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MARCH 2025

In Video: Ukrainian President Adviser Praises ISIS. Kiev’s Warfare Explained (21+)

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Zelensky’s advisor praises ISIS for it’s war crimes and says it’s an example to follow. His position clearly explains why the Kiev regime publishes and widely distributes videos of torture and murder of Russian prisoners of war. ISIS members, when carrying out executions on camera, drugged their victims, according to their pervert understanding of humaneness. Their Ukrainian followers have surpassed ISIS in their atrocities. They are not fighters for the faith, but ordinary Nazis.



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Dick Von D'Astard

ISIS claimed responsibility for attacks in Israel. Perhaps Israel now needs to demand that Zelenskyy goes. (for the good of Ukraine)

Last edited 2 years ago by Dick Von D'Astard

They like to pass out treats, lol. If it were me, I’d make them special batches. Anyone thinking it’s cute to accept candy from strangers to celebrate terror should get the treat they deserve.

Vlad the invader also South Front

Meat the Joneses.

jens holm

Sometimes You only are strangers because You dont meet.


pathetic village idiot almost as stupid as Sawyer and racist as frizz Gunther

jens holm

Zelinsky was under pressure.

jens holm

It is not easyy to wear high heels all day. Trust me I know.


Oh, ofc you would know that. Did he tell you that last night Jens?


sometimes jens tom sawyerisms make yamil Perez seem intelligent

Ashok Varma

The US is getting desperate as support for Russia grows.

Both China and Russia have warned of a coup in Pakistan, emphasizing that they will support the government if there is US intervention.

China says it will use the army to support the government of Pakistan if the United States intervenes in the country due to PM Imran Khan’s close friendship with President Putin and support for Russian policies.

Officials of the Biden administration and the US State Department have told the ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to the US several times orally and at least once in writing that they are deeply concerned about the deterioration of bilateral relations between the US and Pakistan, particularly with regard to the major foreign policy of the administration of Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan.

And on at least one occasion, these US officials warned the ambassador that relations had deteriorated to the point that it was “irreversible under the current government in Islamabad”. The officials also warned of the consequences that Pakistan may face if it does not adhere to the US line on these issues and is consistent with its position.

Peppe il Sicario

The US plutocratic regime run by a pack of Jewish money-worshipping hyenas are like a cancer that have metastasized into most of the country’s institutions, politics, finance, media, academia, entertainment etc. Their driving motivation is world power under their total domination. A nuclear Pakistan friendly with Russia and China and non-antagonistic with India scares the hell out of Israel and its racist Anglo-Germanic demon seed partners in crime. The government of Imran Khan has been a welcome break from the previous Pakistani governments that had been bending to US interests in the area and under Saudi influence for decades. That has all changed now as even Saudi Arabia can finally read the writing on the wall and realize the days of the petro-dollar are over. Let’s just hope that Modi keeps his spine straight and will tell the visiting US high-level delegation in India now….go suck buffalo dick!!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Peppe il Sicario
Tommy Jensen

Exactly what I have pointed out. If you are not following US orders it will have consequences with all tools on the table. Pakistan should write this little lesson behind their ears with ink.


MaidanISIS – exactly the same fanatical degenerates, owned by exactly the same masters.

jens holm

It was 82,2% taking over their own country from some few Russians assisted by Putin.

Thats a devellopment. Remaining as some affiliated oblast of the crashlanded Russia gave the nothing.

So now they at least has their own quamire but are under attack mainly by propganda and armed forces.

They now are real Ruthians but missing the white ones in Belarus but friends with good and bad old Poland.

Hardly none here understand Josef banderas was a freedom fighter for Ukraine years before Hitler wrote his book. They only know he was a bad nazi. People here believe more in Krelin then muslims for Allah.

Taking Poland, Belarus, Ukraine and more to in the last days of WW2 was THEFT.


This one here understand that Bandera was a fascist kook and that the Ukrainian fascists were conducting terror campaigns against Poles and fellow Ukrainians twenty years before Barbarossa. The fascist derp in Galician fungi runs long and deep. When the Nazis had no more use for him, Bandera turned KGB, until they finally flushed him down the toilet.


Robin flies again.


advanced senility must be very painful


There is nothing worse than a bad nazi, right jens?

