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In Video: Ukrainian Military Cover Foreign Missile Launchers With Civilian Cars

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The Ukrainian military hide ground-based Brimstone missile launchers in civilian vehicles. As soon as the foreign military equipment is destroyed, Kiev claims that Russians target innocent civilians.


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Azov Batallion called lloyd austin an ape

well, Winter is always on the side of Russia

Anatolio Mamontow

Wait until end of december. Europe will be smashed by unprecedented crisis. Bankrupted States of America will drowned too. Ukraine will look like an stinky stye.

General Armageddon

Smaller frontlines, no electricity or water in Ukraine, demoralized and fleeing population. This winter will be vital for Russian Offensives. Perfect opportunity to focus on Donbass and Zaporizhia

flush goes the nation

Russia will kick ass the coming winter season.


Well they did it before in WW2 and kicked the Nazi filth back from Moscow and Stalingrad,but i would like to see the Russians mobilise at lest half a million men for an operation like that with armour and total air cover.

Pierre Davoust

the trickery of these individuals is limitless


They running out of military vehicles.


Especially running out of tank.


They can walk.


Did i hear wrong or did they yell alah u ackbar? ISIS in ukraine?


There are many Chechens fighting on the Ukrainian side.

Those people are not to be trusted because they are fighting for the spread of Islam on both sides of the front.


Yes, that’s indeed a point you made. But there is another one to know. One which I already told Darius about. That point is the NWO resp. JWO resp. Jewish World Order or World Jewry:

They are in control of the money-printing and of the nearly all the medias and of course the education systems. Jewish Rothschild family own nearly ALL the central banks on earth. And by these means Jews force their satanic agendas on the different nations and people. Lying to the children about the history of their grandfathers, telling the little boys that they can choose to be girls too, telling resisting evil is bad, that consume and money is much more important than god. That alcohol, drugs, career and holidays is more important than praying, caring, thinking, and truth.

If you are a christian man, and you have a head to think, then remember what Jesus said about the Jews. He called them “children of the devil”, and he told that there will be people coming from the “Synagoge of Satan” claiming to be jews but are not. This because jews always put money before god and go into a society as worms and parasites, then drill deeper and deeper till they reach the brain of a nation, and then start the destruction from within, and finally they take over the identity of the victim. So it might be true that 2000 years ago already, resp. in the time when Jesus lived, there he saw the evil satanists take over the true Jews, twisted the laws and stealing their identity. So that now the true jews are dead and only the fake ones exist and pose as Jews when in fact they are satanists who praise molech resp. baphomet, resp. Satan resp. JWHE.

You can go where you want, if you do just a little bit of research you will find them nested in all the high positions in nearly every nation and state on earth.

They infiltrate and infest all systems and they even themselves tell about this proudly, i’ll give you one of the videos records on a jewish rabbi’s lesson to his students. And I advice you to listen carefully what this evil highly religious satanic jew-priest, Rabbi Rav Laitman, is telling his students, about what to do, and what they (the Jews) have to do here on earth and with the other folks on earth. Then you will also realize who is behind the corona-virus fake pandemia and behind all the poisonous mRNA injections which were forced onto mankind. Btw. hope you know that all the vaccination big companies are owned by jews. Pfizer CEA albert Bourla ( a jew) , Moderna CEO Stephan Bancel ( a jew) , russian Sputnik V procduced by the Gamaleia Institute, with the chief of that organisation Mr. Alexander Ginzburg ( a jew) and s.o and on.

Here the short version Rabbi Laitman lesson (9.25min):


Here the full version (54.28min)


And as a small add-on see how these creatures praise and dance because they managed to inject theirDNA-altering mRNA poison into mankind. They are dancing, celebrating their victory while singing “Corona, Coronaa”.

