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MARCH 2025

In Video: Ukrainian Positions Burning Near Bakhmut

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Ukrainian servicemen are filming the destruction to their military position located near Bakhmut (Artyomovsk). The video shows that Ukrainian soldiers are already used to the heavy shelling and are no more surprised by the strikes. They are glad to survive another attack, joking that there was a powerbank lost in the burned civilian car.


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The Begin of Barbarossa OP's Fail.

Yeah Ihor take your fucking powerbank with you from here to Bandera. Side with the Nazis, die like the Nazis.

Last edited 2 years ago by The Begin of Barbarossa OP's Fail.

@The Begin

The Putin medias now try (using this worthless ice stadium or burning ukr bakhmut positions stories) to deflect public attention away from the real news, which is the full-hit, and total destruction of the school-building in Makiivka, where a giant number of freshly mobilized russian troops was housed.

The official russian Kremlin Propaganda just admits lousy 63 russian soldiers killed, but lots of witnesses and even higher ranking current and ex-ru officiers have already admitted that the real number of killed russian troops in this perfect attack goes into the HUNDREDS. One of them, who stated this, is the famous and well known Igor Girkin.

Inside the building were more than 600 russian troops stationed officially, with much more russians from other detachments in addition attending the “party” as well. To this add the pure madness that according to several sources large amount of ammunition were stored eigher directly inside the building too, or at least directly beside the building. Result was that when the building was hit by the HIMARS missiles, everything erupted in explosion, and not much left of the stationed russian troops.

Ukraine says at least 400 russian troops killed. The ex-russian officiers Igor Girkin stated that the death-count of killed russian troops sadly is in the HUNDREDS. So it is not clear if 200 or even 400 russian troops got killed, but at least it is much more than the Kremlin admitted 63.

So we now know that this attack was one of the most deadly against the russian invader forces since the beginning of this whole war in Feb. 2022. And of course Putin and his media-thugs desperatly try to downplay the size of this catastrophe as far as possible. And if the current trumped up news of a destroyed empty ukraine ice station can compensate for the deaths of up to 400 russian troops is, at least, highly questionable.

Last edited 2 years ago by Boohootin

Over 400 russian soldiers killed near Kherson 😆😆😆


Great video! https://youtu.be/40wMWQOdVdg?t=400


During the war in Lebanon Hezbollah carried out an attack on a US marine base there resulting in the loss of hundreds of US military personnel in a single suicide truck bomb attack. The point being is that it is impossible to prevent every single attack during a conflict as there is no such thing as 100% security but lessons will need to be learnt from this incident in Mekayivka or heads will need to roll in order to make sure it never happens again………..

Last edited 2 years ago by Bobo
Kev not Kiev

From 24 to 27 seconds in the video, on the back rig of the ‘Ukranian’ artillery man, I’m assuming they are artillery from the snub nosed guns and large caliber shell casings littered all around; look what it says on his back, in English…. ‘US ARMY’. Those are the bastards that are shelling Donbass civilians. Remember those faces, of ‘US ARMY’ war criminals.


Nice find. It could also be the US supplying Ukies military clothing and gear.


The spastic musak with a retarded child screeching in the background only adds to the impending sense of inevitable doom that these walking dead Ukroppers exude as they scurry around in shock waiting to get shredded by the next shell with their names scrawled on it. Give it up already and tear out the khaZar cancer that has turned rump Ukrapland into a maggot infested carca$$ being gorged upon by the beast of Natostan and the depraved, Satanic filth in Washing town.


Harry Taylor

Nothing-burger Video. They probably won’t quit after losing one minivan.

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