The Truth

Freedom fighter? No you moronic piece of shit : he was a fanatical, dirty terrorist who butchered people, especially Poles. Perfect idol for you closet nazis from ‘liberal’ EU. Another proof you scum have no ideology, no principles, no honour, no humanity, no morality, no shame… and of course you have no brain. You brainless thralls are always ready to swallow whatever crap your Yankee masters serve you. Joe Biden is your Allah, White House your Mecca.

World Trade Center's Dancing Jews

Bingo! Give this man another cigar.


the JAHzis, the jewish fucking pig zionist nazis who rule the world

Aunt Polly

It’s their true homeland- so what do you expect? Nudelman, Blinken – they all come from there.


“Slava Ukraine” (but first flatten it and then bulldozer it all the way to the West)

jens holm

I see very determinant ones againt that. How many will You kill? 20 million, 30 million, 40 million.

The 150% dont like You and will fight back. We see that better then expected.


Yet Russia has still not flattened every buildiing in the government quarter in Kiev. Please explain why not?

jens holm

There are two reasons. 1) Therev has to be a phone saying I give up and 2) The Erik Honneker or Jaruselsky will have its residence there.


the nazi moron jens responds–predictable


There are mobile phones, Zelensky represents nobody, Ukraine had not fair elections since Yanukovich. Zelensky is the Western Jaruzelsky or Pinochet or however you want to call it.


ask a stupid question and only moron will respond

jens holm



Bc Russia has all the time trying to negotiate with Maidan. That’s why Minsk Accords.

Also collateral casualties and all that prestige stuff. Kiev is full of western journos… but Lvov, where the government is in reality isn’t, just saying.


Child abuse doesn’t exist. Communism is great. Thought-ending cliche.


There is a great deal of organized child abuse in the NATO countries. Is that one of the reasons that Ukrotards were so desperate to join? Franklin scandal in the US, Kincora Boys Home was a pedophile blackmail operation run by British Intelligence. Banderpites would have fit right in. Too bad that ship sailed.


Capitalism is Godly. Democracy is real. USA is not Satanic.

Bye bye Ken

Capitalism is ungodly ( Christ was the first Communist) , Democracy is a myth and the USA is the Great Satan .

Vlad the invader also South Front

Thought-ending cliche.

Last edited 2 years ago by Vlad the invader also South Front

They think that by Russia moving or relocating troops to a different battle field, that it’s a retreat. War it’s like a chess game and Putin is the chess master.. The Nazis in Ukrainistan had been digging in for 8 years, but the brave heroes liberating Dondass are annihilating them. The Nazis supposedly have the best weapons provided by NATO, but soon Odessa also will fall.. #VivaPutin #VivaRusia #PLOMO

Vlad the invader also South Front


te qifsha nanen

Close your shithole gay mouth, it reeks of piss and shit.

God's Chosen People

I hope Gaza shrivels and dies. Terrorist rats should be driven into the sea.

Benjamin Satanyahu

Keep hoping while your deformed monkey brain dying rapidly… Israeli terrorist rats should be driven into sea along with their butt licking goy slaves like you.

God's Chosen People

I am not goy I am happily married.

jens holm

Thats correct, you are my wife.

jens holm

Thats not same thing. So many gays are forced into marrige. The wife feel it and has to shut up.


They’re not gays forced into marriage; They are men who got groomed when young because that’s what gays have to do, awash with Zion corruption money and, addicted to cheap thrills, put off by the wife who turned out to be an ugly femminist gromed by magazines and loud-mouthed black liberated TV politicians, addicted to phone, and shouting to prove she is assertive, can get her own way every time, although she’s not sure what that is.

jens holm

You are one of my worries. You look and behave more and more as arabs.


Jews are the cockroaches of mankind. Israel will cease to exist without US money and weapons.

jens holm

Haha som 38 think You are a lier or its better themself blinfolded in theirhomemade deep dark.

I have no direct cnnection with God. From my own point of view the roads in and out are full. We are not UNICEF or Father Claus We are kapitalisme best to the price

As too often such an artickle tell the enemy is worth nothing and even add museum.

Even the moon is defined as something with no hair.


Does anyone know wtf he is talking about??

jens holm

You can raise Your level by a chair and use Your highhealed ones. No Dadiie pls.


How are the NATO backed Nazies winning in Ukrainistan? Why have you not been able to take back Mariupol and help the nazi scumbags trapped in that city‽ Kherson city? Where is your victory?


All of the rest of Donbass will soon not be called Ukraine, as a matter of fact it not Ukraine anymore. Where is your victory? How can you say you are winning..