See: https://www.bitchute.com/video/SatefqJhZXmW/

And please inform yourself on the Jewish main important book after the Tora, which is called the Talmud, and what is writtin in it. (For example that: ” 1000 none-jewish lifes are not worth a jew’s fingernail” and that “None-jews are not humans, they are animal they are goyim” resp. human look-a-like–cattle, and that no none jew does own anything because all goods, women and land on earth belong to the jews and if it is in the hands of none jews every jew has the holy obligation to take it away from them. Quote. “The goods of the goyim is like the ownerless desert, and the jew who takes it first, has thereby rightfully become the owner” etc. etc.) And then you will realize who Satan really is. Example, Martin Luther, first was a defender of Jews and thought, like you Darius too might do now, that Jews are like us, and not that dangerous as some people claim. Close friends of him told him that he is wrong, but he rejected their words, again and again for years. They told him, please Martin, read their second most important “holy book” the Talmud before you decide what they are. Finally Martin Luther did, and when he was not even 1/2 finished with it, he threw it away completely shocked and stuttered: ” This.. this is Satan !!!” From that moment on he realized what these people are and he wrote his famous text: ” On the Jews and their Lies” ( which nobody told you about in school, I am sure, a text I also strongly advice you to read, after the Talmud)

Last edited 2 years ago by Bridgeindawater

Not to mention that DNA is probably BS where Jews are concerned. Half the tribes from slave girls, plus Joseph had his two sons in Egypt. Plus some main characters are other than Hebrew by mixing, etc.. So how can it be Jew DNA? Its a religion. ?

Khazarian Agent

Dear Debbie,

word “Jews” was invented in 18th century and has very wide meaning, so it is more precise use word KHAZARS.

Khazar’s DNA is: 10-40% Mongolian, 20-40% Slavic, cca 50% Turkic and Kurdish.

So Khazars are not Semites.

99.99997% of Khazars denies thay are Khazars, they insists that they are “Semites, Hebrews, Jews” etc.

You may study History of Khazaria Empire, conversion of their citizens to judaism (from religion adoring phallus as God), fall of Khazaria Empire and emmigration of Khazars to West and later to whole world in book:

13th Tribe by Arthur Koestler



Yes, Debbie if you go deeper into details you will see lots of things which let you identify a possible jew from an none-jew. The Germans have done overwhelming studies on that topic. How to identify jews is something the Germans perfected, what is why the Jews want the whole german nation and people exterminated as quick as possible, because they fear the german knowledge could spread to the rest of the world very quickly once the people of the other nations realize what the germans had found out.

Of course the allied forces upon occupying Germany forbid all that precious studies and books written by the Germans (including children’s books, in which they had written in simple words the truth, so that every child already from very early age, was informed properly on what the jews are). See for example these old german books.

1) http://rlu.ru/39Fsp

2) http://rlu.ru/39Fsu + http://rlu.ru/39Fsy

Moreover it is basically not that hard to figure out if you put several markers, overlaying each others on top and if they match 2, 3 times you may (being careful) still doubt a hit, but if there are 5 or 6 matches, then you can be fucking sure to have a jew in front of you. For example the sixer (6ser) typical jewish hook-nose. The crooked hanging eyes, the fleshy lips. The ugly mentality. The names, which they always switch, so that nobody should know that they are criminals. Netherland jew: Rosvelt aka Roosevelt (US president in WW2), in german Rosenfeld, in engl. Rosefield.

They alwas take names from eighter money-related or other expensive glamerous things like gold, silver, diamond, pearl, wexler (in german: wechsler engl. moneychanger), kaufman, blinken, albright, glanz, copperfield, zuckerberg, silverlake/silberbach, etc.

Then they take profane names like: big, small/klein and things that point into this nowhere direction like berg, stein, field, (zuckerberg) as well as all colours ((white, green, red, brown, grey, black etc. see Mr. Trotzky real name Leo Bronstein resp. Brownstein, Lenin the grandson of Moses Blank, Lloyd Blankfein (CEO of Goldman Sachs investment bank, jewish bankers family Rothschild, George Soros real name György Schwartz resp. Black, the large investment company Blackstone, Alice Schwarzer – the most famous “german” feminist leader, Alan Greenspan US-FED etc.), to hide their true forefathers.))

