAN busses which should evacuate the worst head Choppers to IDLIB. Southfront posted a good half dozen Videos of the busses getting torcheed and riddled with bullits!!!

that bs evacuation Agreement between Russia and the wosrt of the worst headchoppers(Little reminder The Syrian Army accused the jihadist rebels of Fatah Halab and Jabhat Fateh al-Sham of carrying out a massacre prior to leaving the last east Aleppo neighborhoods. Over 100 Syrian Army POWs, mostly young men between the ages of 18–25, were reportedly summarily executed by the rebels prior to their departure from the Sukkari and Bustan Al-Qasr districts of east Aleppo, according to the Syrian Army

and all of them fucking headchoppers were allowed to evacuate with their fucking families to IDLIB. That was december 2016…… and i wrote in december 2016…….that this massive bs riduiculous evacuation Agreement wilöl have big negative consequences for the syrians in the LONG RUN……..well here we are 4 years later..the same motherfuckers that were SURROUNDED in aleppo are the same motherfuckers that are now killing and tiorturing SAA and allied Forces again.

so believe in your Zionist bibi cocjk sucking treacherous pig Putin u dumm brain washed Zionist motherfuckers here.

Julio Cesar Perez

How is such a crime possible? Russia and Syria do not have the necessary air power to eliminate all drones and planes of Turkish terrorists

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