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MARCH 2025

In Video: Ukrainian Nazis Burned Russian Prisoner Alive

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The video above was made in the village of Dolgengoe located to the south of the town of Izyum. Russian-led forces recently claimed their control over the village. On May 16, a counter attack of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Dolgenkoe failed.

The Russian servicemen described the mop up operation in the village, showed the military positions and foreign equipment left by the AFU. On the video, the Russian servicemen showed the place, where the Ukrainian militants burned a Russian prisoner alive. They also confirmed that the AFU members raped and murdered woman in one of their military positions nearby. A photo of her corpse was published earlier.

” They wouldn’t let us go in. We smashed a DZOT (a tree-earth firing point) there, we smashed it here, with direct hits. That’s what our valiant artillery did.

A lot of mines, did a good job. First us, then the sappers. You see the ropes, we pluck them down, then check if there are anti-tank mines under them. There’s one that went off. Here their cluster bombs are hitting, vile… it splits and hits with 2.5 thousand pieces of small shrapnel.”

“On the first, second of May we are sitting with Azat in the basement, in the morning an artillery bombardment starts, a mine starts “laying” exactly around our blindage, fuck. Stops a little, a few minutes later we hear literally a few meters away from us: “Listen, guys, yes they all ran away.

I didn’t know what the fuck what to do, there are two of us, in a second I think that our men have all gone away, and just the two of us stayed here..
I grabbed the “Efka” (a F-1 anti-personnel grenade), I hold it, I’m shaking, a few seconds pass, militia come, with the letter Z.. I am relieved, as if I was born again. That was the scariest moment of my life.

And so basically, yesterday, we started an offensive, worked with artillery on that side, on that side, knocked them out, there we fucking destroyed their car, they withdrew deep into the “greenery” (or wooded area) over there. That’s basically all.. what else is there to say.

At night I watched from the firing position, where the school is broken, some of them are still there, on the other side they are no longer there. They ran for their lifes, left their belongings, documents, whole duffel bags, there: money, documents, phones, toothbrushes, all packed up. That is, they rushed off, they were given two minutes to pack, they turned around and left.”

“So we go in, here they have dry rations, British, made in Britain, found AGS, MG42, downstairs there are a lot of sleeping bags, dry rations and personal belongings. They left their personal belongings, along with documents and phones.”

“That’s not ours. It’s an English dry ration.”

“The horrors of war, they burned a lad alive there. We saw them put him on the fire, tied up. There is a woman who was raped and murdered. No matter, we’ll get our revenge! We avenge with every step, with every second, they’ll understand. But it’s not human doing this, no, it’s not human. A human would never do such a thing: burn someone alive. But no matter, there’s not much left, now we’ll close the ring and they’ll be there… and that’s it, the turning point of the war will be final!”

“When our lads came in, who couldn’t get out.. here he was burned alive at the stake. Here he lies! Most likely it’s the company commander.”


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azov bunch of emo rejects

Ukrainians are so dumb, they have criminalised themselves by bragging to the west how they show “mercy” to the “russian pig invaders” and uploading all kind of torture & savage executions.

Blind by their vanity and lusting at the cheers of the western media.

Zzzzzzzelenaky is a cuckold

They are just dumber than dumb zombies. That is the Nazi pure race concept. Nazi ideology chief Heidegger called it Destruktion and Das Ein, Nazi Derrida term postmodernizm, Nazi Nietzsche term “will to power” (like the fucker knew what is power) and in hick language “layman”. So much romanticizm about the dumber than dumb zombies, eh. Their purell race are the last to exist. Their wipe is coming. Urkropistan is just a start.

The bell tolls for thee, Ukraine.

Not so much dumb as evil incarnate. Satan’s disciples.

Ashok Varma

US is pure evil and just wants continued bloodshed in Ukraine, Indian RAW strategic Ukraine analysis report tabled at Parliament: At the current rate of attrition, the battered Armed Forces of Ukraine will see 10,000 soldiers die by the end of this month, another 20,000 dead by the end of June. Russians are taking thousands of Ukrainian prisoners and despite over $80 billion in NATO and US weaponry Ukraine has not been able to launch a meaningful counterattack.This war cannot be won by Ukraine—it’s over. The only solution is to sue for peace. But the US won’t allow this.

