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MARCH 2025

In Video: Turkish Military Deploys Heavy Rocket Launchers Along Border With Syria

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The Turkish Armed Forces have deployed at least two T-300 Kasırga heavy multiple rocket launchers (MRLs) along the border with Syria.

A video showing the heavy MRLs moving in the southern Turkish province of Hatay was released on February 21 by the Ihlas News Agency (IHA).

Developed by Turkeys defense giant ROKETSAN, the T-300 is based on Chinese WS-1B with some modifications. The heavy rocket launcher is meant to provide the Turkish Armed Force with long range fire support. Each T-300 MRL can be armed with up to four 302 mm rockets, with ranges exceeding 100 km.

From their positions along the border, Turkish T-300 MRLs can reach any target in the Syrian region of Greater Idlib or around it.

The deployment of long-rang rockets along the border with Syria indicates that Turkey is still determined to support its proxies in Greater Idlib. The use of such heavy weapons could lead to more escalation and provoke a serious response from the Syrian military and its allies.

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Hanny Benny

come on.. give your nato-“partners” a reason not to support you beyond your border ;)


Turkey’s best friend (together with Qatar) Pakistan, is one of the biggest terror sponsoring states. And guess who is sponsoring Pakistan, Saudi Arabia! But that should not be a surprise, after all we know Saudia Arabia sponsored the 09/11 attacks. And now they are sponsoring Pakistan to keep some nucs on the side for them, nucs the Saudis have bought and they keep on Pakistani ground…just in case…u know…

Pakistan remains on terrorism financing ‘grey list’ – global watchdog

Pakistan was given an extra four months to meet international anti-terrorism financing norms on Friday,

after a global dirt money watchdog decided to keep the country off its blacklist for now.

Islamabad missed multiple previous deadlines, and the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) said it was concerned that the country had again failed to complete an internationally agreed action plan.

“The FATF strongly urges Pakistan to swiftly complete its full action plan by June 2020,” the watchdog said after a meeting in Paris. “Otherwise, should significant and sustainable progress – especially in prosecuting and penalizing [terrorism financing] – not be made by the next Plenary, the FATF will take action.”

Such action could include calling on its member states to order their financial institutions to pay particularly rigorous attention to business relations and transactions with Pakistani clients. Islamabad has long been accused of nurturing and supporting Islamist militant groups, but it denies the accusations, Reuters reported.



Instead of talking about Pakistan better put your ass to work and save your miserable country Greece), from an economic catastrophe!


Greece is doing just fine pal don’t worry about it. Compared to Turkey anyway. So…why dont you go back to your grill and make those shit-kebaps your mother likes so much…


“The might of the sea is great indeed”. Thucydides said that. Turkey is building aircraft carriers, jet airplanes, frigates, tanks and your miserable country is spending it’s last days watching Greece’s Next Top Model, Radio Arvyla and similar trash. Your country will die because it decided to die.


BULL CRAP! You are full of it. When the time comes Greeks do unite and then you and your kind starts running. Greeks outnumbered throught history, yet here we stand. Greece was and will be for ages to come, but nobody is going to remember the shity turks apart from their record on most genocides ever.

So…how is them kebaps coming already….people are hungry you know! …Paki-turk scum of the earth!


Pakistan has nukes. You said so yourself. Greece has shit for brains. And since you are against Saudi Arabia are you also against countries that help Saudi Arabia, like Greece, by sending 500 of their troops along with surface to air missile systems to the Saudis? By your own words your country, Greece, is a joke.


130 NOT 500. Just protecting the oil that is bound for Greece. Not different than what Turkey is doing in Qatar, only Turkey needed a whole camp with 5k soldiers… Greece needed only 130 soldiers… that goes to show what a turk is worth and a Greek is worth! Greece announced on Tuesday that it plans to deliver Patriot defence missiles and “around 130” troops to Saudi Arabia, as part of a energy security and defence coalition involving the US, the UK and France, according to government spokesman Stelios Petsas. Athen’s missile deployment, paid for by Saudi Arabia, will “protect critical energy infrastructure”, Petsas told reporters.

And ckeck these maps first …then talk about jokes…it wasnt that long ago.




I see Polatli on the map. There is a hill on Polatli that has written on it, with white stones, “Eylül 1921”. Your King sent your people to their slaughter after “heroic” Venizelos gave the elections to the other side. A bunch of idiots!


50 kms from Ankara is what I see on the map. This time there wont be no Soviet Union to save your asses either…


You sent 23 thousand Greeks, in 1918, to fight against the Moscow government. You had it coming, dear.


Nobody is perfect…

Though the reason Turkey got the help wasn’t that, it was cause Greece had Anglo-French support (as I am sure you already know, malakako) and at the crucial point the elections in Greece brought up the Germanophiliac goverment and everything changed… The Soviets were afraid of the westerners taking over the whole of Turkey through Greece … Had the Soviets not had helped Turkey then it would had been a different story. Dear.


Hehehehehe! It is simple. Instead of following Alexander III’s route (going along the coastline until reaching the coast opposite Cyrpus and then heading north towards Gordion), your regime did not want to upset your Italian “cousins” – the Italians were occupying the territory opposite the Dodecanese – and decided to go through territories that were populated only by Muslims and through the desert west of Ankara. How stupid can one be? Btw Gordion is a few kilometers from Polatli.


Regime ? You a turk is talking about Greece and is talking about regime?

Do you not see the oxymoron here ? LOL

Right, South you say ? If anything they should had gone north to Konstantinople but the treacherus English scum wasn’t having none of that.


So your regime obeyed the Brits? Ts ts ts! How shameful!


