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MARCH 2025

In Video: Turkish Military Launches Heavy Rockets At Syrian Army Positions

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On February 28, Turkish sources shared a video showing a T-300 Kasırga heavy multiple rocket launcher (MRL) launching several rockets from southern Turkey at Syrian Arab Army (SAA) positions in northern Syria.

Syrian opposition activists claimed that the rocket strike targeted a large camp of the army near the town of Jurin in the northwestern Hama countryside.

This was not apparently the first attack by Turkish T-300 MRLs. According to the activists, the MRLs launched a day earlier a salvo of rockets at SAA positions in Aleppo and Lattakia. The attack was reportedly a response a series of Syrian airstrikes on southern Idlib, in which 33 Turkish soldiers were killed.

The Turkish Armed Forces deployed several T-300 Kasırga MRLs in the southern Turkish province of Hatay last week.

Developed by Turkeys defense giant ROKETSAN, the T-300 is based on Chinese WS-1B with some modifications. The heavy rocket launcher is meant to provide the Turkish Armed Force with long range fire support. Each T-300 MRL can be armed with up to four 302 mm rockets, with ranges exceeding 100 km.

The use of such heavy weapons by the Turkish military could lead to more escalation with Russia and the Damascus government.

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The new upgraded K+ Version has CEP of 10m. Blast Radius is minimum 60m.

The targeted Military Camp is the biggest of SAA in Hama by the way… There are Rumors that also Turkish Jets fire SOM cruise missiles from insider Turkish Border.

Concrete Mike

Thats pretty accurate support of terrorism. Make us proud Turkey, keep sucking that zionist cock!!


Just fighting Civils and Baby killer Assad. He started the war by killing unarmed protesters in the hundreds

Lone Ranger

Hi Slomo… how is the matzo ball soup today? We heard the Disney narrative from CIA and Mossad for years, time to invent a new script, its not working…;)


Remind Shlomo that those MLRS can also reach Israel

good american

Snooze. That old canard. Do you guys think that weak propaganda still works?

Josiah Isaboke

You have your soldiers IN DIRECT FIRE in Syria at the moment and you are gloating here….They can easily be killed because you have no idea how wars are won. You can fire missiles from Turkey….They can fire missiles at your posts in Syria and TOUCHE!!! You are living in a glass house and throwing stones buster

John Wallace

If you believe that I KNOW there are plenty of people who have a bridge to sell you. Money up front Before ! delivery.


are you that ahmed idiot with new account? ahahahahaha!!!

Peter Jennings

US/Nato/isreal/suadi started the war in Syria. Also aided by Jordan. They infiltrated peaceful demonstrations, bringing guns, murdering policemen who at the time were unarmed. They then turned their attention to anyone who disagreed with gang rule. A few Syrian’s got caught up with the terrorists thinking they had the answer to their problems. They soon got disillusioned and surrendered to the SAA some time ago and got absorbed.

At the height of demonstrations in Syria, before terrorists took over, never reached more than 500,000 from a population of 20+millions.

Legis Legis Juscius

hit or missed?:))) missed by a mile

Lone Ranger

Would be a good idea to take these out. And send some Smerch love back too…


Turkey has also a bigger Brother of KASIRGA:

BORA missile: Minimum 280km range, stationed in Hatay Border right now! https://www.israeldefense.co.il/en/node/36828

Lone Ranger

Very scary….? Russia has nukes that can wipe out your whole country with 1 strike. Does a 1000MT Sound ok? Keep pushing your nonexistent luck…;) But we can start small with a few FOABs…


Yeah as if Russia will declare war on Turkey… Turkey shot down Russian jet and did they declare war on Turkey???