James Brown

US analyst Scott Ritter – (who has YouTube channel under his name – he’s the UN weapons inspector that called out the fake WMD BS over Iraq before Iraq War 2.0) has been saying all along that when west finally sees the real AUF loss numbers they are going to be huge. Before Mauripol battle overall AUF losses were around 25,000, and then another 12,000 in Mariupol street battle, and all the losses in Donbass for last month, often hundreds a day. These are lost, gone. Russia is doing something very unusual here, ‘coz traditionally an attacking force wants to have a numerical advantage, three attackers to one defender. But with this Special Operation Russia has upturned traditional doctrine, and is doing the opposite. But key thing is RF are now taking their own sweet time in advancing, heavy recon and massive artillery strikes on AUF strong-points and positions, then followed up by armor and infantry, and it is causing huge AUF losses. It is only a matter of time before disorganized AUF conscript units in Donbass will start collapsing in and even possibly mutinying.

Last edited 2 years ago by James Brown
James Brown

Low IQ and angry social misfits are generally attracted to extremist groups like the ASOV and Adair Battalions. These are social losers who had nothing much going on in life, until the post Maiden Coup nexus of Banderist Right Sector, Jew oligarchs and US Consulate started recruiting and training them to join neo-fascist militias, intended to attack ethnic Russians in east Ukraine. They began looting and terrorizing in east by early 2015. Their low IQ and/or social anger means they predictably act out and do stupid shit like in this report, no capacity for impulse control, no capacity for reasoned fore-thought, no capacity to grasp long term consequences, just like so many other low IQ and/or socially angry criminals in jails worldwide.

Last edited 2 years ago by James Brown

“Low IQ and angry social misfits are generally attracted to extremist groups like the ASOV and Adair Battalions. These are social losers who had nothing much going on in life…”

Fits perfectly the trailer trash, ghetto hoods from Slumville, USSA that sign up with the satanic Pentacon Kill Industries Mobsters and do “a tour of duty” to “serve” their corpofascist owners in all the serial judaic wars of expansion that the USSAN Golem has unleashed on humanity since the evil USSAN entity was first spawned. Call a spade a spade!

James Brown

‘Call a spade a spade!’

Yup! That how we like to do it around these parts ; )

Ashok Varma

There is a lot of anger in Russia at these Nazi rapists and murders and Duma is passing a law to execute these low life Zio-Nazi bastards.

‘Ukraine’s Mariupol fighters should be executed’

Senior Russian politicians have ruled out on exchange of surrendered Mariupol Nazi war criminals for Russian prisoners, with one arguing that they should be executed.

azov bunch of emo rejects

I expect nothing less. Either execution for foreign fighters & fascists or a life sentence in work camps doing heavy labor to rebuild the infrastructure of Mariupol and every land ravaged.

A life sentence in Russia is until you die.

I wonder tho, what is the method is execution for war criminals in Russia?

Ashok Varma

As Mr.Wolfgang below has accurately stated, it is a field execution by firing squad. As these Zio-Nazi fascist scum are not part of any military they are classified at terrorists and even spies and under the uniform of military justice can be executed and should be. These Ukrainian low lives are basically CIA and Mossad terrorists like ISIS and deserve no mercy. They have committed many heinous war crimes, including torturing Russian POWS, killing and raping ethnic Russians and other minorities, so an example has to be set. Russia should televise their trail and then public execution. The Jew clown Zelensky will suffer the same fate. JAI RUS!


Mate, these Nazi drongos are up the creek. Hundreds of evacuated Azovstal Nazi terrorists face an uncertain fate after surrendering and being taken to Russian-held territory – some to a prison colony in Siberia. Service members of Ukrainian forces who have surrendered after weeks holed up at Azovstal steel works inside a bus, which arrived under escort of the pro-Russian military at a detention facility in the Russian-held settlement of Olenivka. Russia intends to put them on trial for crimes against Russian POW and civilians.


The Americans and the British make their proxies do this in all their wars. The idea is to make peace impossible and to make people hate one another ever more. That is how the Empire maintains itself. That was how the British could dominate hundereds of millions of people all over the world, like in India. This is why American puppet Zelensky opened the jails, to get enough psychopats to do these sort of things, to create hatered. Dont fall for it?

Last edited 2 years ago by Erikassimo

That’s not a burning of a Russian soldier. That’s just a special candle making.


Your gonna get burnt low iq degenerate fugly fascist gutless punks,happening right now,suckrr!