If you wana talk about regimes talk about Erdogan’s regime. How many turkish soldiers, fighter jet pilots and sailors are in jail? How many journalists, teachers and public sector workers are in jail and / or have lost their jobs? And anyway on military analogies in Galipoli German officers and German guns were your masters that your Kemal obeyed … talk about that why dont you ?


Yes, the Germans helped the Turks. And the Turks gave the Germans nothing for this. Your King let the Bulgarians, allies of the Germans, to get inside greek territories in Thrace and Macedonia (year 1915). The Germans gave nothing to Athens. Your regimes always give, give, give. You give Patriot systems to the Saudis, free bases to the Americans, your money to Berlin and your top secret intel to Tel Aviv. The Turks are smart and your people are stupid, my friend.


More bull crap. Turkey gave nothing to the Germans! Lol How about the war material in ww2 ?

Turkey didn not officially participate in ww2 but was helping Hitler’s Germany, that is facts!

Here are some more facts, educate your self turk !

Compromised neutrality: September 1915 – September 1916

Bulgaria and Greece mobilize; Allied landing at Thessaloniki

On 6 September, Bulgaria signed a treaty of alliance with Germany, and a few days later mobilized against Serbia. Venizelos ordered a Greek counter-mobilization on 23 September.

As a Bulgarian entry into the war on the side of the Central Powers loomed, the Serbs requested Greek assistance by the terms of the treaty of alliance. Again, however, the issue of Serbian assistance against Bulgaria around Gevgelija was raised: even after mobilization, Greece could muster only 160,000 men, against 300,000 Bulgarians. As the Serbs were too hard-pressed to divert any troops to assist Greece, on 22 September Venizelos asked the Anglo-French to assume that role. The Allies gave a favourable reply on 24 September, but they did not have the 150,000 men required; as a result the King, the Army Staff Service, and large part of the opposition preferred to remain neutral until the Allies could guarantee effective support. Venizelos, however, asked the French ambassador to send Allied troops to Thessaloniki as quickly as possible, but to give a warning of 24 hours to the Greek government; Greece would lodge a formal complaint at the violation of its neutrality, but then accept the fait accompli. As a result, the French 156th Division [fr] and the British 10th Division were ordered to embark from Gallipoli for Thessaloniki.


Ankara warned Bulgaria not to invade Greece, in 1940-1941, or the Turks would invade Bulgaria. Greece owes a big favour to the Turks.


Dont be so stupid … Turkey chickened out and didnt not participate in ww2. Ws too bitten by the Greeks in the 2 Balkan wars and ww1…

If anything Germany ows Turkey a favour…maybe thats why Merkel keeps on giving and giving all the European’s tax payer’s money to Erdogan … :

The Nazis melted gold dental fillings from concentration camp victims and found the best price for it was in neutral Turkey.

At the same time, Turkey kept selling Germany the chromium ore it needed to build weapons and continue the war.


The Turks know about gold. The turkish mint minted the most gold, into coins, than any other mint on the planet in 2019. The turkish economy is booming!



the turkish economy is booming !


Say that…ahahha say that again please ….hahahahahaha ???????




The World Bank in Turkey

….However, there has been a slowdown in reforms in several areas in recent years that, together with a number of economic vulnerabilities, risks reversing some of the progress made to date.

The economic outlook is subject to higher levels of uncertainty than usual, given rising inflation and unemployment, contracting investment, elevated corporate and financial sector vulnerabilities, and only patchy implementation of corrective policy actions and reforms.

There are also significant external headwinds due to weakening relationships with some key trading partners, ongoing geopolitical tensions in the subregion, global trade tensions, and concerns about a global recession.

…Erdogan’s mission to defend lira unsettles overseas investors…


you little liar. Turkey at May 1941 when Greece was struggling against Nazis after signing treaty with Germany, back-stabbed Greece and forced all non muslim minority men aged 20 to 45 years old at slave labour aka amele taburu to exterminate them physically. Also in 12 November 1942 passed discrimination tax laws against non muslim minorities targeting mainly Greeks and Armenians aka law 4305 aka Varlik Vergisi to force them sellout their fortune.


Well said !



link please,factual for example ;BRITAINS DIRTY LITTLE SECRET 1945-1949,

vs khazar bolshviek incest spawn royal murdering revolutionist if were the case?

back on track incest spawn deep state were finished by stalin before the nazis, millions exiled to the middle east,sun/star/circles define evilution outcasts,cursed,spawns of satans,kurdish flag,cia/usa/where were they when turkey took cyprus? Oh and now pyatt to be best friends to fk em like ukraine! and russia if cia had fekn balls,va pav va yamithoune ipostirithes poostiathikes! then alazone tiv alithia,opos va lene vromes tov brussel,incest,neo-liberal evils

Like I foretold several years back in reproach to lamestreams wet gas dream!

#1 gas route russia-turkey-greece-beyond=ok #2 gas route israel-cyprus-greece-beyon= pending #3 gas route brussels/eu concept,never gonna happen from russia/cis (period)

movo labe!

Graham Steinberg

“Little Greece” ? Great friend of Tel Aviv Incorporated !




I dont like the Jewsnakes. But common interests unite. Whats your point Jew ?


Not all Jews are supporters Israel. Are you a moron?


Do you know this Jew then ? You guys married ?

And I thought Turkgay is a backwards country! Way to go girls !


Turkey is helping Israel by fighting Damascus. Meanwhile trade between Turkey and Israel is at an all time high. Your country, Greece, is so happy with that arrangement that they are bending over backwards to facilitate Turkey’s ally, Tel Aviv/Jerusalem. Or is Greece behaving like this because they are the most backward country on the planet?


I just said I dont like the Jews! BUT, when you put it all on the scales it is in Greece’s interest right now to have the relations they have with Israel.