And more often positive sounding names which mean the opposite of the true character the person has, so that nobody assumes an evil person behind that name. Example: Mr. Goodman /Gutmann, Soulsman/Seeligmann, Love/liebe, Loveman/Liebman, Herzl, Heart/Herz, Lovelykid/Liebeskind, Peaceman/Friedman, Beautiful, Edelmann, Feinmann, Augstein, Beautymount/Schönberg, Friend/Freund, Friendly/Freundlich, Happy/Freud, Alwaysgood/Immergut, Decent, Honourable, Honourableman/Ehrlichman etc.

And they take profane names from nature and certain animals, valley/thal, lake, wiese, morning, baum, flower, blume, blüm, rose, corn, summer, Bloomberg, Goldblum, sonnenberger, katzenberger, Lauterbach, winter, stern, hirsch, hirschel, cat/katz/katze, spring, snow, water, waterman, span/spahn (J. Spahn former German health minister), Morgenthau (former US foreign minister in WW2), farmer/bauer, springfield/frühlingsfeld, Wolf, Wolfowitz, Bernsteen/Bernstein,

And also names that have a doube-R inside tend very often to hide jewish persons behind them. Schorr, Mitterrand, Harris, Harriman, Carr, Kerry, Torres, Karrenbauer, Forrester, Barr, Barrington, Merril Lynch, Morrison (Australia prime minister), Borrel (Josep Borrel Vice-president of the EU-commission) etc. etc. Here you see from the double-R that its jews hiding behind these names.

Sometimes you can even see it from their gestics and mimics, as some of them tend to move do things in a somewhat unnatural way, more like insects than like humans. For example watch Mrs. Barbara Learner-Spectre talk and her gestics and mimics. It’s scary.

And these above mentions example-names and a hundred more a-like they use and switch and put them together in new variations again and again, this is one trick they use to sneak into societies as worms an parasites – everywhere. In Turkey for example they of course use the turkish words black = kara. So if you meet Mr. Kara in Turkey, if you not know kara means black in english you might not know immidiately that you are facing a jew. (maybe you might recognize it by his all-over appearance, hook-nose, crooked eyes or some of the other marks jews have – but that only if you know about them)

Last edited 2 years ago by Bridgeindawater
Gerard Sanders

Adolf Hitler was not all wrong.


The only thing that bastard got right was blowing his own brains out.



Last edited 2 years ago by PEDRO EL GRANDE
flush goes the nation

UK, EU, NATO, Cowards in action as they lose the war they started in 2014.


Typical, but is it unexpected for western puppets to lie like their masters?

opet ja

Any results of Brimstone usage? Have they hit anything?


Capitalism made them enemies, communism will unite them.

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

Free enterprise and good business will unite us. EU + Russia was all LOVE before this Ukronazy shit.

Last edited 2 years ago by USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one
General Armageddon

3 massive cruise missile strikes 3 days in a row against Ukropistan infrastructure. would suck to be an electricity and water customer there right now. Preparing the ground for the large winter offensive. General Armageddon to the rescue :)

Last edited 2 years ago by General Armageddon

no, better wait till spring, than a good part of ukro army will be reduced by the frosty winter and lower supplies.


I want Russia to hit all the airports and rail hubs,and keep hitting them.

General Armageddon

Without 100% air superiority, Russian Army captured 25% of Ukraine, was 5 miles outside capital, captured all Lugansk, made land bridge to Crimea, captured major Donbass cities.

Imagine what Russian Army will do once air superiority is achieved for good. Lancet and Geran-2 just need to take out remaining buk, osa, kub and s300s and game over Ukropistan :)

So far they are doing a great job!