Ashok Varma

According to BBC lies, these Nazis who shamelessly surrendered to victorious Russian forces are somehow being touted as being “evacuated” after and “end to the military operation”. This is laughable delusional western propaganda and is akin to saying that Paulus and 93,000 German Nazis ended their military mission at Stalingrad and were evacuated to Siberia. The Jew MSM is totally insane and no rational person can take western propaganda and lies seriously. The Russians have won a tremendous victory at very low cost and now these bastards should be interrogated and executed for war crimes.


Mate, most or the Uki Nazi drongos are headed to Siberia too like their German Nazi kin.

John Wallace

Either there or the other side of the black stump as long as they don’t come back.

M from Romania

retarded fucktard


You and your family are now target.

a context for it.

You reeally dont get it. We dont care about Your infected low life oppinions.

Its no threat for people which already is prepared to die and well motivated.

You represent free to kill and if we need it – for fun too. You still are in the propagadiezed illusion, we are afraid of someone like You.

Thats not how things are in Ukraine as well as where I live.

We only are afraid of You having a mad desperado as leader having nukes. If We die, You die too. We even can be friends with russians as long as they stay in Russia.

a context for it.

Jens Holm wrote this

John Wallace

Is that clown still breathing.


You are an yankee artist, Nero was an roman artist, never the less, he would never be incinerated by one Sarmat. Go see if outside are raining…

Last edited 2 years ago by jorge
a context for it.

Things are both way. GET IT.

Putin has told we might be nuked. So a Russian here and there as candle or firecracker is nothing.

Now GET OUT of Ukraine.

So far 50.000 has died by Putin. A Russian or 5 makes no difference. According to Putin, they are spendables. Many of them are not even real Russians.

NATO is laughing at Comedian whore Zelensky

You’re delusional and WRONG.

James Brown

Obnoxious troll, desperately trying to be offensive and get some attention. Ignore the loser.


Better to put fear in his little brain.

The bell tolls for thee, Ukraine.

Better to put his little brain into a blender. It’s come to that.

a context for it.

Thats the whole point. We dont feel as you are told by propaganda. You not even know Your enemy.

Thats why Your invaders has very limited succes. You only has learned everything Russian is the best and everything in west sucks.

a context for it.

Well he represent part of the world You know nothing about as very well.

You are never told wo You are up against. Putin has given Nato a hobby and probatly even more members.

Thank You Putin supported by Lukashenko, Assad, Cuba, Eritrea and North Korea.

Vlad the Impaler

I hope your entire family gets raped to death with bayonets while you get to watch helpless to defend them, you subhuman fuck.

A fitting end to him, I'd say.

I’d hand out free popcorn to that extravanganza.

Maybe even cackle a bit while scratching into their backs “We came, we saw, these pieces of shit died”.

It’s the American way after all. Sometimes it can even be appropriate.


And that is why russia only talks about attacking America, never does it.

If Russians are so strong, they should step up and try it, we would love to see how that works out for them.

Be the good.

The idiots azov so free and nothing to do.

The bell tolls for thee, Ukraine.

Your days are numbered, satan’s disciple. Make no mistake about it.

a context for it.

Tomorrow You will be runned over by a car or one of my elefants


Your comment shows all here you are less than a man who has no respect for anything. More so yourself. Quietly just go away. Say nothing more on this site or risk a response you never thought would happen to you. This is my 1st and last comm. with you online. WWG1WGA


filth spewing demon


Nazis are “demons”: un-empathetic school bullies recruited for the regime as thugs..They are humans but lack a “soul”

Last edited 2 years ago by Maju


Last edited 2 years ago by Maju
Zzzzzzzelenaky is a cuckold

No demons. They are just dumber than dumb zombies. That is the Nazi pure race concept. Nazi ideology chief Heidegger called it Destruktion and Das Ein, Nazi Derrida term postmodernizm, Nazi Nietzsche term “will to power” (like the fucker knew what is power) and in hick language “layman”. So much romanticizm about the dumber than dumb zombies, eh. Their pure race are the last to exist. Their wipe is coming. Urkropistan is just a start.

Vidarr Kerr

The people you are talking about are Ashkenazis, not “Nazis”. I think your head is on backwards.


Go to Azovsthal to explain your thoughts.

Jens Holm.

Sure the Russian Mecca and Medina is there.

You probatly will name it Novo Kiev and Kharkovas long as You have it.