The gas South of Cyprus…

Matter a fact Greece-Cyprus-Egypt and Israel together can annihilate Turkey in a blink of an eye!

Turks are getting rediculed every single day in Syria and in Libya …!

So Put Up or Shut Up and bring it on !


Israel will attack Turkey when hell freezes over. What a dufus!


And maybe it would be a bit more wise to keep your profile activity private on disqus before you attemt to be a smartass … ενταξει μαλακακο ?

χαχαχαχα τι μαλακες υπαρχουν ρε μαλακα !





You are such a child!


Come to pentapostagma re malaka να τα πουμε εκει !


Why so angry?


That’s your way of saying they like to ban trolls ? Ok great story. By the way, they know about you in ‘5’ anyway, don’t worry about it, I let them know, I inform them regularly about Greek little traitor – trolls like your self.


What is ‘5’?


I LL explain it in English out of respect for othes. ‘5’ is sort for ‘pente’ (number 5 in Greek) like penta-gone, penta-gram etc… penta-postagma is the other site you your self have commented before, as everybody can see from the screenshot of your profile (that like a retard you have left open for everyone to see) that I posted here … So …malakako… you got anymore silly questions ?


I am speechless, ΒΡΩΜΙΑΡΗ.


Of cource you are, you cant speak with a full mouth… wait let me pull out … I hope this was as fun for you as it was for me karagiozako!

I v had better… as your m0m can confirm herself… but you werent the worse either… Everybody is happy, how nice.


Are you relaxed now?


I am actually, thanks for that great ending ! How do you feel by the way ? Now that I revealed you are just a lame Greek that pretends to be a Turk ? Feel a bit down in the dumps ?

There there… everything will be ok, just go and create another account, you probably have already, and you can start over again… I ll be here… aint going nowhere…. Will tap you again on any new account you bring …my appetite to nail trolls is infinite.




You are such a child…!




xaxaxaxaxaxaxa βρωμιαρα ειναι π*τανα η μανα σου Τουρκοσπορε !

Σε γ@μησα και σε ποναει !



Sure, sure.


Eτσι…ετσι…ρουφα το τρομπονι !




Actually, he knows about me.


Did I hurt you ? Sorry but its what I do to silly math*frs that think they can outsmart me with silly trolling… Hope you learned something from your mistakes tonight malakako.


Sure, sure, sure.


Israel has no interest in creating the EastMed. Israel prefers to have Jordan and Egypt depend on it by selling ALL their gas to them! Got it?


is that so ? Thats why they signed already ?

Look how much of a moron you are :

Greece, Israel, Cyprus sign EastMed gas pipeline deal

Angeliki Koutantou


(Reuters) – Greece, Cyprus and Israel on Thursday signed a deal to build a 1,900 km (1,180 mile) subsea pipeline to carry natural gas from the eastern Mediterranean’s rapidly developing gas fields to Europe.

Although Turkey opposes the project, the countries aim to reach a final investment decision by 2022 and have the pipeline completed by 2025 to help Europe diversify its energy resources.

European governments and Israel last year agreed to proceed with the so-called EastMed project, a $6 to $7 billion pipeline project that is expected initially to carry 10 billion cubic metres of gas per year from Israeli and Cypriot waters to the Greek island of Crete, on to the Greek mainland and into Europe’s gas network via Italy.

The energy ministers of Greece, Israel and Cyprus – Kostis Hatzidakis, Yuval Steinitz and Yiorgos Lakkotrypis – signed the final agreement on the pipeline at a ceremony in Athens.


Hahahahaha! So what?


So what ? Apart from getting your ass nailed on the ground ?

Not much… keep laughing like a retard … everybody else is also laughing at you!



If Israel was in favour of the EastMed why did they not inform Athens on the agreement between Ankara and Tripoli? Or have you not realized Tel Aviv knew about the Ankara-Tripoli deal months in advance?



WTF thats got to do with anything you dumb f*ck ?

hahaha The Ankara Tripoli agreement is a non – agreement, cause nobody gives a flying crap about Erdogan’s agreements or Tripoli’s for that matter! Haftar was in Athens a few weeks ago… how did Erdy liked that development? I really hope there is Greek boots on the Libyan ground helping Haftar out… Hey chances are there are Greek boots in Idlib too!


Are you a moron? Your regime would rather let half of Greece starve to death than stop recognizing the government of Tripoli. After all, the governmengt of Tripoli is recognized by the UN and the “cradle of western civilization” could never go against the UN. Turkey and Tel Aviv are using your obsession with being “civilized” and they are fucking you in the ass. They are giving it to you the “greek way”, in the ass!


Well, the only conclusion here is you probably have missed your latest psycologist appointment, that would explain why everything is so messed up in your head. Nobody gives a f*ck about the UN today…! Wake up and smell the coffee? And dont put brackets when you refering to Greece being the cradle of western civilisation …it just makes you look so much more retarded than you are… in fact go one step further, don’t even talk about Greece or Democracy or civilisation… you are putting dirty marks all over them. Go attend around 15 years of school and uni and then come back, I ll check on you then. But first things first, make that phonecall and see your psycologist.


My poor, gallible, semiaustralian, friend, if you think you are so smart can you tell me in which country American Eagle is? I know his country, his city and his name. He is playing you like a feedle. He is spitting on your face and you like it. And you are such a poor idiot!


hahahaha I am semiAustralian am I ?Whats the fk that even means! …

That goes to show (also) how much of a dipstick you are !

Nobody gives a f*ck about some troll, except obviously you, yet another retarded troll. That person you mention has gotten his ass handed on a tray by me numerous times. And he loves it too! Now be a man, for a change, and tell us all what are you really, a Turk that somehow has learned English (average I d say, but still master-like for a Turk) or are you a Greek that is trying his best to pretend he is a Turk, just for kicks, but he is getting smacked in the face by real Greeks anyway ?