Lone Ranger

They gave you a chance, were very generous, but you fucked it up. Now comes the realitycheck…

Josiah Isaboke

You killed 2 pilots they have killed 100 Turks since January…Hhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahhaahahahahhahahahahhhahahaahahhhahahahhahh…Look at you biys…No helicopters or WHITE HELMETS TO SAVE THEM AND TAKE THEM TO HOSPITAL!More of these to come https://twitter.com/curdistani/status/1233197900076810240?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1233197900076810240&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fdisqus.com%2Fembed%2Fcomments%2F%3Fbase%3Ddefault%26f%3Dsouthfront%26t_i%3D108262%2520https%253A%252F%252Fsouthfront.org%252F%253Fp%253D108262%26t_u%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fsouthfront.org%252Fturkey-says-22-of-its-soldiers-were-killed-in-syrian-airstrike-on-greater-idlib-video%252F%26t_e%3DUpdated%253A%2520Turkey%2520Says%252033%2520Of%2520Its%2520Soldiers%2520Were%2520Killed%2520In%2520Syrian%2520Airstrike%2520On%2520Greater%2520Idlib%2520(Videos)%26t_d%3DUpdated%253A%2520Turkey%2520Says%252033%2520Of%2520Its%2520Soldiers%2520Were%2520Killed%2520In%2520Syrian%2520Airstrike%2520On%2520Greater%2520Idlib%2520(Videos)%26t_t%3DUpdated%253A%2520Turkey%2520Says%252033%2520Of%2520Its%2520Soldiers%2520Were%2520Killed%2520In%2520Syrian%2520Airstrike%2520On%2520Greater%2520Idlib%2520(Videos)%26s_o%3Ddesc%26l%3D%23version%3D0ba02a5f282a11b5f8f45de79e029f97

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

no, they crippled Turkish economy instead.

Lone Ranger

Turkroaches are crying and raging ;)


You can follow the videos here how Turkey is crying:


Since 24 hours Turkey is non stop attacking SAA with Precision Strikes.

Lone Ranger

Time to insert your Tampax ;)


This will be a loooong night for SAA! No cover possible for them:


Lone Ranger

And a much longer week for you ;)

Porc Halal

I can only agree with you!..they have to eliminate lots of turkish terrorists…i guess this is taking time, right?…

Porc Halal

You know, it will be a long night after all… but not for SAA …https://southfront.org/russian-warplanes-rain-hell-on-saraqib-city-video/

Porc Halal

Maybe your schools never teaches you about this… https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/502283/when-vlad-impaler-repelled-invasion-forest-corpses

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

you are in for a shock lol

Basic Guy


John Wallace

World on alert is anti Assad and says some things that have no credibility based on that . However he is showing numerous videos claiming that they are Turkish strikes on Assad forces. It may be true or they may be strikes made elsewhere purporting to be on Assad forces . There is no way of knowing for sure at the moment . If they are true then Assad’s men and equipment are taking a pounding . As I said these are NOT verified as being true or might be other footage.


Armed Turkish UAV are flying non stop above Idlib. The videos speak for them self. Targets are SAA Equipments.

John Wallace

The videos do not show anything but blowing someone or something up. It does not show who or where or when so anyone can makeup any story they like pretending they are doing this or that. That includes you. Until they are verified they prove nothing other than someone is getting hurt.


The trolls are in panic mode.

Porc Halal

You are totally confused … those supposed drones must be the flies buzzing the carcasses of Turkish terrorists …

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

sure they are mate.

Rüdiger Preiss

I highly doubt that.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

syria was set up to fight al al qaeda forces, Turkey jumped in which meant SAA got caught out of position…. luckily with the gains in southern idlib, and the turkish advance it seems that saraquib is getting nicely surrounded and full of terrorist pigdogs. Russian planes are smashing saraquib currently, and the terrorists are sitting there like rats in a barrel.

Every time Turkey makes a move, it pays further on down the line. everytime

and those drones must be getting some wonderful shots of russian warplanes smashing the cunt out of turkish ‘assets’

Rhodium 10

Fake images!..there were attacks in Northeast Syria/Kurdish areas months ago!