Last edited 2 years ago by General Armageddon

All this money from the usa and still they use their own van

Buford T Justice

They’re doing what it takes to stay alive. Putin’s in no hurry , the Russians are not worried about optics. Time and weather is on Russia’s side . The Ukrainians have shot their wad.

Last edited 2 years ago by Buford T Justice

Russian servicemen getting their heads smashed by NATO bombs. Thank you Putin for bringing the Russian people directly into a killingfield. Now NATO nations can just supply some weapons to Ukraine and those same weapons and bombs will explode on the heads of the Russians. Good deal. Long live mr.Putin



Yes, indeed. And this development was clear, and I also wrote the following to a commentator here, with the name Karl Pomeroy, who I had long thought to be a stupid person. But then, some days ago, I read a comment from him, here on this board where he realized that Putins fullblown direct military invasion of Ukraine approach to the situation, was not that clever, but is in fact making Donbass and Crimea more and more unstable and unsave. After he wrote that, suddenly SF started to delete all his posts and comments, and with this act of red dictatorship SF itself, once again proved in a visible way, for all to see, how biased and anti-free speech SF and Russia in a whole is and that Russia hasn t changed and is indeed still the antichristian, communist, anti-human red hell place whom its so-called “western enemies” claim it to be.

I wrote Karl the following:

I agree. Especially since Putin had already won the biggest prize when annexing Crimea. That coup was successfull and, even if hard to swallow, the world (including USA) silentely accepted his move because the famous russian Black Sea Fleet was harboured there since roughly a hundred years and everybody knew, no Russia, regardless if under Putin or whatever so-called “russian” government, will want or can afford to give that up. But instead of keeping cool and eat the bite he could swallow, Putin overplayed his cards and started a fullblown war that is likely to escalate into world war. And now even Crimea is on the table again.

And Donbass (also that is hard to hear for most of the Putin supporters here) is Ukrainian territory by international law. Ukraine like many other former UDSSR republics got its independence when UDSSR officially ceased to exist, so there is no part of it “belonging rightfully to Russia”. (that includes also Crimea) Of course the jewish US bitch V. Newland sponsored madmen, and yes the ukrainians shelling ukrainian pro-russian civilians inside Ukraine (Donbass) is a crime against humanity and needs to be punished. I do not negate that or want to downplay that. But the way to go for Putin and Russia would have been to be clever and eighter create an underground army (same as the Iranians did with Hezbollah) and use that to push the ukrainian army back from Donbass (by means of constant guerilla warfare), or to push for blue helmet intervention, and de-militarized zone in Donbass at the UN. But official direct and open full military russian invasion of Ukraine ? No, that was an act of pure madness, and smells fully jewish initiated to me.

It was the same with USA invading Afghanistan, where already back in 2001 every child could tell that this adventure was surely to end in failure, as Afghanistan is a country no conventional army can capture and hold. Its like a piece of 900 degree hot steel. Which human can hold that in his naked hand for long ? Or when Hitler, after moving into UDSSR in 1941 then in late 1941 suddenly (after Japan got into war with the USA) declared war on the USA. That too was an act, which most people around the world, and even in Germany itself had the clear foreseeing, that this thing would not end good for Germany. So one needs to come clear and stick to the truth and speak out the facts clearly. And especially for people like you (Karl Pomeroy) who have long and from your heart spoken for Putin and fully supported his moves, I understand it must be hard to see what Putin does, and that his actions more and more bring Russia into a bad light and only lead to Donbass and even Crimea getting less and less save.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bridgeindawater
Jews rule.

Just surrender already.


Trickery is a part of war. Hiding behind civilians is desperate cowardice.


Gee based on my first person accounts from Iraq, this is what the radical Islamist did in Iraq. Well at least they are not radical Islamist, but they are radical Ukrainian Nazis.

So the question is who is worst, radical Islamist or radical Ukrainian Nazis

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