You are so right! I am trying to get smacked by Greeks but nobody has managed to do this yet. Why, oh, why?


Can you guess in which country he lives?


I dont give a flying flamingo pal, and now you are starting to bore me.

You got smacked in the face , you got your ass handed and now you wana talk about some low life troll that pretends he is a mourican but he could not convince his own mother!

Nobody gives a crap.



Μy country Greece is miserable and who are you ?

You seem to comment on many Greek sites…and you are from Larnaca Cyprus… Part of the occupation Turkgay army are you …? Or just another Malakas…


Daniel Martin

The old snake erdogan is trying ti invoke article 5. Place the MLRS on the Turkish side of the border, continue supporting the terrorists and attacking the SAA and provoke a retaliatory strike from the same, and then run off to Brussels with crocodile tears about how Turkey was attacked by the SAA and Russia, but little do you know, no one will come for your rescue, you’ve placed your self in this shithole, now live with the consequences, you got numerous chances from both the Syrians and the Russians to implement the Sochi agreement, but you did nothing. You are shit out of luck this time around buddy.


Well, if Erdogn returns the S400 and goes crawling back to Trump and begs for forgiveness and asks to get back on the F35 program…I think Trump will not be able to resist the money … But then, what can the USA do to really help Turkey apart from shouting and screaming and throwing out more sanctions on Russia…not much…

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Electronic warfare capabilities, jamming systems, satellite data, vehicles, equipment, ammunition, financial aid, diplomatic assistance, no fly zone, there’s a hell of a lot the US can do to help Erdogan without even lifting a military finger.


οκ, I think what you are trying to say here is that the USA could try to do those things you describe… But, we have seen in action what the Russians can do also … And until now the Chinese have not got involved either…and they have every interest to get involved! Trump has other problems to deal with in the USA too! Every day the mainstream media is trying to frame his ass with Russian collusion and whatnot…and they won’t stop till they succeed …

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I don’t want the US to do anything but get out of Syria, and I want them to take the Turks with them when they go, but then I’d also like to see the Russian boot out the Iranians as well, because they’re just as guilty as the Turks and US are when it comes to carving up Syria for themselves, and yes I do know they were at least invited. Ever consider that Trump could actually do what he keeps saying he wants to do, “drain the swamp”, so they may not succeed at all, they could fail, and with Putin’s help Trump could be the one who actually comes out on top, it’s possible. :]


I dont remember him using those exact words and I m not questioning if thats correct or not, I ll take it as you said it, and I assume he meant take all the oil he can get from Syria … I can’t see Trump coming on top in any way though in Syria. I see the Russians clearing Idlib and then its time for that American base down south at the Jordanian – Iraqi border to go … The yanks might and probably will ‘fight’ in a diplomatic level but that remains to be seen… they will leave the oil alone though…and then there wont be much point to stay there anyway…especially if Putin gets rid of the Iranians in Syria too…. Thats how I see it, but I might be wrong…

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“Drain the swamp” refers to US politics, Trumps been getting rid of all the warhawks, the Boltons and Mattis’s in the US government. We’ll find out in 7 days whether or not Erdogan’s bluffing, I hope he is but I’ll bet he’s not.


ok, thanks, US politics. If however there was the slightest evidence that Putin actually did or is going to help him with the upcoming elections then the Democrats will eat him (Trump) alive! Another impeachment will fall like lightning !

But no matter what, my 2 cents on the matter is : if Sanders is the Democrat candidate then Trump will lose the elections, anyone but Sanders the Democrat candidate then Trump is got a very good chance to win again.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

half the country believes that Russia’s meddling but the other half don’t, and i don’t think the democrats have a chance while the US economy is doing so well, no matter who they elect to take him on.


Fair enough, I like Bernie and the things he promised he d do if elected. He does have a big popular support Bernie, a base as they say. Anyway, to use Trump’s ‘fancy’ expression ”we ll see how it goes”. ?

Xoli Xoli

I fully agree with you. The de escalation agreements with USA and Turkey settled them and allow them to carve up.The bottom line is USANATO wont do shit or slightest mistake against Russia. Russian military force members including the General’s are fed up of this USA NATO and puppets babysitting with their own created problems.


trump is busy cleaning of shit the monkeys are throwing at him to worry about erdoggie..

Willing Conscience (The Truths

That’s not what Turkish American and world news is saying, they’re saying he’s not too busy to seduce Erdogan at the first sign of trouble between the Russians and the Turks, wtf are you reading LGBTQI news maybe? And Trump’s throwing back even more shit at the monkeys than they’re throwing at him, what impeachment :]

Xoli Xoli

USA knows Erdogan only comes when he need something and then turns against them.So nothing will happen zero fokkol.Pompeo will only protect Erdogan with his bulldog big mouth.Just like demons to devil.


He did worse than nothing, the deceiving snake did the very opposite from what he had pledged: instead of disarming and neutralizing the terrorists, he armed and trained them, and so on…


A retaliatory strike on Turkish soil would not invoke article 5 anyway. All nations have the right to strike back against cross border aggression.

Assad must stay

putin needs to get on the phone with erdogan and tell him off like tom cruise did in the movie tropic thunder hahahaha

Lazy Gamer

Go to town!