Porc Halal

Look up the latest map you retarded turk fuck!!…the sick cult that you follow will finally lead you and your ‘brothers’ to the only outcome which this sick cult created throughout 1400 years…DEATH!!


You are such a pathetic Turkish troll, reposting these 2 videos over and over. We don’t want to see what you jerk off over.

Avraham Goodman ✡✡✡✡✡✡

and they regime cannot to a damn thing about it. their radar are jammed by Koral and cannot detekt drone, incompetent moron easy prey for advance turkish army

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

lol. let me know how you feel on sunday please. in 3 days time, you will look even more foolish

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

you must be gutted that turkiey pigdogs are currently being bombarded with god glorious missiles from the heroic Russian airforce in saraqib today. You are going to need a cuddle from your goat tomorrow as well because the SAA backed by russia are deploying for a MASSIVE offensive around saraqib is going to be undertaken soon

great to hear how many turkish pigdogs are dying on behalf of isis recently as well. dutty mohhamadin cunts

Zionism = EVIL

More like hot air, there has been not even an inch of movement on the ground, the Turkey goat fuckers are worse than Zionists in fabrications and lies.

Zionism = EVIL

The fact that the Turkeys are breaching Syria’s territorial integrity somewhat undermines Ankara’s fake narrative and claim that its sovereignty is under threat.The Kremlin which has been very patient with the Turkeys has accused it of breaching a 2018 ceasefire by using artillery and drones to defend terrorist positions inside the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic.

Nor has Turkey endeared itself to the rest of Europe with threats to flood the continent with Syrian refugees and terrorists.

It remains to be seen how far the bombastic Turkeys will follow through with the threat, but that Turkish officials are talking in these terms raises serious questions about their commitment to NATO’s outdated and flawed doctrine of “one for all, and all for one” designed against the USSR and now Russia.


Ok Russia.



John Wallace

Blue Berets are worn by various Turkish elite units . So what are they watching ?


recent advance …jisr alshughur and the m4 in a few days …keep going saa https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/10d5c55948100ee272d1a1b9fe2916cbf10c497c09ed347b875fee90a4d16998.jpg


I wish they had continued for one more day and got the M4 and a nice neat line to Saraqib, soon the M4 will be under fire control and Idlib is lost!

Fair treatment

If Turkey dosent stop. Eventually the war will spill inside Turkey. They think that is not possible but they are wrong. Many Turkish people are against This Cock sucker Erdogan,is just a matter of time when people they will oppose Erdogan policies in Syria. His days are numbered in power.. Soon he might become a reality roasted Turkish Erdogan. The only people who are fighting really against terrorism is Russia Iran and Syria. Erdogan is supporting HTS and radical groups. They should not forget what so called HTS did in his country the past

John Wallace

Certainly hope something happens to change this present course as it will get very very messy very quickly if it doesn’t. My news is showing the nasty Assad regime attacking Turkish forces who are trying to protect civilians but fails to mention they are in bed with Al Qeda and in Syria illegally and nothing to do with civilians at all.

Josiah Isaboke

Russia is to blame…I read somewhere they allowed Turkey to deploy drones in Idlib and this is the result of that!!!Turkey is using this drones to get coordinates on the Syrian army positions and direct precision guided artillery. How can Russians be so stupid? It’s costing the lives of many a good soldiers and it won’t end well


Turkish drone hit pro-Assad forces in Maasran town

Turkish armed drones destroyed Pro-Assad forces convoy in Ma’arat al-Nu’man city, rural Idlib


Josiah Isaboke

With all this News where does that leave Turkish forces within range of Syrian bombs? Yes it’s a setback for Syrian forces but who is gaining ground and remembering Syria hasn’t declared war on Turkey…..What if they do? SAA is not Kurds who have given Turkey a headache for years.Turkey is fighting a war in Syrian territory…Syrian terrain. There are so many Syrians they can kill without having consequences….EVERY LITTLE ACTION HAS A REACTION!!!I commend the SAA for not losing focus and maintain a level head and NOT ACTING ON EMOTIONS LIKE THE TURKS

Avraham Goodman ✡✡✡✡✡✡

good work, Israel and Turkey need join force to topple regime. Rossiya weak drunkard cannot stop them or do shit about it


They did stop them the other day did you not notice all Turkish soldiers killed.