Pink Mist

Get lost, nazi punk.

a context for it.

I only see Your ARS.

None see Your head but a big mouth hiding the tiny non connected brain to it.


Empathy does matter… a lot. You may kill someone with empathy (painful but “must be done”) but to torture someone you truly need a demon-like kind of soul (and I use these words from an atheist perspective because they convey the meaning of ***evil*** that the issue requires.

In recent years there’s been some (not much but some) research on subclinical psyschopathy, alias “machiavellan personalities”, people without empaty but fearful enough of punishment to actually manage their evilness in ways that fit in society, largely thanks to sects and cults, religious or secular (political societies).

Mostly they are not just “dumb”, sometimes they are smart in fact, but they are terribly callous.

You may mean some follower type personalities, those are usually not that dumb either, they are just more submissive and expect some crumbs for their in-group altruism (which they may or not get). Even the less smart fascist has vested interests as client (servant) of their master, even Uncle Tom got a cabin, you know.

Maju is right

No, they ARE demons. Soulless human trash. Ukrainians will thank Russia one day for expunging them from their midst.

Jens Holm.

They already thank You all they can.

36 millions of thank you.

a context for it.

The only problems should be, You are not even up against nazis. 80% in Ukraine are not nazis at all…

Vidarr Kerr

Ukrainians are NOT German National Socialists. The German National Socialists hated Ukrainians. Germans and Ukrainians share no bloodlines/genetics. Ukrainians are Slavs, Germans are not.


Shit is shit, only the flies evolve, Germans and Ukrainians don’t, since 1917.


Who cares: Hitler was (almost certainly) Jewish by ancestry (either unbeknown to him or in denial), it doesn’t matter, you can shift the reference point, Israel is pretty much a nazi (racist, genocidal) country itself, a true “bastard son of Hitler”.

In my many wanderings through anthropology and genetic forums (I used to be a reference blogger on such matters for a decade or so, one of the few with clear leftist leanings, most were far right jerks more interested on pushing their ethnicist and racist agendas than actually learning the facts of pre-history), I stumbled on certain man of Polish roots who claimed that his nation was the Nordic-est of all… and he was “right” in a sense, Poles are one of the “purest Indoeuropeans” still around, while Germans, let alone Anglos, are much more diluted, admixed, not too different in terms of “Indoeuropeanness” from Mexicans and Haitians (yes, Germanics are “mongrels”, Polish and Ukrainians too but less so — I don’t say that in an insulting way: I do believe in the virtues and inevitability of admixture, I’m strongly anti-racist).

So there are many ways of being nazi or so similarly hateful as racist that the name applies without any possible objections: Zionists are nazis and any sort of racial supremacist is a nazi, the details may vary somewhat but most are Eurocentric one way or another, white supremacists.

In the Spanish speaking sphere we mock local nazis as “morenazis” (something lik “brown nazis” or “swarthy nazis”) and a common meme is a pic of Hitler laughing and saying “morenazis, they are fun, make soap out of them”. Yet those nazis do exist, not just Europeans but also very brown Latin Americans and even a black Catalan guy who is the chief of neonazi party Vox in that oppressed nation. Even nazis have their token black guy, for real.

Pink Mist

Get lost, nazi punk. German nazis or Ukrainian nazis, who gives a fuck? The only good one is a cloud of pink mist.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pink Mist

And yet you sound like a nazi, curious how that works out.

Jens Holm.

I dont think its about love. The old Ukra Nazis are not there anymore but was used well as SS.

So the Ukra Nazes are Neonazis found in how USSR has treated Ukraine and do.

They are united with the 80% Ukras which are nationalists 150% Russians there as they were until Maidan.

Its terrifying so many here not even know the history as it is.

a context for it.

The only problems should be, You are not even up against nazis. 80% in Ukraine are not nazis at all.


If a nazi brags at a dinner and the other twelve remain silent, there is not one nazi at that table but thirteen.

The fascists in general are nothing but the produce of the mainstream right (and even to some extent of the center-left, those reformist “socialists” who since day one pacted with the bourgeois devil): in 1922 Italy, Mussolini had not a single MP, yet he was made PM by the “moderate” right of the Italian Parliament and the King, in Germany, in spite of repeated and growingly rigged elections, Hitler could not reach a majority and yet he was made Chancellor by the “moderate” right and the President Hindemburg, in Spain the fascists could at best get one MP, yet they were put in power by the moderate right and 70,000 Italian invaders, incl. my own grandfather, then the “moderate” right became fascist en masse and 40 years later they became “moderate” and “democratic” again, after massacring hundreds of thousands.