Assad must stay

“I WILL FUCK YOU UP!!!!” hahhahahahah too funny

Furkan Sahin

Erdogan is officially dictator he has killed turkey economy and destroying country he does not want to make Turkey better he is stuck he thinks only about money and power because he wants attention and he thinks he can rule the world and try to get Islam on all muslim countries

Furkan Sahin

i am turk Erdogan is no better than Israel but they er same

Xoli Xoli

Yes it is true but leave Israel ou let’s concentrate on Erdogan. He is the one country who invaded Syria and prevent Syrian liberation from terrorists. As a leader of your country.Erdogan in particular destroys your future and your kids future.Nato does not help Turkey economically. Trump only sells arms to you.If Russia shuts its doors then it is finished with your economy. Last resort invade all neighbor’s. Same system in Saudi Arabia arrest kings,monarch and strap them from cash.Invade Qatar is the final option to boost Saudi Arabia economy.Turkey will soon invade Egypt,Greece and Iraq.Economic war.

Furkan Sahin

Yes right but I think there is Erdogan even made the coup attempt 2016 because he is afraid of losing power and he has closed newspapers places and he has arrested 400,000 innocents put them in prisons many Turks think Gulen made it but I don’t agree with them because I don’t want to be brainwashed like them and Erdogan owns 90% of media in Turkey he shuts down media if it comes against him if Erdogan is done in turkey people will be shocked by him i’m sure dont understand how turks can find out to vote for him even economy and country is ruined it’s weird

Xoli Xoli

Thank sir.It is good that you stand up for your rights and your beloved country’s well being.I wish all Turkey citizens can follow your example and free innocent political opponent in Turkey prisons.Best Police officers, Best doctors,Best Generals and spokesman,best teacher,best pilots and engineers were locked up for fake coup lies of Erdogan and his oil thief of Syrian son personal interests.

Furkan Sahin

myself thanks and so little :) but of course i don’t have proof that he did but i think so because he is a dictator you may write to me more what you like

Xoli Xoli

My infor is base on European central command NATO intelligence leak.But thank you very much we will pray for your safety.

Furkan Sahin

why coup attempt was only short? because it is false it is just to draw attention to its own people of Erdogan

Hanny Benny

there is a chance not to going at full war with greece and armenia, BUT THIS will only happen if the whole political clima in turkey change. but solong also the CHP drives the attacks on minorities, there is no other option as a turkey-shattering war. we all sadly all ready for this

Tim Williams

Sabotage teams will take these out …


Got a feeling you v been playing BF3-4 …?

Tim Williams

just a matter of time …


Tim Williams

massive RAT attack brewing … round 2


The Saint

Erdo is doing what miserable failures and demagogues always do – fail forward. He believes that any attack on Turkish soil will trigger Nato article 5. Wrong again Errdoh.

If those rockets are used to target another country then any return fire is not an aggression but self defense. Indeed if the Turks attack Syrian/Russian/Iranian personel from Turkey then it is worse than from within Idlib since there is no grey area and no plausible deniability (eg blaming the terrorists).

Assad must stay

im surprised why NATO still keeps turkey as a member, have they not realized how fucked up and unstable they are?

Xoli Xoli

Erdogan under estimates Russians just because their are patient.

Jim Bim

Erdogone stupidity is beyond repair.

Xoli Xoli

Only Finkelstein can fix Erdogan and makes him complete zombie.

Rhodium 10

Syria have ballistic missile and smerch long range rockets!…Erdogan know that SAA will retake idlib in spite of Turkish army!…


A few years back I used to read a blog writing about esoterics and weirdness. In the sidebar the blogger had posted an old Turkish saying:

“No matter how far down the wrong path you have travelled, you can always turn back.”

Erdogan would do well to heed the advice of his ancestors.

Assad must stay

ive heard that one before too, its good

Xoli Xoli

You mean demons or gosh.Because dead people ancestors never talk again only God and Angel’s talk and help.


Time to drop some ammo on Erdogan head

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The Turks have at least 72 of these beauties and probably way more, only the Russian systems have more range and destructive capabilities than these Turkish system do, no one else is even close, that’s just how good they are, and they’re going to give us a whole lot of grief very soon and make the SAA’s lives totally miserable. Turkey has way more artillery than Syria does but the numbers aren’t the only important factor, the Syrians only have a few good pieces with most of their arsenal being antiquated junk, the Turks on the other hand have a very modern and capable range of both self propelled and towed artillery, 2 to 1 compared to Syria according to numbers, but 10 to 1 in outright capabilities [I believe]. The sh-t will hit the fan when Turkish artillery really opens fire, we won’t be able to move an inch without fear of being hit by them, the recently liberated M5 will be useless to us, and all the areas we just liberated will be under Turkish artillery sights, so we’re totally f–ked now, we can’t go forwards anymore but we can be forced backwards. Who’s idea was it to go to Aleppo and spit in Erdogan’s face, was it a Russian proposal, an Iranian proposal, or was it my hero Assad’s idea, who would instantly become a former hero if it turned out to be his idea, we should have just kept spitting on Erdogan’s back while he was facing Libya’s direction, oh well, here we go, 7 days and counting. Astana agreement number 16 could be just a few days away, and as much as I hate them and always oppose them, this time I won’t, because this time the ceasefire will actually be a better alternative to what we’re now facing, which is all out war with Turkey. God help Syria if Russia doesn’t.


What about Iran?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Turkey and China are the only 2 countries in the entire world who still buy Iranian oil, the last thing both Turkey and Iran want to do is go to war against each other, Iran instantly loses 50% of it’s export revenue and Turkey loses it’s huge imports of cheap crude Iranian oil, the crude oil that the Turks can refine easily.


The Turkish arty support can do very little if targets are not spotted, lines are now static. Looking forward to more rats coming forward and being taken out. The eyes in the sky are Russian and SAA. Not Turkish ! :)

Lazy Gamer

The thing is, spotting might be conducted by another party. But lets see how the SAA devises countermeasures.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Rebel spotters behind enemy lines are just as good as satellite data, and besides the US has satellites too, and guess what the Turks and Yanks are doing right now, actually you don’t have to guess, just read US and Turkish news, they’ll tell you they’re both now feverishly talking about cooperating in Syria, mmm.