Avraham Goodman ✡✡✡✡✡✡

is that why they continue smashing regime till now? and 2 hour ago decimate pancir system?

Legis Legis Juscius

what now?russian planes are bombing turks non stop for now:)))

Legis Legis Juscius

it will be much more then 33, including hundreds of jihadis, the number will be stagering

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

SAA have actually made more gains in idlib than lost between the dates of feb 24th to feb 28th. filthy turkish backed ISIS pigdogs in saraqib getting banged up and turned into pink mist. mohhamed was a pedo

Mighty Mongrel

haha, just watch Russia make mince meat of the filthy dirty unwashed Turks … just sit back and watch hahahahahahhaha

Pave Way IV

Don’t be stupid. Neither Russia nor Syria ever permitted Turkish drones to operate in Syria and damn sure won’t after the recent drone-directed artillery strikes. Any Turkish drone detected by Syria’s Pantsirs near Idlib are destroyed. Russia even took out one above the Pantsir’s range with an Su-35. Turkey is claimed (by pro-western sites) to have made requests recently – no doubt promptly laughed at and dismissed by Russian and Syrian commanders if it actually happened.

Josiah Isaboke

OK genius! Explain the over 50 videos surfacing online and all social media showing Turkish drone incursionso way deep into Syria even destroying Partsir or whatever air defenses. We can ignore many things but reality has to be laid out in the open. Nothing is dominating the News than what the Turks are doing

Pave Way IV

Illegal Turkish drone incursions into Syria to support their head-chopper pals does not mean that Russia allowed Turkish drones in Syrian airspace. See the difference?

Russia is kind of busy blowing up head-choppers, not patrolling the Turkish-Syrian border for drones (although they’ll gladly take out mid-altitude drones when detected, like they did this week). The 2017 agreement prohibits Turkey from violating Syrian airspace without explicit permission, not that Turkey honored ANY of the provisions if it means leaving their head-choppers without support.

Syria is responsible for air defense in Syria, not Russia. They just took out a large Turkish drone three days ago – probably the one that was used for targeting in the videos. They cannot effectively control their airspace today with what little mobile, short-range equipment they have in mountainous terrain just a few tens of kilometers from the Turkish border. Nor will Syria waste its Pantsirs by dragging them right up to the edge of the front lines. Turkey was flying a drone around Taftanaz today. They clearly have no intention of stopping, and Syria will continue to destroy what it can.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

saraqib is currently getting pounded like a 50 cent whore. but it’s your story, tell it how you want to hear it

cechas vodobenikov

rome was not built in 1 day; roasting a turkey requires preparation and a decent chef


Hey Turkey – what goes around, comes around.

Avraham Goodman ✡✡✡✡✡✡

turkey embarassing rossiya drunkard air defense piece of shit system haha cry antisemitic nato haters


Angry Guy

I have been observing this war for years now and I cannot remain silent anymore. The anger inside me is boiling when I see what is happening in these last days in Syria. What I see is a final and crystal clear picture of what kind of a man Putin really is. As I am writing this Turkey is attacking Syrian soldiers en masse without any reaction from the Russian side, because Putin wont allowit!

They are using combat drones in closed?!! syrian airspace freely – no air defense is firing, no russian fighters are intercepting, the poor soldiers are getting slaughtered, long range missiles are coming from Turkey and S300/400 is silent!!!! Where is the ballistic defense, where is air cover what the fuck is happening?

This open turkish aggression is happening for more than 2 weeks now and no fucking response from the weak and pathetic Putin Zio pig! I am sorry, even if he helped save Syria from destruction before this permissive behavior towards Turkey terrorist regime now and no military response speaks volumes of his cowardliness and disgusting backstabbing to the ally in dire need!!!