In Ukraine it’s been again the “moderate” right of Timoshenko, etc. (Fatherland party) who put the nazis in power, in absolute breach of legality, in a very clear putsch. Svoboda and Pravy Sektor are very clearly nazi and are in control since 2014 of key pieces of the Ukrainian state. There are others who barely pretend not to be nazi but they are, because they “eat” with the nazis and are their comrades in everything.

Martin Rapavý

They are like ogres/orcs.


Absolutely. If you understand Spanish, they even have a sarcastic song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNJ7x0yum7k

The chore says:

“With Sauron we lived better, with Sauron we lived better. Orcs of Mordor for Fatherland and God, elves, dwarves, humans and halfings, when Sauron comes back they’ll go to the firing squad. Mordor! One! Mordor! Great! Mordor! Free! Long live Mordor!”

Sauron being Franco (alias Big Fat Ass Paquita) and the “one, great, free” slogan that of the “Caudillo”, with “Spain” instead of “Mordor”, if need to be say.

Truly they are orcs and therefore very dangerous.

pussy russians

yet RUSSIAN SCUM feed, house, and give medical assistance to these scum and let them go. RUSSIAN COWARD SCUM. ZIONIST RATS own this war


Let them go? Sir have you ever heard of PR? It’s not good PR to kill them too, it’s also not good tactically…


No one let no one home,particularly nazi filth zionist fascist goy pig!


Scum, you are confused, don’t post here, go post on your family site. All here is strange and hostile for you, believe me.


Russians are sane honorable people. They will give them a fair trial and courts martial before shooting them in front of a firing squad. That’s what sane people do in war to war criminals.


Sane and honorable, please.


Seriously wally……………


What? They burned their own company commander alive??? Or was it a captive?


Sorry, read the story too quickly, just realized it was a Russian commander. May he rest in peace and may those who killed him be hanged.


impaled on the stake in compliance with Cossack tradition.


They have to pay to the dead’s family, so lets put them at work, if necessary, with an vigilant robot at their side.


The pointless US press never reports on the Ukranian atrocities.

azov bunch of emo rejects

And yet the atrocities are all over the net.

Western media won’t have any credibility even to the most fooled. Only killers who love violence & cruelty are still going support this madness.


Almost all atrocities are Ukrainian, I yet to read of one credible instance where Russian servicemen have violated the laws of war.


I know that SF is slightly biased in favour of the Russians, but I still would be shocked if it was proven that Russian soldiers had committed only a handful of war crimes like the ones the Ukrainians seem to commit on a daily basis. I believe that the Russians don’t have it in them to behave like wild animals towards other human beings. There is something noble in them that many Ukrainian soldiers seem to lack. And we can today see it with our own eyes in how humanely they are treating some of the soldiers from the Azovstal bunker.

Jens Holm.

Try Butja NW of Kiev.

The red army all they way to Berlin has very fine descriptions about Your noblemen.

You seemes to have no ideas about those well educated Ukra soldiers too. Thats not meant as a plus or a minus.

Jens Holm.

No it is not.

Try Revolution of Dignity by wikpedia.


You could include the entire West in your statement. I no longer pay any attention to any Western news sites, they do after all belong to the Empire of lies. For me SF probably is the best when it comes to covering what really is happening in this war.

azov bunch of emo rejects

I also recommend Intel Slava Z’s Telegram to you my brother, if you don’t already.


Thanks for the tip, bro. I’ll make sure to check it out.

Jens Holm.

Facebook has been erased by Putin. He has no face.

Jens Holm.

1001 hoy night fairytales.

Scheherazade got the Nobel price in lying.


Of course, it’s Chomsky 101: he basically explains that in all his political books, it becomes repetitive after a while but still one or two books are educative of how is the reality of the mass media (propaganda apparatus).

The Scum Gazette

That’s because when you sleep with scum, you become scum yourself.

Jens Holm.

Thats often highly incorrect.

Jens Holm.

Thats highly incorrect. The Americans as well as We in Europe are well aware about those things. Those nazis are very few. You deny the fact, that 80% of the Ukras are not nazis at all.