Interesting to note that Turkey was cut off from NATO air intel the day after Erdogan moved into NW Syria. Has this situation changed? Judging by their air activity in Syria, I think not.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Judging by the fact the US just said they intend to cooperate with Turkey to curb Russian and Syrian aggression in Idlib I’d say that’s changed. 2 Syrian helicopters and 2 surveillance drones shot down already, and now we have Turkish aviation flying over Aleppo too.


Waht do you mean ‘ go to Alepo and spit in Erdogan;s face’ ??? Alepo is in Syria, you seem to forget that! You seem to forget that Turkey is an invading power, an occupier of Syrian land. And about them turkish weapons they can be destroyed and / or the Russians could supply Syria with their own similar, but better, weapons… you dont mess with the Russian bear… Erdogan’s days are numbered.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I haven’t forgotten anything, I’m being realistic, hopes prayers and false bravado won’t win the day. Where are all the new weapons the Syrians need, they haven’t arrived yet, we only have 7 days until Erdogan’s deadline is here so the Russian better hurry up and ship them in, and the Russians won’t even replace Syria’s lost aircraft so don’t count on too much sophisticated stuff arriving. We’ve had an ongoing stalemate for 3 days now ,so the Russian bear may be going into hibernation for winter.


hahahaha are you being serious right now ?

”Erdogan’s deadline” !!! ahahahha sorry but thats really funny! A deadman walking giving ultimatums and deadlines !

Come on man…be realistic… Erdy is on his own, not even the Turks want to be in Syria no more… Not fighting Assad anyway. Erdogan’s best bet is to leave everything in Idlib and try to hunt down some Kurds further east …maybe in Iraq… …”Erdogan’s deadline” …ahahhaa


You do not understand. Erdogan is losing popularity. He is willing to risk everything in order to avoid jail time. Do you understand now?


hahah I don’t understand ? You mean I don’t understand how you are a pathetic Greek troll that tried to unsuccessfully troll me pretending he is a turk and got his ass handed on a tray ?


Oh I think I do understand…and everybody else here understands too. So…malakako – karagiozako … as I posted before …talk to the hand : https://media.giphy.com/media/WjNUYr7ffqCkg/giphy.gif


I do not understand. Isn’t Greece your country? Aren’t you a VROMIARIS?


Ι ΑΜ the one που σε γαμαει !


Hahahahahaha! You are funny when you are angry.


You don’t know half of it !

Would be more than happy to buy you a beer and show you angry up close.




hahahahahahaha Too late now !



You look slavic. Got any more videos of yourself?


I got one with you down on 4 and my d1ck and b”lls down your throat but your m0m asked me not to post it online…


Sure, sure.

Sure, sure.


Seriously re malaka , go to a doctor !


Willing Conscience (The Truths

Explain the stalemate we’ve had for the last 3 days, ha ha ha, it’s not funny, it’s serious. Read RD-180’s comment, desperate men do desperate things, sane men don’t, Putin’s sane but Erdogan’s not.


Read RD-180s comment ?

Are you blind or is it you like to read only what suits you and helps whatever faul arguement you are trying to make ?

RD is a retarded Greek that pretended to be a Turk, cant take anything he writes seriously, if you do then you are not much better than he is, sorry to say.

What stalemate for 3 days ? What are u on about ? Its a war thats been going on for years !!! Just cause you fancy it finishing tomorrow doesnt mean its gona be that way! Everybody suddenly is picked up a keyboard and automatically become a 5 star general! Get real pal, this is war, people die, its not a game! And yes that is true what they say, desperate men do desperate things, but you cant just pick random quotes and use them as you see fit in order to support your own view of how things shoud happen and develop … And suddenly you v become a psycologist ? Or are you in deed one ? You know for sure Erdogan is Not sane ?

Listen, I dont like Erdogan either, he is Turk and Iam Greek, right ? But lets be reasonable, lets be realistic, Erdogan is the best Turkish leader the Turks have had since Kemal Ataturk … Im sure you know history, if not look it up. What will happen in the end remains to be seen. Every great leader was a bit …’crazy’ anyway … its a thin line…I think Erdogan has dug his grave and he will fall in eventually too …I just dont think he is as stupid as you seem to think he is to do completely insane things…If anything he seems to be trying to do what I for exampe would do in his place, he is gone to the Pakis he is gone to the Qataris he is tried wit hTunisia and he tried with Algeria … problem is nobobdy likes him …hahaha …it must be those genocides of the past…I mean I dono…

Willing Conscience (The Truths

But RD’s comment was honest accurate and enlightening, so even your enemy can give you good advice. We’ve had a massive air and ground campaign for the last few weeks, it’s stopped now, so what else is it but a stalemate. This is a forum, this is where you pick up a keyboard and make your thoughts known to the whole world, and people either read them or they don’t, and either agree with them or they don’t, so it’s up to you what you do. Erdogan must be an insane megalomaniac, only insane megalomaniacs think they can take on the rest of the whole world and win, and he locked up and tortured more than 10,000 of his own Turkish citizens after the coup attempt, so you don’t have to be a Psychologist to diagnose Erdogan’s mental state. I think he’s the worst Turkish leader bar none, he’s in fact the polar opposite of Ataturk, he’s turning Turkey into a secular democracy, Ataturk and Erdogan would be mortal enemies if Ataturk was still alive. Erdogan’s provoking WW3 to suit his own selfish ambitions, if you don’t think that’s insane behaviour you may be in trouble, you’ll be in the fallout zone and may find out the hard way, that it is insane behaviour Erdogan’s exhibiting.


ok, I ll accept that Ataturk and Erdogan might be the 2 opposites, both are murderus scum anyhow.