Imagine the morale of Syrian troops where they are openly attacked by Turkey but there is no response from Russia, not even a close air support (bombing from 8kms with dumb bombs is not CAS but just plain dumb and inefficient and with no regards to civilian life)

Where are the ka-50/52 helicopters with antitank missiles and cannons which would have a field day with attacking terrorists? Where are the Su-25 CAS missions? (dont give me a MANPADS excuse) What has happened with ATGM missile jammers which we have been seeing on some Syrian tanks years back and were advertised to defeat incoming missiles? No tanks are equipped with it anymore?

How many more syrians have to die because of Putin soft policy toward Turkey? When will Russia start bringing fighters, SAMs and other equipment to confront the turkish terrorist aggressor?! Because now they are hopelessly outnumbered. I am getting sick of this shit. Such cowardice, such low regard to human life for an ally is something that is deeply disturbing, he is willingly letting them die! If that is the case Russia should get the fuck out and let Erdogan have Idlib and his terrorist budies since Syria cannot defend themself. Be honest and tell them you wont defend them, not letting them into a meat grinder!

Putin is morally bankrupt and is destroying reputation of the russian army. I once had Putin in high regard but now I see what he really is – a weak, pathetic, disgusting thug who just so happens to be good friend with Netanyahu and saudi King and wants to be a friend of Erdogan too, the guy who was supporting ISIS before.



I am sickened by this traitorous bastard which supposed to be an ally of Syria but he is cosying up to the war criminal Erdogan. Russian army under Putin is like a Lion from The Chronicles of Narnia. Bound and neutralized. I hope they remove him and put in place some true Russian nationalist.

I think this is the end guys.

Josiah Isaboke

I feel you brother…Something isn’t adding up!!! Russia agreed to let Turkey deploy limited drones in IDLIB the other day and i told people here they abused me….I said it very clearly this war is going to be lost because Putin and Russia wants to be friends and patrolling the streets together. I mentioned the catastrophe awaiting both the SAA and Russia ….I DON’T REALLY CARE ANYMORE!Why don’t they just give up Assad and let the Jihadis flock Damascus and we forget about it. I got really mad the other day even before all this fiasco and you are absolutely right



Angry Guy

What? You dont like hearing the truth?


unfortunateley here are brainwashed idiots.

i agree with all your sentence wrote.

but i saw also that russia is extremly weak, only big propaganda. russia has no money to operate in abroad. putin did nothoing for the development of russia. he is puppet of oligarchs. the money is driven out from russia, the oligarchs buy football clubs, yachts, villas, etc.. in amount of gdp of smaller country. in russia is no electronic industry, no high developed machine industry, everything which is better then average (but usually not top!) is in military industry. russia has no future. it is beacuse is occupied by russians. if there were 140 000 000 germens, they would be the rulers of world.


you are megaidiot.

Josiah Isaboke

And to be quite honest…Russia only cares it’s bases in Syria and nothing more!!!And testing their jets and bombs


unfortunately. and the dumb mass applause them.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

lol. you are an imbecile


i see, one dumb ass responds :))


aqbsolutly perfect analysis!


I understand the frustration my brother, but try and stay patient. Its definitely not the end. I mean look at the fucking map, we pushed all the way to the M4 and M5 and a couple years ago that was just a faint dream.

SAA wasnt prepare to fight advanced drones like that. They will have to adapt. And some Russian ships are coming with kalibr missile.

all im saying is we’ve had it way worse before. At some point I was certain ISIS would take Damascus and behead Assad. Now they’re getting eaten and shitten out by vulture as we speak my nigga.

Stay patient. Keep faith in SAA. These turks will get fucking slaughtered soon.

Angry Guy

I am sickened by Putin treacherous behavior and cannot stand it any longer.