Ghost of Kurac

Facts don’t translate well with these ukroturds, my friend.

A Chechen knife on your throat

Are you Yawing to take that giant Russian Cock? I thought so.

jens holm

Militaries here expect the Russian will try to remain where they are in the Kiev area. They will take some troops but home.

They instead will send reinforcements to the South East.

Houston Astros

Fuck Alonso.

Houston Astros


Houston Astros



I suspect a nervous break-down (not a technical term and therefore impossible to argue).

jens holm

Thats a typical surpriceparty. Those lying on the floor are told all nazis has to be killed and will run away because they are afraid and low class.

The defeated are now shown what the Putin propaganda is.


Another idiot spamming 100000 retarded comments here every day then complains about censorship and propaganda.


jens nazi diaper rash painful—social worker will not sell you diapers to address your senile racism


Last edited 2 years ago by Southfront

Last edited 2 years ago by Southfront
jens holm

To me it also too often explain the simplyfied minds. People by writing that much often gets exhauset and to warm and disconnected in not only their fingers.

There are no English courses which can make improments for med. So I dont care.

I also never can run 100 meters in less then 10 seconds.


psychoses and senility—does state provide you 2 social workers and lgbt diaper changer?


Good you finally decided to remove the trolls.

Last edited 2 years ago by Antitrol
God's Chosen People

Just role with the punches. If you are on the side of truth then you have nothing to hide.

The Truth

Truth? You don’t even know what it means pathetic CIA whore.


you must always lower exception when north amerikan child has tantrum

God's Chosen People

Just role with the punches Southfront. If you are on the side of truth then you have nothing to hide.

jens holm

You write as You are in cyperspace or maybe controls the pedalss in the marslanders.


If moderator exists he should remove you little moronic bitch with all your 1000moronic gay nicks, plus this moronic Canadian degenerate (probably your husband or just another of your schizophrenic personas) and also that nazi freak Gunther.

You 3 sick mental patients spam 100000 utterly moronic, incredibly shitty comments every day, polluting every comment section with your sheer idiocy, lame trolling and monkey screams. Gtfo to some ukro site and stink there you dumb piece of shit from Zelenskys asshole.

God's Chosen People

What are you afraid of? Make an intelligent comment and people will consider your ideas on merit. People should be able to choose what they respond to, and you cannot champion free speech and then delete comments.


I’m not afraid of anything, especially not you little sissy bitch. No one wants to read your imbecilic SBU garbage repeated 10000 times every day. Intelligent comment? You? Haha you are the dumbest imbecile on this planet (excluding jens holm perhaps but even old jens is more funny than you boring fuck). Free speech? Really, bitch? Try free speech in Ukraine. Or in any NATO site today. Why should they tolerate SBU/CIA/MI6 bots here when their masters ban and molest SF everywhere? And RT.

They shouldn’t delete comments. They should delete you. Permanently from this planet.


Don’t hide behind free speech. Trolls like you are abusing this site tolerance way too much.


There is no freedom of speech during the war. Nowhere in the world. Promoting enemy propaganda is not “freedom of speech”, it’s an act of treason.

jens holm

Freedom of speech is not meant as this babbling nonssense.

Is meant to make better decidings by many small brains are much better in networks then one big one. Its because we then handle things together and on many levels at the same time.

Even one brain or several are out of order, the rest will continue and mainly not much will collapse until the replacements are there as good as new, better or almost as good as new. Continuitives.


jens freedom is gibbering like monkey with brain damage


Call me gay again and I will box your ears.


U mad bitch? LOL You are a GAY cocksucking faggot. I piss on you and your gay threats. You will box your eyes into your mamas filthy cunt after I remove them with a spoon you little GAY twat.

What, you gonna cry some more? Cry now, you won’t be able to cry without your eyes… G A Y bitch.

Last edited 2 years ago by F U



you lgbt morons in alabamy cannot box a dildo


I am still screensaving all my comments before they are deleted, so I will still get paid. Knock yourself out auntie.

Hunter Biden

Yeah, you’re just a dumb whore owned by SBU and Hunter Biden. Sell your mouth and your soul for 0.000002 cents. Although you are totally worthless they should save money for Zelenskys coke 🍜

jens holm

I cant translate all.

But Zelinsky is right. ISIS just as old YPG are the best infantery guerilla in the world.

