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MARCH 2025

In Video: Turkish Leopard 2A4 Battle Tanks Enter Northern Syria

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In Video: Turkish Leopard 2A4 Battle Tanks Enter Northern Syria

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Turkish Leopard 2A4 battle tanks have entered northern Syria in the framework of Ankara’s Operation Peace Spring against the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces.

The most-widely known case of the employment of Turkish Leopard 2A4 battle tanks in the conflict in Syria is the battle between Turkey-led forces and ISIS members for al-Bab. Then, the Turkish Armed Forces lost at least 10 of  its Leopard 2A4 battle tanks:

In Video: Turkish Leopard 2A4 Battle Tanks Enter Northern Syria

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Zionism = EVIL

Unless the Kurds join up with the SAA and start a hedgehog defence Hezbollah style with Kornets and ATGM, shoot and scoot ambushes and harass the Turkeys supply lines the situation will remain grim. This is a time for SAA to start using its airdefence systems after a warning to the Turkeys to clear out of Syrians skies. It is now confirmed that the Americunts and Zionists are passing satellite ground intel to the Turkeys.

Jozef Mak

the last sentence is a lie. hence downvote.

Kemal Büyük

Iranians arent arabs.

??Hudson Bay

We.know that Too bad Turks are savage pervert Daddy paedo Owe lots to IMF Austerity is the way Vanity PROJECT of paedo boy #erdogurlycadets cant beat Kurds for years Why the grandeur will all paki Of loans praising paedoero

Kemal Büyük

What the fuck is this. Go learn proper English then talk to me.

cristi cristikosk

by the way, where are the “famous” kurdish women?… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9384bef32a84898422f8e18e4ef98b72478dcac360435824fc3767ba35bbc5d0.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/38f7689c30c3dee8d683a8d4758ba07acf1fa913bcb20a68b602809ba8cf20aa.jpg

Sasan Jamshidi

They should be in the city because no fly zone isnt there so f16s can easily bomb them.

Zionism = EVIL

These sad propaganda images are for western idiots consumption, the Kurd “men” are pimps who are hiding behind pathetic women. I just a video of terrified woman’s platoon under Turkey air attack and you can see the fear on their faces. War is sadly man’s business.

Madoker Alarcon

Mr, do you have the links to the video please?

??Hudson Bay


Joseph Scott

Because you’d act differently under air attack? Please.

Kemal Büyük

link please

??Hudson Bay

Pimps? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f6bb6f93ac510dec73acce99ee1eef950550d7614bd90d624447b799e80ae696.jpg And your mom a weak #BANGLADESHI HOOKER


They are busy on the cellphones. Give them time. :P


https://media0.giphy.com/media/RCmNogvo4NYre/giphy.gif https://media1.giphy.com/media/9zZjM1dyuOjtPGq19A/giphy.gifo occupied orgy!!


Trying to date one of the American soldiers so they can get a green card and live in the US?

??Hudson Bay


Sasan Jamshidi

Having German-Israeli Weapons Arsenal and then blaming on kurds & YPG with israel lolll


Is North East Syria, say it is 100% under a Turkey regime control, enough space to lay down that Qatar to Europe gas pipeline?

The Qatar gas pipeline point that started the Syria foreign supported rebellion in the first place, when Russia told Assad he will loose Russia backing if he does not withdraw agreement for the Qatar gas pipeline to pass through Syria. So Assad withdrew agreement for the Qatar pipeline and the Syria rebellion started within weeks. (Russia did not want a major competitor directly supplying its lucrative Western Europe market.)

??Hudson Bay

Thank you Thank you So.many forget about the pipeline This started way before 2011 QATAR LINE THE OTHER LINE BYPASS RUSSIA




apparently it is USA (shale gas) and Qatar (massive gas deposits) who want to stop western Europe taking Russia gas, so they can sell theirs. Western Europe happy with Russia gas; cheap and infrastructure already in place.