And I ll accept that Ataturk had more brains than Erdogan. But they both ‘played the field’ if you know what I mean.

But if you think Erdogan is ‘mental’ and wants ww3 then what is Trump? You havent forgotten the twitts about North Korea have you ? Hell some people were preparing for a holocaust ( a real one this time!) .

And that snake Netaniahou ! Another warmonger !

In the end of the day there’s ‘mental’ leaders everywhere pal …

Its not even about who is wrong and who is right these days…all it is, is judging the situation, making the correct moves and staying alive (as the old song goes) …


Willing Conscience (The Truths

In many of my other comments I’ve made about Trump on SF I’ve repeatedly called him a peace dove, he makes big threats while carrying a big stick in one hand, and if he’s unsuccessful he pulls a carrot out from behind his back with the other hand, North korea and Iran as prime examples. But he’s a peace dove that can take out warhawks in his own government, Mattis and Bolton were the 2 loudest voices calling for the US to boot Assad out, and they both wanted to directly confront Assad, both gone now thanks to Trump. Trump makes heaps of threats he never backs, Erdogan makes heaps of threats and apart from his back down to NATO recently, always backs them with force, big difference.

“Its not even about who is wrong and who is right these days…all it is, is judging the situation, making the correct moves and staying alive (as the old song goes)”

That’s what we’re going to have to do now, but I suspect no one will like what the correct moves will be, I know I won’t even like them.

Saint Jimmy (Russian American)

I think you’re a “concern troll”.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’m very concerned but not trolling, not unless the dictionary definition for honesty has been changed to actually mean trolling. I’M SCARED SHITLESS, not just concerned, lots of people may die soon, lots and lots of them.

Saint Jimmy (Russian American)

Oh shit, that’s funny. Seems to me that hundreds of thousands have already died because the US, Israel, and Saudi Arabia hatched a plan to destabilize any threat to the spoiled little Zionist Nazis in Jerusalem, allow the Dark Ages Saudis to spread their bat shit crazy death cult all over the place, and allow US oil companies to steal oil reserves at gun point and threaten Russia and China – the only two powerful nations that refuse to surrender their trade and fiscal policies to US, UK, and EU oligarchs. More and more of us here in the US are waking up to this shit and we’re completely disillusioned with our now hollow political system and oligarch owned press. We’re the USSR in about 1985. Our economy sucks and our standard of living and quality of life has declined almost every year for over 20 years now. Sixty percent of our tax dollars are spent on goddamn useless war for corporations and to prop up the economy because the fuckers let it seek slave labor overseas. Things will break here…. soon. The world sees all of this and is cautiously backing away. One more 2008 and there will be big changes here.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Living in the past only stops you focusing on the present and the future, and we really need to focus in the present and the future now.

“Sixty percent of our tax dollars are spent on goddamn useless war for corporations and to prop up the economy because the fuckers let it seek slave labor overseas.”

Not if Trump gets his way, he wants to end the endless foreign wars, and he also wants to increase wealth by bringing manufacturing back to the US. I can see that you’re economy is actually doing quite well atm, and it’s translating into distributed wealth, not just going to the top. Drain the swamp and vote for Trump I would if I could.

Saint Jimmy (Russian American)

I hope you’re right about Trump but I have my doubts. Big Money controls everything here.

As for the economy, the government statistics have been altered for 30 years now and the unemployment rate, inflation, and GDP no longer reflect reality. Everyone here knows it. Wages have declined in real terms since about 1980. If you use the methodologies used by most countries, our unemployment, inflation, and GDP are as follows:

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/85f8a1349c592ab933640eec33e8f753cdcc559fe2c760a07e697e0be7b889b7.gif https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5d9570e765fc8a3eed43c7ff3847728c4c47a82448583dd1a0de7bf353e97492.gif https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/29321eeab9aa07e0ffaa0dee1a6ed6375fb884905d29828fe4d21bae2d5e4894.gif


Willing Conscience (The Truths

We’re in the same boat here in Australia, the standard of living has gone up for some people but for most of us things are really tough, we have our own versions of Trump here but they don’t have much political power or public support, but that’s growing as things get tougher for the average Aussie, so we have also have a swamp we need to drain, but sadly lack the right politician to do it.

Saint Jimmy (Russian American)

Yep. Welcome to the neoliberal corporate empire. National sovereignty means less and less, as do people. Australia is a fine place, though. I spent almost 2 months in Queensland – mostly in small towns – back in ’84. I really enjoyed the people and the lifestyle. The people and the way they lived reminded me quite a bit of south Texas, where I was born and raised.


”Who’s idea was it to go to Aleppo and spit in Erdogan’s face” That was Israel and Saudi Arabia’s idea to go to Aleppo. Yes, Bashar Assad is in fact spitting in Sultan wannabe Erdogan. The entire people of Syria are spitting in Erdogan’s face.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Yes we are spitting in his face, but if you don’t realize it yet, he’s about to punch us back in the face and then give us a good kicking for doing it.


Question, why you using 1st plural ? ”us” ? Are you Syrian ? Cause you certainly dont sound like one.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’m an Aussie but I take whoever’s side is most in the right, which is Assad’s side and only Assad’s side, NO ONE else’s. But I don’t agree with everything he does or says, he’s the boss but I can still criticise what I think are his bad decisions. I’m using “us” as a defensive measure, most people read my comments and take them to be anti Assad directed which is wrong, by using the term “us”, I’m hoping anyone assuming my comment is anti Assad, will possibly re read it and better understand what I’m actually saying. Sadly too many people take criticism to be self destructive and take instant offence.