The reasons are they have many small Leaders and fight in a flexible, mobile, determinat way. Parts of Ukras use exact that method. They attack and are gone.

So many has lost their lives in Syria by that kind of attacks. Some biiig elefant is marching in. Im BIIG. It expect peoole should be afraid give up or run away.

It not even know whas in the front of it. They sides are blind sports too. Im BIIIIIG.

But ISIS makes classic attacks on it. It attacks and are stopped in minefields. Next You have all the so small ISIS units eating the BIIIG elefant bit for bite aqll over.

Thats how Ukras does. Thats warfare. Thats not to admire ISIS.

Thats determinant infantery as guerilla. They behave like hunting groups and all of them can take a tank or two.


nazi senile moron jens returns to sf after recent schizophrenic episode


ISIS is also armed by Israel and NATO, just like Ukraine.

Timmy Temperance

It is crazy that he can make such statements and not be vilified in the domestic and international press.

jens holm

Nukes made in Putin is a joke. Removing democratic elected PM as well as a President elected better the Putin even naming them nazi look a likes. That does it for me.

So far 50.000 might be dead there. For billions of infrastructure is destroyed. Thats goes for military equipment as well.

Putin killed 50.000 times or only about only 15.000 because of Russian soldiers.

Putin has lied about almost everything where I live too. I dont recpognise the place. If Putin was the truth we had collapsed decades ago.

But the worst is Russians are raised to belive it. The history books and facts about a lot in Eastern Europe and Russia has been using for roling cigarets. People dot know. Its erased.

But the worst is people can find tons of it for free at the internet.

They still deny to understand white and red Russians once was a part of the Novgorod and Kiev Empires and therefore still name themself as ruthenians(same as russ in their accent).

Inatead Yóu has been forced to hate Banderas, which started to make an new Ukrainian state 5 years before Hirler wrote Mein Kampf.

Josef of course was nationalist. Thats no nazist. In the red Uklrainian part Denikin als was a nationalist and certainly an anto communist. That was very normal in the whole Russia/USSR.


nazi moron jens aka Julius ebola—humiliated retired senile former janitor now reduced to puerile desperation…pitiful idiot—nobody cares about 4th world corrupt us colony darkmark—soon to be darker and colder. Putin doesn’t care if you are colony of Germany or USA—you are more irrelevant and fascist than ukraine

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

Putin just killed 17,000 of his own Russian soldiers in a month. Not even ISIS tops that number. Add to that all the civilians that Mikhail Mitzintev the white haired general faggot just murdered in Mariupol with artillery.


1351 not 2 million as u claim—–you nazi hillbilly losers in alabama more desperate each day

Mikey Moose

Your profile name is so childish but I am laughing.


you are seriously stupid, shallow farcical —same as jens nazi

ricky ricardo

Are you admonishing yourself? Can I join in? : )


ISIS and UKRAINE, both armed by Israel and USA…

jens holm

I can only read Zelinsky & Co praise the kind of warfare which ISIS and old YPG can.

Many must be blind not seeing that exact what many Ukra troops do. They have good decentralized direct Leadership By that they are independent opportnists as hunters. All those groups(typical abut 10) can knock out tanks, armed vehicles and trucks.


And yes they dont take many prisoners. Maybee they have Putin on video telling what he will do with them.

As too often people like Putin and fx Assad expect the rest of us are sitting ducks and even tell it to their armed forces. We are scared. We are crying rivers. Thats internal blinsfolding for having a permanent deep dark state.

And very strange: What those are told is dep dark can be find live at Google search and fx in DEnmark is free reading at Our libraries.

By that the press is a controller and security. Thast the vital for it. The vital is not telling lies.


You are nuts because you ignore the fact that Vlad has been trying the diplomatic solution since 2014. He got the Minsk agreement agreed and signed but not actually implemented. The UK US Ukraine did not want to address serious concerns. How can we arm ukraine and allow their Nazis to massacre civillians and destroy cities into rubble? See Oliver stone documentaries on Rumbleand alternative sites. You tube censored it so it is donwe from there.


Very effective dead ISIS commanders ?? Ukro-Nazis hiring Zombies ??


well I think we knew that before he said it


Washington and NATO support the Ukranian regime (the ISIS lovers). It means that they are all in the same terrorist group.


The Washington senator late John McCain in a TV interview openly said that congres allowed us that it’s okay to support ISIS terrorists.

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