Your problem is they all dont like You. You should wonder why. But thats not even allowed. The last relative free and no gorvermental medias snce long are gone.

The nazis are not even in the Parlament, which as the President are elected in a sober way.

We dont need to indoctrinate people by repeating and repeating simplifying down to, what we can learn parrots as well as pigs within 3 days.

In the other hand we see You understand nothing Yourself because of the Putin creation. Its very good. Putin himself believe in it.

You also seemes to ignore, that we have Our own problems too.


Now common, there not a single proof or evidence ! If Ukrainians would say this we would’nt believe them. This is sadly nothing more than propaganda and hate mongerering NO Journalism, just western lying media. SF is capable of doing better.


Didn’t you see the corpse? Also we have been painfully observing how the ukronazis behave since the Massacre of Odessa of 2014, we know what they do, it’s their style, their modus operandi, they are the worst.


Yes we saw the corpse, we only hope it was a nazbol.


Almost certainly not.


We still don’t know exactly what happend 2014 in Odessa. We don’t know if these criminals were NATO/zionist killer claiming to be national-socialists, to do another false flag or what ever. The zionist scumbags in the US and EU are systematically dividing people. spreading wars and so called “revolutions”, lying and truning truth upside-down. The MAIN enemy were never national-socialists, but the jewish-zionist banksters and their allies having infiltrated nearly every government in the world trough central banks. These criminals and their US/CIA/NATO-mercenaries are the enemy of all people. The national-socialists were the enemy of these banksters. ASOV-Fighters are indoctrinated people being lied by zionist scumbags and actually fighting against their russian brothers. They are NOT the real enemy and we need to be absolutely precise in order to get the truth. Stories like this burned body, can be staged, as we would say, when having an ukrainian anti-russian propaganda.


You may not know because you don’t want to know. I remember: the nazis attacked a rather small anti-putschist demo, they run into the building for safety, the nazis brought carts and carts of fire bombs and set the bulidng on fire, not letting anyone get out. For a whole hour neither cops nor firefighters showed up, orders from Kiev, where there was not anymore any democratic authority but a new regime made up of the ultra-conservative Russophobes of Timoshenko, the coy-nazi Sovoboda and the openly hyper-nazi Pravy Sektor.

First they came for the communists, and I remained silent because I was not one of them. Then they came for the labor union activists and I remained silent because was never unionized. Then they came for the Russians and I remained silent because I spoke French. Then they came for the Romani and I remained silent because I was mostly Payo and hoped to get away myself. Then they came for the journalists and I remained silent because the press said so. Then they came for me… … and I cried while the nazis pulled my nails out, guged my eyes, castrated me and burnt me alive.

Keep defending the nazis. They may not go for you after all but that’s because you are nazi.

As they say: if in a dinner there is one nazi and twelve who don’t confront him, in that dinner there are 13 nazis.


When you the ukrainians do sub-human shit like this, they only make the russians more resolved and angry. You can all hear that in that soldier’s voice. The man is now committed to cleaning out these nazi murdering bastards. What a pointless tragedy, and the US is the one ultimately responsible for this atrocity.


A more resolved and angry russian sounds like a normal russian. Hyped up on stupidity and desperate for death and incapable of thinking due to fetal alcohol syndrome.

Quite frankly, it’s just how I like my russians, stupid and dead.


Torture, rape and murder Made in U.S.A…. Rations to feed them Made in U.K.!… Teamwork

But I wouldn’t want to be them when all is said and done!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

Well if you want it done right, you usually ask an American.

Vidarr Kerr

Thank gawd the swear words were edited out, on a video showing a burnt corpse laying in a pile of ashes.

hand raus

fake news, russian propagandists has changed their narrative, now they claim that west is too strong. BTW uk made brimstone missiles destroyed russian junk ^^


Now time to play arma reforger on my xbox series x, Hans happy, russobots…………not ^^

Last edited 2 years ago by hand raus
John K

Go away bed wetter , your fantasies are of no interest to the rest of us . .


No no, his reality is very interesting.

Bohemia sucks

reforger is not worth paying for

John K

The great Satan needs to be destroyed . There will be no peace in this world until the US is neutralized.


Good luck.

Mighty Rusija

The little bitches know its all over for them…..Ukranians got tricked into fighting Russia by a Cheesburger nation USA.


And yet so many Russian dead, seems like a pretty sweet deal for everyone involved.