??Hudson Bay

Avian thank you My God the first person To.mention this So many idiots Dont even know the process

War journal 2012 Look at the map You can see why Russia must dig in Euro wanna play Why idiots who assume Russia dont give jew #IRAN GPS All.oligarch are jew Putin jew boys


Looks like invasion for real…. But I blame the leadership of the delusional Kurds…. There will surely be a new Syria… A new country will be born out of this… A country that stretches from Afrin all the way to the border with Iraq… And 4km deep from the Turkish southern border with Syria.

Zionism = EVIL

The Turkeys are opportunist arseholes and are probing to see how far they go south and annex Syrian lands and the lack of Kurd and SAA resistance or even a lukewarm attempt to halt the advance will only embolden them further. If the SAA and the pathetic Kurds unite, they can cause severe losses to the Turkeys with limited manpower the idiot Erdogan has committed so far. The 7 brigades of mostly conscripts can not sustain real losses if there are mass casualties inflicted upon the Turkeys. As I have said before, this in week one and all will become clear in a month.


40km deep

Zionism = EVIL

The Turkey arseholes are annexing Syrian lands by pushing the limits and may go beyond 60 kms if there is little resistance. The dumbass Kurds were complete patsies for the Americunts and Zionists and more interested in harming SAA and Iranian supported militias than creating a viable defence against the Turkeys which was obviously coming in coordination with the Americunts. This is so shamefully done as I have been posting for more than a year now as events unfolded. Make no mistake, this is a NATO pimps, Zionists and Americunt operation. Russia is also party that played to the Americunt double cross and Erdogan’s megalomania. Not a great fan of the Iranian mullahs but they and Hezbollah are the only ones on the right side of history in Syria.

??Hudson Bay

Well said..above was not for you

Tonite I felt sick Put camera on Lite not workin Who come.walking towards me The jew boy I slap with 30 Jews


The Kurds just released 800 foreign ISIS fighters. F them!


. “In one of the camps where 249 women and 700 children of the group”


Yup, seems it was only women and kids. The early reports weren’t so clear.

You can call me Al

Well I did say that. Give it 2 weeks at most to annihilate enough paid US and Israeli backed kurds and then the US will use the ISIS escapees as a reason to enter Syria again in force.

Sasan Jamshidi

Yuck you talk like trump exactly, released !!!!! Lol to your mind


The Turks are behaving with their usual savagery again against one of their neighbors. Turkey is hostile to every country on its borders and has attacked two, Syria and Iraq repeatedly. It is a shame that the Arab world and Kurds are so easily manipulated.

Mehmet Karaca

That video is from western border of Turkey and it is very old. Tank camouflages are green not suitable for the desert. Editors must be more careful when they attached something

??Hudson Bay

Listen savage boy of PAEDO olde mam #KILLTURKEY WEEKEND Gut VILE BILE filled FILTH https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f6bb6f93ac510dec73acce99ee1eef950550d7614bd90d624447b799e80ae696.jpg

??Hudson Bay


??Hudson Bay

Turks dont make rules Curious why the hell you imbecile act like anyone scared of Turks Hope to God German eva BRAUN awake and kick your ass out of.clean country Take the minarets home #Saa #RUAF Defend the SYRIAN border from Turks HOMOEROTIQUE lover isis

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Sorry for my ignorance, by how on earth can you loose 10 Leopards in one battle, its not like it was Stalingrad!

Am i correct in assuming that the Turkey FOrces is the NATO equivelance of Saudi Forces; Above average/pretty good gear, but absolutely utter crap performance and leadership?

Turks love high SYLLABLE of.erdo He knows how.stupid Turks are Easily AMUSE Easily ride paedo erdo Locking up 200000 Without fair trial

Promo.for paedo ARMY Buff gay Turks Biggest blowhard Can HARDLY move Kurds.for 50 years Shitty army of lust All turke are homos

??Hudson Bay

#KILLTURKEY WEEKEND Be gutting vile disgusting ??#TURKPHEASANT

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