Its not clear what they agreed upon. I cant believe he just gave the greenlight for Turks to kill SAA with drones with no compromise. There has to be something else coming.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

no, you are just a troll or a terrorist loving cunt

Angry Guy

No troll. I am pro Syria and what I wrote is 100% truth. You obviously are not particularly smart if you think I support terrorists after what I just wrote.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

‘I am sickened by Putin treacherous behavior and cannot stand it any longer.’

your words. as if russia blowing up terrorists is a bad idea

Angry Guy

I see my original post was marked for spam… I paste it here again


Yeah I wonder if these guys are actually zionist disguised as fake “pro assad” users?

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

just dickheads


Syria is going to be taken down and Damascus will be in rubble as the bible says. The international zionist bastards will be successful.

Putin was also called King of Jews by the Chabad Lubavitch, a title only reserved to real jews, not goys. The Syrian war is just a plan of the Zionist plan to destabilize the Middle East and create more “terrorists”. Russia was given the “good guys” part.

Quality of life in Russia is terrible! Russia is a mafia state, its corrupted as fuck! Putin was head of the KGB, a criminal organization. His mother is Jewish. And just like the crime syndicate in the US lead by Jews, so is the one in Russia. Why would their be a Talmud on the table while Putin is having a press conference with two high up Rabbis? Nothing is by accident. It is to show the Jews are in control in Russia. They never left! They never gave up power! Russia hasn’t been ruled by a true Russian since Czar Nikolas.

The suicide rate of men in Russia is number one in the world. life expectancy of men is as low as countries in Africa. Many Russian women end up being hookers all over the world. What about those rich evil russian-jew oligarchs with their super yachts, nobody talks to them about climate change lol while many Russians struggle to buy a loaf of bread.

Communism has broken them mentally and spiritually.

Angry Guy

What you have written about Russia is true but I dont belieave for a second that situation is Syria is some sort of diabolical plan which involves Putin as a “good guy” Its plain and simple. He is a coward and a slimebag and will not defend Syria from Turkish terrorists, because he sees bigger interests in dealing economic projects with Turkey than do defend Assad from the Turks!


Putin said 33 words during his 2017 presidential inauguration underneath the eye of providence. He serves the zio-masonic cabal. Syria will go down.

The ISIS flag says “ALL JEW 2050”




no, boy. also in those hard times there was a hoipe for united, undivided syria.

putin tokk the hope. russia´s friendship = little syria. :(


Im beginning to think you’re a zionist yourself

klove and light

told u so… pathetic Donkeys and Zionist Putin bibi cock sucking Folks here…

Putin is a fucking treacherius Zionist pig…. so Keep on sucking his Zionist pig cock…ridiculous Monkeys and donks

Avraham Goodman ✡✡✡✡✡✡

haha racist arab now true color is shown u iranian terrorist. Turkey and Israel soon topple dumb ass butcher regime and destroy lots more pantsir junk shit system

Legis Legis Juscius

soon your israel will be destroyed, so small country u can wipe out with few balistic missiles

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

if they couldda, they wouldda.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

sounds like you are a little scared for your terrorist buddies. don’t worry, they are all getting blown up by a constant russian bombardment in saraqib currently. so they will be dead soon and nothing left to worry about

Rhodium 10

Again 2 Turkish soldiers killed and one wounded as consecuence of SAF airstrike!


The Russian need to deploy the smech rocket and longer range artillery that could reach Turkey and those artillery must air defence coverages.

Joe Doe

SAA can’t just wait. SAA needs fire right back. NATO will not help Turkey. Therefore, SAA should hit Turkey very hard More Turkey soldiers death, sooner Erdogan will cool down. SAA can’t sit and wait while Turkey bomb them. Action is needed

Lelouch Vi Britannia

Boom boom esad boob boom. Even russia cant save you.

Balázs Jávorszky

Syria has dozens of Turkish bases (“observation posts”) surrounded. The good expression for these is “a bunch of hostages”. And this is just one factor how they can “save” themselves even without Russia.