Thumbs up for your honesty mr Aussie, a rare virtue these days.


Syria needs nuclear weapons.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’d like to agree, but what happens if Assad is ever ousted in a coup sometime in the future, who gets the nukes then, the moderate opposition?

Saint Jimmy (Russian American)

If the Turks kill any Russians, the Russians will open up on those border assets like a hurricane with cruise missiles based on ships and on planes. Turkish F-16s tried to enter Syrian airspace but wanted no part of Russian fighter and anti-air defenses. At that point, all bets are off but, one thing is clear, If Turkey goes to war with Russia, it will be a charred cinder all the way to that tin pan Sultan’s front door step. If the US goes to war with Russia over brief but decisive missile strikes on purely military Turkish targets, Donald Trump is toast here in the US. He won’t get 10 percent of the vote. Americans are absolutely fucking sick of this shit but because we no longer have a democracy and only have the choices presented by corporations and oligarchs, the only alternative Americans have is Sanders and he is at least more for peace than Trump. If Trump gets involved in Syria, he’s finished and will live out his days in isolation and embarrassment.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The Turks don’t want to kill any Russians, just SAA soldiers, and the Russian’s don’t want to kill any Turks, so they won’t be going to war unless the US intervenes, but Syria and Turkey will be at war.

Saint Jimmy (Russian American)

Well, too late. WAY more than 3 Turks have already sacrificed their young lives for absolutely nothing. If the Turkish people had any balls, they’d drag that fucker out of his palace and hang him. Russians are embedded with Syrians and, if Turkey opens up with those rockets, some Russians will probably be killed. The best thing that could happen now is for Erdogan to back off and withdraw completely from Syria but he has to support primitive, clinically insane terrorists. You can easily tell that US and EU populations are now somewhat dumbed down and that democracy no longer exists in the US and EU because there is no way almost any American or Frenchman or German would support that filth in Idlib if they were aware of what they really represent or if their political systems were still free.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“If the Turkish people had any balls, they’d drag that fucker out of his palace and hang him”

They tried to remember, and have you also forgotten it was actually Russian intel that helped save Erdogan, do some google searching and eat your own words. Erdogan doesn’t seem that grateful anymore does he, maybe Putin shouldn’t have helped save his life.


On an important emergency:

CORONAVIRUS – victims should try these drugs – “Remdesivir” or “ZMAPP”

Visit “Johns Hopkins University virus dashboard” for updates: https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6

Miles Guo’s interview with Stephen K. Bannon; Miles says that the Chinese number of people in quarantine and the number of people that have died from CORONAVIRUS, Chinese data is wrong; the numbers are a lot higher. Miles Guo’s interview with Stephen K. Bannon on War Room: Pandemic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WyfVnL5_AM&feature=youtu.be


Chloroquine Phosphate works fine too.


Can you try it on your self and post the results here please so we can see? If its no biggy. Thanks.


Turkey is a not a reliable country. And why EU countries have factories there(FIAT, Mercedes, BMW, Bosch etc)? They should close them down and move them to other countries. That would kill the already bad Turkish economy.

King Cliff

The Russian need to send a clear message to Turkey that Syria is not they backyard and they will stick to they commitment to protect Syria sovereignty..they need to bring in some heavy hardware’s,if Turkey could deployed them and had them over to they head cutters evils so can Russian hand over to the Syrian government.


The situation in Idlib was created by Turkey and the US, Assad is determined to regain the territory and eliminate the terrorists their. Erdogan is the problem. Scott Ritter interview, straight to the point. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1170&v=eJ1acsDyFqo&feature=emb_logo

Fred Dozer

Russia is building several nuclear power plants in Turkey. Supplying Turkey with natural gas and many trade deals in the works. Erdogan must have a mental illness. He learned bad manners from the US but are arch enemies with the Kurds, that Washington love. He will do a deal with Russia.

Xoli Xoli

Mr. Dozer tell me what is the Russians way forward with this spoon feed useless mentality disturbed Erdogan. Even NATO dont want him.

Xoli Xoli

Putin did you see how your fake best friend Erdogan betrayed you.While flashing your mind with Turkstream project.Which Erdogan anyway want to realizes with Syrian stolen oil and gas.Soon the two eye blind stooges the marketeers of fake Minks agrement and fake Libyan agreement Merkel an Macroni will come see you.Just to make agains another ceasefire under civilian excuses to arm terrorist and strengthen Erdogan to continue Syrian destructions.Tell them that Syria forces have legally take over all de escalation zones and Russian and allies are going to form a demarcation zone at Turkey Syrian border.Then all willing Syrians in Turkey can comeback through screening system to avoid diseases and future terrorism,which have cause instability under Erdogdig leadership.


unlike before when turkey provided direct fire support to terrorists, this time the SAA should wipe out the turkish positions. Syria has a LOT to payback .. A LOT…


Scud missiles are still good for Syria or do they have better ? In any retaliatory strike

Simplekindof Man

They are up to something… https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3DLjs30LT1c


It would be very pasty if they fired rockets across the border. Because if the airspace is closed, the Syrian and Russian air forces cannot cross Turkish airspace. This means that Turkey has a strong potential with its geopolitical position.


Advance for Putin: nuke Turkey, take Turkey. Problem solved.

Jozef Mak

The smuggling of stolen crude oil from Iraq, Syria and Iran is going to stop. And Erdogan will lose his private revenue stream, through his son and his son-in-law. I see this as the main reason, why Erdogan tries to have a foothold on syrian side of the border. Money is only on the first place.


They can deploy whatever they want. Russia is watching every single movement of these criminals.

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