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MARCH 2025

In Video: Ukrainian Crews Began Training On US Abrams Tanks

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Video, which reportedly shows Ukrainian tankers mastering American M1 Abrams tanks, was shared online. On January 25, Biden confirmed the supply of 31 M1 Abrams tanks for Ukraine, where they are expected to create one tank battalion.

Biden called Abrams “the most combat—ready tanks in the world,” but which are also difficult to maintain. The operation of advanced US tanks requires high skills of the crews. Without well-trained crews, these vehicles risk to become easy targets for Russian forces on the battlefield.

In this regard, Washington claimed it would transfer the necessary equipment to Kiev and has already begun training the Ukrainian military. US President Biden admitted that the delivery of tanks on the battlefield will take time. The delivery time has not been disclosed yet.

In Video:  Ukrainian Crews Began Training On US Abrams Tanks

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jens holm

It makes no sense to compare at all. The Abrams are very old one and Rustica only seemes to have one Armata pilot model. which never has been tested in action – only for sand or something in Syria.

It would make sese to compare with the T80 or its upgrade named T90 xtra.

Its also indicated that an autolóader is important. It mainly is moe important, that the canons are accurate or not. The Abrams is highly accurate.

Last edited 2 years ago by jens holm

De gert buhbrah brharbrahø waksyœ tankist.

Edgar Zetar

Do not read comments from Jens Holms… he has several brain damage after eating thousands of MacDonalds during his childhood also loved watching Power Rangers… so this guy is full of s***.

Nigel Maund

Well said Edgar! His mental age is about that of a 6 year old! His IQ well below 50 and he’s been educated in a monkey cage!

jens holm

I love sucking cocks and eating shit


Prepare for a surge in propaganda once they get deployed on the battlefield. It will be lies because these tanks are worse than a Leopard 2 and the Turkish Leopard 2 got kicked by regular, older anti-tank weapons used by the Kurds on them. The higher their lies fly, the deeper they will fall once reality sets in. Ask the Ukrainian war monger Arestovych, who for years had pushed for this war and now is disillusioned.


M1A2 isn’t worse than L2A4, because basic M1A2 was created in 1990’s, 10-15 years after L2A4. It’s easy to compare these two tanks, they were created inside one tank-building program – MBT-70 and have many similar parts. So it’s obvious which one is better. M1A2SEP2 and SEP3 are equal to L2A6 and A7.

Buford T Justice

American coffins instead of Soviet , will not change a thing .


As demonstrated in the First Gulf War 1990-1991, the American invasion from Kuwait into Iraq with armored divisions and air dominance were terribly routed by Iraqi armored divisions. The Americans had declared that they wanted to get to Baghdad, but after the sensational defeat, they said they didn’t want to destabilize Iraq, and withdrew!!!!!!!!!! The Iraqis’ Russian-made tanks tore the Abrams apart. Note that the Russian tanks have automated gun loading, while the Abrams needs one more man to manually load the gun.


I do not remember any pictures of that war but i do remember pictures of collumns of iraqi vehicles destroyed next to iraqi streets from the us air attacks.


What you say happened before: the Iraqis. a column of 60 km, retreated without a fight from Kuwait as he had declared, the American fakes with the air force bombed them massacring them! The clash of ARMORED DIVISIONS took place later, in Iraqi territory. The Americans suffered a legendary LEGENDARY DEFEAT. Annihilate yourself!


correct: They annihilated!!


Armin, your statement is very interestnig and facts unknown to me. Please could you provide some more information/facts. Thank you.


American propaganda portrayed defeat as victory, with lots of Iraqi casualties. Instead, the Iraqis won, both for the effectiveness of the Russian armor and for the courage and skill of the Iraqis. An armored division had about 300 Abrams and 200 Bradleys. The battle was one of the largest tank engagements since 1945. The stated objective by the Americans was the conquest of Baghdad………. given the outcome of the battle, they withdrew and said “We are not conquering Baghdad so as not to destabilize the country” (this lie is the indirect confirmation of the defeat). I don’t have the figures in detail, but a good American historian confirmed the mega beating; given the course of the battle, the Americans lost their heads and hundreds and hundreds of tanks.

Fuck ukraine

Armin you are full of shit


Don’t die like a fool. The propaganda of the master’s voice dumbs you down.


Podľa údajov, ktoré ste tu zverejnili v tomto článku, tak T-14 Armata vychádza z tohto porovnania omnoho lepšie ako M1A2 Abrams. Ďalšou skutočnosťou ktorá nakláňa váhy na stranu T-14 Armata je samotná posádka, ktorá v prípade T-14 Armata je pravdepodobne oveľa lepšie vycvičená. Toľko papierové preferencie. Záležať tiež bude na bojových skúsenostiach jednotlivých posádok. Porovnanie sa bude dať vyhodnotiť až sa tieto dva smrtiace stroje stretnú v boji. Zatiaľ víťazom sa javí T-14 Armata.


Hey oleksey shitassovitch, generel commander of fuckraine bull shh tanks, hou moch iz one? 10.000 rubals and nike snike, okay? Okay! Vhaj yu nead it four? I WANT TO START SHIT FUCK IN MY COUNTRY!

Edgar Zetar

The Ukrainian training in MSM is just a show… there will be USA running those tanks… after entering Ukraine foreign soldiers receive instant Ukraine Citizenship… … so now the native language for Ukraine is english and their symbol is stars and stripes…


The will probably send the al quaida guys from syria there.

And the abrams will come with instructions how to use them so they do not get blown up. Probably second in line behind ukrainian tanks cause the us cant have pictures of their tanks destroyed. Thats bad for the sales. Thats why they are pushing the leopard 2 of germany to be delivered as fast as possible. To ruin the reputation of the competition.


They have to build these tanks from scratch with old armour not the new secret armour this will take a year at least by that time the war will be over.I think it was all a bluff to get the Germans to send leopard 2 tanks to ukrain these abrams tanks will never reach Ukraine. 🇷🇺 🇷🇺 🇷🇺 🇷🇺 🇷🇺

Stinging Metal

I don’t think people realize how bad this equipment is going to get destroyed.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Let’s see how tgey perform in Ukraine…….

M biyd

I have a horrid feeling that Russia is sucking in Western resources to the Donbass. I’ve never really appreciated the parallels before but the Soviet victory at Stalingrad was really just a modern day Cannae and I fear for Ukraine that the Russians are applying the same tactics in the present conflict. The Russians have always stated their goal was to destroy the Ukrainian forces and it seems to be working as they suck the Ukrainians into the weakened centre and are just waiting to envelop the Ukrainian forces from the south and north. I say horrid because I missed what the Russians were up to.

Last edited 2 years ago by M biyd

I’m really impressed that the Ukronazis can fire the smoke grenades… It won’t take them more than a year like the US tankers to fight with these tanks in effective groups… it’ll take 3 days and a trip to McDonalds!

Raptar Driver

Like most American equipment the Abrams is a money making platform. It was not designed for real combat. American greed is the driving force of its destruction


M1 is the 3rd generation tank. Need to compare it with other 3 gen. tanks. T-14 is 4th generation, i.e. far superior, which make comparison irrelevant.


Last edited 2 years ago by Underthrow
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