Angry Guy

I have been observing this war for years now and I cannot remain silent any more. The anger inside me is boiling when I see what is happening in these last days in Syria. What I see is a final and crystal clear picture of what kind of a man Putin really is. As I am writing this Turkey is attacking Syrian soldiers en masse without any reaction from the Russian side, because Putin wont allow it! They are using combat drones in closed?!! syrian airspace freely – no air defense is firing, no russian fighters are intercepting, the poor soldiers are getting slaughtered, long range missiles are coming from Turkey and S300/400 is silent!!!! Where is the ballistic defense, where is air cover what the fuck is happening?

This open turkish aggression is happening for more than 2 weeks now and no fucking response from the weak and pathetic Putin Zio pig! I am sorry, even if he helped save Syria from destruction before this permissive behavior toward Turkey terrorist regime now and no military response speaks volumes of his cowardliness and disgusting backstabbing to the ally in dire need!!!


Imagine the morale of Syrian troops where they are openly attacked by Turkey but there is no response from Russia, not even a close air support (bombing from 8kms with dumb bombs is not CAS but just plain dumb and inefficient and with no regards to civilian life)

Where are the ka-50/52 helicopters with antitank missiles and cannons which would have a field day with attacking terrorists? Where are the Su-25 CAS missions? (dont give me a MANPADS excuse) What has happened with ATGM missile jammers which we have been seeing on some Syrian tanks years back and were advertised to defeat incoming missiles? No tanks are equipped with it anymore?

How many more syrians have to die because of Putin soft policy toward Turkey? When will Russia start bringing fighters, SAMs and other equipment to confront the turkish terrorist aggressor?! Because now they are hopelessly outnumbered. I am getting sick of this shit. Such cowardice, such low regard to human life for an ally is something that is deeply disturbing, he is willingly letting them die! If that is the case Russia should get the fuck out and let Erdogan have Idlib and his terrorist budies since Syria cannot defend themself. Be honest and tell them you wont defend them, not letting them into a meat grinder!

Putin is morally bankrupt and is destroying reputation of the russian army. I once had Putin in high regard but now I see what he really is – a weak, pathetic, disgusting thug who just so happens to be good friend with Netanyahu and saudi King and wants to be a friend of Erdogan too, the guy who was supporting ISIS before.



I am sickened by this traitorous bastard which supposed to be an ally of Syria but he is cosying up to the war criminal Erdogan. Russian army under Putin is like a Lion from The Chronicles of Narnia. Bound and neutralized. I hope they remove him and put in place some true Russian nationalist.

I think this is the end guys.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

as you are writing this Russian warplanes are pounding saraqib like a 50 cent hooker

Angry Guy

Yes terrorists but not turkish forces! They are refusing to respond with defensive fire against turkey and letting the syrians getting slaughtered! BTW if he saved Syria from ISIS that doesnt mean that he gets free pass now with what is currently happening. Putin reluctance to help its ally is repulsive and disgusting and sends strong negative signals. Basically Russia is weak and it will let Turks do what they want. As for the pounding of terrorists I am very skeptical of their success since they are using dumb bombs 90% of the time

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

yeah, your anti putin rhetoric is the same BS story i have seen for yrs on this site,. ‘putin doesnt care about syria’, ‘i support syria but putin is evil’. stfu you are lying, your terrorist loving buddies are getting liquidated. and Putin is legit

stfu, and go fuck yourself

Angry Guy

You are brainwashed Putin sucker. Putin is legit? Would you like to have such an ally in war tell yourself honestly? Leave in your fantasy land but the reality is much different. I provided facts and you dont have any counter arguments because you are a Putin fanboy. Go fuck yourself kiddo

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

If it wasnt for Putin leading Russia into the war, there would have been no more syria yrs ago

Joe Doe

SAA biggest mistakes is allowing Turkey convoyes to resupply and waiting till Turkey ready and can attack. SAA lost insitave.

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