Jens Holm.

As told in another context: As longas they kill each other, they wont come here.


I mean, they’re welcome to try, I know a LOT of people who are desperate for them to try. So long as it doesn’t involve nukes, it looks and sounds like a lot of fun.

Personally I’m in that camp.


Theses Nazi soldiers in Ukraine better be hang on Victory day for the world to see. If I was up to they’ll hang at the same time .


The guy in the video is right – no Human would do such a thing. These fucking Ukrainian militants/terrorists are disgusting animals.


Yeah, no human would, which is why I suspect the Russians were involved here, not the Ukrainians.

AM Hants

Odessa Trade Union Building, 2 May 2014, they were doing the same. Western Leaders and the media must be so proud of what they fund and support, without a single vote cast.


We are, we really, really are.

Personally I’ve never been more proud of my own country in my entire life, feel like we’re doing some good for once.

Lesco Brandon

But but but, the Ukrainians are the good guys, right?!


They are, trust me.


Gaddafi and Houthis is good guys


Hey, if they kill invaders, I’m usually all for it.


POOTIN (friend of israhell) giving beds to nazi scum while DPR soldier sleep on the floor



That’s because poutine isn’t anyone’s friend, he needs to die.

Putin’s Bane

Isn’t it staged like in Bucha?

Jens Holm.

800 in the Butja area was hard.

1000s of staged proof are lies. Thats told by people, which never was there.

Any illiterate ignorant will believe that, when they not even is alloowed to see the lies. They as ussual are told.


God I hope this is real, I love hearing about fascists dying painfully.


According international study Ukrainians have quite low IQ, just 90 points. You can find results here.


Jens Holm.

Thats probatly true but it rapidly can change a lot.

We do have results for Pakistani and Syrian vomen.

So many are kept home and men decide, what they are allowed to learn.

But if the danish authorities are able to make equal right for them, so they can do exact as (other) danes do, they will raise up fast much higher and after that slowly higher.

In those countris men are clever then women. When they come here and at least integrate well, the men also can raise their level at least some.

Jens Holm.

Hard to see what will happen in Ukraine. But i do see their military forces has a high IQ. By that there is hope for the rest of them.

It has been told by several danes comming to Ukraine, that the minds in many things are changed. They have changed for only learning to obey to learn to learn to undestand.

They are not like the Russian military forces.

Nice link


Also according IMF Ukraine has in 2021 low GDP-PPP per capita. On list 129. Even Indonesia and Sri Lanka had better. So there must be correlation between low IQ and low GDP-PPP.


Implying that the US is smarter than Russia…I could see that.

Jens Holm.

USA are. But they are decling too.

I also think we should include how we divide the made money.

USA and Denmark has about the same in GDP. But we equalize much more. By that we have fewer very rich ones, but we alsmost dont have the really poor ones.

When Sanders promote the skandinavian model it because we learn from birth, that we are depended no matter what. By that we has taken many parts of splitting up as USA has.

We are consensus and make good governes even the Goverment only has 25% of the seats. The good things is, they has to ask the rest. They can just say so and so.

The Ukras has so many problems. I think they now has changed and are more motivated then ever. They have to reduce the Oligarc influence and be better producers.

My hopes also are, that many Ukras see how things are, when they work in other cuntries. They never has had sober parlamentarisme.

They only can raise their IQ bý many more do and need more advanced things.

I even think at least some of the Russians has met that change and can adapt commas from it.

Jens Holm.

There is.But there are no proof for low livingstandard with a long and helathy live has to be done with a high GDP.

Things are hard to see well. Many people complain about high taxes. Even so most of the most wealthy countries also are in top with tax. I rhink that part is related to, that taxpayers gets tax back as equalizer and many things by that is free or almost free.

Tempting for me to relate to corruption maps as well.


S.F Russian propaganda


We all know it is, it’s just funny to watch the pigs run around and scream. They almost sound human.


Dumb Turkey, then why spend your pathetic trolling life here?


Possibly for the same reason I do, its funny watching russians scream in protest.

Jens Holm.

Its allowed to go anywhere else or/and use more then one source. I am so none has patent on the truth. By that i try to verify things better.


Many Ukrainiums will be killed Many more refugees fleeing to poverty to work like dogs to make a new life.


I call on all Russian soldiers to make these criminals pay severely for their crimes against humanity. Show them zero mercy.

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